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(10 revisi perantara oleh 7 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[FileBerkas:View of the Market Place Derby about 1850.jpg|thumbjmpl|Pasar di Derby tahun 1850]]
[[FileBerkas:Etrurua From Basford Bank by Henry Lark Pratt.jpg|thumbjmpl|[[Etruria]] Dari Basford Bank]]
'''Henry Lark Pratt''' ({{lahirmati|[[Derby]]|16|2|1805|[[Stoke -on Trent]]|3|3|1873}}) adalah seorang pelukis Inggris yang terlatih dari indstri porselen.
== Biografi ==
Prat dilahrikan di paroki St Peters di [[Derby]] pada 16 Februari 1805 dan magang pada perdagangan porselen di Pabrik Derby pada usia sekitar 1 tahun. Pratt menyelesaikan masa magangnya tahun 1824. Ia tinggal di Derby sampai 1830. Setelah itu ia bekerja di [[Mintons]] dari 1831 sampai November 1836 sebagai pelukis. Enam bulan sebelum meninggalkan Mintons ia menikah dengan Margaret Windsor dari [[Stoke on Trent]]. Henry dan Margaret mempunyai anak pada tahun 1837 dan lima anak pertamanya lahir di Stoke. Seorang putranya lahir tahun 1839 dan diberi nama sama dengan ayahnya dan juga menjadi seniman.<ref name=mancip>{{en}} {{cite book|last=Mancip|first=David|title=Artists & Craftsmen of the 19th century Derby China Factory|year=2004|publisher=Landmark Publishing|isbn=1 84306 139 2}}</ref>
Tahun 1841 Pratt menyebutkan profesinya sebagai seniman pada sensus dan tahun 1844 mulai tertarik pada [[lukisan cat minyak]]. Ia kemudian dipekerjakan untuk membuat sketsa balai ''baron'' di kanti-kanti terdekat. Ia menikmati melukis dan tertarik pada lansekap dan khususnya lembah [[Dovedale]] di Derbyshire dan perbatasan Staffordshire. Panutan seninya termasuk [[Adipati dari Devonshire]] dan [[Ratu Victoria]] yang membeli layanan makan malam dengan pemandangan dari [[Kastel Windsor]] yang dilukis Pratt.<ref name=mancip/>
HeIa movedpindah backkembali toke Derby intahun 1851 wheredi hemana wasia stillmasih makinghidup adari livingkemampuan fromseninya hisdan artisticmenghidupi skillsistri thatserta keptsembilan his wife and their nine childrenanaknya. InTahun 1861 heia describedmenyebut himselfdirinya as asebagai "LandscapePelukis painterlansekap onpada ChinaPorselen."<ref>'Henry Lark Pratt', Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951, University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011 [http://sculpture.gla.ac.uk/view/person.php?id=msib4_1233325296, accessed 22 Jul 2011]</ref> HeIa diedmeninggal onpada the3 3rd MarchMaret 1873 indi Stoke on Trent. Pratt’sPutra sonPratt, Henry Lark Pratt changedmengganti hisnamanya name tomenjadi Hinton tountuk trymenghindari andkebingungan avoidnama confusiondengan withayahnya hisnamun fatherhanya butberpengaruh thiskecil waspada to little effect as paintings are foundlukisan-lukisannya thatyang arebertanda signedtangan “H.L.Pratt”.<ref name=mancip/> Pratt (junioryunior) wentmelakukan onpameran tolukisan exhibit a painting at thedi [[Royal Academy]] intahun 1867 anddan sixenam yearstahun laterkemudian helukisannya hadditerima another painting acceptred by theoleh [[Society of British Artists]]. HeIa diedmeninggal intahun 1875 atpada theusia age36 of 36tahun.
In 1841 Pratt described his profession as artist in the census and in 1844 he started taking an interest in [[oil painting]]. He was then employed to sketch baronial halls in nearby counties. He enjoyed painting and was keen on landscapes and particularly the valley of [[Dovedale]] on the Derbyshire and Staffordshire border. Patrons of his art included the [[Dukes of Devonshire]] and [[Queen Victoria]] who bought a dinner service with views of [[Windsor Castle]] that Pratt had painted.<ref name=mancip/>
== Karya ==
He moved back to Derby in 1851 where he was still making a living from his artistic skills that kept his wife and their nine children. In 1861 he described himself as a "Landscape painter on China."<ref>'Henry Lark Pratt', Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951, University of Glasgow History of Art and HATII, online database 2011 [http://sculpture.gla.ac.uk/view/person.php?id=msib4_1233325296, accessed 22 Jul 2011]</ref> He died on the 3rd March 1873 in Stoke on Trent. Pratt’s son Henry Lark Pratt changed his name to Hinton to try and avoid confusion with his father but this was to little effect as paintings are found that are signed “H.L.Pratt”.<ref name=mancip/> Pratt (junior) went on to exhibit a painting at the [[Royal Academy]] in 1867 and six years later he had another painting acceptred by the [[Society of British Artists]]. He died in 1875 at the age of 36.
Henry Lark Pratt hasmempunyai severalbeberapa paintingslukisan<ref name=goodeys>{{en}} {{cite book|last=Allard|first=Sarah|title=Goodey's Derby|year=2003|publisher=Breedon Books|isbn=1 85983 379 9|pages=157|coauthors=Nicola Rippon}}</ref> in hisdi [[Derby Museum anddan ArtGaleri Gallery|homeSeni town’sDerby|galeri artseni gallerykota]]<ref name="DUK">[http://www.derbyshireuk.net/derbyshire_artists1.html Derbyshire Artists] Derbyshire UK</ref> assama wellhalnya asseperti paintingslukisan-lukisan atdi the gallery ingaleri [[Newcastle under Lyme]].<ref>{{en}} [http://www.bbc.co.uk/stoke/content/image_galleries/newcastle_museum_gallery.shtml?2 Paintings from Newcastle Museum], BBC. accesseddiakses JulyJuli 2010</ref>
Henry Lark Pratt has several paintings<ref name=goodeys>{{cite book|last=Allard|first=Sarah|title=Goodey's Derby|year=2003|publisher=Breedon Books|isbn=1 85983 379 9|pages=157|coauthors=Nicola Rippon}}</ref> in his [[Derby Museum and Art Gallery|home town’s art gallery]]<ref name="DUK">[http://www.derbyshireuk.net/derbyshire_artists1.html Derbyshire Artists] Derbyshire UK</ref> as well as paintings at the gallery in [[Newcastle under Lyme]].<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/stoke/content/image_galleries/newcastle_museum_gallery.shtml?2 Paintings from Newcastle Museum], BBC. accessed July 2010</ref>
== Referensi ==
{{commonscat|Henry Lark Pratt}}
{{Museum Derby}}
{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Pratt, Henry Lark}}
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1805]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 1873]]
[[Kategori:Pelukis Inggris]]
[[Kategori:Koleksi Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby]]
[[be:Генры Ларк Прат]]
[[en:Henry Lark Pratt]]
[[eo:Henry Lark Pratt]]
[[it:Henry Lark Pratt]]
[[ru:Пратт, Генри Ларк]]