Pembicaraan:Bilangan bulat: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Dedhert.Jr (bicara | kontrib)
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InternetArchiveBot (bicara | kontrib)
Notification of altered sources needing review) #IABot (v2.0.9.5
(2 revisi perantara oleh 2 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{StatusAB gagal}}
{{maths rating|class=B|priority:=Mid}}
== Perlukah menghapus "Operasi Hitung Bilangan bulat" dan "Perbandingan"? ==
Izin memanggil @[[Pengguna:Kekavigi|Kekavigi]], saya rasa kedua subjudulnya dihapus karena sudah ada penjelasannya, yaitu "Sifat aljabar" dalam bilangan bulat. Bagaimana menurut pendapat @[[Pengguna:Kekavigi|Kekavigi]]? [[Pengguna:Dedhert.Jr|Dedhert.Jr]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Dedhert.Jr|bicara]]) 13 November 2021 00.44 (UTC)
: Hm, menurut saya bagian "Operasi Hitung Bilangan bulat" dihapus saja. Pertimbangan saya, selain sudah dicakup di bagian "Sifat aljabar", rasanya terlalu 'trivial' menuliskan contoh kalkulasi untuk setiap operasi. Namun bagian "Perbandingan" sebaiknya tidak dihapus, mungkin diubah judul bagiannya menjadi "Sifat keterurutan". Relasi <math>\le,\,\leq,\,\ge,\,\ge</math> penting untuk dapat mengurutkan anggota-anggota di himpunan, yang tidak bisa dilakukan hanya lewat sifat-sifat aljabar (lihat [[teori order]]). Salam, [[Pengguna:Kekavigi|keka.vigi]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Kekavigi|bicara]]) 13 November 2021 01.35 (UTC)
Baris 40 ⟶ 39:
<references /> [[Pengguna:Dedhert.Jr|Dedhert.Jr]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Dedhert.Jr|bicara]]) 24 Desember 2021 16.38 (UTC)
== External links found that need fixing (Oktober 2023) ==
Hello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on [[Bilangan bulat]] that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is considered to be dead, however has been found to be alive. Recommend removing the dead flag from the URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit [[:m:InternetArchiveBot/FAQ|this simple FaQ]] for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—[[User:InternetArchiveBot|'''<span style="color:darkgrey;font-family:Courier New">InternetArchiveBot</span>''']] <span style="color:green;font-family:Rockwell">([[:en:User talk:InternetArchiveBot|Melaporkan kesalahan]])</span> 27 Oktober 2023 00.41 (UTC)
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