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{{Infobox football biography
{{Football player infobox
| playername = Giuseppe Rossi
| image = [[Berkas:Giuseppe Rossi, Giuseppe- 2009 - Villarreal CF.jpg|250px]]
| fullname = Giuseppe Rossi
| dateofbirth = {{birth date and age|1987|2|1|df=y}}
| cityofbirth = [[{{City-state|Teaneck, |New Jersey]]}}
| countryofbirth = [[Amerika Serikat]]
| height = {{height|m=1.,73}}
|position = [[Penyerang]]
| currentclub = [[JuventusACF FCFiorentina|JuventusFiorentina]]
| clubnumber = 22
| position clubnumber = [[Striker]]25
|youthyears1 = 2000—2004|youthclubs1 = [[Parma F.C.|Parma]]
| youthyears = 2000-2004<br />2004-2005
|youthyears2 youthclubs = 2004—2006|youthclubs2 = [[Parma F.C.|Parma]]<br />[[Manchester United F.C.|Manchester United]]
|years1 = 2005—2007|clubs1 = [[Manchester United F.C.|Manchester United]]|caps1 = 5|goals1 = 1
| years = 2005-2007<br />2006-2007<br />2007<br />2007-
| clubs years2 = [[Manchester United F.C.2006|Manchesterclubs2= United]]<br />→ [[Newcastle United F.C.|Newcastle United]] (pinjampinjaman)<br|caps2= />→ [[Parma F.C.11|Parma]]goals2= (pinjam)<br />[[Villarreal CF|Villarreal]]0
|years3 = 2007|clubs3 = → [[Parma F.C.|Parma]] (pinjaman)|caps3 = 19|goals3 = 9
| caps(goals) = {{0}}5 {{0}}(1)<br />11 {{0}}(0)<br />19 {{0}}(9)<br />25 (11)
|years4 = 2007–2013 |clubs4 = [[Villarreal CF|Villarreal]] |caps4 = 136 |goals4 = 54
| nationalyears = 2003<br />2003-2004<br />2004-2005<br />2006-
|years5 = 2013- |clubs5 = [[ACF Fiorentina|Fiorentina]] |caps5 = 0 |goals5 = 0
| nationalteam = Italia U-16<br />Italia U-17<br />Italia U-18<br />[[Tim nasional sepak bola Italia U-21|Italia U-21]]
|nationalyears1 = 2003|nationalteam1 = {{timnas|U-16 Italia|Italia U-16}}
| nationalcaps(goals) = {{0}}5 {{0}}(3)<br />14 {{0}}(6)<br />{{0}}3 {{0}}(0)<br />17 {{0}}(6)
|nationalyears2 = 2003—2004|nationalteam2 = {{timnas|U-17 Italia|Italia U-17}}
| pcupdate = [[27 April]] [[2008]]
|nationalyears3 = 2004—2005|nationalteam3 = {{timnas|U-18 Italia|Italia U-18}}
| ntupdate = [[25 Maret]] [[2008]]
|nationalyears4 = 2006—2008|nationalteam4 = {{timnas|U-21 Italia|Italia U-21}}
|nationalyears5 = 2008|nationalteam5 = {{timnas|Olimpiade Italia}}
|nationalyears6 = 2008—2022 |nationalteam6 = {{timnas|Italia}}
|nationalcaps1 = 5|nationalgoals1 = 3|nationalcaps2 = 14|nationalgoals2 = 6
|nationalcaps3 = 3|nationalgoals3 = 0|nationalcaps4 = 16|nationalgoals4 = 5
|nationalcaps5 = 6|nationalgoals5 = 6|nationalcaps6 = 27|nationalgoals6 = 6
|pcupdate = 15 Oktober 2011|ntupdate = 7 Oktober 2011
'''Giuseppe Rossi''' (lahir{{lahirmati|{{City-state|Teaneck|New Jersey}}, [[1Amerika FebruariSerikat]] [[|1|2|1987]] di [[Teaneck, New Jersey]]}}) merupakan seorang pemain [[sepak bola]] berkebangsaan [[Italia]] yang kini membela klub [[VillarrealACF CFFiorentina|Fiorentina]]. Ayahnya bernama Fernando Rossi, merupakan mantan pelatih [[Clifton High School (New Jersey)|Clifton High School]], dan ibunya bernama Cleonilde Rossi, merupakan seorang pengajar di Sekolah Tinggi Clifton. Dia pernamhpernah membela beberapa klub seperti [[Parma F.C.]], [[Manchester United F.C.]], dan [[Newcastle United F.C.]].
Dia memiliki dua kewarganegaraan [[Italia]] dan [[Amerika Serikat]].
== Pranala luar ==
* [{{resmi| Giuseppe Rossi - Situs Resmi]}}
* [ Villareal Official squad profile] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-08-01 }}
* {{soccerbase|id=40227|name=Giuseppe Rossi}}
* [ BBC profile] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-14 }}
* [ profile]
* [ profile] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-10-13 }}
* [ Giuseppe Rossi Profile,] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2023-08-06 }}
* [ Giuseppe Rossi -] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2016-05-27 }}
{{lifetime|1987||Rossi, Giuseppe}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:KelahiranPemain 1987|Rossisepak bola Italia]]
[[Kategori:Pemain sepak bola Italia|Rossi]]
[[Kategori:Pemain Manchester United]]
[[Kategori:Pemain Newcastle United F.C.]]
[[Kategori:Pemain sepakParma bolaCalcio Italia|Rossi1913]]
[[Kategori:Pemain Villarreal CF]]
[[Kategori:Pemain ACF Fiorentina]]
[[ar:جوسيبي روسي]]
[[bg:Джузепе Роси]]
[[ca:Giuseppe Rossi]]
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[[en:Giuseppe Rossi]]
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[[ga:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[gl:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[he:ג'וזפה רוסי]]
[[hu:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[is:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[it:Giuseppe Rossi (calciatore)]]
[[ko:주세페 로시]]
[[la:Iosephus Rossi]]
[[mt:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[nl:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[no:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[pl:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[pt:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[ru:Росси, Джузеппе]]
[[simple:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[sv:Giuseppe Rossi]]
[[th:จูเซปเป รอสซี]]
[[tr:Giuseppe Rossi]]