John B. Cobb: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(24 revisi perantara oleh 16 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox academic
[[Image:Cobb.jpg|thumb|200 px|John Cobb]]
| name = John B. Cobb, Jr.
'''John B. Cobb, Jr.''' (lahir [[9 Februari]] [[1925]]) adalah seorang [[teologi|teolog]] [[Gereja Methodis|United Methodist]] [[Amerika]] yang memainkan peranan penting dalam perkembangan [[teologi proses]]. Ia memadukan [[metafisika]] [[Alfred North Whitehead]] ke dalam [[agama Kristen]], dan menerapkannya ke dalam masalah-masalah [[keadilan sosial]].
| image = John B. Cobb, Jr.jpg
| alt =
| caption = Cobb pada tahun 2013
| birth_name = John Boswell Cobb, Jr.
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|df=yes|1925|2|9}}
| birth_place = [[Kobe]], [[Prefektur Hyōgo]], [[Jepang]]
| death_date = <!-- {{death date and age|df=yes|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) -->
| death_place =
| nationality = American
| spouse = {{marriage|Jean L. Cobb|1947}}<ref>{{cite news |date=4 February 2016 |title=Jean Cobb: Loving Wife and Mother, Librarian |url= |work=Claremont Courier |access-date=8 March 2019 |archive-date=2019-03-27 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| awards = <!--notable national level awards only-->
| alma_mater = [[Universitas Chicago]]
| thesis_title = The Independence of Christian Faith from Speculative Beliefs<ref>{{cite thesis |last=Cobb |first=John B. |year=1952 |title=The Independence of Christian Faith from Speculative Beliefs |degree=PhD |location=Chicago |publisher=University of Chicago |oclc=80987653}}</ref>
| thesis_year = 1952
| school_tradition = {{hlist | [[Filsafat proses]] | [[teologi proses]]}}
| doctoral_advisor = [[Charles Hartshorne]]
| academic_advisors =
| influences = {{flatlist|
* [[Richard McKeon]]
* [[Alfred North Whitehead]]
* [[Daniel Day Williams]]
| discipline = {{hlist | [[Teologi]] | [[filsafat]]}}
| sub_discipline = <!--academic discipline specialist area – e.g. Sub-atomic research, 20th Century Danish specialist, Pauline research, Arcadian and Ugaritic specialist-->
| workplaces = {{ubl | [[Universitas Emory]] | [[Claremont School of Theology]]}}
| doctoral_students = {{flatlist|
* [[Rita Nakashima Brock]]
* [[Nancy R. Howell]]<ref>{{Cite journal|url=|doi = 10.1111/j.1748-0922.1992.tb00087.x|title = Dissertations Completed|journal = Religious Studies Review|year = 1992|volume = 18|issue = 2|pages = 170–176}}</ref>
* [[Catherine Keller (theologian)|Catherine Keller]]
| notable_students = <!--only those with WP articles-->
| main_interests = {{hlist | [[Metafisika]] | [[Etika lingkungan]]}}
| notable_works =
| notable_ideas = {{hlist | Christocentric pluralism | [[Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare]]}}
| influenced = {{flatlist|
* [[Monica Coleman]]
* [[Bruce G. Epperly|Bruce Epperly]]
* [[Roland Faber]]
* [[David Ray Griffin]]
* [[C. Robert Mesle]]
* [[Michel Weber]]
| signature =
| signature_alt =
'''John B. Cobb, Jr.''' ({{lahirmati||9|2|1925}}) adalah seorang [[teologi|teolog]] [[Gereja Methodis|United Methodist]] [[Amerika Serikat|Amerika]] yang memainkan peranan penting dalam perkembangan [[teologi proses]]. Ia memadukan [[metafisika]] [[Alfred North Whitehead]] ke dalam [[agama Kristen]], dan menerapkannya ke dalam masalah-masalah [[keadilan sosial]].
== Biografi ==
John Cobb dilahirkan di [[Jepang]] pada [[1925]] dalam keluarga misionaris [[Methodis]]. Pada [[1940]], ia pindah ke [[Georgia (negara bagian AS)|Georgia]] untuk masuk ke SMA. Setelah lulus, ia masuk ke sekolah tinggi (junior college), [[UniversiasUniversitas Emory|Emory College]] (kini [[Oxford College, Universitas Emory]]) di [[Oxford, Georgia]]. Ia seorang yang sangat saleh dan memiliki keyakinan moral yang kuat. Ia berjuang melawan [[rasialisme]] dan [[prasangka]] di antara teman-temannya. Pada [[1944]] ia masuk dinas [[militer]] dan berjumpa dengan kaum intelektual dari agama-agama lain, termasuk [[Yudaisme]] dan [[Katolik]], yang memperlihatkan kepadanya perspektif-perspektif baru. Pada saat inilah ia memperoleh pengalaman keagamaan yang menyebabkannya menjadi seorang pendeta.
<!--TheseSemua experiencespengalamannya gaveini himmemberikan akepadanya tastecicipan forakan intellectualpemikiran thoughtyang intelektual. HeIa enteredmasuk anke interdepartmentalsebuah program atantar-jurusan thedi [[University ofUniversitas Chicago]], wheredan hedi testedsana hisia faithmenguji byimannya settingdengan outmulai tomempelajari learnsemua allkeberatan thedunia modernmoderan world'sterhadap objectionsagama to ChristianityKristen, so that he couldsehingga answeria todapat themmenjawabnya. HisImannya faithmengalami didbanyak not come out intactguncangan. Cobb becamemengalami disillusioneddisilusi withdengan muchbanyak of his previouskeyakinannya beliefsebelumnya. HopingDengan toharapan resolveuntuk hismemecahkan crisiskrisis ofimannya faithdan andmendamaikan reconcilepandangan thedunia modern worldviewdengan withiman hisKristennya, Christiania faith,masuk heke wentSekolah toTeologi Universitas Chicago (University of Chicago Divinity School) inpada 1947. HeIa wasberhasil successfulterutama primarilykarena with the help ofbantuan [[Richard McKeon]], a philosophicalseorang [[relativistrelativis]] filsafat, anddan [[Charles Hartshorne]], whoyang taughtmemperkenalkannya himdengan metafisika dan filsafat [[Alfred North Whitehead|WhiteheadianWhitehead]], metaphysicsyang anddipadukan philosophy, whicholeh Hartshorne had integratedke intodalam whatapa wouldyang becomekelak knowndikenal assebagai processteologi theologyproses. ThisHal gaveini himmemberikan renewedkepadanya confidencekeyakinan inyang thebaru ideatentang ofgagasan mengenai GodAllah. Cobb receivedmendapatkan hisgelar MA-nya inpada 1949 anddan PhD inpada 1952 fromdari the University ofUniversitas Chicago.
AfterSetelah graduatinglulus, heia taughtmengajar atdi [[CandlerSekolah SchoolTeologi of TheologyCandler]] ofdi [[Universitas Emory University]] untilhingga 1958 whenketika heia movedpindah toke [[ClaremontSekolah SchoolTeologi of TheologyClaremont]],. whereIa hetinggal stayeddi untilsana hishingga retirementpensiun inpada [[1990]]. Ia Hebekerja collaboratedsama withdengan [[Lewis S. Ford]] inpada [[1971]] tountuk startmemulai asebuah journaljurnal calledyang bernama ''Process Studies''. InPada [[1973]] heia workedbekerja withsama dengan [[David Ray Griffin]] indalam founding themendirikan [ CenterPusat foruntuk ProcessStudi StudiesProses].
<!--==The three trajectories==
Cobb came to identify his theological journey as being divided into three trajectories. In the first trajectory, he tried to reconstruct a vision of Christianity applying Whitehead's [[cosmology]]. He sought to reconcile the particularity of the Christian faith with the need for [[religious pluralism|pluralism]] and openness, establishing a [[christology]] which demanded tolerance and open-mindedness. He did this by understanding Christ as a "creative transformation", more a process than a person. This creative transformation demanded not just tolerance, but open discourse with other faiths, with the goal of transforming both participants.
Baris 20 ⟶ 66:
== Karya tulis ==
*''Varieties of Protestantism'', [[1960]]
* ''Living options inVarieties Protestantof TheologyProtestantism'', [[19621960]]
* ''Living options in Protestant Theology'', [[1962]]
*''A Christian Natural Theology: Based on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead'', Westminster Press, 1965, [ edisi online]
* ''TheA StructureChristian ofNatural ChristianTheology: Existence'',Based 1967,on Universitythe PressThought of AmericaAlfred cetakNorth ulangWhitehead'', 1990Westminster Press, 1965, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-09-24 }}
* ''GodThe andStructure theof WorldChristian Existence'', Westminster1967, University Press, 1969of America cetak ulang 1990, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2006-01-17 }}
* ''God and the World'', Westminster Press, 1969, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-07-05 }}
*''Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology'', [[1971]] (revised edisi, [[1995]])
* ''Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology'', [[1971]] (revised edisi, [[1995]])
* ''Living Options in Protestant Theology'', Westminster Press, 1972, [ edisi online]
* ''LiberalLiving ChristianityOptions atin theProtestant CrossroadsTheology'', [[1973]]Westminster Press, 1972, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
* ''ChristLiberal inChristianity aat Pluralisticthe AgeCrossroads'', Westminster Press, 1975[[1973]], [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
* ''Christ in a Pluralistic Age'', Westminster Press, 1975, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-30 }}
*''Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition'', dengan [[David Ray Griffin]], Philadelphia: Westminster Press, [[1976]], ISBN 0-664-24743-1
* ''Process Theology: andAn PastoralIntroductory CareExposition'', dengan [[David Ray Griffin]], Philadelphia: Westminster Press, [[19771976]], ISBN 0-664-24743-1
* ''Theology and Pastoral Care'', dengan [[David Ray Griffin]], [[1977]]
* ''Mind in Nature: the Interface of Science and Philosophy'', disunting bersama [[David Ray Griffin]], University Press of America, 1977, [ edisi online]
* ''Mind in Nature: the Interface of Science and Philosophy'', disunting bersama [[David Ray Griffin]], University Press of America, 1977, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
*''The Liberation of Life: from the Cell to the Community'', dengan Charles Birch, [[1981]]
* ''The Liberation of Life: from the Cell to the Community'', dengan Charles Birch, [[1981]]
*''Process Theology as Political Theology'', Westminster Press, 1982, [ edisi online]
* ''Process Theology as Political Theology'', Westminster Press, 1982, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
*''Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism'', [[1982]]
* ''Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism'', [[1982]]
* ''Existence and Actuality: Conversations with Charles Hartshorne'', disunting bersama Franklin I. Gamwell, University of Chicago Press, 1984, [ edisi online]
* ''TalkingExistence Aboutand GodActuality: DoingConversations Theologywith inCharles the Context of Modern PluralismHartshorne'', dengandisunting Davidbersama TracyFranklin I. Gamwell, SeaburyUniversity of Chicago Press, 19831984, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
* ''PrayingTalking About God: Doing Theology in the Context of forModern JenniferPluralism'', Thedengan UpperDavid RoomTracy, 1985Seabury Press, 1983, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
* ''Praying for Jennifer'', The Upper Room, 1985, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-07-24 }}
*''Christian Identity and Theological Education'', dengan Joseph Hough, [[1985]]
* ''BiblicalChristian PreachingIdentity onand theTheological Death of JesusEducation'', dengan Beardslee, Lull, Pregeant, Weeden, andJoseph WoodbridgeHough, [[19891985]]
* ''Biblical Preaching on the Death of Jesus'', dengan Beardslee, Lull, Pregeant, Weeden, and Woodbridge, [[1989]]
*''For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, Environment, and a Sustainable Future'', dengan [[Herman Daly]], [[1989]] (edisi revisi, [[1994]])
* ''For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, Environment, and a Sustainable Future'', dengan [[Herman Daly]], [[1989]] (edisi revisi, [[1994]])
*''Doubting Thomas: Christology in Story Form'', Crossroad Publishing, 1990, ISBN 082451033X, [ edisi online]
* ''Doubting Thomas: Christology in Story Form'', Crossroad Publishing, 1990, ISBN 0-8245-1033-X, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-26 }}
*''Death or Dialogue'', dengan Leonard Swidler, Paul Knitter, dan Monika Helwig, [[1990]]
* ''Death or Dialogue'', dengan Leonard Swidler, Paul Knitter, dan Monika Helwig, [[1990]]
*''Matters of Life and Death'', [[1991]]
* ''Can ChristMatters Becomeof GoodLife Newsand Again?Death'', [[1991]]
* ''Can Christ Become Good News Again?'', [[1991]]
*''Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, and Justice'', Orbis Books, 1992, [ edisi online]
* ''Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, and Justice'', Orbis Books, 1992, [ edisi online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-30 }}
*''Becoming a Thinking Christian'', [[1993]]
* ''Becoming a Thinking Christian'', [[1993]]
*''Lay Theology'', Chalice Press, 1994, ISBN 0827221223
* ''Lay Theology'', Chalice Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8272-2122-3
*''Sustaining the Common Good: A Christian Perspective on the Global Economy'', Pilgrim Press, 1995, ISBN 0829810102
* ''Sustaining the Common Good: A Christian Perspective on the Global Economy'', Pilgrim Press, 1995, ISBN 0-8298-1010-2
*''Grace and Responsibility'', [[1995]]
* ''Grace and Responsibility'', [[1995]]
*''Reclaiming the Church'', Westminster John Knox Press, 1997, ISBN 0664257208
* ''Reclaiming the Church'', Westminster [[John Knox]] Press, 1997, ISBN 0-664-25720-8
*''Fidelity With Plausibility: Modest Christologies in the Twentieth Century'', State University of New York Press, 1998, ISBN 0791435962
* ''Fidelity With Plausibility: Modest Christologies in the Twentieth Century'', State University of New York Press, 1998, ISBN 0-7914-3596-2
*''The Earthist Challenge to Economism: A Theological Critique of the World Bank'', Palgrave Macmillan, 1999, ISBN 0312218389
* ''TransformingThe ChristianityEarthist andChallenge theto WorldEconomism: A WayTheological BeyondCritique Absolutismof andthe World RelativismBank'', Orbis[[Palgrave BooksMacmillan]], 1999, ISBN 15707527100-312-21838-9
* ''Transforming Christianity and the World: A Way Beyond Absolutism and Relativism'', Orbis Books, 1999, ISBN 1-57075-271-0
*''Postmodernism and Public Policy: Reframing Religion, Culture, Education, Sexuality, Class, Race, Politics, and the Economy'', State University of New York Press, 2001, ISBN 0791451666
* ''Postmodernism and Public Policy: Reframing Religion, Culture, Education, Sexuality, Class, Race, Politics, and the Economy'', State University of New York Press, 2001, ISBN 0-7914-5166-6
*''Christian Faith and Religious Diversity: Mobilization for the Human Family'', Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2002, ISBN 0800634837
* ''Christian Faith and Religious Diversity: Mobilization for the Human Family'', Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2002, ISBN 0-8006-3483-7
*''The Process Perspective: Frequently Asked Questions About Process Theology'', Chalice Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8272-2999-2
* ''The Process Perspective: Frequently Asked Questions About Process Theology'', Chalice Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8272-2999-2
*''The Emptying God: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation'', Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2005, ISBN 1597524212
* ''The Emptying God: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation'', Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2005, ISBN 1-59752-421-2
== Lihat pula ==
*[[teologi proses]]
*[[pluralisme agama]]
*[[Charles Hartshorne]]
*[[David Ray Griffin]]
*[[Alfred North Whitehead]]
*[[Herman Daly]]
*[[pertumbuhan yang tidak ekonomis]]
* [[teologi proses]]
==External links==
* [[kristologi]]
*Boston University's [,%20Jr.%20(1925-%20) biography] of John Cobb, Jr.
* [[pluralisme agama]]
*[ Center for Process Studies]
* [[Charles Hartshorne]]
*[ Claremont School of Theology]
* [[David Ray Griffin]]
*[ Sustainable Communities Network]
* [[Alfred North Whitehead]]
* [[Herman Daly]]
* [[ekologi]]
* [[pertumbuhan yang tidak ekonomis]]
== Pranala luar ==
* [,%20Jr.%20(1925-%20) Biografi John Cobb, Jr. di Universitas Boston].
[[Category:1925 births|Cobb, John B.]]
* [ Pusat untuk Studi Teologi Proses]
[[Category:American theologians|Cobb, John B.]]
* [ Sekolah Teologi Claremont]
[[Category:Living people|Cobb, John B.]]
* [ Sustainable Communities Network]
[[Category:Methodist theologians|Cobb]]
[[Category:Process theologians|Cobb, John B.]]
[[Category:Sustainability advocates|Cobb, John B.]]
[[en{{DEFAULTSORT:Cobb, John B. Cobb]]}}
[[Kategori:Teolog Methodis]]
[[Kategori:Teolog Amerika Serikat]]
[[Kategori:Teolog Proses]]