[[File:Jug from Lydian Treasure Usak.jpg|thumb|200px|JugBuyung, frombenda Lydianpeninggalan Treasuremasyarakat foundLidia nearyang ditemukan di dekat Uşak]]
'''Harta Kârun''' adalah nama yang diberikandisematkan kepada koleksi 363 artefak yang terdiri atas 363 barangbernilai berhargatinggi peninggalan masyarakat [[Lidia (Anatolia)|Lidia]] dari sekitar abad ke-7 Pramasehi, danyang ditemukan di [[Provinsi Uşak]], kawasan barat wilayah negara Turki,. yangKoleksi ini diperebutkan lewat [[gugatan hukum|jalur hukum]] oleh [[Turki]] dan [[Museum Seni Metropolitan|Museum Seni Rupa Metropolitan New York]] antara tahun 1987 sampai 1993, dan akhirnya dipulangkan ke Turki pada tahun 1993 sesudah pihak Museum Seni Rupa Metropolitan New York mengaku tahu bahwa barang-barang tersebut adalah barang curian pada waktu melakukan pembelianmembelinya. Nama lain bagiyang disematkan kepada koleksi artefak ini adalah ''Khazanah Lidia''. Artefak-artefak tersebut kini terpajang di [[Museum Arkeologi Uşak]].
Koleksi artefak ini kembali santer diberitakan pada bulan Mei 2006 ketika salah satu artefak penting, yakni kerongsang [[Hippokampos|hipokampos]] emas, yang terpajang di Museum [[Uşak]] bersama artefak lainnya yang menjadi bagian dari koleksi ini, didapati sudah diganti dengan [[pelancungan|tiruan]]nya, diduga kuat antara bulan Maret sampai bulan Agustus 2005.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/5027074.stm | title = Croesus riches replaced by fakes|author=| date = 29 May 2006|publisher=[[British Broadcasting Corporation]]| accessdate=29 Mei 2006}}</ref><!--
Koleksi artefak ini juga disebutdikenal dengan sebutan "Harta Kroisos". Meskipun kurang lebih sezaman dengan [[Kroisos]], dapat tidaknya artefak-artefak tersebut dikatkandikaitkan secara langsung dengan tokoh Raja Lidia legendaris itu masih menjadi pokok perdebatan. KekayaanBeberapa Kroisoskebudayaan hadAsia repercussionsjuga onmengenal atokoh numberhartawan oflegendaris [[Asia]]ndengan culturesketenaran inyang asetaraf veindengan similarKroisos todi his fame in thedalam westernkebudayaan culturesEropa, and is referred to either asyaitu '''قارون - Qārūn''' (dalam [[Arabicbahasa language|ArabicArab]], dan [[Persianbahasa language|PersianFarsi]]) or, Kârun (dalam [[Turkishbahasa language|TurkishTurki]]), oratau [[Korah]],. withHarta thekekayaannya mythicalyang proportionsberlimpah ofruah hisjuga fortunedigambarkan alsodengan echoedberbagai inmacam variousungkapan ways,yang parallelsenada to the Englishdengan languagepemeo expressionInggris ''"as rich as Croesus"'' (sama kaya rayanya dengan Kroisos).<ref>Qarun anddan referenceharta tokekayaannya hisdiriwayatkan wealthdi mentioned in thedalam [[KoranAl'Quran]] (''[28:76] tosampai [28:82]''). InDi dalam [[Persianmitologi mythologyPersia]], to which the other citations could be connected, the ''Qâruharta TreasureQâru'' isadalah aharta treasureterpendam saidyang tokonon beterus-menerus in perpetual motion under theberpindah groundtempat. The phraseFrasa ''harta karuKaru'' (literallysecara Croesus'harfiah Wealth)berarti alsoharta workedkekayaan intoKroisos) thejuga Malayterserap languageke asdalam the[[bahasa wordMelayu]] fordengan makna ''treasureharta kekayaan'', andsinonim isdengan synonymous with the termistilah ''buriedharta treasureterpendam''. ''Ganj-e-Qaru'' (Croesusharta TreasureKroisos) wasadalah alsojudul anfilm [[Iran]]ian movieyang madediproduksi inpada tahun 1965 byoleh [[Siamak Yasemi]], anddan widelysecara regardedluas asdianggap onesebagai ofsalah thesatu classicskarya ofklasik [[Iraniandunia cinemaperfilman Iran]]. TheFilm movieini recountsmeriwayatkan thekembali storykisah ofhidup aseorang verykaya wealthyraya manyang whohendak attemptsbunuh suicidediri andtetapi thenakhirnya findsmenemukan happinesskebahagiaan indi thedalam simplicityrumah ofbersahaja aseorang pauper's homemiskin.</ref> ThisItulah explainssebabnya whyistilah the"Harta term "Karun Treasure" tookmengakar hold,di andtengah inmasyarakat. anyTerlepas case,dari thesemua kingitu, Croesus'jumlah Treasureharta consistedkekayaan ofKroisos more thanmelebihi 363 pieces and the tombartefak, chamberdan [[tumulus]] wherebilik mostmakam artifactstempat weresebagian discoveredbesar dari artefak-artefak tersebut ditemukan (theylokasi originatepenemuan fromartefak closelainnya butmemang differenttidak sites)jauh, wastetapi thatmerupakan ofsitus arkeologi tersendiri) adalah makam aseorang womanperempuan.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.serfed.com/dergi/10/15-ANADOLU_UYGARLIKLARI.pdf|title=The rich kings of the thousand hills, Lydians|website=serfed.com|publisher=Turkish Ceramic Federation|author=Nezih Başgelen|accessdate=2005-07-01 Juli 2005|url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070122153206/http://www.serfed.com/dergi/10/15-ANADOLU_UYGARLIKLARI.pdf|archivedate=January22 22,Januari 2007}}</ref>
== Penemuan dan penyelundupan ==
==Discovery and smuggling==
TheArtefak-artefak mainyang andutama thedan mostyang preciouspaling parttinggi ofnilainya theberasal treasuredari comesbilik frommakam aseorang tombputri chamberLidia. ofArtefak-artefak atersebut Lydiandidapatkan princessmelalui reachedekskavasi throughliar illegalyang excavationsdilakukan carriedoleh outtiga byorang threepemburu fortune-seekersharta fromasal Uşak's dependingdesa Güre village,di atprovinsi theUşak. proximitySitus ofbilik whichmakam thetersebut tombmemang wastidak locatedjauh letaknya dari desa Güre, atyakni thedi localityarea calledyang disebut Toptepe. AfterSesudah havingberhari-hari dugmenggali fordan daysgagal andmembobol unabletembok topenutup breakpintu throughmakam theyang marbleterbuat masonrydari ofbatu thepualam, chambermereka door,akhirnya theymeledakkan hadsotoh makam dengan [[dynamitedinamit]]d thepada roofmalam ofhari the tomb in the night oftanggal 6 JuneJuni 1966, todan bemenjadi theorang-orang firstpertama toyang seetakjub themelihat breathtakingjenazah sightbangsawati ofLidia thebeserta buriedsegala Lydianharta noblewomankekayaan andyang herdikebumikan treasures afterbersamanya 2600 yearstahun silam. TheHarta treasurejarahan looteddari fromtumulus thisini particulardiperkaya tomblagi wasdengan enrichedberbagai bytemuan furtheryang findsdijarah byoleh theorang-orang sameyang mensama indari otherbeberapa [[tumulitumulus]] oflain thedi localityarea duringyang sama antara tahun 1966- sampai 1967. TheBenda-benda collectionbersejarah wastersebut smuggledkemudian outsidediselundupkan Turkeykeluar indari separateTurki dispatches throughmelalui [[İzmir]] anddan [[Amsterdam]], tountuk beselanjutnya boughtdibeli by theoleh [[MetropolitanMuseum Seni Metropolitan|Museum ofSeni ArtRupa Metropolitan]] betweenantara 1967–1968,tahun at1967 ansampai invoiced1968, costdengan ofmelunasi faktur senilai $1.,2 millionjuta fordolar 200Amerika ofSerikat theuntuk pieces within the200 collectionartefak.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.tayproject.org/Haber.fm$Retrieve?ID=1267&html=haber_detail_tu.html&layout=web|title=Uşak-New York|last=|first=|date=|website=tayproject.org|publisher=TAY Project|language=Turkish|author=|accessdate=2001-04-01 April 2001}}</ref>
== Sengketa hukum ==
==Legal battle==
ThePemerintah effortsTurki madesilih byberganti successiveterus-menerus Turkishmengupayakan governmentspemulangan tokoleksi retrieveartefak theini collectionke werenegaranya. incitedUpaya sincetersebut themulai verymenemukan beginningtitik andterang followedketika untilpemerintah conclusionTurki bymenerima theinformasi dari seorang wartawan journalistbernama [[Özgen Acar]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.unesco.org/courier/2001_04/uk/doss27.htm |title=We have to change the buyer's attitude |author=Michel Bessières |publisher=[[UNESCO]] Courrier |accessdate= 2001-04-01 April 2001 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20010723161923/http://www.unesco.org/courier/2001_04/uk/doss27.htm |archivedate= 2001-07-23 Juli 2001 |url-status=dead }}</ref> Özgen Acar hadpertama chancedkali uponmendapati somebeberapa piecesbarang ofdari thekoleksi collectionHarta forKarun thedi firstdalam timesebuah in[[Katalog 1984koleksi|katalog]] inMuseum aSeni MetRupa MuseumMetropolitan [[Collectionpada catalog|catalogue]]tahun and1984. hadIa informedlalu Turkey'smenyampaikan informasi seputar asal-muasal barang-barang itu kepada [[ CultureKementerian andKebudayaan Tourismdan MinistryPariwisata of TurkeyTurki| MinistryKementerian ofKebudayaan CultureTurki]] , ofsembari theirmenulis clearpula provenance,beberapa whileartikel hedan alsomendesak wrotepemerintah severalTurki articlesmelalui andberbagai pursuedjalur thebirokrasi bureaucraticyang channelsada withinsupaya Turkeymengambil withtindakan insistenceterkait throughouturusan theyang sedang affairdiperjuangkannya. HeIa actedmenjadi asduta asukarela voluntaryKementerian envoyKebudayaan ofTurki thedalam Ministryrangka withinpengajuan thegugatan framehukum ofke the judicial case launched inpengadilan [[ Kota New York City]] inpada tahun 1987 andmaupun broughtpenuntasannya topada conclusion intahun 1993 ,.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.herrick.com/Upload/Publication/Articles/ArticleHF_0208.pdf|title=The Art Theft Experts|author=Thomas Adcock|publisher=[[New York Law Journal]]|accessdate= 2006-02-24 Februari 2006 |url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20061031010110/http://www.herrick.com/Upload/Publication/Articles/ArticleHF_0208.pdf|archivedate= 2006-10-31 Oktober 2006}}</ref> atPada the samewaktu timeyang assama heia wasditetapkan namedsebagai [[ consultantkonsultan]] indalam therangka largerkeikutsertaan frameworkTurki ofdi thedalam Turkey'sikhtiar participationperlindungan inwarisan thesejarah, workbudaya, carrieddan outagama byyang dilaksanakan oleh [[UNIDROIT]] . regardingDi the protection of historicTurki, cultural and religious heritage.Özgen Acar 's namejuga isdikenal alsosebagai synonymousorang inyang Turkeyberjasa formemboyong thepulang retrievalkoleksi ofartefak anotherlain setyang ofdinamakan smuggled"Harta archaeological goods, termed "Elmalı Treasure" , insesuai referencedengan tonama theirtempat site of originpenemuannya, theyaitu town ofkota [[Elmalı]] inyang southwesternterletak Turkeydi kawasan barat daya Turki, andyang involvingmencakup kepingan-kepingan thisuang timelogam [[ LydiaLidia]] n coinsdan anduang extremelylogam rarepecahan [[ AncientDrakhma drachmakuno| decadrachmssepuluh dirham]] datingyang fromsangat thelangka perioddan ofdiperkirakan theberasal dari zaman [[ Delianliga LeagueDelos]], withsesudah thememenangkan gugatan hukum melawan [[ Boston Museum ofSeni FineRupa ArtsMurni Boston]] as his opposite party.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.museum-security.org/reports/003199.html#8|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20000823041626/http://museum-security.org/reports/003199.html#8|url-status=dead|archive-date= 2000-08-23 Agustus 2000|title=Elmalı treasure|publisher=Museum Security}}</ref> ▼
==Kasus Museum Uşak ==
▲The efforts made by successive Turkish governments to retrieve the collection were incited since the very beginning and followed until conclusion by the journalist [[Özgen Acar]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.unesco.org/courier/2001_04/uk/doss27.htm |title=We have to change the buyer's attitude |author=Michel Bessières |publisher=[[UNESCO]] Courrier |accessdate=2001-04-01 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20010723161923/http://www.unesco.org/courier/2001_04/uk/doss27.htm |archivedate=2001-07-23 |url-status=dead }}</ref> Acar had chanced upon some pieces of the collection for the first time in 1984 in a Met Museum [[Collection catalog|catalogue]] and had informed Turkey's [[Culture and Tourism Ministry of Turkey|Ministry of Culture]] of their clear provenance, while he also wrote several articles and pursued the bureaucratic channels within Turkey with insistence throughout the affair. He acted as a voluntary envoy of the Ministry within the frame of the judicial case launched in [[New York City]] in 1987 and brought to conclusion in 1993,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.herrick.com/Upload/Publication/Articles/ArticleHF_0208.pdf|title=The Art Theft Experts|author=Thomas Adcock|publisher=[[New York Law Journal]]|accessdate=2006-02-24|url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20061031010110/http://www.herrick.com/Upload/Publication/Articles/ArticleHF_0208.pdf|archivedate=2006-10-31}}</ref> at the same time as he was named [[consultant]] in the larger framework of the Turkey's participation in the work carried out by [[UNIDROIT]] regarding the protection of historic, cultural and religious heritage. Acar's name is also synonymous in Turkey for the retrieval of another set of smuggled archaeological goods, termed "Elmalı Treasure" in reference to their site of origin, the town of [[Elmalı]] in southwestern Turkey, and involving this time [[Lydia]]n coins and extremely rare [[Ancient drachma|decadrachms]] dating from the period of the [[Delian League]], with the [[Boston Museum of Fine Arts]] as his opposite party.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.museum-security.org/reports/003199.html#8|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20000823041626/http://museum-security.org/reports/003199.html#8|url-status=dead|archive-date=2000-08-23|title=Elmalı treasure|publisher=Museum Security}}</ref>
Kebutuhan mendesak akan keberadaan sebuah museum yang layak untuk dijadikan tempat penyimpanan Harta Karun mulai disuarakan semenjak koleksi artefak ini diboyong pulang ke Turki.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.worldpress.org/Europe/1491.cfm | title = Croesus: The poverty of treasure|author=Özgen Acar|author-link=Özgen Acar|publisher=[[Cumhuriyet]]| accessdate=2003-07-21}}</ref> Dengan disitanya sepuluh artefak hasil ekskavasi liar lainnya oleh pihak berwenang pada tahun 1998, didapatinya temuan-temuan arkeologis lanjutan, serta diketahuinya keberadaan delapan artefak emas yang muncul pada tahun 2000 di sebuah pameran galeri pribadi di [[Paris]] dan belum diupayakan pemulangannya, sudah terkumpul koleksi perdana yang cukup lumayan, yakni 375 artefak, akan tetapi museum kecil di [[Uşak]] yang dijadikan tempat penyimpanannya lebih difokuskan kepada usaha penyimpanan permadani-[[permadani Uşak]] serta beroperasi dengan anggaran belanja dan jumlah karyawan yang terbatas,<ref>Jumlah tenaga ahli yang bekerja di museum-museum Turki turun separuh dari 1.500 orang menjadi 750 orang dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir.{{cite web|url=http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=48792|title=Croesus: Ten people charged in Croesus theft case|publisher=[[Turkish Daily News]]|accessdate=21 Juli 2003|url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060717031211/http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=48792|archivedate=17 Juli 2006}}</ref> sehingga tidak sepenuhnya memenuhi syarat kelayakan tempat pelestarian Harta Karun. Keraguan terhadap kelayakan Museum Uşak kian menguat dengan diajukannya gugatan hukum terhadap karyawan museum terkait pencurian yang terjadi pada tahun 2007. Meskipun mula-mula ada sepuluh orang yang ditersangkakan sehubungan dengan penggantian kerongsang hipokampos yang asli dengan tiruannya, hanya mantan direktur museum yang [[penangkapan|ditahan]].
==Uşak MuseumKutukan case==
Some{{who|date=DecemberSebagian 2013}}pihak indi Uşak andmaupun beyonddi associatetempat thelain treasureberanggapan withbahwa aada [[ cursekutukan]] yang melekat pada Harta Karun. LegendKonon haskabarnya ittujuh thatorang theyang seventerlibat mendi whodalam tookusaha partekskavasi inliar theyang illegalberujung digspada penemuan artefak-artefak itu " diedtewas violentsecara deathsmengenaskan oratau sufferedditimpa greatberbagai misfortunekesialan".<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/nov/25/king-croesus-treasure-returning-turkey|title= King Croesus's golden brooch to be returned to Turkey |work=The Guardian|author=Constanze Letsch|date=25 November 2012}}</ref > --> ▼
The clear need for a museum worthy of the treasure was being voiced ever since the artifacts had returned to Turkey.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.worldpress.org/Europe/1491.cfm | title = Croesus: The poverty of treasure|author=Özgen Acar|author-link=Özgen Acar|publisher=[[Cumhuriyet]]| accessdate=2003-07-21}}</ref> With the seizure by the authorities of ten other illegally excavated artifacts in 1998, further archaeological discoveries and the known presence of eight gold pieces that had appeared in 2000 during an exhibition in a [[Paris]] private gallery for which attempts for retrieval were yet to be made, a handsome collection of base consisting of a total of 375 pieces was already accumulated. But the small museum in [[Uşak]] where the collection was placed, more focused on storage of [[Ushak carpet]]s and operating under conditions of budgetary and staff restraints,<ref>The number of experts working in Turkish museums halved from 1,500 to 750 in the last ten years. {{cite web|url=http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=48792|title=Croesus: Ten people charged in Croesus theft case|publisher=[[Turkish Daily News]]|accessdate=2003-07-21|url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060717031211/http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=48792|archivedate=2006-07-17}}</ref> did not fully meet the requirements for the preservation of Karu Treasure. Doubts about the site's suitability were reinforced by the filing of legal action against museum staff regarding the 2007 theft. Ten people were initially accused in relation to the hippocamp's replacement with a fake; the museum's former director was the only one kept in [[Arrest|custody]].
==Curse of the treasure==
▲Some{{who|date=December 2013}} in Uşak and beyond associate the treasure with a [[curse]]. Legend has it that the seven men who took part in the illegal digs "died violent deaths or suffered great misfortune".<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/nov/25/king-croesus-treasure-returning-turkey|title= King Croesus's golden brooch to be returned to Turkey |work=The Guardian|author=Constanze Letsch|date=25 November 2012}}</ref> -->
== Galeri ==
File:Uşak Museum Karun Treasure alabastron 2297.jpg|Buli-buli
File:Uşak Museum Karun Treasure gold bracelet 2274.jpg|Gelang emas
File:Uşak Winged Karun Treasure fake seahorse brooch 2303.jpg|Tiruan kerongsangKerongsang hipokampos sembrani yang palsu
File:Uşak Museum Karun Treasure incense burner 2199.jpg|Pedupaan
File:Uşak Museum Karun Treasure incense burner 2197.jpg|Pedupaan
[[Kategori:Sejarah Uşak]]
[[Kategori:Pencurian arkeologis]]
[[Kategori:Hubungan Turki–AmerikaAmerika Serikat dengan Turki]]