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Anangyb001 (bicara | kontrib) Fitur saranan suntingan: 2 pranala ditambahkan. |
(41 revisi perantara oleh 31 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 1:
== Kasus di Indonesia ==
== Penanganan banjir ==
* Pengendalian tata ruang; tata ruang yang baik dan jauh dari permukaan tanah yang rendah meminimalisirkan kerugian dari pihak masyarakat.
* Pengaturan debit air; debit air yang mengalir dari hulu ke hilir dapat kita alihkan seperti pemindahan aliran air.
* Melakukan [[reboisasi]]
* Berdisiplin untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
* {{cite journal |quotes= |last= Schmittner |first= Karl-Erich |coauthors= Pierre Giresse |date=August 1996 |title= Modelling and application of the geomorphic and environmental controls on flash flood flow |journal= Geomorphology |volume= 16 |issue= 4 |pages= 337–47 |doi= 10.1016/0169-555X(96)00002-5 |accessdate= 2008-07-17 |bibcode = 1996Geomo..16..337S }}
== Rujukan ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons | Category:Floods | floods | alignement=right}}
* [ Scottish Flash Flood] Public clip of the Fochabers flood in Moray September 9
* [ Decision tree to choose an uncertainty method for hydrological and hydraulic modelling] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-06-01 }}, choosing an uncertainty analysis for flood modelling.
* [ Flash Flood Alley] movie and [ video clips].
* [ Flash Flood Safety] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2018-05-12 }} information.
* [ Great footage of flash floods] in the arid midwest heading down dry washes after heavy rain.
* [ Map] of central [[Texas]] flash flood alley.
* [ Workshop Proceedings Flash Flood Management]
* [ Workshop Proceedings Flash Flood Forecasting]