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Baris 1:
[[File:Princess Tatiana Alexandrovna Yusupova, 1858.jpg|thumb|[[Putri Tatyana Aleksandrovna Yusupova]], salah seorang perwara di istana Kekaisaran Rusia]]
'''Perwara''' adalah [[asisten pribadi]] perempuan di [[majelis istana|istana]], yang bertugas mengiring seorang sentana putri atau [[bangsawan|bangsawati]].<ref name=":2">{{Cite web |title=Lady-in-waiting {{!}} Definition, History, & Facts {{!}} Britannica |url= |access-date=2024-06-25 | |language=en}}</ref> Menurut sejarah, perwara di Eropa adalah bangsawati yang lebih rendah derajat keningratannya daripada bangsawati yang diiringnya. Sekalipun menerima atau tidak menerima imbalan jasa, seorang perwara lebih dipandang sebagai [[asisten pribadi|sekretaris]], [[abdi dalem|pegawai istanaistanawan]], atau [[panakawansahabiyat]] [[majikan]]nyamajikannya ketimbang sebagai [[pekerja rumah tangga|pelayan]].
Di berbagai belahan dunia, para perwara, yang kerap disebut ''perdaraan''wanita atau ''dayang-dayangistana'', pada praktiknya adalah pelayan atau pacalbiti-biti, bukan bangsawati, tetapi tugasnya kurang lebih sama dengan perwara, yaitu menjadi pengiring dan sekretaris majikannya. Di lingkungan istana, tempat [[poligami]] diamalkan, dayang-dayangwanita istana secara resmi disiapkan untuk diajak raja naik ke ranjang, dan dapat saja menjadi [[istri|garwa]], [[permaisuri]], [[gendak]], atau [[pergundikan|selir]] raja.
Istilah ''perwara'' kerap dijadikan sebutan generik tanpa membedakan pangkat, gelar, maupun fungsi resminya, sering pula hanya sekadar sebutan kehormatan. Seorang sentana putri mungkin saja leluasa dan mungkin pula tidak leluasa memilih perwara, dan sekalipun leluasa, perempuan-perempuan yang layak dijadikan perwara biasanya tidak lepas dari pengaruh raja, orang tuanya, suaminya, atau menteri-menteri (seperti pada peristiwa [[Krisis kamar tidur|Kemelut Bilik Peraduan]]).
== Sejarah ==
Di Eropa, perkembangan jabatan perwara berkaitan erat dengan perkembangan majelis istana. Pada abad ke-9, sastrawan [[Hinkmar]] memaparkan seluk-beluk rumah tangga istana [[Karl yang Botak|Kaisar Karel Gundul]] dari [[Kekaisaran Karoling|wangsa Karling]] di dalam risalah ''De Ordine Palatii'' yang ia tulis tahun 882. Ia menyebutkan bahwa selain menjalankan titah raja, para pegawai istana juga menjalankan titah permaisuri. Para permaisuri [[Dinasti Meroving|kulawangsa Merowing]] diduga sudah memiliki pelayan-pelayan pribadi, dan dapat dipastikan bahwa para permaisuri kulawangsa Karling pada abad ke-9 diiring serombongan pengawal dari kalangan [[bangsawan]] demi menunjukkan kemuliaan derajatnya, dan beberapa pegawai istana disebut sebagai pegawai permaisuri, bukanalih-alih sebagai pegawai raja.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
Dapat dipastikan bahwa pada akhir abad ke-12, para Permaisuri Prancis sudah memiliki badan pengurus rumah tangga sendiri, dan para bangsawati disebutkan sebagai para perwara.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} Meskipun demikian, badan pengurus rumah tangga permaisuri pada Abad Pertengahan biasanya beranggotakan segelintir orang saja, dan jumlah perwara yang sesungguhnya, bukan istri-istri bangsawan yang kebetulan sedang menemani suami bertugas di istana, sangat sedikit. Pada tahun 1286, Permaisuri Prancis hanya dilayani lima orang perwara, dan baru pada tahun 1316 badan pengurus rumah tangga permaisuri dipisahkan dari badan pengurus rumah tangga anak-anak raja.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
Peran para perwara di Eropa berubah drastis pada masa [[Renaisans]], ketika tata krama baru kehidupan di lingkungan istana, yang memungkinkanjuga kaummemberikan perempuanperan untukpenting memainkankepada peranankaum pentingperempuan, dikembangkan sebagai representasicitra kekuasaan di istana-istana [[Italia]]. Tata krama baru ini menyebar dari Italia ke [[Burgundia]], dan dari Burgundia menyebar ke Prancis dan semua istana di Eropa.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} Majelis istana [[Kadipaten Burgundia]] adalah majelis istana yang paling rumit tata kramanya di Eropa pada abad ke-15, yang ditiru Prancis ketika majelis istana Prancis diperluas pada akhir abad ke-15, dan memperkenalkan jabatan-jabatan baru untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan sebagai tanggapan terhadap nilai-nilai luhur baru yang tercetus pada zaman Renaisans.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
Dari segelitir ''Femmes'' yang sudah berkeluarga dan ''Filles'' yang masih gadis, yang pada Abad Pertengahan berasal dari kalangan berderajat relatif rendah, jumlah perwara Prancis meningkat pesat, ditata ke dalam suatu hierarki yang maju dengan beberapa jabatan, serta diserahi peran berbobot dan bersifat publik untuk dijalankan di dalam lingkungan istana Prancis yang bertata krama baru pada permulaan abad ke-16.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} Istana-istana lain di Eropa mengikuti jejak Prancis, sehingga sepanjang abad ke-16, terjadi peningkatan jumlah wargapemekaran majelis-majelis di istana-istana Eropa, unggah-ungguhnyatata kramanya pun kiansemakin dipermulukmuluk, dan pada permulaanAwal zamanAbad modernKiwari, terjadi peningkatan jumlah jabatan, jumlah wargakeanggotaan, sertamaupun visibilitas pegawai istana perempuan.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
Meskipun demikian, pada akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20, kebanyakan istana Eropa mulai mengurangi jumlah pegawainya, sering kali karenalantaran keadaan ekonomi dan politik mutakhir ketika itu membuat bobot suaracitra istana menjadi kian dipertanyakan.
== Tugas ==
Tugas perwara berbeda-beda dari satu istana ke istana lain, tetapi fungsi-fungsi yang secara historis dijalankan oleh perwara mencakup luwes dalam ber[[etiket]], berbahasa asing, menari, menunggang kuda, memainkan alat musik, dan melukis di lingkungan istana; memastikan majikannya mengetahui segala kejadian dan mengenal semua orang penting di istana; menangani urusan tempat tinggal dan [[lemari pakaian]] majikannya; menjalankan tugas-tugas ke[[sekretaris]]an; mengawasi para pelayan, [[anggaran]], dan [[pembelian|belanja]]; membacakan surat-surat kepada majikannya, dan menulis surat-surat mewakili majikannya; serta mengirim pesan rahasia apabila diperintahkan.<ref name=":2" />
== Perwara menurut istana ==
=== Austria ===<!--
Pada kurun waktu Abad Pertengahan Akhir, manakala majelis istana kaisar tidak lagi berpindah-pindah tempat, badan pengurus rumah tangga permaisuri kaisar, maupun badan pengurus rumah tangga para garwa pangeran di Jerman, mulai mengembangkan suatu tatanan yang kurang luwes dan lebih ketat, lengkap dengan seperangkat jabatan kepegawaian istana.
In the late Middle Ages, when the court of the Emperor no longer moved around constantly, the household of the Empress, as well as the equivalent household of the German princely consorts, started to develop a less fluid and more strict organisation with set court offices.
TheTatanan courtmajelis modelistana ofKadipaten theBurgundia Duchydan oftatanan Burgundy,majelis asistana wellKerajaan asSpanyol thememengaruhi Spanishtatanan courtmajelis model,istana cameKekaisaran toAustria influencepada theabad organisation of the Austrian imperial court during the 16th centuryke-16, when themanakala [[BurgundianBelanda NetherlandsBurgundy|Burgundia Tanah Rendah]], SpainSpanyol, anddan Austria weredipersatukan unitedmelalui throughpertalian thenasab kula[[House ofwangsa Habsburg]].<ref name="Duindam date? page?">{{harvnb|Duindam|p=}}</ref>{{page needed |date=April 2017}} InPada thepermulaan earlydan andpertengahan mid-16thabad centuryke-16, thepara femaleistanawati courtiersyang keptmelayani bybangsawati-bangsawati femaleHabsburg Habsburgsdi inNegeri theTanah NetherlandsRendah anddan Austria wasterdiri composedatas ofsatu oneorang {{lang|de|Hofmesterees}}''Hofmeesteres'' (Courtkepala Mistressistana perempuan) oratau {{lang|fr|''Dame d'honneur}}'' whoyang servedberkhidmat asselaku theperwara principalutama; lady-in-waiting;satu oneorang {{lang|de|''Hofdame}}'' oratau {{lang|fr|''Mere de Filles}},'' whoyang wasberpangkat secondlebih inrendah ranksatu andtingkat deputydi ofbawah the''Hofmeesteres'' {{lang|de|Hofmesterees}},dan asberkhidmat wellselaku aswakil being''Hofmeesteres'' insekaligus chargemembawahi ofpara the {{lang|nl|''Eredames}}'' (Maidsdayang-dayang of Honourkehormatan), alsoyang knownjuga asdikenal {{lang|fr|dengan sebutan ''Demoiselle d'honneur}},'' {{lang|fr|atau ''Fille d'honneur}}'' ordalam {{lang|de|Junckfrauen}} depending on language ([[Dutchbahasa language|DutchPrancis]], [[Frenchdan language|French]]''Junckfrauen'' anddalam [[Austrianbahasa GermanJerman Austria]]; respectively),dan yang andterakhir finallyadalah thepara ''Kamenisters'' (Chamber Maidspramugraha).<ref name="Kerkhoff date? page?">{{harvnb|Kerkhoff|p=}}</ref>{{page neededMeskipun |date=April 2017}} Howeverdemikian, during the tenure ofsemasa [[Maria ofdari Austria, HolyPermaisuri RomanRomawi EmpressSuci|Putri Maria de Austria]] inmenjadi thePermaisuri mid-16thRomawi century,Suci thepada courtpertengahan ofabad theke-16, Empressbadan waspengurus organisedrumah intangga accordancepermaisuri withdiatur theberdasarkan Spanishtatanan courtmajelis model,istana andSpanyol. afterSesudah sheMaria leftde Austria, theremeninggalkan wasAustria, notidak furtherada householdbadan ofpengurus anrumah Empresstangga untilpermaisuri thesampai 1610sdasarwarsa 1610-an.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?">{{harvnb|Akkerman|Houben|2013|p=}}</ref>{{page neededItulah |date=Aprilsebabnya 2017}}tatanan Thismajelis resultedistana inAustria amengandung mixunsur-unsur ofadat-istiadat Burgundianistana andBurgundia Spanishmaupun customs when the Austrian court modeladat-istiadat wasistana createdPrancis.
InPada tahun 1619, aserangkaian settatanan organisationpada wasakhirnya finallydibentuk establishedbagi formajelis theistana Austriankaisar imperialdi court,Austria. whichTatanan cameinilah toyang bemenjadi theciri characteristickhas organisationtatanan ofmajelis theistana AustrianAustria-Habsburg court roughly keptyang fromdilanggengkan thissejak pointsaat onwarditu.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheJenjang firsttertinggi rankbagi ofistanawati the female courtiers was theadalah {{lang|de|[[Obersthofmeisterin]]}} ([[Mistresskepala ofistana theperempuan Robesurusan busana]]),. whoPangkat wasini secondhanya insetingkat rankdi afterbawah thepermaisuri Empress herselfkaisar, anddan penyandangnya bertanggung responsiblejawab foratas allsemua thepegawai femaleistana courtiersperempuan.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> SecondJenjang rankkedua belongedditempati to thepara ''AyasAya''--><!--What, languageyakni ispara this?emban anak--><!--,anak essentiallykaisar governessessekaligus ofkepala thebadan imperialpengurus childrenrumah andtangga heads of the children'sanak-anak courtkaisar.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> ThirdJenjang inketiga rank was theditempati {{lang|de|Fräuleinhofmeisterin}}, whoistanawati wasyang the replacement of themenggantikan {{lang|de|Obersthofmeisterin}} whenbilamana necessarydiperlukan, buttetapi otherwisesehari-hari hadbertanggung thejawab responsibilityatas ofpara theistanawati unmarriedyang femalebelum courtiersberkeluarga, theirbaik conducttingkah andlaku servicemaupun pelayanan mereka.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheIstanawati restningrat ofselebihnya theterdiri female noble courtiers consisted of theatas {{lang|de|Hoffräulein}} ([[Maid ofdayang honourkehormatan|Maid of Honourdayang-dayang]]), unmarriedyakni anak-anak dara bangsawan yang biasanya womenbekerja fromdi theistana nobilityuntuk whosementara normallywaktu servedsampai temporarilymelepas untilmasa marriagegadis.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheAdakalanya {{lang|de|Hoffräulein}} coulddiangkat sometimes be promoted tomenjadi {{lang|de|[[Kammerfräulein]]}} (Maid of Honour ofdayang-dayang thebilik Chamberperaduan).<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheTatanan Austrianmajelis courtistana modelAustria wasmenjadi thepola roleacuan modelbagi fortatanan themajelis princelyistana courtspara inpangeran Germanykepala daerah di Jerman.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheTatanan Germanmajelis courtistana modelJerman inpada turngilirannya becamemenjadi thepola roleacuan modelbagi oftatanan themajelis earlyistana modernDenmark Scandinaviandan CourtsSwedia ofdi DenmarkSkandinavia pada Awal andAbad SwedenKiwari.<ref name="Persson 1999">{{harvnb|Persson|1999|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=April 2017}}
===Belgium Belgia ===
TheKerajaan KingdomBelgia ofberdiri Belgiumpada was founded intahun 1830,. afterSesudah whichkerajaan adidirikan, royaldibentuklah courtmajelis was foundedistana, anddan ladies-in-waitingdiangkatlah para wereperwara appointeduntuk formengiring [[Louise ofdari Orléans|Putri Louise d'Orléans]] when sheketika becamedijadikan thePermaisuri firstBelgia queenyang ofpertama Belgiumpada intahun 1832. TheJabatan-jabatan femalepegawai officeholdersperempuan ofdi thedalam Queen'sbadan householdpengurus wererumah createdtangga afterpermaisuri thedibentuk Frenchmengikuti modeltatanan andmajelis composedistana Prancis, ofterdiri oneatas seorang {{lang|fr|[[Dame d'honneur]]}}, followedyang by several ladies-in-waiting with the titlemembawahi {{lang|fr|[[DamePremière dufemme Palaisde chambre]]}}, inditambah turnbeberapa rankingorang aboveperwara thebergelar {{lang|fr|[[PremièreDame femmedu de chambrePalais]]}} andyang themembawahi {{lang|fr|Femme de chambre}}.<ref>''Almanach royal officiel de Belgique, pour l'an 1841'' {{full citation needed|date=April 2017}}</ref>
Menurut sejarahnya, para perwara dipilih langsung oleh permaisuri dari kalangan putri-putri [[Belgian nobility|keluarga ningrat Belgia]] yang beragama Katolik. Fungsi-fungsi utama di istana dijalankan oleh putri-putri bangsawan yang lebih tinggi derajat keningratannya, mengingat mereka akan sering berkontak dengan para sentana putri . Begitu putri-putri Raja Belgia genap berumur 18 tahun, seorang perwara akan ditugaskan mendampinginya. [[Putri Clémentine dari Belgia|Putri Clementine]] diserahi seorang {{lang|fr|Dame}} oleh ayahnya sebagai lambang pengakuan sang ayah akan kedewasaan putrinya. Bilamana permaisuri menggelar acara jamuan ramah-tamah, para bangsawati bertugas menyambut tamu dan membantu sang empunya hajatan untuk membuat para undangan tidak jenuh bercengkerama.
The ladies-in-waiting have historically been chosen by the queen herself from the noblewomen of the Catholic [[Belgian nobility|Noble Houses of Belgium]]. The chief functions at court were undertaken by members of the higher nobility, involving much contact with the royal ladies. Belgian princesses were assigned a lady upon their 18th birthdays. [[Princess Clémentine of Belgium|Princess Clementine]] was given a {{lang|fr|Dame}} by her father, a symbolic acknowledgement of adulthood. When the queen entertains, the ladies welcome guests and assist the hostess in sustaining conversation.
===Cambodia Kamboja ===
InDi CambodiaKamboja, the term ''ladies-in-waitingperwara'' refersadalah todayang highberpangkat rankingtinggi femaleyang servantsbertugas whomelayani servedmakan foodminum and drinkraja, fannedmengipasi anddan massaged,mengurut andbadan sometimesraja, provideddan sexualadakalanya servicesmemuaskan toberahi the Kingraja. Conventionally,Lazimnya theseperempuan-perempuan womentersebut couldmeniti workkarier theirdi wayistana upmulai fromdari jenjang [[maidpekerja rumah tangga|biti-biti]]s tosampai ladies-in-waitingakhirnya menjadi perwara, [[Concubinagepergundikan|concubinesselir]], or evenbahkan [[Queen consort|queenpermaisuri]]. {{transl|km|''Srey Snom}}'' ({{lang-km|ស្រីស្នំ}}) isadalah thesebutan Cambodianuntuk termperwara fordalam thebahasa Khmer lady-in-waitingKamboja.
Kemungkinan besar enam dayang kesayangan [[Sisowath dari Kamboja|Raja Sri Swasti]] berasal dari jenjang penari istana yang beranggotakan anak-anak gadis rakyat jelata. Raja Sisowat diketahui memperselir hampir semua penari istana. Penari kahyangan, [[Apsara]], adalah salah satunya. Praktik memperselir penari istana bermula pada zaman kegemilangan Kerajaan Kmer.
The six favorite court ladies of [[Sisowath of Cambodia|King Sisowath of Cambodia]] were probably initially drawn from the ranks of classical royal dancers of the lower class. He was noted for having the most classical dancers as concubines. The imperial celestial dancer, [[Apsara]], was one of these. This practice of drawing from the ranks of royal dancers began in the Golden Age of the Khmer Kingdom.
===Canada Kanada ===
SeveralAda Canadianpula ladies-in-waitingbeberapa orang haveperwara alsoKanada beenyang appointeddiangkat tomenjadi thepegawai [[MonarchyKerajaan ofKanada|Rumah Canada#Federal residences and royal household|RoyalTangga HouseholdIstana ofKerajaan CanadaKanada]]. CanadianPara ladies-in-waitingperwara areKanada typicallybiasanya appointeddiangkat inuntuk order to assist themembantu [[MonarchyKerajaan ofKanada|Kepala Canada|MonarchNegara ofKerajaan CanadaKanada]] whenselama carryingmenjalankan outtugas-tugas officialresminya dutiesdi inKanada Canadadan andselama [[Royalkaryawisata toursKerajaan of Canada by the Canadian Royal FamilyKanada|royalberanjangkarya toursdi innegara the countryitu]]. FiveLima Canadianorang ladies-in-waitingperwara wereKanada madedianugerahi Lieutenantspangkat of theLetnan [[RoyalOrdo Kerajaan Victoria|Tarekat VictorianKerajaan OrderVictoria]].<ref name=can>{{cite book|title=On Her Majesty's Service: Royal Honours and Recognition in Canada|last=McCreery|first=Christopher|publisher=Dundurn|year=2008|page=[ 133]|isbn=978-1-5500-2742-6|url-access=registration|url=}}</ref>
===China Tiongkok ===
[[File:A palace concert.jpg|thumb|TangDayang-dayang Dynastykulawangsa courtTang ladiesdi ondalam ''[[AGambar PalaceKarawitan ConcertIstana]]'' painting]]
==== Kulawangsa Han ====
ThePerwara ladies-in-waitingdi inTiongkok China, referred to asdisebut ''palacewanita womenistana'',. ''palaceSemuanya ladies''secara or ''court ladies''resmi, werejika alltidak formally, ifbisa notdikatakan alwayspada inpraktiknya practiceselalu, amerupakan part ofpenghuni [[Imperialsistem Chinesekeputren haremKekaisaran systemTiongkok|the Emperor's haremkeputren]], regardlessapa ofpun theirtugas taskdan kewajibannya, anddan couldberpeluang bediangkat promotedsecara byresmi himoleh tokaisar themenjadi rank of official concubineselir, consortgarwa, orbahkan even empresspermaisuri.<ref name="Ebrey date? page?">{{harvnb|Ebrey|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=April 2017}}
The Emperors of theKeputren [[dinasti Han|kulawangsa dynastyHan]] (tahun 202 BC–220Pramasehi AD)sampai aretahun reported220 toMasehi) havedikabarkan haddihuni a harem of thousands ofribuan 'palacewanita womenistana', although themeskipun actualtidak numbersada areangka unconfirmedpastinya.<ref name="Ebrey date? page?" />
==== Kulawangsa Song ====
AtSetidaknya leastpada during thezaman [[dinasti Song|kulawangsa dynastySong]] (tahun 960–1279), palacepara womenwanita wereistanadibedakan dividedmenjadi intiga threegolongan, groups:yaitu imperialgolongan womenistri kaisar (consistingpara ofgarwa concubinesdan andselir consortskaisar), imperialgolongan daughtersputri kaisar (consistingpara ofputri daughtersdan andsaudara sistersperempuan of the Emperorkaisar), and the female officials and assistants, who performed a wideserta rangegolongan ofpegawai tasksdan andjenang couldperempuan potentiallyyang bemelaksanakan promotedbermacam-macam totugas thedan rankberpeluang ofmenjadi concubineselir oratau consortgarwa.<ref name="harvnb|Chung|pp=960–1126">{{harvnb|Chung|pp=960–1126}}</ref>
WomenPerempuan-perempuan fromdari officialkeluarga eliteterpandang familiesberpeluang couldterpilih bemenjadi chosen to becomepermaisuri, Empressgarwa, consortatau orselir concubinebegitu immediatelymasuk upon their entrance in the palaceistana, buttetapi thekaisar Emperordapat couldpula alsomengangkat promotepegawai anyistana femaleperempuan courtke officialjenjang toyang that postsama, as theykarena weresecara officiallyresmi allmereka memberssemua ofadalah hiswarga haremkeputren.<ref name="harvnb|Chung|pp=960–1126" />
ThePara femalepegawai courtdan officialsjenang andperempuan attendantsbiasanya werediambil normallydari selectedkeluarga frombaik-baik, trustedkemudian familiesditatar anduntuk thenmenjalankan educated for their tasktugasnya.<ref name="harvnb|Chung|pp=960–1126" />
==== Kulawangsa Ming ====
DuringPara thewanita istana pada zaman [[dinasti Ming|kulawangsa dynastyMing]] (tahun 1368–1644), palacejuga womendibedakan weremenjadi sortedtiga intogolongan roughlyyang thekurang samelebih threesama categoriesdengan aspenggolongan inpada thezaman kulawangsa Song Dynasty.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hsieh|first=Bao Hua|date=1999|title=From Charwoman to Empress Dowager: Serving-Women in the Ming Palace|journal=Ming Studies|volume=42| issue=42 |pages=26–80| doi=10.1179/014703799788763371 | pmid=22026040 }}</ref> HoweverMeskipun demikian, femalepara officialspegawai anddan assistantsjenang inperempuan thepada Mingzaman Dynastykulawangsa wereMing organizeddigolong-golongkan intoke sixdalam establishedenam governmentlembaga groups,pemerintahan calledyang thedisebut SixEnam Bureaus: the BureauJawatan, ofyaitu GeneralJawatan AffairsUmum, BureauJawatan of HandicraftsKriya, BureauJawatan of CeremoniesUpacara, BureauJawatan of ApartmentsPapan, BureauJawatan of ApparelSandang, and Bureaudan ofJawatan FoodstuffsPangan.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Concubinage and Servitude in Late Imperial China|last=Hsieh|first=Bao Hua|publisher=Lexington Books|year=2014|location=London|pages=179–208|chapter=Ming Palace Serving-Women}}</ref> TheseSemua groupslembaga weretersebut alldipantau overseenoleh byJawatan thePengawasan Office of Staff Surveillance,Pegawai headedyang bydikepalai aseorang femalepegawai officialperempuan.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Concubinage and Servitude|last=Hsieh|pages=184}}</ref>
WomenPara workerskaryawati in thedi imperialistana palacekaisar weredigolongkan distinguishedmenjadi aspegawai eithertetap permanentdan orpegawai temporarytidak stafftetap.<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=Concubinage and Servitude|last=Hsieh|pages=180}}</ref> PermanentGolongan palacepegawai stafftetap includedterdiri educatedatas andpegawai-pegawai literateperempuan femaleberkepandaian officialsbaca servingtulis inlagi theterdidik Sixyang Bureausberkhidmat di dalam Enam Jawatan, andserta para [[wetibu susu|inang nursepenyusu]]s caringyang formerawat imperialpara heirsahli orwaris otherkaisar palaceatau childrenkanak-kanak lain di istana.<ref name=":0" /> ThesePerempuan-perempuan womenini receivedmendapatkan greatkekayaan wealthyang andbesar dan terpandang socialdi acclaimtengah ifmasyarakat theirjika jobsmelaksanakan weretugasnya performeddengan wellbaik.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Concubinage and Servitude|last=Hsieh|pages=181}}</ref> SeasonalGolongan orwanita temporaryistana palacemusiman womenatau includedtidak midwivestetap terdiri atas para bidan, femalepara physicianstabib perempuan, anddan indenturedpara contractorskaryawati (theseberperikatan werekerja usually(biasanya womenperempuan-perempuan servingberkhidmat assebagai maidspelayan topara consorts,garwa entertainerskaisar, sewingpara tutorsseniwati penghibur, orpara sedanpenatar keterampilan jahit-chairmenjahit, atau para bearerspenandu).<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Cass|first=Victoria B|date=1986|title=Female Healers in the Ming and the Lodge of Ritual and Ceremony|journal=Journal of the American Oriental Society|volume=106| issue=1 |pages=233–245| doi=10.2307/602374 | jstor=602374 }}</ref> ThesePerempuan-perempuan womenini weredirekrut recruiteduntuk intodipekerjakan thedi palaceistana whenapabila necessaryjasa andatau thenkeahliannya releaseddibutuhkan followingdan thedibebastugaskan terminationpada ofakhir theirmasa predeterminedbakti periodyang ofsudah ditetapkan servicesebelumnya.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Female Healers|last=Cass|pages=236}}</ref>
ThroughoutSelama thekulawangsa Ming dynastyberkuasa, therekerap wasterjadi frequentpergerakan movementdi betweenantara theindustri palacepelayanan serviceistana industrydan andpenghuni thekeputren lowberpangkat levels of the Imperial Haremrendah.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hsieh|title=From Charwoman to Empress Dowager|journal=Ming Studies|pages=45}}</ref> AlthoughMeskipun Emperorskaisar-kaisar frequentlykerap selectedmengangkat minorpelayan-pelayan consortsperempuan frommenjadi Imperialgarwa servingberpangkat womenrendah, fewhanya selectedsegelintir womenperempuan everyang reachedmampu themendaki higherjenjang rankskepangkatan ofgarwa thekaisar consortatau structuremenjadi ortokoh gainedyang significantcukup prominencekondang.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hsieh|title=From Charwoman to Empress Dowager|journal=Ming Studies|pages=46}}</ref>
AsSeiring thebergulirnya Ming dynasty progressedwaktu, livingkondisi andhidup workingdan conditionskondisi forkerja palacewanita womenistana beganmulai to deterioratememburuk.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Concubinage and Servitude|last=Hsieh|pages=187}}</ref> Lower-rankedPara servingkaryawati womenrendahan workingdi inistana thekaisar Imperialsering palacekali werediupah oftenkecil underpaiddan andtidak unablemampu tomembeli buy foodmakanan, leavingsehingga themterpaksa tomencari supportpenghasilan themselvestambahan bydengan sellingmenjual embroiderysulamannya atke theluar marketistana outsidemelalui the palace viapara [[eunuchorang kasim|sida-sida]]s.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hsieh|title=From Charwoman to Empress Dowager|journal=Ming Studies|pages=127}}</ref> OverallSecara keseluruhan, livingkondisi conditionshidup anddan punishmentshukuman foratas misbehavingperilaku eventuallyyang grewtidak sopatut badkian thatlama therekian wasmemburuk sampai-sampai pernah ada [[PalaceKonspirasi plotistana oftahun Renyin year|anupaya assassination attemptpembunuhan]] against the [[Kaisar Jiajing Emperor]] byoleh a group ofsekelompok servingpelayan womenperempuan.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women, VolumeJilid II: Tang Through Ming 618–1644|last=Lee|first=Lily Xiao Hong|publisher=Taylor and Francis|year=2016|location=Hoboken|pages=543}}</ref> LedPada bytahun palace1542, maidbeberapa Yangorang Jinyingpelayan in 1542perempuan, thedipimpin failedYang assassinationJinying, attemptmengendap-endap involvedke severaldalam maidsbilik sneakingperaduan intokaisar, thedan Emperor'sberusaha bedchambermencekik asleher hekaisar slept,yang tosedang stranglepulas himtertidur withdengan atali curtainpengikat cordtirai.<ref name=":1">{{Cite book|title=Biographical Dictionary|last=Lee|pages=543}}</ref> TheUpaya attemptpembunuhan ultimatelyini failed,pada andakhirnya allgagal, thedan womensemua involvedperempuan wereyang putterlibat todihukum deathmati, althoughmeskipun thispemberontakan typedisertai oftindak violentkekerasan revoltyang bydilakukan servingoleh womenperempuan-perempuan hadpelayan neversemacam beenini seensebelumnya beforetidak inpernah theterjadi Mingpada Dynastyzaman kulawangsa Ming.<ref name=":1" />
DueAkibat towarkat-warkat slanderouspropaganda literaryberisi propagandafitnah writtenyang andditulis spreaddan bydisebarluaskan maleoleh officialspara andpegawai Confuciandan authorssastrawan Konghucu pria, higher-classkekuasaan femalepara officialspegawai alsoperempuan sawberpangkat theirtinggi powerjuga beginturut tomelemah weakenpada throughoutzaman thekulawangsa Ming dynasty.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Women in Imperial China|last=Hinsch|first=Bret|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield|year=2016|location=London|pages=147–174}}</ref> ThesePara prominentpegawai governmentlelaki menterkemuka beganini tomulai disparagemerendahkan havingkebijakan educatedpengaryaan womenperempuan interpelajar governmentsebagai andpegawai statepemerintah rolesdan inpemegang responsejabatan-jabatan tokenegaraan thedalam influencemenanggapi Imperialpengaruh womenkaum hadwanita heldistana overterhadap thenegara nationpada in themasa pastlampau.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Women in Imperial China|last=Hinsch|pages=148}}</ref> ThisLangkah promptedtersebut amengakibatkan gradualperan-peran overtakingyang ofdipegang femaleperempuan officiallambat roleslaun bydialihkan palacekepada eunuchspara thatsida-sida, continuedyang throughoutberlanjut thesampai remainderberakhirnya ofzaman thekulawangsa DynastyMing.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Hsieh|title=From Charwoman to Empress Dowager|journal=Ming Studies|pages=125}}</ref>
==== Kulawangsa Qing ====
TheTatanan systemwanita ofistana palacenyaris womentidak continuedmengalami mostlyperubahan unchangedpada during thezaman [[dinasti Qing|Kulawangsa dynastyQing]] (tahun 1644–1912), when amanakala classmuncul ofsuatu imperialgolongan womenwanita actingistana asberstatus consortsgarwa ordan concubinesselir, whoyang hadsebelumnya nottidak previouslymemegang heldjabatan otherlain. roles,Meskipun existed. Howeverdemikian, female court attendants were also all available for promotionsemua todayang concubinagedapat ordinaikkan thestatusnya positionmenjadi ofselir consortatau bygarwa theoleh Emperorkaisar.<ref name="Walthall date?, page?">{{harvnb|Walthall|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=AprilPada 2017}}zaman During thekulawangsa Qing dynasty, imperialwanita womenistana weredipilih selecteddari fromantara amonganak-anak thegadis teenagekeluarga daughterspembesar ofpanji the Manchu official banner familiesMancu, who were draftedyang todidaftarkan anuntuk inspectiondiperiksa beforesebelum theydiizinkan couldberumah marrytangga.<ref name="Walthall date?, page?"/> Similarly,Demikian pula ''palace maidsdayang-dayang'' werediambil dari draftedkalangan frompejabat lowerrendahan officialdan andkalangan bannerpanji classesrendahan beforesebelum theydiizinkan couldberumah marrytangga.<ref name="Hsieh Bao Hua date?, page?">{{harvnb|Hsieh Bao Hua|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=AprilJika 2017}} After their selectionterpilih, palacedayang-dayang maidsditatar weremenjadi educatedasisten aspribadi personalpara attendantsgarwa to consortskaisar, femalemenjadi officialspegawai withinperempuan courtdi ritualsbidang orupacara otheratau tasks,di andbidang-bidang werelain, alsodan availablejuga forsiap thesedia Emperordijadikan togarwa promoteatau toselir consortoleh or concubinekaisar.<ref name="Hsieh Bao Hua date?, page?"/> BelowDi thebawah palacejenjang maidsdayang-dayang wereadalah thepada maidservantsbiti-biti, who were selected theyang samedipilih waydengan bycara ayang draftsama amongdari theantara daughtersanak-anak ofgadis soldiersprajurit.<ref name="Hsieh Bao Hua date?, page?"/>
=== Denmark ===
TheMajelis earlyistana modernDenmar Danishpada courtAwal wasAbad organizedKiwari accordingdiatur tomengikuti thetatanan Germanmajelis courtistana modelJerman, inyang turnterinspirasi inspireddari bytatanan themajelis Austrianistana imperial court modelAustria, fromsejak theabad 16th century onwardke-16.<ref name="Persson 1999"/> ThePangkat highesttertinggi rankistanawati femaleyang courtierberkhidmat tokepada aseorang femalesentana royalputri wasadalah the {{lang|da|''[[Hofmesterinde]]}}'' (Courtkepala Mistressistana perempuan) oratau, fromsejak tahun 1694/98 onward1698, {{lang|da|''[[Overhofmesterinde]]}}'' (Chiefketua Courtistana Mistressperempuan), equivalentsejajar todengan thekepala Mistressistana ofperempuan theurusan Robesbusana, normallybiasanya andijabat elderseorang widowjanda sepuh, whoyang supervisedmenyelia thesemua restperwara of the ladies-in-waitinglain.<ref name="Kjølsen 2010, page?">{{harvnb|Kjølsen|2010|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=April 2017}} TheIstanawati restselebihnya ofadalah the female courtiers were mainly {{lang|da|''[[Kammerfrøken]]}}'' (Senior Maiddayang ofkehormatan Honoursenior), followeddisusul bysekelompok a group of {{lang|da|''Hofdame}}'' (Court Ladyperwara) anddan the {{lang|da|''Hoffrøken}}'' ([[maid of honour|Maid ofdayang Honourkehormatan]]).<ref name="Kjølsen 2010, page?"/> TheyDi werebawah followedmereka bymasih theada nonpelayan-noblepelayan femaleperempuan courtbukan employeesningrat notyang rankingtidak asberpangkat ladies-in-waitingperwara, suchmisalnya aspelayan thebilik chambermaidsperaduan.
ThisHierarki hierarchysemacam wasinilah roughlyyang indipakai placesejak fromabad the 16th century untilke-16 thesampai deathdengan ofkemangkatan [[Christian IX ofdari Denmark|KingRaja Christian IX of Denmark]] inpada tahun 1906.<ref name="Kjølsen 2010, page?" /> DuringPada theabad 20th centuryke-20, mostkebanyakan ofgelar thesetersebut titlestidak camelagi of usedipakai, anddan allsemua ladies-in-waitingperwara atdi theistana royalKerajaan DanishDenmark courtsekarang areini nowhanya referreddisebut to as {{lang|da|''Hofdame}}'' (Court Ladyperwara).
===France Prancis ===
[[File:Madame la princesse de Lamballe by Antoine-François Callet (circa 1776, Callet).jpg|thumb|[[Princess Marie Thérèse Louise ofdari Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe|Marie Louise ofmenak SavoySavoya-CarignanKarinyano, Princessegarwa dePangeran Lamballe]], wasperwara chief lady-in-waiting toutama [[Marie Antoinette|Queen]], MariePermaisuri Antoinette of France]]Prancis]]
Permaisuri Prancis diketahui memiliki badan pengurus rumah tangga sendiri pada akhir abad ke-12, dan sebuah ordinansi dari tahun 1286 menyebutkan bahwa [[Jeanne I dari Navarra|Juana I, Ratu Navara dan Permaisuri Prancis]], memiliki satu regu pengiring yang beranggotakan lima orang perwara bersemenda (''Dame'') maupun perwara gadis (''Damoiselle''). Pada dasawarsa 1480-an, para perwara Prancis digolongkan menjadi kelompok ''Femmes Mariées'' (perwara bersemenda) dan kelompok ''Filles d'honneur'' (dayang kehormatan).{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} Meskipun demikian, anggota badan pengurus rumah tangga permaisuri maupun istanawan wanita pada Abad Pertengahan di istana Prancis sangat kecil jumlahnya, sama seperti di istana-istana lain di Eropa.
The Queen of France is confirmed to have had a separate household in the late 12th century, and an ordinance from 1286 notes that [[Joan I of Navarre|Joan I of Navarre, Queen of France]], had a group of five ladies ({{lang|fr|Dames}}) and maids-in-waiting ({{lang|fr|Damoiselles}}). In the 1480s, the French ladies-in-waiting were divided into {{lang|fr|Femmes Mariées}} (married ladies-in-waiting) and {{lang|fr|Filles d'honneur}} (Maids of Honour).{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} However, the Queen's household and the number of female courtiers during the Middle Ages was very small in France, as in most European courts.
Baru pada akhir abad ke-15 dan awal abad ke-16 semangat istana-istana Italia zaman [[Renaisans]] untuk tampil lebih unggul membuat kehadiran perwara di dalam upacara-upacara istana dan rombongan yang mewakili pihak istana menjadi semacam gaya mutakhir, dan para istanawati menjadi kian canggih dan meningkat jumlahnya di istana Prancis maupun di istana-istana lain di Eropa.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} Ketika itu jumlah perwara di istana Prancis meningkat pesat, dari hanya lima orang pada tahun 1286 dan hanya 23 orang pada tahun 1490 menjadi 39 orang pada tahun 1498 dan kurang lebih 54 pada abad ke-16.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} Ekspansi kehadiran kaum perempuan di istana diyakini sebagai jasa dua orang tokoh, yaitu [[Anna dari Bretagne|Anna, Adipatni Bretanye]], yang mendorong semua istanawan untuk mengirim anak-anak gadis mereka kepadanya, dan [[François I dari Prancis|François I, Raja Prancis]], yang menuai kecaman lantaran meramaikan majelis istana dengan "kehadiran konstan" serombongan besar perempuan, yang bergunjing dan mencampuri urusan-urusan kenegaraan. Raja François I pernah berkata, "istana tanpa wanita adalah istana tanpa istana".{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
It was not until the end of the 15th century and early 16th century that emulation of the new courts of the Italian [[Renaissance]] made ladies-in-waiting fashionable in official court ceremonies and representation, and female court offices became more developed and numerous in the French court as well as in other European courts.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} The introduction of ladies-in-waiting increased in great numbers at the French court at this time: from a mere five in 1286 and still only 23 in 1490, to 39 in 1498 and roughly 54 during the 16th century.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} This expansion of female presence at court has been attributed to both [[Anne of Brittany]], who encouraged all male courtiers to send their daughters to her, and to [[Francis I of France]], who was criticized for bringing to court "the constant presence" of large crowds of women, who gossiped and interfered in state affairs. Francis I once said: "a court without ladies is a court without a court".{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
*The firstIstanawati rankedtingkat femalesatu courtierdi inistana thePrancis Frenchadalah royal court was the {{lang|fr|''[[Surintendante de la Maison de la Reine]]}}'' (Mistresskepala ofistana theperempuan Robesurusan busana) to the queenpermaisuri. TheHanya {{lang|fr|''Surintendante}} and'' thedan ''[[GovernessPengasuh ofKanak-Kanak the Children of FrancePrancis]]'' were the only female office holders in Franceyang tomerupakan givepejabat anperempuan oathdi ofPrancis loyaltyyang toberprasetia thelangsung Kingkepada himselfraja.<ref name="Duindam date? page?"/> ThisJabatan officeini wasdibentuk createdpada intahun 1619,<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/>{{page needed|date=Aprildan 2017}}kosong and was vacant from the death ofsejak [[Marie Anne de Bourbon (1697–1741)|Marie Anne de Bourbon]], inwafat pada tahun 1741, until the appointment ofsampai [[Princess Marie Thérèse Louise ofdari Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe|Marie Louise ofmenak SavoySavoya-CarignanKarinyano, Princessegarwa dePangeran Lamballe]], indiangkat pada tahun 1775.
*The secondIstanawati highesttingkat rankdua wasadalah that of the {{lang|fr|''[[Première dame d'honneur]]}}'', whoyang coulddapat actmengambil asalih thetugas stand-in''Surintendante'' ofyang thesedang {{lang|fr|Surintendante}}berhalangan hadir,<ref name="Duindam date? page?"/> andTugas-tugasnya hadpun roughlykurang thelebih samesama tasks,dengan hiringtugas-tugas and''Surintendante'', supervisingyaitu themempekerjakan femaledan courtiersmengawasi andpara theistanawati Queen'smaupun dailyrutinitas routinedan andbelanja expenditureharian permaisuri.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> ThisJabatan postini wasdibentuk createdpada intahun 1523, anddan had originallymula-mula beenmerupakan thejabatan highestistanawati femaleyang courtpaling officetinggi.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
*The thirdIstanawati ranktingkat belongedtiga toadalah the {{lang|fr|''[[Dame d'atour]]}}'', whoyang formallysecara supervisedresmi thebertugas Queen'smengawasi wardrobeurusan andpenyimpanan jewelrybusana anddan theperhiasan permaisuri, dressingserta ofurusan themendandani queenpermaisuri.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> ThisJabatan postini wasdibentuk createdpada intahun 1534.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}}
*The fourthIstanawati ranktingkat wasempat thatadalah of the {{lang|fr|''dames}}'', fromsejak tahun 1523 nameddisebut {{lang|fr|''Dame d'honneur'',}}{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} composedterdiri ofatas ladiesperwara-in-waitingperwata whoseyang taskhanya wasbertugas simplyuntuk tomenemani, servemelayani, asdan companionsmembantu-bantu anddalam attending and assisting with courtacara-acara functionsistana.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheJenjang positionini wasditiadakan abolishedpada intahun 1674, anddan replaceddigantikan bydengan the {{lang|fr|''[[Dame du palais]]}}'', 12 marriedorang noblewomenbangsawati withyang thesudah bersuami dengan tugas-tugas sameyang taskssama.<ref name="Duindam date? page?" />
*The fifthIstanawati ranktingkat waslima theadalah {{lang|fr|''Filles d'honneur}}'' oratau {{lang|fr|''Demoiselles d'honneur}}'' (Maids ofDayang HonourKehormatan), unmarriedyakni daughtersanak-anak ofgadis thekalangan nobilityningrat, whoyang hadsama thetugasnya samedengan tasks as the {{lang|fr|''dames}}'', buttetapi weretujuan mainlypenempatan placedmereka atdi courtistana toadalah learnuntuk etiquettebelajar andtata lookkrama fordan amencari spousejodoh.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheyMereka werediselia supervisedoleh by the {{lang|fr|''Gouvernante}}'' anddan the {{lang|fr|''Sous-gouvernante}}''.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> TheSejak {{lang|fr|Filles}}tahun were1531, frompara 1531''Filles'' superviseddiselia byoleh the {{lang|fr|''Gouvernante de Filles}}'', aseorang lady-in-waitingperwara whoyang hadbertugas themendampingi tasksekaligus tomengawasi chaperonemereka. them:Sejak thistahun post1547, wasjabatan dividedini intodipecah severalmenjadi fromlebih 1547dari onwardsatu.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} TheJabatan position of {{lang|fr|''Filles d'honneur}}'' wasdihapuskan abolishedpada intahun 1674.<ref name="Duindam date? page?" />
*The sixthIstanawati ranktingkat wasenam theadalah {{lang|fr|''[[Première femme de chambre]]}}'', whoyang inmembawahi turnperwara-perwara outranked theselebihnya, remainingyakni {{lang|fr|''Femme de Chambres}}'' anddan {{lang|fr|''Lavandières}}''.<ref name="Duindam date? page?"/> The {{lang|fr|''Premiere femme de chambre}}'' hadmemegang thekunci keysbilik-bilik topermaisuri, thedan Queen'sdapat roomsmerekomendasikan andmaupun couldmenolak recommendpermohonan andaudiensi denykepada audiencespermaisuri, tosehingga her,pada whichpraktiknya inmembuat practice''premiere femme de chambre'' mademenjadi herjabatan positionyang verysangat powerfulberkuasa atdi courtistana.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/>
DuringPada thezaman [[FirstKekaisaran FrenchPrancis Empire|First EmpirePertama]], theperwara principalutama lady-in-waitingpermaisuri ofadalah the Empress was the {{lang|fr|''Dame d'honneur}}'', followed by betweendisusul 20 andsampai 36 {{lang|fr|orang ''Dames du Palais}}''.{{sfn|Mansel|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}} DuringPada thezaman [[Restorasi Bourbon|Pemulihan RestorationWangsa in France|Bourbon Restoration]], [[Marie Thérèse ofdari FrancePrancis|Putri Marie Thérèse]] restoredmemulihkan thehierarki pre-revolutionarykepegawaian courtistana hierarchyprarevolusi.{{sfn|Nagel|2008|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}} DuringPada thezaman [[SecondKekaisaran FrenchPrancis Empire|Second EmpireKedua]], thepara femaleistanawati courtiersyang ofmelayani thepermaisuri Empresskaisar wereterdiri composedatas of the first rank, {{lang|fr|''Grand Maitresse}},'' andtingkat the second ranksatu, {{lang|fr|''Dame d'honneur}}'' tingkat dua, followeddisusul byenam six(kemudian (laterhari dua twelvebelas) {{lang|fr|orang ''Dames du Palais}}''.{{sfn|Seward|2004|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}}
===Germany Jerman ===
TheIstana-istana earlydi modernJerman princelypada courtsAwal inAbad GermanyKiwari wereditata modeledmengikuti aftertatanan themajelis Austrianistana imperialKekaisaran court modelAustria.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/><!-- This court model divided the ladies-in-waiting in a chief lady-in-waiting named {{lang|de|Oberhofmeisterin}} (awanita sepuh widowedyang orbersemenda marriedatau eldersudah womanmenjanda) who supervised the {{lang|de|Hoffräulein}} (Maids of Honour), of which one or two could be promoted to the middle rank of {{lang|de|Kammerfräulein}} (Maid of Honour of the Chamber).<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> The German princely courts in turn became the role model of the Scandinavian courts of Denmark and Sweden in the 16th century.<ref name="Persson 1999"/>
After the end of the German [[Holy Roman Empire]] in 1806, and the establishment of several minor Kingdoms in Germany, the post of {{lang|de|Staatsdame}} (married ladies-in-waiting) were introduced in many German princely and royal courts. At the imperial German court, the ladies-in-waiting were composed of one {{lang|de|Oberhofmeisterin}} in charge of several {{lang|de|Hofstaatsdamen}} or {{lang|de|Palastdamen}}.{{sfn|Zedlitz-Trützschler|1924|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}}
===Greece Yunani ===
During the [[Byzantine Empire]], the Byzantine Empress was attended by a female court (the {{transl|el|Sekreton Tōn Gynaikōn}}), which consisted mostly of the wives of high-ranking male court officials, who simply used the feminine versions of their husbands' titles. The only specifically female dignity was that of the {{transl|el|[[Zoste patrikia]]}}, the chief lady-in-waiting and female attendant of the Empress, who was the head of the women's court and often a relative of the Empress; this title existed at least since the 9th century.
The [[Kingdom of Greece (Wittelsbach)|Kingdom of Greece]] was established in 1832 and its first queen, [[Amalia of Oldenburg]], organized the ladies-in-waiting of its first royal court with one '''Grande Maitresse''<nowiki/>', followed by the second rank {{lang|fr|'Dame d'honneur'}}, and the third rank {{lang|fr|'Dame de Palais'}}.{{sfn|''Almanach de Gotha''| 1859|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}}
===Italy Italia ===
====Naples andNapoli thedan TwoDua Sisilia Sicilies====
Prior to the unification, the greatest of the Italian states was the Kingdom of Naples, later called [[Kingdom of the Two Sicilies]]. In 1842, the ladies-in-waiting of the Queen of the Two Sicilies were composed of one {{lang|it|Dama di Onore}} (Lady of Honor, ranked just below the {{lang|it|Cavaliere di Onore}}), three {{lang|it|Dama di Compagnia}} (Lady Companions, ranked below the {{lang|it|Cavalerizzo}}), and a large number of {{lang|it|Dame di Corte}} (Court Ladies).<ref>''[ Almanacco reale del regno delle Due Sicilie] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 May 2023 }}''</ref>
====Kingdom ofKerajaan Italia Italy====
In 1861, the Italian Peninsula was united in to the [[Kingdom of Italy]]. The ladies-in-waiting of the Queen of Italy were headed by the {{lang|it|Dama d'Onore}}, followed by the {{lang|it|Dame di Corte}}, and finally the {{lang|it|Dame di Palazzo}}.<ref>Calendario reale per l'anno 1879 {{full citation needed|date=April 2017}}</ref> The {{lang|it|Dama d'Onore}} was nominally the chief lady-in-waiting, but in practice often limited her service to state occasions; the {{lang|it|Dame di Corte}} was the regular lady-in-waiting who personally attended to the queen, while the {{lang|it|Dame di Palazzo}} were honorary courtiers attached to the royal palaces in particular cities, such as Florence, Turin, and so forth, and only served temporary when the queen visited the city in question: among these, only the {{lang|it|Dame di Palazzo}} attached to the royal palace of the capital of Rome served more than temporary.<ref>la, 2007, 11, 25, La dama di compagnia dell' ultima Regina {{full citation needed|date=April 2017}}</ref>
===Japan Jepang ===
In Japan, the imperial court offices was normally reserved for members of the court aristocracy and the ladies-in-waiting or 'palace attendants' were commonly educated members of the nobility.<ref name="Lillehoj date? page?">{{harvnb|Lillehoj|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=April 2017}}
Baris 121:
Female palace attendants were divided into two classes, which in turn had several ranks, signifying their task.<ref name="Lebra date? page?">{{harvnb|Lebra|p=}}</ref>{{page needed|date=April 2017}} The first class consisted of the {{transl|ja|nyokan}}, or ladies-in-waiting who held court offices: {{transl|ja|naishi-kami}} ({{transl|ja|shoji}}) {{transl|ja|naishi-suke}} ({{transl|ja|tenji}}) and {{transl|ja|naishi-no-jo}} ({{transl|ja|shoji}}). The second class were the female palace attendants: {{transl|ja|myobu}}, {{transl|ja|osashi}}, {{transl|ja|osue}} and {{transl|ja|nyoju}}.<ref name="Lebra date? page?" /> The ladies-in-waiting worked as personal assistants, tending to the Emperor's wardrobe, assisting the emperor's baths, serving meals, performing and attending court rituals.<ref name="Rowley date? page?" /> Ladies-in-waiting could be appointed as concubines, consorts or even Empresses by the Emperor or the heir to the throne.<ref name="Rowley date? page?" /> The function of a lady-in-waiting as potential concubine was abolished in 1924.<ref name="Rowley date? page?" />
=== Korea ===
''[[Gungnyeo]]'' (literally 'palace women') is a term that refers to women who worked in the palace and waited upon the king and other members of the royal family. It is short for {{transl|ko|Gungjung Yeogwan}}, which translates to 'woman officer of the royal court'.
Baris 132:
Ladies-in-waiting could become concubines if the king favored them. They would be elevated to the highest rank (senior 5th) and would be known as ''seungeun sanggung'' (or 'favored/special court lady'). If they gave birth to a son, they would become members of the royal family, after being promoted to ''[[Styles and titles in the Joseon dynasty|sug-won]]'' (junior 4th) and until the 18th century, they could advance as high as becoming queen (the most notable example being [[Royal Noble Consort Huibin Jang|Jang Ok-jeong]], a concubine of [[Sukjong of Joseon]] and mother of [[Gyeongjong of Joseon]]).
===The NetherlandsNegeri Tanah Rendah ===
The court of the Duchy of Burgundy, which was situated in the Netherlands in the 15th century, was famous for its elaborate ceremonial court life and became a role model for several other courts of Europe.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} The Burgundian court model came to be the role model for the Austrian imperial court during the 16th century, when the Burgundian Netherlands and Austria were united through the Habsburg dynasty.<ref name="Duindam date? page?"/>
Baris 143:
The {{lang|nl|Grootmeesteres}} (Grandmistress) is the highest-ranking lady at the royal court. From 1984 until 2014, the position was held by [[Martine van Loon-Labouchere]], descendant of the famous banker family, a former diplomat and the widow of {{lang|nl|[[Jonkheer]]}} [[Maurits van Loon]] of the famous Amsterdam canal estate. The current {{lang|nl|Grootmeesteres}} is Bibi Countess van Zuylen van Nijevelt-den Beer Poortugael (lady-in-waiting between 2011 and 2014).
=== Nigeria ===
A number of tribes and cultural areas in the African continent, such as the [[Lobedu people]] of Southern Africa, had a similar custom of ladies-in-waiting in historic times.
As a further example, within certain [[List of Nigerian traditional states|pre-colonial states]] of the [[Bini people|Bini]] and [[Yoruba people]]s in Nigeria, the [[Queen mothers (Africa)|queen mother]]s and [[High priest|high priestesses]] were considered "[[Honorary male|ritually male]]" due to their social eminence. As a result of this fact, they were often attended to by women who belonged to their [[harem]]s in much the same way as their actually male counterparts were served by women who belonged to theirs. Although these women effectively functioned as ladies-in-waiting, were often members of powerful families of the local nobility in their own right, and were not usually used for sexual purposes, they were nonetheless referred to as their principals' "wives".
===Norway Norwegia ===
During the [[Denmark–Norway|Danish–Norwegian union]], from 1380 until 1814, the Danish royal court in Copenhagen was counted as the Norwegian royal court, and thus there was no royal court present in Norway during this period. During the union between Norway and Sweden from 1814 to 1905, there were Norwegian courtiers who served during the Swedish royal family's visits to Norway. The female courtiers were appointed according to the Swedish court model, that is to say the class of ''Hovfröken'' (Maid of Honour), ''Kammarfröken'' (Chief Maid of Honour) and ''Statsfru'' (Lady of the Bedchamber), all supervised by the ''[[Overhoffmesterinne]]'' (Mistress of the Robes): these posts were first appointed in 1817.{{sfn|Hauge|Egeberg|1960|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}} When the union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved in 1905, a permanent Norwegian royal court was established.
===Ottoman EmpireKemaharajaan Usmani ===
In the [[Ottoman Empire]], the word ''lady-in-waiting'' or court lady has often been used to describe those women of the [[Imperial harem|Imperial Harem]] who functioned as servants, secretaries, and companions of the consorts (concubines), daughters, sisters and mothers of the [[Ottoman Sultan]]. These women originally came to the Harem as slaves, captured through the [[Crimean slave trade]], the [[Barbary slave trade]] and the [[White slave trade]].<ref name="">Madeline Zilfi: ''[ Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Design of Difference] {{Webarchive|url= |date=14 April 2023 }}''</ref>
Baris 161:
The highest ranked kalfa was the ''Saray Ustas'', who supervised all the kalfa of the entire court (harem).<ref>Brookes, Douglas Scott (2010). ''The Concubine, the Princess, and the Teacher: Voices from the Ottoman Harem''. University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0-292-78335-5. s. 293–301</ref>
===Poland Polandia ===
In early modern Poland, the queen's ladies-in-waiting were collectively referred to as the ''fraucimer''. The queen's household mirrored that of the king, but was smaller. The queen's male courtiers were supervised by the Ochmistrz, a nobleman, and the women of her court were supervised by the chief lady-in-waiting, the Ochmistrzyni (magister curiae). The Ochmistrzyni was defined as a state office and it was the only state office in Poland prior to the [[Partitions of Poland|partition of Poland]] which was held by a woman. She was always to be a noblewoman married to a nobleman of senatorial rank. The Ochmistrzyni supervised a large number of unmarried ladies-in-waiting, maids of honour. The queen's court was a larger version of the courts of the Polish magnate noblewomen, and it was the custom in the Polish nobility to send their teenage daughters to be educated as ladies-in-waiting in the household of another noblewoman or preferably the queen herself in order to receive an education and find someone to marry. <ref>Bożena Popiołek, Rola dworów magnackich w edukacji dziewcząt na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku, [dostęp 2020-02-25].</ref>
=== Portugal ===
The royal court of Portugal was influenced by the Spanish court model, after Portugal became independent of Spain and created its own royal court in 1640.
Baris 171:
The fourth rank was the ''Dona camarista'' (there were five in 1896), and the lowest rank of ladies-in-waiting was the ''Dona honoraira'', of which there were 21 in 1896.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Corte Portugueza. Casa de Suas Magestade |access-date=19 March 2023 |archive-date=1 March 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
===Russia Rusia ===
{{Main articles|Lady-in-waiting of the Imperial Court of Russia}}
In the Court of [[Muscovite Russia]], the offices of ladies-in-waiting to the [[tsarina]] were normally divided among the ''boyarinas'' (widows or wives of [[boyar]]s), often from the family and relatives of the tsarina.<ref>И. Е. Забелин. Глава VI. Царицын дворовый чин // Домашний быт русских цариц в XVI и XVII столетиях. – М.: Типография Грачева и Комп., 1869.{{Request quotation|date=April 2017|reason=Most English readers can not understand the script used in this citation so provide a translation either on the talk page or in a footnote (see [[WP:NONENG]])}}</ref> The first rank among the offices of the ladies-in-waiting was the tsarina's [[treasurer]]. The second was the group of companions. The third were the royal nurses to the princes and princesses (where the nurses of the male children outranked); among the nurses, the most significant post was that of the ''mamok'', the head royal governess, who was normally selected from elder widows, often relatives to the tsar or tsarina.<ref name="Most English readers">Верховая боярыня // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). – СПб., 1890–1907.{{Request quotation|date=April 2017|reason=Most English readers can not understand the script used in this citation so provide a translation either on the talk page or in a footnote (see [[WP:NONENG]])}}</ref> All offices were appointed by royal decree. The group of ladies-in-waiting were collectively above the rank of the ''svetlichnaya'' (the tsarina's sewing women), the ''postelnitsy'' (the tsarina's chamber women and washing women) and the officials who handled the affairs of the staff.<ref name="Most English readers"/>
Baris 177:
In 1722, this system was abolished and the Russian imperial court was reorganized in accordance with the reforms of [[Peter the Great]] to [[Westernization|westernize]] Russia, and the old court offices of the tsarina were replaced with court offices inspired by the German model.<ref>{{Cite web |title=НЭБ – Национальная электронная библиотека |url= |access-date=2024-01-25 | – Национальная электронная библиотека |language=ru}}</ref>
===Spain Spanyol ===
The royal court of Castile included a group of ladies-in-waiting for the queen named ''Camarera'' in the late 13th century and early 14th century, but it was not until the 15th century that a set organisation of the ladies-in-waiting is confirmed.<ref name="Cruz and Stampino date? page?">{{harvnb|Cruz|Stampino|p=}}</ref>{{page needed |date=April 2017}} This characteristic organisation of the Spanish ladies-in-waiting, roughly established during the reign of [[Isabella I of Castile]] (r. 1474–1504), was kept by [[Isabella of Portugal|Isabella of Portugal, Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Spain]], during the 16th century, and became the standard Spanish court model for ladies-in-waiting.<ref name="Cruz and Stampino date? page?"/>
Baris 184:
*The third rank was the ''Dueñas de Honor'', the married ladies-in-waiting, who were responsible for not only the unmarried ''Damas'' or ''Meninas'' ([[Maid of honour|Maids of honour]]), but also for the female slaves and dwarfs, who were classified as courtiers and ranked before the ''Mozas'' (maids) and ''Lavanderas'' (washer women).<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/>
===Sweden Swedia ===
The early modern Swedish court, as well as the Danish equivalent, were re-organized in the early 16th century according to the German court model, in turn inspired by the Austrian imperial court model.<ref name="Persson 1999"/> This model roughly organized the female noble courtiers in the class of the unmarried ''Hovfröken'' ([[Maid of honour|Maid of Honour]], until 1719 ''Hovjungfru'') which could be promoted to ''Kammarfröken'' (Chief Maid of Honour, until 1719 ''Kammarjungfru'').<ref name="Persson 1999"/> They were supervised by the ''Hovmästarinna'' (Court Mistress, equivalent to [[Mistress of the Robes]]), normally a married or widowed elder noblewoman.<ref name="Persson 1999"/> Under this class of female noble courtiers, were the non-noble female servants. They were headed by the normally married ''Kammarfru'' (Mistress of the Chamber, roughly equivalent to a [[Lady's maid|Lady's Maid]]), often of burgher background, who supervised the group of ''Kammarpiga'' (Chamber Maids).<ref name="Persson 1999"/>
Baris 191:
With the exception of the ''Statsfru'' and the ''Överhovmästarinna'', none of the titles above are in use today. At the death of Queen Louise in 1965, her ''Överhovmästarinna'' was employed by the King. From 1994, the ''Överhovmästarinna'' is the head of the court of the King rather than the Queen, while the court of the Queen is headed by the ''Statsfru''. There is now only one ''Statsfru'', and the other ladies-in-waiting are simply referred to as ''Hovdam'' (Court Lady). [[Queen Silvia of Sweden]] has only three ''Hovdamer'' (Court Ladies). Her chief lady-in-waiting is the ''Statsfru''.
===United KingdomInggris Raya ===
[[File:Wakefield queen4.jpg|thumb|right|The Countess of Airlie (right), a Lady of the Bedchamber, accompanying Queen Elizabeth II as her lady-in-waiting (March 2005).]]
In the [[Royal Households of the United Kingdom]], a lady-in-waiting is a woman attending a female member of the [[British royal family|royal family]]. Ladies-in-waiting are routinely appointed by junior female members of the royal family, to accompany them on public engagements and provide other support and assistance.<ref name="AllisonRiddell1991">{{cite book |editor1-last=Allison |editor1-first=Ronald |editor2-last=Riddell |editor2-first=Sarah |title=The Royal Encyclopedia |date=1991 |publisher=Macmillan |location=London |page=307}}</ref>
Baris 199:
Prior to the [[Accession of Charles III]], a woman attending on a queen (whether [[queen regnant]], [[queen consort]] or [[queen dowager]]) was also often referred to as a lady-in-waiting (including in official notices), although she would more formally be called either a [[woman of the bedchamber]] or a [[lady of the bedchamber]] (depending on which of these offices she held). The senior lady of a queen's household was the [[mistress of the robes]], who (as well as being in attendance herself on occasion) was responsible for arranging all the duties of the queen's ladies in waiting.<ref name="AllisonRiddell1991" />
====Queen Ratu Elizabeth II ====
During the reign of [[Queen Elizabeth II]], one of the ''women of the bedchamber'' was always in daily attendance; each served for a fortnight at a time, in rotation. In the [[Court Circular]] the phrase 'Lady in Waiting to the Queen' referred to the women on duty at a given time.<ref>e.g. "Mrs. Fiona Henderson has succeeded Mrs. Robert de Pass as Lady in Waiting to The Queen" ([ Court Circular, 29 October 2002] {{Webarchive|url= |date=29 June 2016 }}).</ref>
Baris 207:
Towards the end of her reign, the ladies-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth II were:{{sfn|''British Monarchy''|2016}}
'''MistressKepala ofIstana theUrusan RobesBusana'''
* [[Fortune FitzRoy, Duchess of Grafton|The Duchess of Grafton]] served as Mistress of the Robes to [[Elizabeth II]] from 1967 until her death on 3 December 2021 (after which the position remained vacant).
'''LadiesPenata ofBilik the BedchamberPeraduan'''
* [[Virginia Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie|The Countess of Airlie]] was appointed in 1973 and served throughout the rest of Elizabeth II's reign.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=London Gazette, Issue 45868|page= 105|date= 2 January 1973 |access-date=7 June 2022 |archive-date=3 November 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
* [[Diana Maxwell, Baroness Farnham|The Lady Farnham]] served from 1987 until her death in 2021.<ref name="LonGaz1987" />
'''WomenPenata ofMuda theBilik BedchamberPeraduan'''
* [[Mary Anne Morrison|The Hon. Dame Mary Morrison]] was appointed in 1960 and served throughout the rest of Elizabeth II's reign.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=London Gazette, Issue 4191|page=79 |date=1 January 1960 |access-date=7 June 2022 |archive-date=3 November 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
* [[Lady Susan Hussey]] was also appointed in 1960, and served throughout the rest of Elizabeth II's reign.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=London Gazette, Issue 42185, Page 7459, 4 November 1960 |access-date=7 June 2022 |archive-date=3 November 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
Baris 222:
* Dame Jennifer Gordon-Lennox was also appointed in 2002, and served throughout the rest of Elizabeth II's reign.<ref name="CC2002" />
'''ExtraPerwara ladies-in-waitingtambahan'''<ref>{{cite web |title=Court Circular, 13 July 2017 |url= |website=The Royal Family |access-date=26 May 2022 |archive-date=29 June 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
* Lady Elizabeth Leeming (née [[Bowes-Lyon family|Bowes-Lyon]]), a cousin of Elizabeth II.
* Mrs. Simon Rhodes, daughter-in-law of The Hon. [[Margaret Rhodes]] (a cousin of Elizabeth II and former [[Woman of the Bedchamber]] to [[Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother]]).
Baris 228:
After the death of Elizabeth II and the accession of Charles III, it was announced that the King would be retaining the late Queen's ladies-in-waiting, with their titles changing to "Ladies of the Household".<ref name="Camilla-companions">{{cite web|url=|title=Camilla scraps ladies-in-waiting in modernising move|work=BBC News|first=Sean|last=Coughlan|date=27 November 2022|accessdate=27 November 2022|archive-date=27 November 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> They will help with hosting events at Buckingham Palace.<ref name="Camilla-companions"/>
==== QueenRatu Camilla ====
[[File:King's speech 2023.jpg|thumb|right|Queen's companions the [[Fiona Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of Lansdowne|Marchioness of Lansdowne]] and Lady Sarah Keswick at the [[2023 State Opening of Parliament]]]]
In November 2022, it was announced that [[Queen Camilla]] would end the tradition of having ladies-in-waiting. Instead, she would be helped by "Queen's companions".<ref name="Camilla-companions"/> Their role would be informal and they would not be involved in tasks such as replying to letters or developing schedules.<ref name="Camilla-companions"/>
Baris 241:
* [[Sarah Troughton]]
====Historic Perwara ternama dalam sejarah ====
InPada theAbad Middle AgesPertengahan, [[Margaret ofdari FrancePrancis, QueenPermaisuri of EnglandInggris|MargaretMargareta, putri ofRaja FrancePrancis yang menjadi Permaisuri Inggris]], isdiketahui noteddidampingi totujuh haveorang hadperwara sevenyang ladies-in-waiting:terdiri threeatas marriedtiga onesorang perwara bersemenda, whoyang were calleddisebut ''Domina'', anddan fourempat unmarriedorang [[maiddayang of honourkehormatan|maids of honourdayang-dayang]], buttetapi nokeberadaan principalperwara lady-in-waitingutama istidak mentioneddisebutkan,<ref>William J. Thoms: The Book of the Court: Exhibiting the History, Duties, and Privileges of the English Nobility and Gentry. Particularly of the Great Officers of State and Members of the Royal Household, 1844</ref> and until the 15th century, the majority of the officeholders of the Queen's household were still male.<ref name="">Alison Weir: ''[ Elizabeth of York: A Tudor Queen and Her World] {{Webarchive|url= |date=28 August 2017 }}''</ref>
As late as in the mid-15th century, [[Elizabeth Woodville]] had only five ladies-in-waiting,<ref name=""/> but in the late 15th century and early 16th century, ladies-in-waiting were given a more dominant place at the English court, in parallel with developments in France and the continental courts. The court life of the Duchy of Burgundy served as an example when [[Edward IV of England|Edward IV]] created the ''Black Book of the Household'' in 1478,<ref name="Duindam date? page?"/> and the organisation of the English royal household was essentially set from that point onward.{{sfn|Gosman|Macdonald|Vanderjagt|p=}}{{page needed |date=April 2017}}
Baris 254:
The organisation of the queen's ladies-in-waiting was set in the period of the Tudor court. The ladies-in-waiting were headed by the mistress of the robes, followed in rank by the [[first lady of the bedchamber]], who supervised the group of ladies of the bedchamber (typically wives or widows of peers above the rank of earl), in turn followed by the group of women of the bedchamber (usually the daughters of peers) and finally the group of maids of honour, whose service entitled them to the [[style (manner of address)|style]] of ''[[The Honourable]]'' for life.{{sfn|Chisholm|1911|p=663}}
The system had formally remained roughly the same since the Tudor period. However, in practice, many offices have since then been left vacant. For example, in recent times, maids of honour have only been appointed for [[coronation]]s. -->
== Perwara terkenal ==
==Notable examples==
''Berikut ini adalah daftar perwara kenamaan di negaranya masing-masing.''
''This is a list of particularly well known and famous ladies-in-waiting of each nation listed. More can be found in their respective category.''
=== Austria ===
* [[Sophie, Duchess ofAdipatni Hohenberg|CountessAdipatni Sophie Chotek von Chotkow und Wognin]], laterkemudian hari Duchessmenjadi ofAdipatni Hohenberg (1868–1914)
===Canada Kanada ===
* [[Margaret Southern]] (b.lahir tahun 1931)<ref name=can/>
=== Denmark ===
* [[Louise von Plessen|Louise Scheel von Plessen]] (1725–1799)
===England andInggris Scotlanddan Skotlandia ===
* [[Catherine Douglas]] (fl.berkiprah tahun 1497)
* [[Elizabeth Woodville]] (possibly;kemungkinan besar 1437–1492)
* [[Mary Boleyn|Lady Mary Boleyn]] (с.sekitar tahun 1499/1500–1543)
* FourKeempat ofpermaisuri [[Henry VIII]]'s queensdari consortInggris|Raja Henry VIII]]:
** [[Anne Boleyn|Lady Anne Boleyn]] (c.sekitar tahun 1501/07–15361507–1536)
** [[Jane Seymour]] (c.sektiar tahun 1508–1537)
** [[Catherine Howard]] (с.sekitar tahun 1523–1542)
** [[Catherine Parr]] (1512–1548)
* [[Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford]] (c.sekitar tahun 1505–1542)
* [[Kat Ashley|Katherine Ashley]] (c.sekitar tahun 1502–1565)
* [[Jane Dormer]], laterkemudian Duchesshari ofmenjadi Adipatni Feria (1538–1612)
* [[Mary Fleming]] (1542–1581); onesalah ofseorang thedari [[Mary Hamilton|FourEmpat MarysMary]]
* [[Lettice Knollys]] (1543–1634)
* [[Sarah Churchill, Duchess ofAdipatni Marlborough]] (1660–1744)
* [[Ivy Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess ofAdipatrni Portland|Ivy Gordon-Lennox]], laterkemudian hari Duchessmenjadi ofAdipatni Portland (1887–1982)
* [[Ruth Roche, BaronessGarwa Baron Fermoy]] (1908–1993)
* [[Lady Pamela Hicks|Lady Pamela Mountbatten]] (b.lahir tahun 1929)
* [[Jane Loftus, Marchioness of Ely]] (1821–1890)
* [[Lady Sarah McCorquodale]] (b.lahir tahun 1955)
===France Prancis ===
*[[Françoise de Brézé|Françoise de Brézé, Countess ofBupatni Maulévrier]] (1515–1577); [[Regentwali raja|Pemangku]] of [[Principality ofKepangeranan Sedan|Pangeran Sedan]] fromdari tahun 1553 tosampai 1559
*[[Jacqueline de Longwy|Jacqueline de Longwy, Countess ofBupatni Bar-sur-Sein]] (beforesebelum tahun 1520 sampai 1520–15611561)
*[[Henriette ofdari Cleves|Henriette ofdari Cleves, 4thAdipatni DuchessNevers of Neverske-4]] (1542–1601); onesalah of France's chiefseorang [[creditorkreditur]]s untilutama Prancis sampai herakhir deathhayatnya
* [[Marie Thérèse Louise ofdari SavoySavoia, Princesse de Lamballe|Marie Thérèse Louise ofdari SavoySavoya, Princess ofPutri Lamballe]] (1749–1792)
* [[Yolande de Polastron]] (1749–1793)
* [[Louise-Élisabeth de Croÿ de Tourzel|Louise-Élisabeth de Croÿ, MarchionessBupatni ofMancanegara Tourzel]] (1749–1832)
===Germany Jerman ===
* [[Marie Luise von Degenfeld]] (tahun 1634–1677); atperwara thedi court ofistana [[Palatinate (regionwilayah)|TheKabupaten PalatinateKeraton]] indi [[Heidelberg]]
* [[Maria Charlotte von Schafftenberg]] (tahun 1699–1780); atperwara thedi court of theistana [[ElectorateElektorat Sachsen|Kabupaten ofKeraton SaxonySaksen]] indi [[Dresden]]
* [[Sophie Caroline von Camas]] (tahun 1686–1766); at the courtperwara ofdi theistana [[Prussia]] indi [[Berlin]]
* [[Maria Caroline Charlotte von Ingenheim|BaronessBaronisa Maria Caroline Charlotte von Ingenheim]] (1704–1749); atperwara thedi court ofistana [[BavariaBayern]] indi [[Munich]]
* [[Eleonore von Schlieben]] (1720–1755); atperwara thedi courtistana of PrussiaPrusia
* [[Sophie Marie von Voß]] (1729–1814); atperwara thedi courtistana of PrussiaPrusia
* [[Charlotte von Stein]] (1742–1827); atperwara thedi court ofistana [[Saxe-Weimar|Saksen-Weimar]]
* [[Luise von Göchhausen]] (1752–1807); atperwara thedi courtistana of SaxeSaksen-Weimar
* [[Karoline Friederike von Berg]] (1760–1826); atperwara thedi courtistana of PrussiaPrusia
* [[Gabriele von Bülow]] (1802–1887); chiefketua lady-in-waitingperwara atdi theistana court of PrussiaPrusia
* [[Rosalie von Rauch]], laterkemudian Countesshari ofmenjadi Bupatni Hohenau (tahun 1820–1879); at theperwara courtdi ofistana PrussiaPrusia
===Hungary Hongaria ===
* [[Helene Kottanner]] (tahun 1400–1470); lady-in-waiting forperwara [[ElizabethElisabeth ofdari LuxembourgBohemia (1409–1442)|Elisabeth ofmenak LuxembourgLuksemburg]], sheia organizedmengatur thepemindahan abductiondiam-diam ofMahkota theSuci Holydan Crown and nursedmengasuh [[ElizabethElisabeth ofdari Austria (1436–1505)|Elisabeth ofmenak Habsburg]], whoyang laterkemudian becomehari amenjadi PolishPermaisuri QueenPolandia.
* [[Irma Sztáray|CountessBupatni Irma Sztáray de Sztára et Nagymihály]] (tahun 1863–1940); atperwara thedi court ofistana [[EmpressMaharani Elisabeth ofdari Austria|Empress Elisabeth "Sisi", ofPermaisuri Austria]]
* [[Marie Festetics|Countess Marie Festetics von Tolna]] (tahun 1839–1923); lady-in-waitingperwara for Empress[[Maharani Elisabeth ofdari Austria|Permaisuri and Honorary LadyElisabeth]] ofdan theAnggota OrderKehormatan ofTarekat Theresa
* [[Ida Ferenczy|Ida Krisztina Veronika Ferenczy ofmenak Vecseszék]] (tahun 1839–1928); closesahabat friendkarib anddan confidanttangan ofkanan EmpressPermaisuri Elisabeth<!-- of Austria
===Japan Jepang ===
* [[Lady Ise]] (875–938); poet, lover of Prince Atsuyoshi and later concubine of [[Emperor Uda]]
* [[Takashina no Takako]] (d. 996); served at the court of Empress Junshi, later the legal wife of [[Fujiwara no Michitaka]] and regent of [[Emperor Ichijō]]
Baris 327:
* [[Takasue's daughter|Lady Sarashina]] (1008–after 1059); writer of ''Sarashina Nikki'', she served Imperial Princess Yushi, the third daughter of [[Emperor Go-Suzaku]]
=== Korea ===
* [[Kim Gae-si]] (d.wafat tahun 1623)
* [[Gwiin Jo (Injo)|RoyalGarwa ConsortNingrat Gwi-in of the Okcheon Jo clan]] (d.wafat tahun 1652)
* [[Royal Noble Consort Huibin Jang|Jang Ok-jeong, RoyalGarwa NobleNingrat ConsortKerajaan Hui ofdari the Indongmarga Jang clanIndong]] (tahun 1659–1701)
* [[Royal Noble Consort Sukbin Choe|RoyalGarwa NobleNingrat ConsortKerajaan Suk ofdari the Haeju Choe clan]] (1670–1718)
* [[Royal Noble Consort Yeongbin Yi|Royal Noble Consort Yeong ofdari themarga Jeonui Yi clan]] (1696–1764)
* [[Royal Noble Consort Uibin Seong|Royal Noble Consort Ui of the Changnyeong Seong clan]] (1753–1786)
* [[Imperial Consort Gwiin Yang|Imperial Consort Boknyeong Gwi-in of the Cheongju Yang clan]] (1882–1929) -->
===China Tiongkok ===
* [[Lu Lingxuan]] (d.wafat tahun 577); served as the [[wetibu nursesusu|inang penyusu]] of [[Gao Wei|EmperorKaisar Gao Wei]]
* [[Sumalagu]] (tahun 1615–1705); palacedayang-dayang attendant during theistana [[Qingdinasti dynasty|Qing|kulawangsa DynastyQing]] anddan closetangan confidant ofkanan [[EmpressIbusuri Xiaozhuang|Ibu DowagerSuri Xiaozhuang]]
* [[Wei Tuan'er]] (d.wafat tahun 693); favouriteperwara lady-in-waiting ofkesayangan [[Wu Zetian|Maharani Wu Zetian]]
* [[PrincessPutri Der Ling]] (tahun 1885–1944); shedianugerahi was given the title ofgelar "[[Royalputri andtingkat noble ranks of the Qing dynasty#Female members|commandery princess]]tiga" whileketika servingberkhidmat assebagai theperwara first lady-in-waiting forutama [[EmpressCixi|Ibu DowagerSuri Cixi]]
* [[Nellie Yu Roung Ling]] (tahun 1889–1973); shedianugerahi wasgelar given"putri the title oftingkat tiga"commandery princess" while serving asketika aberkhidmat lady-in-waitingsebagai forperwara EmpressIbu DowagerSuri Cixi
===Ottoman Usmani ===
* [[Gülfem Hatun]] (d.wafat tahun 1562); supposeddiduga concubinemenjadi ofsalah seorang selir [[SuleimanSüleyman the MagnificentI|Sultan Suleiman I theSulaiman MagnificentAgung]]
* [[Canfeda Hatun]] (d.wafat tahun 1600); mistresskepala housekeeperpramuwisma
* [[Hubbi Hatun]] (d.wafat tahun 1590); poetpenyair
* [[Raziye Hatun]] (tahun 1525–1597); mistress ofkepala financialurusan affairskeuangan
* [[Şahinde Hanım]] (néesebelum Princessberumah tangga dikenal sebagai Putri Kezban MarshaniaMarsyania; <abbr>c.</abbr>sekitar 1895–1924tahun 1895 sampai 1924); lady-in-waitingmenjadi toperwara her auntbibinya, [[Nazikeda Kadın (wife ofgarwa Mehmed VI)|Nazikeda Kadın]]
* [[Şekerpare Hatun]]; mistresskepala housekeeperpramuwisma
===Poland Polandia ===
* [[Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d'Arquien]], laterkemudian Queenhari ofmenjadi Polandpermaisuri Polandia (tahun 1641–1716)
* [[Klara Izabella Pacowa]] (1631–1685)
* [[Elżbieta Sieniawska|Elżbieta Helena Sieniawska]] (tahun 1669–1729)
===Russia Rusia ===
* [[SophiaSofia Razumovskaya|SophiaSofia Stepanovna Razumovskaya]] (1746–1803); asalah mistressseorang ofgendak [[PaulPavel I ofdari RussiaRusia|Tsar Pavel I]]
* [[Julia, Princess ofPutri Battenberg|CountessBupatni Julia von Hauke]], laterkemudian Princesshari ofmenjadi Putri [[Battenbergwangsa familyBattenberg|Battenberg]] (tahun 1825–1895)
* [[Anna VyrubovaVirubova|Anna AlexandrovnaAleksandrovna VyrubovaVirubova]] (tahun 1884–1964)
===Sweden Swedia ===
* [[Elizabeth Ribbing]] (tahun 1596–1662), anddan laterkemudian herhari juga anak perempuannya yang terlahir dari [[morganaticPernikahan marriagemorganatik|morganaticperkawinan tidak sekufu]] daughter, yaitu [[Elizabeth Gyllenhielm|Elizabeth Carlsdotter Gyllenhielm]] (tahun 1622–1682)
* [[Ulrika Strömfelt]] (tahun 1724–1780)
* [[Augusta Löwenhielm|Augusta von Fersen]] (tahun 1754–1846)
* [[Magdalena Rudenschöld]] (tahun 1766–1823) -->
=== Muangthai ===
* [[Vibhavadi Rangsit|Putri Vibhavadi Rangsit]] (tahun 1920–1977)
== Dalam fiksi ==
Baris 374:
== Baca juga ==
* [[ChaperonDayang kehormatan]]
* [[Pekerja rumah tangga|Pramuwisma]]
* [[Odalisque|Odalik]]
* [[Chaperon|Pendamping anak gadis]]
* [[Pekerja rumah tangga|Pramuwisma]]
== Kutipan ==