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{{Infobox orang}}
'''Benjamin Lafayette Sisko''', merupakan seorang tokoh yang diperankan oleh [[Avery Brooks]], adalah [[karakter utama]] dari serial televisi ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]''. Sisko terkenal sebagai komandan [[Deep Space Nine]]. Ia juga turut berpartisipasi dalam [[Pertempuran Wolf 359]] serta merupakan pemain kunci dalam [[Perang Dominion]]
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{{In-universe|subject=Star Trek|category=Star Trek|date=October 2009}}
{{Infobox Star Trek character
|Title = Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
|Image = BenSisko.jpg
|Species = [[Human]]
|Gender = Male
|Planet = [[Earth]]<br />([[New Orleans, Louisiana]])
|Affiliation = [[United Federation of Planets]]<br/>[[Starfleet]]
|Posting = Former commanding officer, [[Deep Space Nine (space station)|''Deep Space Nine'']] and [[USS Defiant|USS ''Defiant'']]
|Rank = [[Commander (Star Trek)|Commander]], <br/>[[Captain (Star Trek)|Captain]]
|portrayer = [[Avery Brooks]]
== Sejarah Karakter ==
'''Benjamin Lafayette Sisko''', diperankan oleh [[Avery Brooks]], adalah [[karakter utama]] dari serial televisi ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]''.
=== Sejarah karier dan hidup ===
Lahir pada tahun 2332 di [[New Orleans, Louisiana]], Benjamin adalah anak dari [[Joseph Sisko]], seorang ''[[chef]]'' dan pemilik dari [[restoran]] "Sisko's Creole Kitchen," biasa disebut "Sisko's". Ibu kandungnya adalah seorang manusia bernama Sarah. Namun, Sarah sebenarnya dirasuki oleh salah satu dari ''[[Bajoran Prophets]]'' (mahluk dari ''[[Bajoran wormhole]])'', yang memanipulasi Sarah agar menikah dengan Joseph dan melahirkan Benjamin. Sarah dan Joseph hidup bahagia sebagai suami-istri hingga Sarah menghilang dua hari setelah ulang tahun Ben, saat makhluk hidup yang merasuki Sarah meninggalkan tubuh Sarah. Sarah meninggal dalam sebuah kecelakaan beberapa minggu sesudahnya. Joseph akhirnya bertemu dan menikah dengan wanita lain yang akhirnya membesarkan Benjamin seperti anaknya sendiri. Benjamin tidak mengetahui fakta mengenai hal tersebut hingga ia dewasa dan lama setelah ia bertemu dengan ''Bajoran Prophets''.<ref>Episode "[[Shadows and Symbols]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 2 dari Season 7</ref> Ben memiliki seorang saudara perempuan bernama Judith, dan setidaknya dua saudara laki-laki.
Sisko masuk ke [[Starfleet Academy]] pada tahun 2350. Selama ''tahun [[sophomore]]''-nya, ia sedang ada dalam tugas lapangan di Starbase 137. Ia bertemu dengan seorang wanita bernama Jennifer di ''[[Babylon (kota), New York|Babylon]]'', [[New York]], tepatnya di ''[[Gilgo-Oak Beach-Captree, New York|Gilgo Beach]]''. Beberapa waktu setelah lulus dari ''[[Starfleet Academy]]'', keduanya menikah dan memiliki seorang anak bernama [[Jake Sisko|Jake]].<ref name="ReferenceA">Episode "[[Emissary (DS9 episode)|Emissary]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 1 of Season 1</ref>
==Sejarah Karakter==
===Sejarah karier dan hidup===
Lahir di tahun 2332 di [[New Orleans, Louisiana]], Benjamin adalah anak dari[[Joseph Sisko]], seorang ''[[chef]]'' dan pemilik dari [[restoran]] "Sisko's Creole Kitchen," biasa disebut "Sisko's". Ibu kandungnya adalah seorang manusia bumi bernama Sarah. Namun, Sarah sebenarnya dirasuki oleh salah satu dari ''[[Bajoran Prophets]]'' (makhluk hidup yang hidup dalam ''[[Bajoran wormhole]])'', yang memanipulasi Sarah agar menikah dengan Joseph dan melahirkan Benjamin. Sarah dan Joseph hidup bahagia sebagai suami-istri hingga Sarah menghilang dua hari setelah ulang tahun Ben, saat makhluk hidupn yang merasuki Sarah meninggalkan tubuh Sarah. Sarah meninggal dalam sebuah kecelakaan beberapa minggu sesudahnya. Joseph akhirnya bertemu dan menikah dengan wanita lain yang akhirnya membesarkan Benjamin seperti anaknya sendiri. Benjamin tidak mengetahui fakta mengenai hal tersebut hingga ia dewasa dan lama setelah ia bertemu dengan ''Bajoran Prophets''.<ref> Episode "[[Shadows and Symbols]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 2 dari Season 7</ref> Ben memiliki seorang saudara perempuan bernama Judith, dan setidaknya dua saudara laki-laki.
Sisko entered [[Starfleet Academy]] in 2350. During his [[sophomore]] year, he was in a field-study assignment on Starbase 137. He met a woman named Jennifer in [[Babylon (town), New York|Babylon]], New York on [[Gilgo-Oak Beach-Captree, New York|Gilgo Beach]], shortly after graduating from the Academy. The two eventually wed and had a son named [[Jake Sisko|Jake]].<ref name="ReferenceA">Episode "[[Emissary (DS9 episode)|Emissary]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 1 of Season 1</ref>
AsSebagai aseorang petugas [[Starfleet]] officeryang comingsedang upnaik through the ranksdaun, Sisko wasmemiliki seorang mentoredmentor bybernama [[Curzon Dax]], a joinedseorang [[Trill (Star Trek)|Trill]] servingyang assudah ''joined'' dan melayani sebagai [[duta besar]] [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] [[ambassador]] to theuntuk [[Klingon Empire]], when the two weresaat stationedkeduanya aboardditugaskan thedi USS ''Livingston'' earlypada inawal karier Sisko's career. TheHubungan symbioticsimbiosis nature of theantara ''joined Trill'' becomesmenjadi aaspek significantyang aspectsignifikan tountuk hubungan Sisko's laterdengan opsir relationshipssainsnya withdi hisstasiun DS9 scienceyang officerbernama [[Jadzia Dax]],. whoJadzia inherited themewarisi ''[[Dax symbiont]]'' fromdari Curzon;. andBegitu DS9pula counselorkonselor DS9, [[Ezri Dax]], whoyang inheritsjuga themewarisinya Daxsetelah symbiont uponkematian Jadzia's death.
Sisko servedbertugas aboard thedi USS ''Okinawa'' underdibawah ''Captain'' Leyton, whoyang sawmelihat commandpotensi potentialkepemimpinan inopsir the young officertersebut; Leyton promotedmempromosikan Sisko tomenjadi ''[[LieutenantLetnan CommanderKomandan (Star Trek)|Lieutenant Commander]]'' anddan mademenjadikan him hisSisko ''[[executive officer]]''. It was during thisDalam ''assignment'' thatinilah Sisko anddan Leyton foughtberperang indalam theperang war between theantara Federation and thedan [[Tzenkethi]].<ref> Episodes "[[Homefront (DS9 episode)|Homefront]]" & "[[Paradise Lost (DS9 episode)|Paradise Lost]]"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 10 & 11 of Season 4</ref>
Sisko eventuallyakhirnya transferreddipindahkan to theke USS ''Saratoga'' as itssebagai ''first officer''-nya. InDi earlyawal tahun 2367, the ''Saratoga'' wasadalah onesalah ofsatu thedari 40 kapal Starfleet vesselsyang involvedberpatisipasi in thedi ''[[Battle of Wolf 359]]'' against themelawan [[Borg (Star Trek)|Borg]]. InSebagai anusaha attemptuntuk tomengetahui gaintentang knowledge aboutpertahanan Starfleet defenses, the Borg assimilatemengassimilasi [[CaptainKapten (Star Trek)|CaptainKapten]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] of thedari U.S.S. Enterprise, ''registry'' NCC-1701-D, creatingdan amembuat Borgsebuah ''drone'' knownBorg asyang dikenal dengan nama ''Locutus''. InDalam thepertempuran ensuing battletersebut, 39 ofdari thekapal-kapal starshipsStarfleet atdi Wolf 359 are destroyedhancur anddan andiperkirakan estimatedsekitar 11,000 peoplenyawa are losthilang; includingtermasuk istri Sisko's wife, Jennifer.<ref name="ReferenceA"/>.
AfterwardKemudian, Sisko tookmendapat asebuah positionposisi at thedi ''Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards'' ondi [[Mars]], overseeingmengurus thepembuatan developmentkapal-kapal of new shipsbaru, including thetermasuk [[USS Defiant|USS ''Defiant'']], whichyang wasdibuat createdsecara specificallyspesifik tountuk contendmenanggapi withancaman thedari Borg threat.<ref> Episodes [[The Search (DS9 episode)|The Search]] parts I & II; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episodes 1 & 2 of Season 3</ref>
=== Deep Space Nine ===
InPada tahun 2369, Sisko is assignedditugaskan toke thesektor [[Bajor]]an sectoruntuk tomemimpin commandstasiun [[Deep Space Nine (spacestasiun stationluar angkasa)|Deep Space Nine]] anddan tountuk helpmembantu Bajor'sperbaikan recoveryBajor from the recently-concludeddari ''[[Occupation of Bajor|CardassianPendudukan occupationorang Cardassia]],'' shepherdingyang thembaru towardsaja possibleusai, membershipmenggembalakan inmereka theke kemungkinan mendapatkan keanggotaan ''[[United Federation of Planets]]''. Sisko anddan his sonanaknya, [[Jake Sisko|Jake]] reluctantlytinggal takedi upstasiun residenceluar onangkasa the stationDS9. RecognizingMengenali thatbahwa thestasiun then-decrepitluar stationangkasa isitu notbukanlah ansuatu "ideallingkungan environmentideal" inuntuk whichmemelihara toseorang raise a sonanak, Sisko contemplatesmemikirkan resigninguntuk hismengundurkan commission.diri Addingdari totugasnya Sisko'sdi discomfort isStarfleet. the presence ofKehadiran [[Jean-Luc Picard]], whoyang briefsmemberikan him''briefing'' onmisi histersebut missionmenambah rasa tidak nyaman Sisko. Sisko continuesterus tomemiliki harborrasa deepbenci resentment towardkepada Picard forterhadap his roleperannya, howevermeskipun unwillingterpaksa, in the death ofdalam hiskematian wifeistrinya.
UponPada Sisko'skunjungan firstpertama visitSisko toke Bajor, theseorang [[Kai Bajoran Kai]], [[ListDaftar ofkarakter Star Trek: Deep Space Nine characters#Opaka Sulan|Opaka Sulan]], labelsmenyebut himdia sebagai "theduta Emissarydari of thepara ''Prophets''" anddan givesmemberi himdia onesalah ofsatu thedari ''[[Tears of the Prophets]]'', a mysterious glowingSebuah [[Bajoran#ReligionReligi|Orb]] thatyang supposedlybersinar comesdan frommisterius Bajor'syang diceritakan berasal dari para ''[[Prophet (Star Trek)|Prophets]]'' Bajor. ByDengan studying themempelajari ''orb'' andtersebut nearbydan stellarfenomena phenomenonluar angkasa yang terjadi di dekat Bajor, [[Jadzia Dax]] findsmenemukan alokasi locationaktivitas ofyang unusualtidak activitybiasa in the nearbydi ''Denorios Belt''. TravelingSetelah theremenyelidikinya, Dax anddan Sisko discover the first known stablemenemukan ''[[BajoranLubang wormholeCacing Bajor|wormholelubang cacing]];'' thepertama otheryang endstabil; ofujung whichdari connects''lubang tocacing'' thetersebut berakhir di [[GammaKuadran QuadrantGamma]]. DuringSetelah theirmenggunakan return''lubang tripcacing'' throughtersebut theuntuk yang kedua wormholekali, Sisko anddan Dax encounterbertemu thedengan mysteriousalien-alien aliensmisterius livingyang withinhidup itdi dalam ''lubang cacing'' itu. ThePara devoutlyorang spiritualBajoran Bajoransyang believereligius thepercaya thembahwa to''lubang cacing'' dan alien-alien beitu theiradalah "Celestialcandi Templesurgawi" andmereka Prophets,dan respectively''Prophet''. TheseAlien-alien aliensini existada outsidedi linearluar timewaktu linear. Pertemuan Sisko's firstyang contactpertama withkali thedengan aliensalien-alien isitu awkwardcanggung anddan difficultsulit foruntuk bothkedua partiespihak; buttapi thepertemuan encounteritu helpsmembantu Sisko recognizeuntuk thatmenyadari hebahwa hasia nevertidak allowedpernah himselfmengizinkan todirinya moveuntuk beyondpergi thedari bitternesskepahitan anddan grief ofkedukaan losingdari hiskehilangan wifeistrinya, asdan welljuga askemarahannya his anger towardskepada Picard. AfterSetelah leavingkeluar thedari [[wormholelubang cacing]], Sisko embracesmengambil thekesempatan opportunityuntuk tomaju movedan forwardmemimpin andDS9 commanddan DS9mengadopsi andsikap adoptsyang alebih lesstidak hostilebermusuhan attitude towardskepada Picard before hissebelum departurekeberangkatannya.
Setelah DS9 dipindahkan ke pinggiran ''lubang cacing'' untuk mengklaimnya sebagai milik Bajor, stasiun itu menjadi tempat perkumpulan aktivitas sains, komersial dan politik yang baru.
After DS9 is moved to the mouth of the wormhole in order to firmly claim it for Bajor, it becomes a new hub of scientific, commercial and political activity.
ThePenemuan wormhole's'lubang discoverycacing'' cementsmemperkuat ingagasan Opaka's anddan otherorang-orang Bajorans' minds theBajor notionlain thatbahwa Sisko is theadalah ''Emissary of the Prophets'', asebuah titlegelar anddan settanggung ofjawab responsibilitiesyang withpada whichawalnya Siskotidak isdisukai initially ill at easeSisko. HoweverNamun, Sisko warmsakhirnya upmenghangat todan andakhirnya eventuallymemeluk embracesperannya hisyang fatedtelah roleditakdirkan indalam thekepercayaan Bajoranorang faithBajor.
WhenSaat Sisko leads thememimpin ''Defiant'' intoke thedalam wormholelubang tocacing interceptuntuk amencegat sebuah [[DominionPerang (Star Trek)|Dominion|armada]] [[Dominion War(Star Trek)|fleetDominion]], thepara ''Prophet'' Prophetsikut intervenecampur. Sisko, atpada thistitik pointini, hasbelum not fulfilled hismemenuhi [[destinytakdir]]nya; tountuk ensurememastikan thatSisko hetetap surviveshidup, thepara ''Prophet'' Prophetsmenghapus erasepara thepasukan Dominion forcesdari fromkeberadaan existencemereka.
== Referensi ==
Sisko plays a critical role in the intrigue of the [[Alpha Quadrant]]. His actions prove key in stopping an attempted coup d'état on [[Earth]] from his former captain, Admiral Leyton. During the [[Klingon]] invasion of [[Cardassia]], he is crucial to exposing the [[Changeling (Star Trek)|Founder]] impersonating Klingon general [[Martok]]. Sisko's exploits continue during the Dominion's invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, eventually working alongside [[William Ross (Star Trek)|Vice Admiral William Ross]] to help plan massive actions against the Dominion and their Cardassian and [[Breen]] allies. Sisko's contributions to the war effort are sometimes more surreptitious, such as his clandestine work with [[Elim Garak]] to bring the [[Romulan]]s into, and thus turn the tide of, the war.
Sisko fulfills the Prophets' destiny for him in the [[series finale]], "[[What You Leave Behind (DS9 episode)|What You Leave Behind]]", by confronting the [[Pah-wraith|Kosst Amojan]]-possessed Gul [[Dukat (Star Trek)|Dukat]]. They fight, and Dukat seems to be the winner, but in a last effort, Sisko throws himself and Dukat into the fiery abyss of the Bajoran Fire Caves, and Sisko is pulled into the Prophets' plane of existence to live with and learn from them. Sisko imparts a farewell to his new&mdash;and pregnant&mdash;wife, [[Kasidy Yates]], informing her that though he does not know when he will be able to return to her, he will eventually return.
==Personal life==
Sisko was first married to Jennifer, with whom he had a son, [[Jake Sisko|Jake]].
As seen in the pilot episode "[[Emissary (DS9 episode)|Emissary]]", Sisko harbors a deep anger and dislike towards [[Jean-Luc Picard]] due to the fact that it was Picard, as Locutus of Borg, who led the [[Borg (Star Trek)|Borg]] attack against the [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] at the [[Battle of Wolf 359]]. Sisko lost his wife, Jennifer, during the Borg attack and this forced Sisko to raise their young son, Jake, as a single parent. In order to take care of Jake, Sisko placed his [[Starfleet]] career on hold by taking up a backwater position at the Federation [[Utopia Planitia]] shipyard orbiting [[Mars]].
Sisko remained a widower and single parent for many years. Eventually Sisko reluctantly accepted a posting as commander of [[Deep Space Nine (space station)|Deep Space Nine]] orbiting the planet [[Bajor]], where he eventually married a space freighter captain, [[Kasidy Yates]].
Sisko loves [[baseball]], a sport that has largely disappeared by the 24th century but is kept alive by a small group of aficionados. He keeps a [[baseball (ball)|baseball]] on the desk in his office (given to him by an alien impersonating Buck Bokai, Sisko's favorite historical baseball player) halfway through the first season), and often picks it up and tosses it around when deep in thought. When the [[Dominion (Star Trek)|Dominion]] captures DS9, Sisko leaves the ball in his office as a message that he intends to return (this can also be seen in the second season three-parter, consisting of "Homecoming," "[[The Circle (DS9 episode)|The Circle]]" and "[[The Siege (DS9 episode)|The Siege]]" and also the Season 5 finale, "[[Call to Arms (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)|Call To Arms]]"). After [[Jadzia Dax]]'s death in "[[Tears of the Prophets]]", he takes the baseball with him to [[Earth]], causing [[Kira Nerys]] to worry that he will not return.
Like his father, a [[chef]], Sisko also enjoys cooking. His father owns a restaurant in [[New Orleans, Louisiana|New Orleans]], and specialized in [[Creole cuisine]].
It is also widely known that Sisko wants to become an [[Admiral]]; he states this intent to Admiral Ross during his temporary assignment at a starbase under Ross' command.
==Alter egos==
Sisko can also be identified as two other characters in the ''[[Star Trek]]'' [[fictional universe|universe]]:
===Benny Russell===
In the episode "[[Far Beyond the Stars (DS9 episode)|Far Beyond the Stars]]", Sisko considers resigning his commission after losing an old friend during the [[Dominion War]] and the [[Bajoran Prophets|Prophets]] intervene, making Sisko briefly live the life of '''Benny Russell''', a science fiction short story writer in [[United States in the 1950s#Civil_rights|1950s America]]. (The other people in Russell's life are usually played by Brooks' [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|DS9]] co-stars, in most cases allowing them to appear without the heavy prosthetic makeup of their alien characters and show viewers their true appearance.)
Every day, Russell faces the prejudices of his world; his publisher does not even allow his photograph to be printed. He writes a story called "Deep Space Nine" that takes place in a universe without [[prejudice]] and [[bigotry]]. However, his publisher refuses to release the story because he makes the commander of the [[space station]] a [[African-American|black]] man. This injustice eventually drives Benny [[insanity|insane]]; soon after, Sisko finds himself back in the 24th century, understanding his place is aboard the station but questioning the nature of reality.
Later, in "[[Shadows and Symbols]]", Sisko experiences more flashbacks to his "life" as Benny Russell, now in a [[mental institution]], obsessively writing the episode, synchronously, on the wall. Although it seems to be left ambiguous as to whether Benny is real or the Prophets' creation, at the end of this episode, the wormhole alien he was hunting says, "The Kosst Amojan tried to stop you with a false vision," implying that the [[Pah-wraiths]] was implanting the Russell fantasy into Sisko's mind to throw him off his mission.
In a June 2006 interview, former DS9 producer [[Ira Steven Behr]] said that he contemplated making the entire ''Deep Space Nine'' series a writing of the character Benny Russell.<ref>{{cite web|url=|date=June 8, 2006|title=Behr Compares 4400 to DS9|accessdate=February 16, 2007}}</ref>
===Gabriel Bell===
Due to a [[time travel]] incident depicted in "[[Past Tense (DS9 episode)|Past Tense]]", Sisko unintentionally takes the place of '''Gabriel Bell''', an important figure in early 21st century America. The real Bell dies as a result of Sisko's presence, so Sisko takes his place in order to preserve the timeline. "Bell" instigates the [[Bell Riots]], which helped change the course of human history.
Although Sisko is successful in fulfilling Bell's destiny and preserving the timeline, historical images of Bell show Sisko's image.
While sharing the same core values of [[Captain (Star Trek)|Captains]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] and [[Kathryn Janeway]], Sisko shows a tendency to compromise those values in extreme situations. The most striking example is in the episode "[[In the Pale Moonlight (DS9 episode)|In the Pale Moonlight]]", in which Sisko lies, [[obstruction of justice|obstructs justice]], and is an unwitting accomplice in murder in order to turn the tide in the [[Dominion War]]. Afterward, Sisko records a personal log regarding his feelings about the entire affair, lamenting the fact that he appears to feel no remorse for his actions (which, by bringing the [[Romulan]]s into the war, significantly increase the [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]]'s chances of survival) before having the computer delete the entire log entry.
Another example of this [[Machiavellian]] approach can be found in the episode "[[For the Uniform (DS9 episode)|For the Uniform]]", in which Sisko poisons the atmosphere of a [[Maquis (Star Trek)|Maquis]] colony in order to catch the traitorous [[Michael Eddington]].
Sisko also demonstrates a bold and no nonsense persona to the point of exasperation, even to the extent of his best friend (the latter host of the [[Dax symbiont]] shown in the series, Ezri) stating that his personality intimidates [[Worf]]. When pushed to the edge of his limits, Sisko also demonstrates a dramatic, non-sensical demeanor annoying to both his crew members and the audience alike. Relative to other Star Trek captains, Sisko shows strength in strategic/operational military planning, as evidenced by his chief role in the Federation's [[Dominion War]] effort. Whilst not as schooled in philosophy as [[Jean-Luc Picard]], or scientifically geared as [[Kathryn Janeway]], Sisko also highlights strength in engineering capacities (as seen in "Explorers", "The Visitor" and "Civil Defense") for reasons unexplained by the series's logic.
==Cultural references==
* In [[Sunshine (novel)|''Sunshine'']] by [[Robin McKinley]], the title character mentions a tour company called "Earth Trek" operated by a man named Benjamin Sisko.
{{cite book|title=[[The Star Trek Encyclopedia]]|author=[[Michael Okuda|Okuda, Mike]] and Denise Okuda, with Debbie Mirek|publisher=Pocket Books|isbn=0-671-53609-5|year=1999}}
== Pranala luar ==
* {{commonsMemoryalpha}}
* [[MemoryAlpha:Emissary|Emissary of the Prophets]] article at Memory Alpha
* [ Benjamin Sisko] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-07-03 }}
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