Hibiscus (genus): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Muhammad Anas Sidik (bicara | kontrib)
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler Suntingan seluler lanjutan
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(18 revisi perantara oleh 3 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Automatic taxobox
| display parents = 3
| name = Hibiscus
| taxon = Hibiscus
| name = ''Hibiscus''
| temporal_range =
| status =
Baris 7 ⟶ 9:
| image = Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Brilliant' flower in private Austrian garden on 2014-09-20.png
| image_caption = ''Hibiscus rosa-sinensis''
| regnumauthority = [[PlantaeCarl Linnaeus|L.]]
| divisio = [[Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| classis = [[Dilleniidae]]
| ordo = [[Malvales]]
| familia = [[Malvaceae]]
| subfamilia = [[Malvoideae]]
| tribus = [[Hibisceae]]
| genus = '''''Hibiscus'''''
| genus_authority = [[Carl Linnaeus|L.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Spesies
| subdivision = Lihat teks
Baris 26 ⟶ 19:
| synonyms_ref = <ref name="GRIN">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/genus.pl?5665 |title=Genus: ''Hibiscus'' L |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |date=2007-10-05 |access-date=2010-02-16 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100528145907/http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/genus.pl?5665 |archive-date=2010-05-28}}</ref>
'''''Hibiscus''''' adalah sebuah genus [[tumbuhan berbunga]] dalam famili [[Malvaceae]].<ref>''[[Oxford English Dictionary]]''</ref><ref>''Sunset Western Garden Book,'' 1995:606–607</ref> Anggotanya sangat beragam, di dalamnya terdiri dari beberapa ratus spesies tumbuhan yang berasal dari daerah beriklim hangat, [[subtropis]], dan [[tropis]] di seluruh dunia. Salah satu spesies anggotanya yakni [[Kembang sepatu]] terkenal karena bunganya yang besar dan mencolok.
== Daftar Spesies<ref name="POWO_328182-2" >{{cite POWO |id=328182-2 |title=''Hibiscus'' L. |access-date=9 September 2022 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title=Gene count from target sequence capture places three whole genome duplication events in ''Hibiscus'' L. (Malvaceae) |year=2021 |last1=Eriksson |first1=J. S. |last2=Bacon |first2=C. D. |last3=Bennett |first3=D. J. |last4=Pfeil |first4=B. E. |last5=Oxelman |first5=B. |last6=Antonelli |first6=A. |journal=BMC Ecology and Evolution |volume=21 |issue=1 |page=107 |doi=10.1186/s12862-021-01751-7 |pmid=34078291 |pmc=8170824 }}</ref> ==
Baris 100 ⟶ 95:
*''[[Hibiscus cameronii]]'' {{small|Knowles & Westc.}}
*''[[Hibiscus campanulatus]]'' {{small|A.J.Perkins}}
*''[[Yute jawa|Hibiscus cannabinus]]'' {{small|L.}} – '''Yute jawa''' atau '''Kenaf'''
*''[[Hibiscus castroi]]'' {{small|Baker f. & Exell}}
*''[[Hibiscus celebicus]]'' {{small|Koord.}}
Baris 264 ⟶ 259:
*''[[Hibiscus macranthus]]'' {{small|Hochst. ex A.Rich.}}
*''[[Hibiscus macrogonus]]'' {{small|Baill.}}
*''[[Tisuk|Hibiscus macrophyllus]]'' {{small|Roxb. ex Hornem.}} – '''Tisuk'''
*''[[Hibiscus macropodus]]'' {{small|Wagner & Vierh.}}
*''[[Hibiscus maculatus]]'' {{small|Lam.}}
Baris 298 ⟶ 293:
*''[[Hibiscus multiformis]]'' {{small|A.St.-Hil.}}
*''[[Hibiscus multilobatus]]'' {{small|Juswara & Craven}}
*''[[Waru landak|Hibiscus mutabilis]]'' {{small|L.}} – '''Waru landak'''
*''[[Hibiscus mutatus]]'' {{small|N.E.Br.}}
*''[[Hibiscus naegelei]]'' {{small|Ulbr.}}
Baris 356 ⟶ 351:
*''[[Hibiscus pusillus]]'' {{small|Thunb.}}
*''[[Hibiscus quattenensis]]'' {{small|A.G.Mill. & Thulin}}
*''[[Mrambos merah|Hibiscus radiatus]]'' {{small|Cav.}} – '''Mrambos merah'''
*''[[Hibiscus reekmansii]]'' {{small|F.D.Wilson}}
*''[[Hibiscus reflexus]]'' {{small|Craven, F.D.Wilson & Fryxell}}
Baris 365 ⟶ 360:
*''[[Hibiscus richardsiae]]'' {{small|Exell}}
*''[[Hibiscus richardsonii]]'' {{small|Sweet ex Lindl.}}
*''[[Kembang sepatu|Hibiscus rosa-sinensis]]'' {{small|L.}} – '''Kembang sepatu'''
*''[[Hibiscus rostellatus]]'' {{small|Guill. & Perr.}}
*''[[Hibiscus rubriflorus]]'' {{small|Baker f.}}
*''[[Hibiscus rupicola]]'' {{small|Exell}}
*''[[Hibiscus rutenbergii]]'' {{small|Garcke}}
*''[[Rosela|Hibiscus sabdariffa]]'' {{small|L.}} – '''Rosela'''
*''[[Hibiscus × sabei]]'' {{small|Weckesser}}
*''[[Hibiscus sabiensis]]'' {{small|Exell}}
Baris 380 ⟶ 375:
*''[[Hibiscus saxicola]]'' {{small|Ulbr.}}
*''[[Hibiscus schinzii]]'' {{small|Gürke}}
*''[[Kembang sepatu gantung|Hibiscus schizopetalus]]'' {{small|(Mast.) Hook.f.}} – '''Kembang sepatu gantung'''
*''[[Hibiscus schlechteri]]'' {{small|Lauterb.}}
*''[[Hibiscus schweinfurthii]]'' {{small|Gürke}}
Baris 431 ⟶ 426:
*''[[Hibiscus thegaleus]]'' {{small|Craven, F.D.Wilson & Fryxell}}
*''[[Hibiscus thespesianus]]'' {{small|Baill.}}
*''[[Waru|Hibiscus tiliaceus]]'' {{small|L.}} – '''Waru'''
*''[[Hibiscus tisserantii]]'' {{small|Baker f.}}
*''[[Hibiscus torrei]]'' {{small|Baker f.}}
Baris 462 ⟶ 457:
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Tumbuhan berbunga]]
[[Kategori:Tumbuhan berbungaHibiscus]]
[[Kategori:Genus tumbuban]]