Renée Zellweger: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox actorperson
| name = Renée Zellweger
| image = ReneeZellweger.jpg
| image = Renée Zellweger Berlinale 2010 (cropped).jpg
| imagesize =
| image_size = 200px
| caption =
| caption = Renée Zellweger di [[Festival Film Internasional Berlin]] tahun 2010
| birthdate = {{Birth date and age|1969|4|25}}
| birth_name = Renée Kathleen Zellweger<ref>{{Cite book | url= | title=Time: Almanac 2008| isbn=9781933821214| last1=Magazine| first1=Editors of Time| date=2007-11-27}}</ref><ref></ref>
| birthname = Renée Kathleen Zellweger
| birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1969|4|25}}
| birthplace = [[Katy, Texas]], [[Amerika Serikat]]
| birth_place = [[Katy, Texas]], Amerika Serikat
| occupation = [[Aktris]]<br />[[Produser]]
| nationality = Amerika
| yearsactive = 1992–sekarang
| education = Universitas Texas, Austin
| spouse =
| occupation = Aktris, produser
| spouse = {{marriage|[[Kenny Chesney]]|2005|2005|end=[[pembatalan perkawinan|{{abbr|b.|batal}}]]}}
| years_active = {{ubl|1992–2010|2016–sekarang}}
'''Renée Kathleen Zellweger''' (lahir [[25 April]] [[1969]]) merupakan seorang [[aktris]] berkebangsaan [[Amerika Serikat]] yang memenangkan [[Academy Award]]. Dia dilahirkan di [[Baytown, Texas]]. Ayahnya berasal dari [[Swiss]], sedangkan ibunya berasal dari [[Norwegia]].
'''Renée Kathleen Zellweger''' ({{IPAc-en|r|ə|ˈ|n|eɪ|_|ˈ|z|ɛ|l|w|ɛ|ɡ|ər|}}; {{lahirmati|[[Katy, Texas]], Amerika Serikat|25|4|1969}}) merupakan seorang aktris dan produser Amerika Serikat. Ia dikenal sebagai aktris dalam film ''[[Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation]]'' (1994), ''[[Empire Records]]'' (1995), ''[[Jerry Maguire]]'' (1996), ''[[Nurse Betty]]'' (2000), ''[[Bridget Jones's Diary (film)|Bridget Jones's Diary]]'' (2001), ''[[Chicago (film)|Chicago]]'' (2002), ''[[Cold Mountain (film)|Cold Mountain]]'' (2003), ''[[Cinderella Man]]'' (2005), ''[[Miss Potter]]'' (2006) dan ''[[Judy (film)|Judy]]'' (2019).
== Latar belakang ==
Renée Kathleen Zellweger lahir pada tanggal 25 April 1969 di [[Katy, Texas]].<ref>{{cite magazine|url=,,20473449,00.html|magazine=People|title=Renée Zellweger: I Never Planned to Be Famous|author=Dennis, Alicia|date=March 12, 2011|accessdate=September 20, 2015|archive-date=2015-09-22|archive-url=,,20473449,00.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Renee Zellweger Biography|}}</ref> Ayahnya, Emil Erich Zellweger, berasal dari kota Au, [[Kanton St. Gallen|St. Gallen]], Swiss dan berasal dari keluarga bangsawan Appenzell.<ref>{{cite web |url=;Renee-Zellweger-hats-geschafft |title=(german) | |date=May 9, 2006 |accessdate=March 31, 2010 |archive-date=2010-03-04 |archive-url=;Renee-Zellweger-hats-geschafft |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Ia merupakan seorang insinyur mekanik dan listrik yang bekerja di bisnis penyulingan minyak.<ref name="filmref">{{cite web | url = | title = Renee Zellweger Biography (1969-) | publisher= | accessdate=October 22, 2014}}</ref> Ibunya, Kjellfrid Irene Andreassen,<ref name="filmref" /> berasal dari Norwegia berketurunan Finlandia.<ref>{{cite news |url=|title=Interview: Zoe Williams meets Renée Zellweger|author=Zoe Williams|work=The Guardian}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=My parents showed me that America is not the centre of the universe |date=March 19, 2012 |website=The Sun |access-date=August 9, 2019 |quote=...&nbsp;my grandmother was Finnish,&nbsp;...}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Suomi-tutkija kertoo maailman lehdissä, miksi Renée Zellweger hankkiutui eroon saamelaispiirteistään |last=Sarhimaa |first=Jutta |date=October 31, 2014 |website=[[Helsingin Sanomat]] |language=fi |access-date=August 9, 2019 |quote=...&nbsp;Zellwegerin&nbsp;...&nbsp;norjalainen äiti kveeniläis-saamelaista sukua.&nbsp;...&nbsp;kveeneillä – eli Norjan suomalaisperäisellä vähemmistöllä&nbsp;...}}</ref> Kjellfrid besar di Ekkerøy dekat Vadsø, sama seperti wilayah [[Kirkenes]].<ref>[ "Biskopen, stjernen og minoritetene"]. [[]]. September 26, 2010.</ref> Kjellfrid merupakan seorang bidan yang pindah ke Amerika Serikat untuk bekerja sebagai pengasuh keluarga Norwegia di [[Texas]].<ref name="actors">[ "Inside the Actors Studio"] {{webarchive|url= |date=August 4, 2007 }}. [[Bravo (US TV channel)|]]. Season 9, Episode 912. May 9, 2003.</ref><ref>Agelorius, Monica. [ "Bridget Jones's Diary LA junket"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2009-02-12 }}. March 17, 2001.</ref><ref name="tiscali">[ "Renee Zellweger Biography"] {{webarchive|url= |date=February 21, 2009 }}. [[]]. February 6, 2008.</ref>
Ia menempuh pendidikan menengah di Katy High School di mana ia menjadi pemandu sorak, pesenam, anggota tim pidato dan anggota klub drama.<ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=October 12, 2007 |title=National Forensic League, Speech & Debate Honor Society – alumni | |accessdate=March 31, 2010 }}</ref> Ia juga berpartisipasi dalam sepak bola, basket, kasti dan ''football''.<ref name="tiscali" /> Pada tahun 1986, makalah akademisnya, "Suku Karankawa dan Asal-usulnya", berperingkat ketiga dalam Kontes Esai Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Houston Post High School.<ref>{{Cite news|url =|title = The Oscar winner and the Karankawas|last = Gonzalez|first = J.R.|date = September 3, 2015 |work=Houston Chronicle|access-date = September 14, 2015|via = }}</ref> Setelah menempuh pendidikan menengah, ia menempuh pendidikan tinggi di Universitas Texas, Austin, di mana ia lulus dengan gelar Bachelor of Arts jurusan bahasa Inggris pada tahun 1991. [19] Saat berada di universitas, ia mengambil kursus drama sebagai pilihan, yang membuatnya tertarik dengan akting.<ref name="actors" />
Pada tahun pertamanya di universitas, ayahnya kehilangan pekerjaannya dan tidak mampu membiayai pendidikannya sehingga ia mengambil pekerjaan sebagai pelayan minuman koktail di [[Austin, Texas]].<ref name="actors" /><ref name="yahoo">[ "Renee Zellweger"]. [[Yahoo! Movies]]. February 6, 2008.</ref> Ia mulai mendapatkan peran kecil dan mendapatkan kartu [[Screen Actors Guild]] karena melakukan iklan komersial Coors Light.<ref name="newsday">[[Frank Lovece|Lovece, Frank]]. [ "Renee Zellweger talks about 'My One and Only'"], ''[[Newsday]]'', August 26, 2009. [ WebCitation archive]: "I got my SAG card on my Coors Light commercial. Yeah! Coors Light paid for college!"</ref> Saat kuliah, ia juga melakukan "bagian kecil sebagai karyawan lokal" dalam film komedi horor Austin ''My Boyfriend's Back'', berperan sebagai "gadis di toko kecantikan, mungkin dua dialog. Tetapi adegan di toko kecantikan terpotong."<ref name="newsday" /> Pekerjaan pertamanya setelah lulus adalah bekerja di sebuah iklan daging sapi dan secara bersamaan, ia mengikuti audisi peran di sekitar [[Houston, Texas]].<ref name="actors" />
== Filmografi ==
=== Film ===
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%;" border="2" cellpadding="4" background: #f9f9f9;
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|- align="center"
! style="background:#B0C4DE;" | Tahun
! style="background:#B0C4DE;" | Film
! style="background:#B0C4DE;" | Sebagai
! style="background:#B0C4DE;" | Keterangan
! Tahun
| 1992
! Film
| ''[[A Taste for Killing]]''
! Peran
| Mary Lou
! class="unsortable" | Catatan
| TV
| rowspan="32" | 1993
| ''[[MurderDazed inand theConfused Heartland(film)|Dazed and Confused]]''
| Girl in blue pickup truck
| Barbara Von Busch
| Tidak ada kredit
| TV
| ''[[My Boyfriend's Back (film 1993)|My Boyfriend's Back]]''
| {{n/a}}
| (uncredited)
| Adegan dipotong
| rowspan="5" | 1994
| ''[[Dazed and Confused (film)|Dazed and Confused]]''
| ''[[Reality Bites]]''
| Nesi White
| Tami
| (uncredited)
| ''[[Shake, Rattle and Rock! (film 1994)|Shake, Rattle and Rock!]]''
|rowspan="6" | 1994
| Susanne
| ''[[Reality Bites]]''
| Tami
| bit part
| ''[[8 Seconds]]''
| Prescott Buckle Bunny
| Kameo
| ''[[Shake, RattleLove and Rock!a .45]]''
| Starlene Cheatham
| Susan Doyle
| ''[[LoveTexas andChainsaw aMassacre: .45The Next Generation]]''
| Jenny
| Starlene Cheatham
|Nominated — [[Independent Spirit Awards|Independent Spirit Award for Best Debut Performance]]
| ''[[Rebel Highway]]''
| Susan
| rowspan="2" | 1995
| ''[[Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation]]''
| ''[[Empire Records]]''
| Jenny
| Gina
|Sequel to 1974's "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre"
| ''[[The Low Life]]''
|rowspan="2" | 1995
| Poet
| ''[[Empire Records]]''
| Gina
| rowspan="2" | 1996
| ''[[The Low Life]]''
| ''[[The Whole Wide World]]''
| Poet
| Novalyne Price
| ''[[Jerry Maguire]]''
|rowspan="2" | 1996
| ''[[The Whole Wide World]]''
| Novalyne Price
|Nominated — [[Independent Spirit Award for Best Lead Female]]
| ''[[Jerry Maguire]]''
| Dorothy Boyd
|[[Broadcast Film Critics Association|Broadcast Film Critics Association for Breakthrough Artist]]<br />[[National Board of Review Awards|National Board of Review Award for Breakthrough Performance]]<br />Nominated — [[Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture]]<br />Nominated — [[Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role - Motion Picture]]
| 1997
| ''[[Deceiver (film)|Deceiver]]''
| Elizabeth
| rowspan="2" | 1998
| ''[[A Price Above Rubies]]''
| Sonia Horowitz
| ''[[One True Thing]]''
| Ellen Gulden
| 1999
| ''[[The Bachelor (film 1999)|The Bachelor]]''
| Anne Arden
| rowspan="2" | 2000
| ''[[NurseMe, BettyMyself & Irene]]''
| Irene P. Waters
| Betty Sizemore
|[[Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]<br />[[Satellite Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]<br />Nominated — [[American Comedy Awards|American Comedy Award for Funniest Actress in a Motion Picture]]<br />Nominated — [[London Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress]]
| ''[[Me,Nurse Myself & IreneBetty]]''
| Betty Sizemore
| Irene P. Waters
| 2001
| ''[[Bridget Jones's Diary (film)|Bridget Jones's Diary]]''
| [[Bridget Jones]]
|Nominated — [[Academy Award for Best Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role]]<br />Nominated — [[Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Empire Awards|Empire Award for Best Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]<br />Nominated — [[Satellite Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]<br />Nominated — [[Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role - Motion Picture]]
| rowspan="2" | 2002
| ''[[White Oleander (film)|White Oleander]]''
| Claire Richards
|Nominated — [[Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture]]
| ''[[Chicago (2002 film)|Chicago]]''
| Roxie Hart
|[[Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Cast]]<br />[[Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]<br />[[Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role - Motion Picture]]<br />[[Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture]]<br />Nominated — [[Academy Award for Best Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role]]<br />Nominated — [[Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Cast]]<br />Nominated — [[Satellite Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]
| rowspan="2" | 2003
| ''[[Down with Love]]''
| Barbara Novak
| ''[[Cold Mountain (film)|Cold Mountain]]''
| Ruby Thewes
| [[Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />[[BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role]]<br />[[Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />[[Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />[[Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />[[Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture]]<br />[[San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />[[Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role - Motion Picture]]<br />[[Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actress]]<br />Nominated — [[Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association|Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress]]
| rowspan="2" | 2004
| ''[[Shark Tale]]''
| Angie
| Pengisi suara
| voice
| ''[[Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (film)|Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason]]''
| [[Bridget Jones]]
|Nominated — [[Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]
| 2005
| ''[[Cinderella Man]]''
| Mae Braddock
|Nominated — [[Empire Awards|Empire Award for Best Actress]]
| 2006
| ''[[Miss Potter]]''
| [[Beatrix Potter]]
| Produser eksekutif
|Nominated — [[Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy]]<br />Nominated — [[Saturn Award for Best Actress]]
| 2007
| ''[[Bee Movie]]''
| Vanessa Bloom Bloome
| Pengisi suara
| voice
| rowspan="2" | 2008
| ''[[Leatherheads]]''
| LexiLexie Littleton
| ''[[Appaloosa (film)|Appaloosa]]''
| Allie French
| rowspan=3"4" | 2009
| ''[[New in Town]]''
| Lucy Hill
| ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]''
| Katie
| Pengisi suara
| voice only, cameo
| ''[[My One and Only (film)|My One and Only]]''
| Anne Deveraux
| Release date August 21, 2009 (limited)
|rowspan=3| 2010
| ''[[Case 39]]''
| Emily Jenkins
| Released one year later.
| 2010
| ''[[My Own Love Song]]''
| Jane
| rowspan="2" | 2016
| ''[[The Whole Truth (film 2016)|The Whole Truth]]''
| Loretta
| ''[[Bridget Jones's Baby]]''
| Bridget Jones
| 2017
| ''[[Same Kind of Different as Me (film)|Same Kind of Different as Me]]''
| Deborah Hall
| 2018
| ''[[Here and Now (film 2018)|Here and Now]]''
| Tessa
| 2019
| ''[[Judy (film)|Judy]]''
| [[Judy Garland]]
| ''[[My Own Love Song]]''
| Summer Wilson
| post-production
=== Pranala luarTelevisi ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
* {{imdb nama| id=0000250 | nama=Renée Zellweger}}
* {{en}} [ Wawancara dengan Renée Zellweger tentang perannya sebagai ''Miss Potter'']
! Tahun
* {{en}} [ Wawancara dengan Renee Zellweger tentang Bridget Jones Diary]
! Judul
* {{en}} [ Arsip Daring Bridget Jones]
! Peran
! class="unsortable" | Catatan
| 1992
| ''[[A Taste for Killing]]''
| Mary Lou
| Film televisi
| 1993
| ''[[Murder in the Heartland]]''
| Barbara Von Busch
| Miniseri
| 1994
| ''[[Shake, Rattle and Rock! (film 1994)|Shake, Rattle and Rock!]]''
| Susan Doyle
| Film televisi
| 2001
| ''[[King of the Hill]]''
| Tammy Duvall (pengisi suara)
| Episode: "Ho, Yeah!"
| 2008
| ''[[Living Proof (film)|Living Proof]]''
| {{n/a}}
| Produser eksekutif
| 2019
| ''[[What/If]]''
| Anne Montgomery
| Peran utama
== Referensi ==
{{Commonscat|Renée Zellweger}}
== Pranala luar ==
{{commons category}}
* {{IMDb name|0000250|Renée Zellweger}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1969|Zellweger]]
[[Kategori:Pemeran Amerika Serikat|Zellweger]]
[[Kategori:Aktris Pendukung Terbaik (Academy Awards)|Zellweger]]
[[an{{DEFAULTSORT:Renée Zellweger]], Renée}}
[[Kategori:Pemeran Amerika Serikat]]
[[ar:رينيه زيلويجر]]
[[Kategori:Aktris Terbaik (Academy Awards)]]
[[be:Рэнэ Зелвегер]]
[[Kategori:Aktris Pendukung Terbaik (Academy Awards)]]
[[be-x-old:Рэнэ Зэлвэгер]]
[[ca:Renée Zellweger]]
[[cs:Renée Zellweger]]
[[cy:Renée Zellweger]]
[[da:Renée Zellweger]]
[[de:Renée Zellweger]]
[[en:Renée Zellweger]]
[[eo:Renée Zellweger]]
[[es:Renée Zellweger]]
[[et:Renée Zellweger]]
[[eu:Renée Zellweger]]
[[fa:رنی زلوگر]]
[[fi:Renée Zellweger]]
[[fr:Renée Zellweger]]
[[fy:Renée Zellweger]]
[[he:רנה זלווגר]]
[[hr:Renée Zellweger]]
[[hu:Renée Zellweger]]
[[it:Renée Zellweger]]
[[ka:რენე ზელვეგერი]]
[[ko:르네 젤위거]]
[[la:Renata Zellweger]]
[[mk:Рене Зелвегер]]
[[ms:Renée Zellweger]]
[[nl:Renée Zellweger]]
[[no:Renée Zellweger]]
[[pl:Renée Zellweger]]
[[pms:Renée Zellweger]]
[[pt:Renée Zellweger]]
[[ro:Renée Zellweger]]
[[ru:Зеллвегер, Рене]]
[[se:Renée Zellweger]]
[[simple:Renée Zellweger]]
[[sk:Renée Zellwegerová]]
[[sl:Renée Zellweger]]
[[sq:Renée Zellweger]]
[[sr:Рене Зелвегер]]
[[sv:Renée Zellweger]]
[[th:เรเน่ เซลเวเกอร์]]
[[tl:Renée Zellweger]]
[[tr:Renée Zellweger]]
[[uk:Рене Зеллвегер]]
[[vi:Renée Zellweger]]