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(19 revisi perantara oleh 9 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{selfref|Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang perusahaan energi. Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat [[BP (disambiguasi)]].}}
{{infobox company
| company_name = Bp CompanyBP
| company_logo = [[berkas:BP Helios logo.svg]]
| company_type = [[Perusahaan publik|Publik]]
Baris 35 ⟶ 36:
'''BP plc''' adalah sebuah perusahaan [[minyak bumi]] bermarkas di [[London]], dan salah satu 4 besar perusahaan minyak di seluruh dunia (bersama dengan [[Royal Dutch/Shell|Shell]], [[ExxonMobil]], dan [[Total S.A.|Total]]).
BP beroperasi di hampir 80&nbsp;negara di seluruh dunia, memproduksi sekitar {{convert|3.7|e6oilbbl/d}} [[Barrel of oil equivalent|oil equivalent]], dan memiliki total cadangan terbukti {{convert|19.945|e9oilbbl}} setara minyak.<ref name="AR18-glance"/> Perusahaan ini memiliki sekitar 18.700&nbsp;stasiun servis di seluruh dunia.<ref name="AR18-glance"/> Divisi terbesarnya adalah BP America di [[Amerika Serikat ]]. Di Rusia, BP memiliki 19,75% saham di [[Rosneft]], perusahaan minyak dan gas [[Perusahaan publik|publik]] terbesar di dunia berdasarkan cadangan dan produksi [[hidrokarbon]].<ref name=":2" >{{Cite journal|last1=Overland|first1=Indra|last2=Godzimirski|first2=Jakub|last3=Lunden|first3=Lars Petter|last4=Fjaertoft|first4=Daniel|date=2013|title=Kemitraan lepas pantai Rosneft: the pembukaan kembali perbatasan minyak Rusia?|url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259431566|journal=Polar Record|language=en|volume=49|issue=2|pages=140–153|doi =10.1017/S003224741200137|issn=0032-2474|doi-access=free}}</ref> BP memiliki daftar utama di [[London Stock Exchange]] dan merupakan konstituen dari [[FTSE 100 Index]]. Ini memiliki daftar sekunder di [[Bursa Saham Frankfurt]] dan [[Bursa Saham New York]]. Pada tahun 2020 [[Forbes Global 2000]], BP menduduki peringkat sebagai perusahaan publik terbesar ke-357 di dunia.<ref>{{cite web |title=Forbes Global 2000 | url= https://www.forbes.com/companies/bp/?sh=148e7957384b |access-date=31 Oktober 2020}}</ref>
Baris 47 ⟶ 48:
== Struktur perusahaan ==
Helge Lund adalah ketua dewan direksi BP plc dengan Bernard Looney sebagai chief executive officer.<ref name="bp280418">{{cite press release |url=https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/news- and-insights/press-releases/helge-lund-to-suceed-carl-henric-svanberg-as-chairman.html |title=Helge Lund untuk menggantikan Carl-Henric Svanberg sebagai ketua BP |publisher=BP | date = 28 April 2018 |access-date=21 Maret 2019 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref><ref> name="LooneyCEO"{{cite news |title=Bos BP baru Bernard Looney menjanjikan emisi nol-bersih pada tahun 2050 |work=[[Financial Times]] |url=https://www.ft.com/content/e1ee8ab4-4d89-11ea-95a0-43d18ec715f5 |last1=Raval |first1=Anjli |date=12 Februari 2020 |access-date=12 Februari 2020}}</ref>
Mulai Februari 2020, individu-individu berikut menjabat di [[Dewan direksi|dewan]]:<ref name="BP">{{cite web |url=https://www.bp.com/en/global/ corporate/who-we-are/board-and-executive-management/the-board.html |title=Dewan |publisher=BP Plc |access-date=28 Februari 2020 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* [[Helge Lund]] (ketua)
* [[Bernard Looney]] (kepala eksekutif)
Baris 63 ⟶ 64:
* [[John Sawers|John Sawers, GCMG]] (direktur non-eksekutif independen)
Saham BP terdiri dari saham BP asli serta saham yang diperoleh melalui merger dengan [[Amoco]] pada tahun 1998 dan [[ARCO|Atlantic Richfield Company]] (ARCO) pada tahun 2000.<ref name="BBC1998dium ref name="CNNMoney2000"/> Saham perusahaan terutama diperdagangkan di London Stock Exchange, tetapi juga terdaftar di Frankfurt Stock Exchange di Jerman. Di Amerika Serikat saham diperdagangkan dalam US$ di New York Stock Exchange dalam bentuk [[American depositary receipt|American depository shares]] (ADS). Satu ADS mewakili enam saham biasa.<ref>name="BPShare">{{cite web |url=http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9038743&contentId=7070796 |title=Modal saham |year=2012 |publisher=BP |access-date=11 September 2012 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120815163243/http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do |archive-date=2012-08-15 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
<ref>name="BPShare">{{cite web|url=http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9038743&contentId=7070796 |title=Modal saham |year=2012 |publisher=BP |access-date=11 September 2012 |url-status = dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120815163243/http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do ?categoryId=9038743&contentId=7070796 |archive-date=15 Agustus 2012 }}</ref>.
Setelah Amerika Serikat [[Federal Trade Commission]] menyetujui merger BP-Amoco pada tahun 1998, saham Amoco dikeluarkan dari [[S&P 500|Standard & Poor's 500]] dan digabungkan dengan saham BP di [[London Bursa Efek]].<ref name="BBC1998">{{cite news |title=Bisnis: Perusahaan Mengajukan Lampu Hijau untuk BP Amoco |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business /244864.stm |work=BBC News |date=30 Desember 1998 |access-date=28 Agustus 2012}}</ref> Merger dengan Amoco menghasilkan kenaikan harga saham sebesar 40% pada April 1999.<ref name= "Brierly1999">{{cite news |title=BP membuatnya kaya di Amerika |last1=Brierly |first1=David |url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/bp-strikes-it- rich-in-america-1084972.html |newspaper=The Independent |date=4 April 1999 |access-date=28 Agustus 2012 |location=London}}</ref> Namun, saham turun hampir 25% pada awal tahun 2000, ketika Komisi Perdagangan Federal menyatakan penentangan terhadap akuisisi ARCO oleh BP-Amoco.<ref name="NYTFeb2000">{{cite news |title=BP A Laba Kuartal ke-4 moco Berlipat ganda karena Kenaikan Harga Minyak |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/16/business/bp-amoco-s-4th-quarter-profit-doubled-on-rise- in-oil-prices.html |newspaper=The New York Times |date=16 Februari 2000 |access-date=28 Agustus 2012}}</ref> Akuisisi ini akhirnya disetujui pada April 2000, meningkatkan nilai saham 57 sen dari sebelumnya tahun.<ref name="CNNMoney2000">{{cite news |title=BP meningkatkan laba 2Q |url=https://money.cnn.com/2000/08/08/europe/bp/index.htm |publisher =CNN |date=8 Agustus 2000 |access-date=28 Agustus 2012}}</ref>
Tumpahan minyak Deepwater Horizon pada April 2010 mengawali penurunan tajam harga saham, dan saham BP kehilangan sekitar 50% nilainya dalam 50&nbsp;hari.<ref name="SmithApril2011">{{cite news |title=BP satu tahun pada : Bagaimana peristiwa berlangsung |last1=Smith |first1=Hannah |url=http://www.ifaonline.co.uk/ifaonline/news/2044806/bp-events-unfolded |newspaper=IFAonline |date=20 April 2011 |akses -date=28 Agustus 2012}}</ref> Saham BP mencapai titik terendah $26,97 per saham pada tanggal 25 Juni 2010.<ref name="Hays2010">{{cite news |title=Saham BP melambung karena tumpahan menyebar |last1= Hays |first1=Kristen |last2=Schnurr |first2=Leah |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-oil-spill/bp-shares-soar-as-spill-spreads-idUKTRE64U0OW20100706 |work= Reuters |date=7 Juli 2010 |access-date=28 Agustus 2012}}</ref> Saham mencapai level tertinggi pasca-tumpahan sebesar $49,50 pada awal 2011.<ref> name="PeraltaJuly2012"{{cite news |title=BP Posting Kerugian $1,4 Miliar, Mengejutkan Pasar |last1=Peralta |first1=Eyder |url=https://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way /2012/07/31/157678462/bp-posts-1-4-billion-loss-surprising-the-market |publisher=NPR |date=31 Juli 2012 |access-date=28 Agustus 2012}}</ref>
Pada 22 Maret 2013, BP mengumumkan $8&nbsp;miliar [[Saham|pembelian kembali saham]].<ref name=forbes220313/><ref name="Bloomberg 04102013"/> Keputusan pembelian kembali mengikuti penutupan kesepakatan TNK-BP dan telah untuk mengimbangi pengenceran laba per saham menyusul hilangnya dividen dari TNK-BP.<ref name="Bloomberg 04102013"/> Pembelian kembali juga dilihat sebagai cara untuk menginvestasikan kelebihan uang tunai dari kesepakatan TNK-BP.<ref name ="Bloomberg 04102013"/>
Baris 75:
=== Branding and public relations ===
In the first quarter of 2001 the company adopted the marketing name of BP, and replaced its "Green Shield" logo with the "Helios" symbol, a green and yellow sunflower logo named after the [[Helios|Greek sun god]] and designed to represent energy in its many forms. BP introduced a new corporate slogan – "Beyond Petroleum" along with a $200M advertising and marketing campaign.<ref name="Ries">Laura Ries for Ries Pieces. May 2010. [http://ries.typepad.com/ries_blog/2010/05/bp-has-a-brand-problem.html BP has a Brand Problem]<div id="qonyt3qzpo" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref><ref name="Landman">Anne Landman ''PR Watch''. 3 May 2010 [http://www.prwatch.org/node/9038 BP's "Beyond Petroleum" Campaign Losing its Sheen]<div id="uqn6v9nqs6" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref> According to the company, the new slogan represented their focus on meeting the growing demand for fossil fuels, manufacturing and delivering more advanced products, and to enable transitioning to a lower carbon footprint.<ref>{{cite journal|title=Beyond petroleum |journal=Science |volume=329 |issue=5993 |pages=727 |publisher=BP |bibcode=2010Sci...329..727K |last1=Kennedy |first1=D. |year=2010 |doi=10.1126/science.1194561 |pmid=20705817 |doi-access=free }}</ref>
By 2008, BP's branding campaign had succeeded with the culmination of a 2007 Effie Award from the [[American Marketing Association]], and consumers had the impression that BP was one of the greenest petroleum companies in the world.<ref>Gregory Solman for Adweek 21 January 2008 [http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising/coloring-public-opinion-91644 Coloring Public Opinion?]<div id="vmu80wuok6" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref> BP was criticised by environmentalists and marketing experts, who stated that the company's alternative energy activities were only a fraction of the company's business at the time.<ref>Stephen A. Greyser for the Harvard Business Review Magazine. 9 June 2010 [http://blogs.hbr.org/hbsfaculty/2010/06/the-bp-brands-avoidable-fall.html The BP Brand's Avoidable Fall]<div id="osypg31oc3" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref> According to [[Democracy Now]], BP's marketing campaign amounted to a deceptive [[greenwashing]] public-relations [[spin (public relations)|spin campaign]] given that BP's 2008 budget included more than $20 billion for fossil fuel investment and less than $1.5 billion for all alternative forms of energy.<ref name="Amy Goodman" /><ref name="Kempff">[http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/Global/usa/report/2010/1/carbon-scam-noel-kempff-clima.pdf ''Carbon Scam'': Noel Kempff Climate Action Project and the Push for Sub-national Forest Offsets]<div id="zavogq78gt" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div> Sub-prime carbon brought to you by AEP, BP, and Pacificorp, Greenpeace 10/2009 pages 4–5 {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110628234759/http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/Global/usa/report/2010/1/carbon-scam-noel-kempff-clima.pdf |date=28 June 2011 }}<div id="uypjv6a1jm" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div><span> 28 June 2011 di </span>[[Wayback Machine]]<span>.</span>
</ref> Oil and energy analyst [[Antonia Juhasz]] notes BP's investment in green technologies peaked at 4% of its exploratory budget prior to cutbacks, including the discontinuation of BP Solar and the closure of its alternative energy headquarters in London.<ref name=reuters211211/><ref name="Amy Goodman">
{{Cite episode
| title = BP Funnels Millions into Lobbying to Influence Regulation and Rebrand Image
Baris 85 ⟶ 86:
| network = [[Democracy Now]]
| airdate = 5 May 2010}}
</ref><ref name=reuters211211/> According to Juhasz, "four percent...hardly qualifies the company to be Beyond Petroleum", citing BP's "aggressive modes of production, whether it's the tar sands [or] offshore".<ref name="Amy Goodman"/>
BP attained a negative public image from the series of industrial accidents that occurred through the 2000s, and its public image was severely damaged after the Deepwater Horizon explosion and Gulf Oil spill. In the immediate aftermath of the spill, [[Reactions to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill#BP public relations|BP initially downplayed the severity of the incident]], and made many of the same PR errors that Exxon had made after the ''Exxon Valdez'' disaster.<ref>Ann C Mulkern for ''The New York Times''. 10 June 2010 [https://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2010/06/10/10greenwire-bps-pr-blunders-mirror-exxons-appear-destined-98819.html BP's PR Blunders Mirror Exxon's, Appear Destined for Record Book]<div id="wfd0csb3na" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref><ref name="Wired">{{cite news|last=Van Buskirk|first=Eliot|title=BP's Social Media Campaign Going About as Well as Capping That Well|url=https://www.wired.com/business/2010/06/bps-social-media-campaign-going-about-as-well-as-capping-that-well/|work=Wired|access-date=2 April 2013|date=9 June 2010}}</ref> CEO Tony Hayward was criticised for his statements and had committed several gaffes, including stating that he "wanted his life back."<ref>Suzanne Vranica for the Wall Street Journal. 29 December 2010 [https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970204685004576046302759708050 Public Relations Learned the Hard Way]<div id="gt4tqik45d" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref> Some in the media commended BP for some of its social media efforts, such as the use of Twitter and Facebook as well as a section of the company's website where it communicated its efforts to clean up the spill.<ref name="Slate2010">Christopher Beam for Slate. 5 May 2010 [http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2010/05/oil_slick.single.html Oil Slick: How BP is handling its P.R. disaster]<div id="fr1h7sj9b9" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref><ref>Elizabeth Shogren for NPR. 21 April 2011 [https://www.npr.org/2011/04/21/135575238/bp-a-textbook-example-of-how-not-to-handle-pr BP: A Textbook Example Of How Not To Handle PR]<div id="tke8shnop2" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref><ref>Ian Smith for Intelegia. 24 January 2011. [http://www.intelegia.com/en/2011/01/24/good-content-strategy-or-public-relations/ Good Content Strategy or Public Relations]<div id="k6j92i77dy" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_gray "></div></div></div> {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130617144304/http://www.intelegia.com/en/2011/01/24/good-content-strategy-or-public-relations/ |date=17 June 2013 }}<div id="q0wjzda8kl" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_gray "></refdiv></div></div><span> 17 June 2013 di </span>[[Wayback Machine]]<span>.</span>
In February 2012 BP North America launched a $500 million branding campaign to rebuild its brand.<ref>Jonathan Morris for Wall St. Cheat Sheet. 3 February 2012 [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/BP-To-Spend-500M-Restore-Its-wscheats-4005309358.html BP To Spend $500M to Restore Its Brand]<div id="voocuo30wj" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref>
The company's advertising budget was about $5 million per week during the four-month spill in the Gulf of Mexico, totaling nearly $100 million.<ref>{{cite news| url=https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/bp-oil-spill-ads-since-deepwater-horizon_n_3093185.html | work=Huffington Post | first=Nick | last=Visser | title=WATCH: A History of BP's Ads Since The Gulf Spill | date=16 April 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|author=Shelley DuBois |url=https://money.cnn.com/2010/09/01/news/companies/BP_spill_advertising_costs.fortune/index.htm |title=BP's advertising budget during the spill neared $100 million – Sep. 1, 2010 |publisher=CNN |date=1 September 2010 |access-date=26 April 2013}}</ref>
In May 2012, BP tasked a press office staff member to openly join discussions on the Wikipedia article's talk page and suggest content to be posted by other editors.<ref>Brian Merchant for Motherboard. 2 April 2013. [http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/meet-the-pr-guru-who-wants-to-help-corporations-get-heard-on-wikipedia Meet the PR Guru Who Wants to Help Corporations Write Wikipedia]<div id="rf51v3dzfs" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div> {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130403142317/http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/meet-the-pr-guru-who-wants-to-help-corporations-get-heard-on-wikipedia |date=3 April 2013 }}</ref> Controversy emerged in 2013 over the amount of content from BP that had entered this article.<refdiv nameid="zdnet2013g38hm4x4my">Violet Blue, [http://www.zdnet.com/bigclass="shield-oils-wikipedia-cleanup-a-brand-management-experiment-out-of-control-7000013160/container" style="Bigcursor: Oil'spointer; Wikipedia cleanupdisplay: Ainline-block; branddisplay: management-webkit-inline-box; experimentwidth: out16px; ofheight: control16px;"],><div ZDNet,data-reactroot="" 27class="shield_container"><div Marchclass="wot_shield 2013.shield Retrievedshield_green 28 March 2013"></refdiv><ref/div>Natasha Lennard [http://www.salon.com/2013/03/21/bp_edited_its_own_environmental_record_on_wikipedia</div><span> Salon,3 21 MarchApril 2013]. Retrieveddi 28 March 2013</refspan> Wikipedia co-founder [[JimmyWayback WalesMachine]] stated that, by identifying himself as a BP staff member, the contributor in question had complied with site policy regarding conflicts of interest<span>.<ref name="zdnet2013" /span>
</ref> Controversy emerged in 2013 over the amount of content from BP that had entered this article.<ref name="zdnet2013">Violet Blue, [http://www.zdnet.com/big-oils-wikipedia-cleanup-a-brand-management-experiment-out-of-control-7000013160/ "Big Oil's Wikipedia cleanup: A brand management experiment out of control"]<div id="psonlyeoc6" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div>, ZDNet, 27 March 2013. Retrieved 28 March 2013</ref><ref>Natasha Lennard [http://www.salon.com/2013/03/21/bp_edited_its_own_environmental_record_on_wikipedia/ Salon, 21 March 2013]<div id="kudc30zujr" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div>. Retrieved 28 March 2013</ref> Wikipedia co-founder [[Jimmy Wales]] stated that, by identifying himself as a BP staff member, the contributor in question had complied with site policy regarding conflicts of interest.<ref name="zdnet2013" />
=== Integritas dan kepatuhan ===
Jurnalisme investigasi oleh [[Panorama (program TV)|BBC Panorama]] dan Africa Eye yang ditayangkan pada Juni 2019 mengkritik BP atas cara BP memperoleh hak pengembangan blok Cayar Offshore Profond dan St. Louis Offshore Profond, di lepas pantai dari [[Senegal]] pada tahun 2017. Pada tahun 2012, sebuah perusahaan [[Frank Timi]], Petro-Tim, meskipun sebelumnya tidak dikenal oleh industri minyak, diberikan lisensi untuk mengeksplorasi blok tersebut meskipun tidak memiliki catatan yang diketahui di industri tersebut. Segera setelah itu, Aliou Sall, saudara presiden Senegal, [[Macky Sall]], dipekerjakan di perusahaan tersebut, yang menyiratkan adanya konflik kepentingan,<ref name=":1">{{Cite news|url=https:// uk.reuters.com/article/uk-senegal-politics-energy/senegal-justice-ministry-calls-for-inquiry-into-energy-contracts-idUKKCN1TB29Z|title=Kementerian kehakiman Senegal menyerukan penyelidikan kontrak energi|date= 10 Juni 2019|work=Reuters|access-date=16 Juni 2019}}</ref> menyebabkan kemarahan publik di Senegal.Program 2019 oleh BBC Panorama dan Africa Eye menuduh BP gagal dalam [[uji tuntas]] ketika menyetujui kesepakatan dengan Timis Corporation pada 2017. Kesepakatan oleh BP diharapkan memberikan royalti yang substansial kepada Frank Timi meskipun ada tuduhan awalnya memperoleh hak eksplorasi melalui korupsi. [[Energi Kosmos]] juga terlibat.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.kosmosenergy.com/latest-news/response-to-bbc-panorama/|title=Response to BBC Panorama| date=6 Juni 2019|website=Energi Kosmos {{!}} Eksplorasi dan Produksi Laut Dalam|language=en-US|access-date=16 Juni 2019}}</ref> BP membantah implikasi dari perilaku yang tidak pantas. Mengenai akuisisi kepentingan Timis Corporation di Senegal pada April 2017, BP menyatakan bahwa "membayar apa yang dianggapnya sebagai nilai pasar wajar untuk kepentingan pada tahap eksplorasi/pengembangan ini". Namun, BP belum mengumumkan apa dasar penilaian tersebut, dan menyatakan bahwa "detail kesepakatan bersifat rahasia".<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.bp.com/content/ dam/bp/business-sites/en/global/corporate/pdfs/what-we-do/worldwide/bbc-panorama-response-english.pdf|title=Respon BP untuk Program Panorama BBC|date=6 Juni 2019|bekerja =BP Press Release|access-date=16 June 2019}}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> BP berpendapat bahwa "jumlah yang akan dibayarkan secara terpisah oleh BP kepada Timis Corporation akan kurang dari satu persen dari apa yang akan diterima Republik Senegal". Kementerian Kehakiman Senegal telah meminta penyelidikan atas kontrak energi.<ref name=":1" />
=== Pengakuan LGBTQ ===
Pada tahun 2014, BP mendukung studi global yang meneliti tantangan bagi karyawan lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender dan cara-cara agar perusahaan dapat menjadi "kekuatan untuk perubahan" bagi pekerja LGBT di seluruh dunia.<ref name="FT14">{{cite berita |title=BP mendukung penelitian diskriminasi global |url=https://www.ft.com/content/6c0d3d2a-924d-11e3-9e43-00144feab7de |newspaper=[[Financial Times]] |date=10 Februari 2014 |akses -date=7 November 2017}}</ref> Pada tahun 2015, [[Reuters]] menulis bahwa BP "dikenal karena kebijakan mereka yang lebih liberal untuk pekerja gay dan transgender".<ref name="Driver15">{{cite news |title=Exxon menambahkan perlindungan diskriminasi di AS untuk pekerja LGBT |last1=Driver |first1=Anna |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-exxon-lgbt/exxon-adds-discrimination-protections-in -us-for-lgbt-workers-idUSKBN0L32D420150130 |newspaper=[[Reuters]] |date=30 Januari 2015 |access-date=7 November 2017 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> Sebuah artikel 2016 di ''Houston Chronicle'' mengatakan BP adalah "di antara perusahaan besar pertama di Amerika Serikat es untuk menawarkan perlindungan dan manfaat yang setara kepada pekerja LGBT kira-kira 20 tahun yang lalu".<ref>{{cite news |title=Di sektor energi, keluar 'dapat menempatkan Anda dalam risiko' |last1=Blum |first1=Jordan |url=http ://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/In-energy-sector-coming-out-can-put-you-at-risk-6764343.php |newspaper=[[Houston Chronicle] ] |date=16 Januari 2016 |access-date=7 November 2017}}</ref> BP mendapat skor 100% pada Indeks Kesetaraan Perusahaan Kampanye Hak Asasi Manusia 2018, yang dirilis pada tahun 2017, meskipun ini adalah skor yang paling umum. <ref name="EqualityIndex18">{{cite web |url=https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/CEI-2018-FullReport.pdf?_ga=2.206231312.2055568906.1510934209-601590341.1510934209 |title=Corporate Indeks Kesetaraan 2018 |publisher=[[Kampanye Hak Asasi Manusia]] |access-date=17 November 2017}}</ref>
Juga pada tahun 2017, BP menambahkan operasi penggantian kelamin ke dalam daftar manfaatnya bagi karyawan AS.<ref name="Hunn17">{{cite news |title=BP meningkatkan manfaat, termasuk operasi penggantian kelamin |last1=Hunn |first1=David | url=http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/BP-boosts-benefits-includes-gender-reassignment-11172800.php |newspaper=[[Houston Chronicle]] |date=26 Mei 2017 |akses -date=7 November 2017}}</ref> Menurut Kampanye Hak Asasi Manusia, BP adalah salah satu dari sedikit perusahaan minyak dan gas yang menawarkan tunjangan transgender kepada karyawannya.<ref name="Hunn17" /> BP berada di peringkat No. 51 dalam daftar 100 pemberi kerja teratas untuk staf lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender pada Indeks Kesetaraan Tempat Kerja Stonewall 2017.<ref name="SWEI">{{cite web |url=http://www.stonewall.org. uk/sites/default/files/top_100_employers_2017-web_0.pdf |title=Stonewall Workplace Equality Index |publisher=Stonewall |access-date=7 November 2017 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180205103741 /http://www.stonewall.or g.uk/sites/default/files/top_100_employers_2017-web_0.pdf |archive-date=5 Februari 2018 |url-status=dead }}</ref> Juga pada tahun 2017, John Mingé, chairman dan presiden BP America, menandatangani sepucuk surat bersama eksekutif minyak Houston lainnya yang mencela usulan "tagihan kamar mandi" di Texas.<ref name="Andrews17">{{cite news |title=Eksekutif minyak Houston bergabung dengan para pemimpin bisnis Dallas dalam mencela 'bathroom bill' Texas |last1=Andrews |first1=Travis M. |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/01/houston-oil-executives-join-dallas-business-leaders-in-denouncing -texas-bathroom-bill/ |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |date=1 Agustus 2017 |access-date=7 November 2017 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
==BP Indonesia==
BP telah beroperasi di [[Indonesia]] lebih dari 35 tahun, kini menjadi salah satu investor terbesar di Indonesia, dengan [[investasi]] kumulatif lebih dari [[USD]] 5 [[Milyar]]. Akuisisi asset ARCO pada tahun 2000-an dan persetujuan dari Pemerintah [[Republik Indonesia]] pada Maret 2005 untuk memulai konstruksi LNG Tangguh, memperbesar secara signifikan posisi BP pada sektor [[energi]] di [[Indonesia]]. Saat ini BP Indonesia memiliki karyawan lebih dari 1.000 orang, yang sebagian besar berada di [[Jakarta]] dan [[Papua Barat]].<ref name="BPin">[http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9004745&contentId=7008745 BP in Indonesia] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130912040332/http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9004745&contentId=7008745 |date=2013-09-12 }}<div id="lvu9q8x2kz" class="shield-container" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; display: -webkit-inline-box; width: 16px; height: 16px;"><div data-reactroot="" class="shield_container"><div class="wot_shield shield shield_green "></div></div></div></ref>
=== LNG Tangguh ===
LNG Tangguh adalah mega-proyek yang membangun kilang [[LNG]] di [[Teluk Bintuni]], [[Papua Barat]], untuk menampung gas alam yang berasal dari beberapa Blok di sekitar Teluk Bintuni, seperti '''Blok Berau''', '''Blok Wiriagar''' dan '''Blok Muturi'''. LNG Tangguh ini melengkapi pengilangan gas yang sudah ada di [[Indonesia]], yaitu di [[LNG Arun]], [[Aceh]] dan [[Badak NGL|LNG Bontang]], [[Kalimantan Timur]].
Proyek ini meliputi kegiatan pengeboran gas dari enam lapangan untuk menarik cadangan gas sekitar 14,4 triliun kaki kubik melalui dua anjungan lepas pantai yang terletak di [[Teluk Bintuni]]. Dari dua anjungan tersebut, gas akan mengalir melalui pipa bawah laut menuju fasilitas proses LNG di pantai selatan teluk. Dari sana, LNG akan dibawa ke pasar energi menggunakan tanker LNG.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9004779&contentId=7008759 |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2021-04-30 |archive-date=2012-08-18 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120818055622/http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9004779&contentId=7008759 |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Proyek LNG Tangguh ini terletak di [[Teluk Bintuni]] yang berada di daerah kepala burung [[Pulau Papua]] pada koordinat {{coor dms|2|26|30|S|133|08|10|E|}}. Dari [[Jakarta]], membutuhkan waktu tempuh sekitar tujuh jam perjalanan udara untuk sampai ke lokasi.
Baris 116 ⟶ 119:
* [http://www.bp.com/ BP Company Website]
* [http://www.bp.com/subsection.do?categoryId=10&contentId=2001674 BP's Corporate History]
* [http://www.arcogas.com/ Arco Brand Website] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061020203456/http://www.arcogas.com/ |date=2006-10-20 }}
* [http://www.bpsolar.com BP Solar]
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Templat webarchive tautan wayback]]
[[Kategori:Perusahaan minyak]]
[[Kategori:Perusahaan multinasional]]
[[Kategori:Perusahaan inggris]]