Sungai Orinoko: Perbedaan antara revisi
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(30 revisi perantara oleh 19 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Cuenca del Orinoco.png|
'''Sungai Orinoko''' merupakan sebuah [[sungai]] terbesar di [[Amerika Selatan]]. Sungai ini biasanya dipanggil '''Orinoquia''', dengan memiliki luas 880.000
Dibuat oleh [[Cristopher Columbus]] pada [[1 Agustus]] [[1498]]. Sungai ini digunakan sebagai sarana transportasi, pembangkit listrik, dan sumber air bersih.
Baris 6:
== Referensi ==
* Stark, James H. 1897. ''Stark's Guide-Book and History of Trinidad including Tobago, Granada, and St. Vincent; also a trip up the Orinoco and a description of the great Venezuelan Pitch Lake''. Boston, James H. Stark, publisher; London, Sampson Low, Marston & Company. (This book has an excellent description of a trip up the Orinoco as far as [[Ciudad Bolivar]] and a detailed description of the Venezuelan [[Pitch Lake]] situated on the western side of the Gulf of Paria opposite.)
* MacKee, E.D., Nordin, C.F. and D. Perez-Hernandez (1998). "The Waters and Sediments of the Rio Orinoco and its major Tributaries, Venezuela and Colombia." United States Geological Survey water-supply paper, ISSN 0083; 2326/A-B. Washington: United States Government Printing Office.
* Weibezahn, F.H., Haymara, A. and M.W. Lewis (1990). ''The Orinoco River as an ecosystem''. Caracas: Universidad Simon Bolivar.
* Rawlins, C.B. (1999). ''The Orinoco River''. New York: Franklin Watts.
[[Kategori:Sungai di Kolombia]]
[[Kategori:Sungai di Venezuela]]