Pembicaraan Pengguna:FBN122645/Arsip 2021 4: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(6 revisi perantara oleh satu pengguna lainnya tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 76:
'''Future changes'''
* [[File:Octicons-tools.svg|15px|link=|Advanced item]] In 2017, the provided jQuery library was upgraded from version 1 to 3, with a compatibility layer. The migration will soon finish, to make the site load faster for everyone. If you maintain a gadget or user script, check if you have any JQMIGRATE errors and fix them, or they will break. [][]
* Last year, the Portuguese Wikipedia community embarked on an experiment to make log-in compulsory for editing.  The [[m:IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation/Impact report for Login Required Experiment on Portuguese Wikipedia|impact report of this trial]] is ready. Moving forward, the Anti-Harassment Tools team is looking for projects that are willing to experiment with restricting IP editing on their wiki for a short-term experiment. [[m:IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation/Login Required Experiment|Learn more]].
'''''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech news]]''' prepared by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/Writers|Tech News writers]] and posted by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/User:MediaWiki message delivery|bot]] • [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News#contribute|Contribute]] • [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/36|Translate]] • [[m:Tech|Get help]] • [[m:Talk:Tech/News|Give feedback]] • [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Subscribe or unsubscribe]].''
Baris 289:
{{user|Rachmat04}} 9 Oktober 2021 15.54 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Rachmat04@idwiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/41|Tech News: 2021-41]] ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<section begin="technews-2021-W41"/><div class="plainlinks">
Latest '''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|tech news]]''' from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/41|Translations]] are available.
'''Changes later this week'''
* [[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=|Recurrent item]] The [[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/wmf.4|new version]] of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-12|en}}. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-13|en}}. It will be on all wikis from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-14|en}} ([[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/Roadmap|calendar]]).
* The [[mw:Manual:Table_of_contents#Auto-numbering|"auto-number headings" preference]] is being removed. You can read [[phab:T284921]] for the reasons and discussion. This change was [[m:Tech/News/2021/26|previously]] announced. [[mw:Snippets/Auto-number_headings|A JavaScript snippet]] is available which can be used to create a Gadget on wikis that still want to support auto-numbering.
* You can join a meeting about the [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements|Desktop Improvements]]. A demonstration version of the [[mw:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Features/Sticky Header|newest feature]] will be shown. The event will take place on Tuesday, 12 October at 16:00 UTC. [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements/Updates/Talk to Web/12-10-2021|See how to join]].
'''''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech news]]''' prepared by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/Writers|Tech News writers]] and posted by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/User:MediaWiki message delivery|bot]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News#contribute|Contribute]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/41|Translate]]&nbsp;• [[m:Tech|Get help]]&nbsp;• [[m:Talk:Tech/News|Give feedback]]&nbsp;• [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Subscribe or unsubscribe]].''
</div><section end="technews-2021-W41"/>
11 Oktober 2021 15.29 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Trizek (WMF)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/42|Tech News: 2021-42]] ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<section begin="technews-2021-W42"/><div class="plainlinks">
Latest '''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|tech news]]''' from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/42|Translations]] are available.
'''Recent changes'''
*[[m:Toolhub|Toolhub]] is a catalogue to make it easier to find software tools that can be used for working on the Wikimedia projects. You can [ read more].
'''Changes later this week'''
* [[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=|Recurrent item]] The [[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/wmf.5|new version]] of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-19|en}}. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-20|en}}. It will be on all wikis from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-21|en}} ([[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/Roadmap|calendar]]).
'''Future changes'''
* The developers of the [[mw:Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android|Wikipedia Android app]] are working on [[mw:Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Communication|communication in the app]]. You can now answer questions in [[mw:Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Communication/UsertestingOctober2021|survey]] to help the development.
* 3–5% of editors may be blocked in the next few months. This is because of a new service in Safari, which is similar to a [[w:en:Proxy server|proxy]] or a [[w:en:VPN|VPN]]. It is called iCloud Private Relay. There is a [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Apple iCloud Private Relay|discussion about this]] on Meta. The goal is to learn what iCloud Private Relay could mean for the communities.
* [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Enterprise|Wikimedia Enterprise]] is a new [[w:en:API|API]] for those who use a lot of information from the Wikimedia projects on other sites. It is a way to get big commercial users to pay for the data. There will soon be a copy of the Wikimedia Enterprise dataset. You can [ read more]. You can also ask the team questions [ on Zoom] on [ 22 October 15:00 UTC].
'''''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech news]]''' prepared by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/Writers|Tech News writers]] and posted by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/User:MediaWiki message delivery|bot]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News#contribute|Contribute]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/42|Translate]]&nbsp;• [[m:Tech|Get help]]&nbsp;• [[m:Talk:Tech/News|Give feedback]]&nbsp;• [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Subscribe or unsubscribe]].''
</div><section end="technews-2021-W42"/>
18 Oktober 2021 20.53 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Quiddity (WMF)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Periode baru pemilihan dan pengusulan gambar pilihan ==
<div style="width: 100%; color: black; {{box-shadow|0|0|6px|rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)}} {{border-radius|4px}}">
<div style="overflow:hidden; height:auto; width: 100%;">
<div style="font-size: 24px; margin-top: 16px;margin-left: 16px; padding-bottom: 16px; line-height: 1.2em;">Periode pemilihan dan pengusulan gambar pilihan telah dimulai!</div>
<div style="min-height: 50px; vertical-align:middle; padding: 10px; padding-left: 20px; color: black; background-color:#eaeaea;">
Kami mengundangmu untuk ikut serta dalam memilih kandidat gambar pilihan dan mengusulkan calon gambar pilihan. Kunjungi [[Wikipedia:Gambar pilihan/Usulan|halaman pemilihan dan pengusulan]] untuk memilih atau mengusulkan gambar pilihan.
<div style="margin:0 auto; text-align:center; width: 600px;">
{{Clickable button 2| Wikipedia:Gambar pilihan/Usulan/2022/Periode 12 |Pilih gambar&#32;(periode ke-12) |class=mw-ui-progressive}}
{{Clickable button 2| Wikipedia:Gambar pilihan/Usulan/2022/Periode 13 |Usulkan gambar&#32;(periode ke-13) |class=mw-ui-constructive}}
{{user|Rachmat04}} 23 Oktober 2021 07.05 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Rachmat04@idwiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/43|Tech News: 2021-43]] ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<section begin="technews-2021-W43"/><div class="plainlinks">
Latest '''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|tech news]]''' from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/43|Translations]] are available.
'''Recent changes'''
* The [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Coolest_Tool_Award|Coolest Tool Award 2021]] is looking for nominations. You can recommend tools until 27 October.
'''Changes later this week'''
* [[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=|Recurrent item]] The [[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/wmf.6|new version]] of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-26|en}}. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-27|en}}. It will be on all wikis from {{#time:j xg|2021-10-28|en}} ([[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/Roadmap|calendar]]).
'''Future changes'''
*[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Diff|Diff pages]] will have an improved copy and pasting experience. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Copy paste diffs|The changes]] will allow the text in the diff for before and after to be treated as separate columns and will remove any unwanted syntax. []
* The version of the [[w:en:Liberation fonts|Liberation fonts]] used in SVG files will be upgraded. Only new thumbnails will be affected. Liberation Sans Narrow will not change. []
* You can join a meeting about the [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Community Wishlist Survey|Community Wishlist Survey]]. News about the [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Warn when linking to disambiguation pages|disambiguation]] and the [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Real Time Preview for Wikitext|real-time preview]] wishes will be shown. The event will take place on Wednesday, 27 October at 14:30 UTC. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Community Wishlist Survey/Updates/Talk to Us|See how to join]].
'''''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech news]]''' prepared by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/Writers|Tech News writers]] and posted by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/User:MediaWiki message delivery|bot]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News#contribute|Contribute]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/43|Translate]]&nbsp;• [[m:Tech|Get help]]&nbsp;• [[m:Talk:Tech/News|Give feedback]]&nbsp;• [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Subscribe or unsubscribe]].''
</div><section end="technews-2021-W43"/>
25 Oktober 2021 20.07 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Quiddity (WMF)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Bintang Anti-Vandal ==
|nama=Wikipedia Anti-Vandalisme
|pesan=Pengguna ini sangat tidak menyukai Vandalisme. Pengguna ini juga sering melihat setiap Perubahan Terbaru yang ada. Sekali ia menemukan aksi vandal pada Wikipedia, pengguna ini langsung mengembalikannya seperti semula dan menegur pengguna itu.
Mungkin pengguna ini tidak dapat diterima oleh sebagian pengguna di Wikipedia ataupun di dunia nyata karena sifatnya yang tidak menyukai aksi vandal. Justru karena sifatnya itu, pengguna ini sangat layak untuk mendapat penghargaan '''Wikipedia Anti-Vandalisme'''
}}[[Pengguna:WikiFauna|WikiFauna]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:WikiFauna|bicara]]) 29 Oktober 2021 02.48 (UTC)
== [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/44|Tech News: 2021-44]] ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<section begin="technews-2021-W44"/><div class="plainlinks">
Latest '''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|tech news]]''' from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/44|Translations]] are available.
'''Recent changes'''
* There is a limit on the amount of emails a user can send each day. This limit is now global instead of per-wiki. This change is to prevent abuse. []
'''Changes later this week'''
* [[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=|Recurrent item]] The [[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/wmf.7|new version]] of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from {{#time:j xg|2021-11-02|en}}. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from {{#time:j xg|2021-11-03|en}}. It will be on all wikis from {{#time:j xg|2021-11-04|en}} ([[mw:MediaWiki 1.38/Roadmap|calendar]]).
'''''[[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech news]]''' prepared by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/Writers|Tech News writers]] and posted by [[m:Special:MyLanguage/User:MediaWiki message delivery|bot]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News#contribute|Contribute]]&nbsp;• [[m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2021/44|Translate]]&nbsp;• [[m:Tech|Get help]]&nbsp;• [[m:Talk:Tech/News|Give feedback]]&nbsp;• [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Subscribe or unsubscribe]].''
</div><section end="technews-2021-W44"/>
1 November 2021 20.27 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Quiddity (WMF)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
Kembali ke halaman pengguna "FBN122645/Arsip 2021 4".