Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(40 revisi perantara oleh 31 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox United Nations
| name =Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
| logo = United Nations Human Rights Council Logo.svg
| image size = 150px
| caption =
| type = Anak organisasi
| acronyms = UNHRC <br /> CDH
| head = Presiden <br /> {{flagdeco|Fiji}} [[Nazhat Shameem]]
| status = Aktif
| established = {{start date and age|2006|03|15|df=yes}}
| headquarters = [[Jenewa]], [[Swiss]]
| website = []
| parent = [[Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]]
| subsidiaries =
| footnotes = [[Berkas:United Nations Human Rights Council Membership.svg|250px]]
<div style="float:left;">{{legend|#0000ff|Negara-Negara Afrika (13)}}</div><br />
<div style="float:left;">{{legend|#339900|Negara-Negara Asia-Pasifik (13)}}</div><br />
<div style="float:left;">{{legend|#cc0000|Negara-Negara Eropa Timur (6)}}</div><br />
<div style="float:left;">{{legend|#cc3399|Negara-Negara Amerika Latin dan Karibia (8)}}</div><br />
<div style="float:left;">{{legend|#cc9900|Negara-Negara Eropa Barat dan Lainnya (7)}}</div><br />
{{portal-inline|Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|size=tiny}}
'''Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia PBB''' merupakan organisasi penerus dari [[Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia PBB]] di [[PBB]].
Pada [[15 Maret]] [[2006]] [[Majelis Umum PBB]] memvotingmelakukan pemungutan suara untuk menciptakan sebuah [[organisasi]] [[hak manusia]] baru, meskipun ada penentangan dari [[Amerika Serikat]]. Dewan Hak Manusia beranggotakan 47 negara ini akan menggantikan Komisi Hak Manusia yang beranggotakan 53 negara yang sekarang. Badan hak manusia yang baru ini disetujui oleh 170 anggota dari dari 190 anggota. Empat negara menentang pembentukan Dewan, yaitu [[Amerika Serikat]], [[Kepulauan Marshall]], [[Palau]], dan [[Israel]]) dan tiga negara ''abstain'', yaitu [[Belarus]], [[Iran]], dan [[Venezuela]]. Keempat negara yang menentang menyatakan bahwa Dewan baru ini sedikit lebih banyak memliki kekuasaan dan tidak memiliki penjagaan yang cukup untuk mencegah negara yang melecehkan HAM mengambil kontrol dari Dewan. []{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
== Pemilihan anggota ==
Pemilihan untuk menentukan anggota Dewan HAM PBB dilakukan Selasa, [[9 Mei]] [[2006]], waktu [[Amerika Serikat]] di [[Gedung Markas Besar PBB]], [[New York]].
Ada 63 negara yang mencalonkan diri untuk bisa duduk di Dewan HAM yang beranggotakan 47 negara. Selain [[Indonesia]], untuk kawasan Asia yang mendapatkan jatah 13 kursi, anggota terpilih lainnya adalah [[Banglades]], [[Jepang]], [[Malaysia]], [[Pakistan]], [[Korea Selatan]], [[Cina]], [[Jordania]], [[Arab Saudi]], dan [[Sri Lanka]]. Sementara negara-negara Asia yang gagal terpilih adalah [[Iran]], [[Irak]], [[Kirgistan]], [[Lebanon]], [[Thailand]].
Terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai anggota badan HAM baru PBB mendapatkan dukungan 165 negara dari 191 negara anggota PBB. Dalam pengundian, Indonesia dan [[India]] hanya mendapat masa jabatan satu tahun. Sementara [[Malaysia]], [[Jordania]], dan [[Arab Saudi]] mendapat masa jabatan tiga tahun.
== Struktur ==
=== Anggota ===
{{See also|Daftar anggota Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa}}
Dewan HAM PBB beranggotakan 47 negara yang dipilih setiap tahun oleh Majelis Umum dengan masa jabatan tiga tahun. Anggota dipilih sesuai rotasi geografis menggunakan [[Kelompok Kawasan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|sistem pengelompokan kawasan PBB]]. Anggota bisa dipilih lagi untuk periode kedua, kemudian wajib mundur.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Membership of the Human Rights Council |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=n.d.|website=United Nations Human Rights Council |publisher=United Nations |access-date=26 February 2019}}</ref>
Kursi anggota dibagi sebagai berikut:
* 13 untuk Kelompok Afrika
* 13 untuk Kelompok Asia-Pasifik
* 6 untuk Kelompok Eropa Timur
* 8 untuk Kelompok [[Amerika Latin]] dan Karibia
* 7 untuk Kelompok [[Eropa Barat]] dan Lain-Lain
==== Saat ini ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Periode
! '''[[Grup Afrika|Negara-negara Afrika]] (13)'''
! '''[[Grup Regional Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|Negara Asia-Pasifik]] (13)'''
! '''[[Grup Eropa Timur|Negara <br> Eropa Timur]] (6)'''
! '''[[Grup Amerika Latin dan Karibia|Negara Amerika Latin & <br> Karibia]] (8)'''
! '''[[Grup Eropa Barat dan Lainnya|Negara Eropa Barat & <br> Lainnya]] (7)'''
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;background:#eeffee"
!'''2023–2025'''<br><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (11 October 2022) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=17 October 2019 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=1 January 2023 |archive-date= |url-status=live }}</ref>
| {{flagcountry|Aljazair}} <br>{{flagcountry|Morocco}} <br>{{flagcountry|South Africa}} <br>{{flagcountry|Sudan}}
| {{flagcountry|Bangladesh}} <br>{{flagcountry|Kyrgyzstan}} <br />{{flagcountry|Maldives}} <br />{{flagcountry|Vietnam}}
| {{flagcountry|Georgia}} <br />{{flagcountry|Romania}}
| {{flagcountry|Chile}} <br />{{flagcountry|Costa Rica}}
| {{flagcountry|Belgium}} <br />{{flagcountry|Germany}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;background:#f7f7c7"
!'''2022–2024'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (14 October 2021) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=14 October 2021 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=7 January 2021}}</ref>
| {{flag|Benin}} <br>{{flag|Eritrea}} <br>{{flag|Gambia}}<br>{{flag|Kamerun}} <br>{{flag|Somalia}}
| {{flag|India}} <br>{{flag|Kazakhstan}} <br>{{flag|Malaysia}} <br>{{flag|Qatar}} <br>{{flag|Uni Emirat Arab}}
| {{flag|Lituania}} <br>{{flag|Montenegro}}
| {{flag|Argentina}} <br>{{flag|Honduras}} <br>{{flag|Paraguay}}
| {{flag|Amerika Serikat}}<br>{{flag|Finlandia}} <br>{{flag|Luksemburg}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;background:#ddeeee"
!'''2021–2023'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (13 October 2020) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=13 October 2020 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=7 January 2021}}</ref>
| {{flag|Gabon}} <br>{{flag|Malawi}} <br>{{flag|Pantai Gading}} <br>{{flag|Senegal}}
| {{flag|Nepal}} <br>{{flag|Pakistan}} <br>{{flag|Tiongkok}} <br>{{flag|Uzbekistan}}
| ''{{flag|Russia|name=<s>Russia</s>}}''{{efn|Membership suspended from the Council by [[Eleventh emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly|UN General Assembly]] [[United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/3|Resolution ES-11/3]] following the [[2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine]].}}<br />{{flag|Ukraina}} <br>{{flag|Republik Ceko}}
| {{flag|Bolivia|name=Bolivia}} <br>{{flag|Kuba}} <br>{{flag|Meksiko}}
| {{flag|Britania Raya}} <br>{{flag|Prancis}}
==== Sebelumnya ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Periode
! '''[[Grup Afrika|Negara Afrika]] (13)'''
! '''[[United Nations Regional Groups#Asia and the Pacific Group|Negara Asia-Pasifik]] (14)'''
! '''[[Grup Eropa Timur|Amerika <br /> Eropa Timur]] (5)'''
! '''[[Grup Amerika Latin dan Karibia|Negara Amerika Latin & <br /> Karibia]] (8)'''
! '''[[Eropa Barat dan Grup Lainnya|Negara Eropa Barat & <br /> Lainnya]] (7)'''
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000"
!'''2020–2022'''<br><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (17 October 2019) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=17 October 2019 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=17 October 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=17 October 2019 |url-status=live }}</ref>
| {{flagcountry|Libya}} <br>{{flagcountry|Mauritania}} <br>{{flagcountry|Sudan}} <br>{{flagcountry|Namibia}}
| {{flagcountry|Indonesia}} <br>{{flagcountry|Japan}} <br />{{flagcountry|Marshall Islands}} <br />{{flagdeco|Korea Selatan}} [[Korea Selatan]]
| {{flagcountry|Armenia}} <br />{{flagcountry|Poland}}
| {{flagcountry|Brazil}} <br />{{flagcountry|Venezuela}}
| {{flagcountry|Germany}} <br />{{flagcountry|Netherlands}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000"
!'''2019–2021'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (12 October 2018) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=12 October 2018 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=26 February 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=25 November 2018 |url-status=live }}</ref>
| {{flagcountry|Burkina Faso}} <br />{{flagcountry|Eritrea}} <br />{{flagcountry|Cameroon}} <br />{{flagcountry|Somalia}} <br />{{flagcountry|Togo}}
| {{flagcountry|Bahrain}} <br />{{flagcountry|Bangladesh}} <br />{{flagcountry|Fiji}} <br />{{flagcountry|Philippines}}<br />{{flagcountry|India}}
| {{flagcountry|Bulgaria}} <br />{{flagcountry|Czech Republic}}
| {{flagcountry|Argentina}} <br />{{flagcountry|Bahamas}} <br />{{flagcountry|Uruguay}}
| {{flagcountry|Austria}} <br />{{flagcountry|Denmark}} <br />{{flagcountry|Italy}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000"
!'''2018–2020'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (16 October 2017) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=16 October 2017 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=26 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{flagcountry|Angola}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Nigeria}} <br /> {{flagcountry|DRC}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Senegal}}
| {{flagcountry|Afghanistan|2013}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Nepal}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Qatar}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Pakistan}}
| {{flagcountry|Slovakia}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Ukraine}}
| {{flagcountry|Chile}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Mexico}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Peru}}
| {{flagcountry|Australia}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Spain}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2017–2019'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (28 October 2016) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=28 October 2016 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=17 October 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=29 August 2019 |url-status=live }}</ref>
| {{flagcountry|South Africa}} <br />{{flagcountry|Egypt}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Rwanda}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Tunisia}}
| {{flagcountry|China}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Iraq}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Japan}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Saudi Arabia}}
| {{flagcountry|Croatia}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Hungary}}
| {{flagcountry|Brazil}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Cuba}}
| {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}} <br /> {{flagcountry|United States}} <small>(left in June 2018)</small> <br /> {{flagcountry|Iceland}} <small>(from 13 July 2018)</small>
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2016–2018'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (28 October 2015) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=28 October 2015 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{BDI}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Ivory Coast|name=Côte D'Ivoire}} <br /> {{ETH}} <br /> {{KEN}} <br /> {{TOG}}
| {{flagdeco|South Korea}} [[South Korea|Republic of Korea]] <br /> {{KGZ}} <br /> {{MGL}} <br /> {{PHI}} <br /> {{UAE}}
| {{GEO}} <br /> {{SLO}}
| {{ECU}} <br /> {{PAN}} <br />{{flagcountry|Venezuela|name=Venezuela}}
| {{BEL}} <br /> {{GER}} <br />{{SWI}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2015–2017'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (21 October 2014) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=21 October 2014 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{BWA}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Congo}} <br /> {{GHA}} <br /> {{NGA}}
| {{BGD}} <br /> {{IND}} <br /> {{IDN}} <br /> {{QAT}}
| {{ALB}} <br /> {{LVA}}
| {{flagcountry|Bolivia|name=Bolivia}} <br /> {{SLV}} <br />{{PRY}}
| {{NLD}} <br /> {{PRT}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2014–2016'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (12 November 2013) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=12 November 2013 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{DZA}} <br /> {{MAR}} <br /> {{NAM}} <br /> {{ZAF}}
| {{CHN}} <br /> {{MDV}} <br /> {{SAU}} <br /> {{VIE}}
| {{flagcountry|Macedonia|name=Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia}} {{efn|Now as The Republic of North Macedonia}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Russia|name=Russian Federation}}
| {{CUB}} <br /> {{MEX}}
| {{FRA}} <br /> {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2013–2015'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (12 November 2012) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=12 November 2012 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{ETH}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Ivory Coast|name=Côte D'Ivoire}} <br /> {{GAB}} <br /> {{KEN}} <br /> {{SLE}}
| {{JPN}} <br /> {{KAZ}} <br /> {{PAK}} <br /> {{flagdeco|South Korea}} [[South Korea|Republic of Korea]] <br /> {{ARE}}
| {{EST}} <br /> {{MNE}}
| {{ARG}} <br /> {{BRA}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Venezuela}}
| {{DEU}} <br /> {{IRL}} <br /> {{flagcountry|United States}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2012–2014'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (20 May 2011) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=20 May 2011 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{BEN}} <br /> {{BOT}} <br /> {{BUR}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Congo}}
| {{IND}} <br /> {{INA}} <br /> {{KUW}} <br /> {{PHI}}
| {{ROM}} <br /> {{CZE}}
| {{CHI}} <br /> {{CRC}} <br /> {{PER}}
| {{ITA}} <br /> {{AUT}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2011–2013'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (13 May 2010) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=13 May 2010 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019 |archive-url=|archive-date=26 July 2010 |url-status=dead}}</ref>
| {{AGO}} <br /> {{LBY|1977}} <br /> {{MTN}} <br /> {{UGA}}
| {{QAT}} <br /> {{MAS}} <br /> {{MDV}} <br /> {{THA}}
| {{MDA}} <br /> {{POL}}
| {{ECU}} <br /> {{GUA}}
| {{CHE}} <br /> {{ESP}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2010–2012'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (12 May 2009) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=12 May 2009 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019}}</ref>
| {{DJI}} <br /> {{CMR}} <br /> {{MUS}} <br /> {{NGA}} <br /> {{SEN}}
| {{BGD}} <br /> {{CHN}} <br /> {{JOR}} <br /> {{KGZ}} <br /> {{SAU}}
| {{flagcountry|Russia|name=Russian Federation}} <br /> {{HUN}}
| {{CUB}} <br /> {{MEX}} <br /> {{URY}}
| {{BEL}} <br /> {{NOR}} <br /> {{flagcountry|United States}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2009–2011'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (21 May 2008) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=21 May 2008 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019 |archive-url=|archive-date=14 November 2008 |url-status=dead}}</ref>
| {{BFA}} <br /> {{GAB}} <br /> {{GHA}} <br /> {{ZAM}}
| {{BHR}} <br /> {{JPN}} <br /> {{PAK}} <br /> {{flagdeco|South Korea}} [[South Korea|Republic of Korea]]
| {{SVK}} <br /> {{UKR}}
| {{ARG}} <br /> {{BRA}} <br /> {{CHL}}
| {{FRA}} <br /> {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2008–2010'''<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Election of the Human Rights Council (17 May 2007) |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=17 May 2007 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=27 February 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=10 January 2019 |url-status=dead}}</ref>
| {{EGY}} <br /> {{AGO}} <br /> {{MAD}} <br /> {{RSA}}
| {{IND}} <br /> {{INA}} <br /> {{QAT}} <br /> {{PHI}}
| {{BIH}} <br /> {{SVN}}
| {{flagcountry|Bolivia|name=Bolivia}} <br /> {{NIC}}
| {{NLD}} <br /> {{ITA}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2006–2009'''<br /><ref name="First Election">{{cite web |url= |title=General Assembly Elects 47 Members of New Human Rights Council; Marks 'New Beginning' for Human Rights Promotion, Protection |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=12 October 2018 |website=United Nations General Assembly |publisher=United Nations |access-date=26 February 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=21 September 2018 |url-status=live }}</ref>
| {{DJI}} <br /> {{CMR}} <br /> {{MRI}} <br /> {{NGR}} <br /> {{SEN}}
| {{BGD}} <br /> {{CHN}} <br /> {{JOR}} <br /> {{MAS}} <br /> {{KSA}}
| {{AZE}} <br /> {{flagcountry|Russia|name=Russian Federation}}
| {{CUB}} <br /> {{MEX}} <br /> {{URU}}
| {{DEU}} <br /> {{CAN}} <br /> {{CHE}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2006–2008'''<br /><ref name="First Election" />
| {{GAB}} <br /> {{GHA}} <br /> {{MLI}} <br /> {{ZAM}}
| {{JPN}} <br /> {{PAK}} <br /> {{SRI}} <br /> {{flagdeco|South Korea}} [[South Korea|Republic of Korea]]
| {{ROU}} <br /> {{UKR}}
| {{BRA}} <br /> {{GUA}} <br /> {{PER}}
| {{FRA}} <br /> {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}
|- style="border-top: 2px solid #000000;"
| '''2006–2007'''<br /><ref name="First Election" />
| {{DZA}} <br /> {{MAR}} <br /> {{RSA}} <br /> {{TUN}}
| {{BHR}} <br /> {{IND}} <br /> {{INA}} <br /> {{PHI}}
| {{POL}} <br /> {{CZE}}
| {{ARG}} <br /> {{ECU}}
| {{FIN}} <br /> {{NLD}}
{| class="wikitable"
! Nama
! Negara
! Waktu
| 17
|{{ill|Václav Bálek|wd=Q115659112|s=1|v=sup}}
|1 Januari 2023 – sekarang<ref>{{cite web |url= |title= Human Rights Council elects Václav Bálek of the Czech Republic as its President for 2023 |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=9 December 2022 |website=UN OHCR |publisher=UN |access-date=1 January 2023}}</ref>
| 16
|[[Federico Villegas (diplomat)|Federico Villegas]]
|1 Januari 2022 – 31 Desember 2022<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Human Rights Council elects Federico Villegas of Argentina as its president for 2022 |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=6 December 2021 |website=UN OHCR |publisher=UN |access-date=6 January 2022}}</ref>
| 15
|[[Nazahat Shameen Khan]]
|1 Januari 2021 – 31 Desember 2021<ref>{{cite news |last1=Farge |first1=Emma |title=Fiji wins presidency of U.N. rights body after vote unblocks leadership impasse |url= |access-date=January 15, 2021 | |agency=Reuters |date=January 15, 2021}}</ref>
| 14
|[[Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger]]
|1 Januari 2020 – 31 Desember 2020<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=President of the 14th Cycle|access-date=8 January 2020|archive-url=|archive-date=21 June 2019|url-status=live}}</ref>
| 13 || Coly Seck ||{{flag|Senegal}} || 1 Januari 2019 – 31 Desember 2019
| 12 || Vojislav Šuc ||{{flag|Slovenia}}|| 1 Januari 2018 – 31 Desember 2018
| 11 || Joaquín Alexander Maza Martelli || {{flag|El Salvador}} || 1 Januari 2017 – 31 Desember 2017
| 10 || Choi Kyong-lim || {{flag|Korea Selatan}} || 1 Januari 2016 – 31 Desember 2016<ref>[ The Human Rights Council elects Ambassador Ambassador Choi Kyong-lim of the Republic of Korea as its new President.] Retrieved 4 January 2016.</ref>
| 9 || [[Joachim Rücker]] || {{flag|Jerman}} || 1 Januari 2015 – 31 Desember 2015
| 8 || Baudelaire Ndong Ella || {{flagcountry|GAB}} || 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014
| 7 || Remigiusz Henczel || {{flagcountry|POL}} || 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=UN News – UN Human Rights Council: new President will help promote human rights equitably|first=United Nations News Service|last=Section|date=10 December 2012|website=UN News Service Section}}</ref>
| 6 || [[Laura Dupuy Lasserre]] || {{flagcountry|URY}} || 19 June 2011 – 31 December 2012
| 5 || Sihasak Phuangketkeow || {{flagcountry|THA}} || 19 June 2010 – 18 June 2011<ref name=""/>
| 4 || Alex Van Meeuwen || {{flagcountry|BEL}} || 19 June 2009 – 18 June 2010<ref name="">{{cite web|url= |title=Human Rights Council – Membership of the Human Rights Council | |access-date=26 February 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=18 February 2011 }}</ref>
| 3 || [[Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi]] || {{flagcountry|NGA}} || 19 June 2008 – 18 June 2009
| 2 || [[Doru Romulus Costea]] || {{flagcountry|ROU}} || 19 June 2007 – 18 June 2008
| 1 || [[Luis Alfonso de Alba]] || {{flagcountry|MEX}} || 19 June 2006 – 18 June 2007
== Lihat juga ==
* [[Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]]
* [[Tinjauan Periodik Universal]]
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{commonscat|United Nations Human Rights Council}}
* {{en}} [ Press release]
* {{en}} [ Draft resolution A/60/L.48] ([[24 Februari]] [[2006]])
Baris 17 ⟶ 293:
[[Kategori:Organisasi pembantu Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|Hak Manusia PBB, KonsilUNHRC]]
[[Kategori:Hak asasi manusia]]
[[ar:مجلس حقوق الإنسان]]
[[be:Савет па правах чалавека ААН]]
[[ca:Consell de Drets Humans de les Nacions Unides]]
[[da:FN's menneskerettighedsråd]]
[[en:United Nations Human Rights Council]]
[[es:Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas]]
[[fa:شورای حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد]]
[[fi:Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ihmisoikeusneuvosto]]
[[fr:Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies]]
[[he:מועצת האומות המאוחדות לזכויות אדם]]
[[it:Consiglio per i Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite]]
[[ko:국제 연합 인권 이사회]]
[[la:Consociationis Nationum Iurum Humanorum Consilium]]
[[ms:Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu]]
[[nl:Mensenrechtenraad van de Verenigde Naties]]
[[no:FNs menneskerettighetsråd]]
[[pl:Rada Praw Człowieka ONZ]]
[[pt:Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas]]
[[ru:Совет по правам человека ООН]]
[[sr:Савет за људска права Уједињених нација]]
[[sv:FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter]]
[[ta:மனித உரிமைகளுக்கான ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் அமைப்பு]]
[[vi:Hội đồng Nhân quyền Liên Hiệp Quốc]]
[[yo:Human Rights Council]]