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<!-- Unsourced image removed: [[ImageBerkas:Atiku.jpg|frame|Atiku Abubakar]] -->
{{Infobox Vice President
| name=Atiku Abubakar
|image=Deputy Secretary Alphonso Jackson with Nigeria's Vice President Atiku Abubakar (cropped).jpg
| image=Wwwjjan3.jpg
| orderoffice= [[Wakil Presiden Nigeria]]
| term_start=[[29 Mei]] [[1999]]
| president=[[Olusegun Obasanjo]]
| predecessor= [[Mike Akhigbe|Admiral Muda Mike Akhigbe]]
| successor=''incumbent''
| birth_date=[[25 November]] [[1946]]
| birth_place=[[Negara bagian Adamawa]], [[Nigeria]]
| party=[[Kongres Aksi]]
| spouse=
[[Haji]] '''Atiku Abubakar''' (Turakin Adamawa), [[GCON]] (lahir [[{{lahirmati||25 November]] [[|11|1946]]}}) adalah [[Wakil Presiden Nigeria|Wakil Presiden]] [[Nigeria]] sejak tahun [[1999]]. Ia berasal dari [[Negara bagian Adamawa]] dan anggota dari [[Partai Demokrat Rakyat (Nigeria)|Partai Demokrat Rakyat]] (PDR) hingga dipecat pada 2006. Saat ini ia tetap menjabat sebagai wakil presiden, namuntetapi afiliasi partainya dialihkan ke Partai [[Kongres Aksi]].
== Latar belakang ==
Abubakar mencapai pucuk pimpinan PDR yang berkuasa terutama karena peranan penting yang dimainkan dalam pembentukannya. Ia juga merupakan musuh bebuyutan dari Presiden [[Sani Abacha]], diktator Nigeria yang telah meninggal dunia. Sumber kekayaan Atiku telah menjadi eprtanyaan di antara rakyat Nigeria, tetapi itu pun berlaku bagi banyak warga Nigeria kaya lainnya, termasuk atasannya sendiri - Olusegun Obasanjo. Ia pernah mengatakan dalam sebuah biografi baru yang masih akan diterbitkan bahwa kekayaannya diperoleh, "melalui investasi yang bijaksana, kerja keras dan keuntungan semata-mata karena berada di tempat yang tepat dan di waktu yang tepat," namun banyak yang berpendapat bahwa pernyataannya ini hanyalah sekadar suatu tabir asap.
Abubakar bekerja sebagai seorang petugas bea cukai selama 20 tahun, dan berhasil mencapai kedudukan wakil direktur sebelum ia beralih ke bisnis dan politik pada [[1989]]. Sementara menjabat sebagai petugas bea cukai yang menangani Bandara Internasional Murtala Muhammed [[Lagos]] pada 1984, terjadi skandal "53 koper" yang terkenal milik almarhum Emir dari Gwandu. Abubakar dituduh mengabaikan semua peraturan dan membiarkan sang Emir dan rombongannya berlalu bahkan tanpa diperiksa satu koperpun. Kebanyakan petugas bea cukai yang ada di situ merasa kaget. Belakangan juga dituduhkan bahwa banyak dari koper itu yang penuh berisi uang. Kejadian ini membuat marah Kepala Negara Bagian, Jenderal [[Buhari]] dan wakilnya, Brigadir [[Tunde Idiagbon]], yang memerintahkan investigasi segera dan menyeluruh ke dalam masalah ini. Hal ini membuat geram Kepala Negara Bagian saat itu, Mayor Mustafa Jokolo, yang, kebetulan, adalah anak sulung sang Emir.
<!--The Finance MinisterMenteri atKeuangan thesaat timeitu, Onaolapo Soleye dan andseorang anotherperwira youngmiliter butmuda influentialyang Army Officerberpengaruh, ColKol. Chris Alli, triedberusaha inuntuk vainmengajukan to pleadkasus Atiku's caseke beforehadapan Buhari anddan Idiagbon., Fatetetapi wassia-sia. laterBelakangan totepat conspireketika inkasusnya Abubakar'sakan favour just as his trial was all set to go ahead:diajukan, GeneralJenderal [[Ibrahim Babangida]], indalam anusaha effortuntuk tomenyelamatkan savedirinya his own skinsendiri, overthrewmenggulingkan therezim Buhari regime. ThisHal workedini perfectlysangat well formenolong Atiku Abubakar, whoyang wasakhirnya eventually eased out ofpelan-pelan officediberhentikan (effectivelydari sacked)jabatannya.
==Vice PresidencyWakil presiden ==
SinceSejak becomingmenjadi ViceWakil PresidentPresiden inpada 1999, heAbubakar hastelah presidedmemimpin overDewan thePrivatisasi NationalNasional. CouncilPada onmasa Privatizationini, duringratusan whichperusahaan hundredspublik ofyang loss-makingmerugi anddan poorlydikelola manageddengan publicburuk enterprisesdijual weredengan soldcara offyang inmenimbulkan alebih mannerbanyak thatpertanyaan hasdaripada prompted more questions than answersmenjawabnya. ThereAda haveberbagai beentuduhan wildbahwa allegationsAbubakar thatterlibat Atikudalam engagedpraktik-praktik incurang unwholesomedalam practicesproses duringprivatisasi theterhadap privatizationsebagian ofdari someperusahaan-perusahaan ofnegara thoseini. previouslyAnak State-owned parastatals.lelaki PresidentPresiden Obasanjo's son, Gbenga, alludedmerujuk tokepada thistuduhan allegationini indalam ansebuah interviewwawancara withdengan ansebuah internet-basedjurnal yang berbasis journalInternet, [[Elendu Reports]],. whereDi hesitu insinuatedia thatmengatakan bahwa Atiku Abubakar "soldmenjual Pentascope tokepada himself"dirinya sendiri".<ref>[ Atiku's Mansion and the War on Corruption] Elendu Reports, 17 AugustAgustus 2005</ref>. Tuduhan-tuduhan These allegationsini, yetmasih againbelum remain unproventerbuka, thoughmeskipun manybanyak politicalanalis analystspolitik seemelihat himAbubakar, ratherdengan sympatheticallyrasa simpatik, asbahwa aia manadalah whoorang isyang morecenderung proneterlibat to cock-upsmasalah thandaripada conspiracypersekongkolan.
<!--Abubakar's first and most senior wife [[Amina Titi Atiku Abubakar]], is believed to be an Ilesha-born Roman Catholic from [[Osun State]] in western Nigeria; together they have four children and two grandchildren. He has three other wives: Rukayat (the daughter of the Lamido of Adamawa, an influential monarch); Fatima, a lawyer based in Lagos and Jamila (AKA Jennifer Iwendiora, an Ibo woman from Onitsha, who was a former television newscaster and now a doctoral degree student in the United States). As a result, political associates and critics, tend to agree Atiku is one of the most detribalized northern [[Muslims]] aristocrats.
He is perceived by some close friends of his, who are predominantly of northern [[Christian]] extraction, as a moderate who would be fairer to Christians, in comparison to other Northern Muslim aspirants; though these days Nigerian Christians hardly give much thought to who's likely to be impartial and unbaised as they themselves have become just as radicalized as the Muslim population after decades of marginalization and playing second fiddle. <ref>[ Obasanjo accuses deputy of fraud] BBC News, 7 September 2006</ref> The role played by Atiku in a 'state of emergency' invoked on [[Plateau State]] also gives credence to his support for fairness to people of other faiths.
Abubakar's first and most senior wife [[Amina Titi Atiku Abubakar]], is believed to be an Ilesha-born Roman Catholic from [[Osun State]] in western Nigeria; together they have four children and two grandchildren. He has three other wives: Rukayat (the daughter of the Lamido of Adamawa, an influential monarch); Fatima, a lawyer based in Lagos and Jamila (AKA Jennifer Iwendiora, an Ibo woman from Onitsha, who was a former television newscaster and now a doctoral degree student in the United States). As a result, political associates and critics, tend to agree Atiku is one of the most detribalized northern [[Muslims]] aristocrats.
In 2006, Atiku had in a face-off with his direct superior, President [[Olusegun Obasanjo]], due to the latter's eventual failed attempts to amend certain provisions of the constitution in order to take another shot at the presidency (for the third consecutive time). It is unclear whether Atiku's opposition to President Obasanjo's inordinate ambition was altruistic or selfish. Nonetheless, Atiku had never hidden his interest in the coveted post. The debate and acrimony generate by the failed constitutional amendment has caused a rift in the [[People's Democratic Party]] <ref>[ Nigeria's ruling party in split] BBC News, 10 June 2006</ref>. It also appears to have irreparably damaged both men's political and personal relationship, of which, Mr Abubakar, from all indications, is feeling the brunt of it. Despite the furore, the Nigerian Supreme Court eventually ruled that any amendments allowing Obasanjo to run for another term were untenable.
He is perceived by some close friends of his, who are predominantly of northern [[Christian]] extraction, as a moderate who would be fairer to Christians, in comparison to other Northern Muslim aspirants; though these days Nigerian Christians hardly give much thought to who's likely to be impartial and unbaised as they themselves have become just as radicalized as the Muslim population after decades of marginalization and playing second fiddle. <ref>[ Obasanjo accuses deputy of fraud] BBC News, 7 September 2006</ref> The role played by Atiku in a 'state of emergency' invoked on [[Plateau State]] also gives credence to his support for fairness to people of other faiths.
In 2006, Atiku had in a face-off with his direct superior, President [[Olusegun Obasanjo]], due to the latter's eventual failed attempts to amend certain provisions of the constitution in order to take another shot at the presidency (for the third consecutive time). It is unclear whether Atiku's opposition to President Obasanjo's inordinate ambition was altruistic or selfish. Nonetheless, Atiku had never hidden his interest in the coveted post. The debate and acrimony generate by the failed constitutional amendment has caused a rift in the [[People's Democratic Party]] <ref>[ Nigeria's ruling party in split] BBC News, 10 June 2006</ref>. It also appears to have irreparably damaged both men's political and personal relationship, of which, Mr Abubakar, from all indications, is feeling the brunt of it. Despite the furore, the Nigerian Supreme Court eventually ruled that any amendments allowing Obasanjo to run for another term were untenable.
In August, [[2005]] Abubakar surfaced in a report by the BBC Worldservice <ref>[ US probes Nigeria vice-president] BBC News, 29 August 2005</ref>, as the intended recipient of a bribe as part of a scheme involving [[United States Congressman]] [[Bill Jefferson]] to promote Nigeria's adoption of [[internetInternet]] technology from the [[United States|American]] firm [[iGate]], Inc. So far, according to the [[FBI]], there is no evidence that Mr Abubakar sought nor received bribe; which makes some skeptics think that Atiku may be a target of witch-hunt <ref>[ FBI Says Jefferson Was Filmed Taking Cash] The Washington Post, May 22, 2006</ref> Jefferson had collected the money from a business partner to give to Atiku, but the marked money was later found in the Congressman's house wrapped in a foil and neatly tucked away in a freezer. -->
Atiku kadang-kadang menghadapi masalah karena ulahnya sendiri. Oleh banyak surat kabar dilaporkan bahwa sejumlah besar orang menyaksikan ia memerintahkan pembantu-pembantunya untuk menyerang secara fisik [[Akintunde Akinleye]], seorang wartawan foto Daily Independent karena telah menulis artikel yang menjelek-jelekkannya. Beberapa minggu setelah kejadian ini, Atiku membuat pernyataan publik yang isinya, bukannya meminta maaf, malah membenarkan tindakannya ini dan mempersalahkan sang wartawan atas kejadiant ersebut. Meskipun demikian, Abubakar menawarkan penggantikan kamera Akinleye yang rusak. Kejadian ini dan yang lain-lainnya telah membuat ia tidak disukai oleh Persatuan Wartawan Nigeria, yang telah bangkit melawannya.
Di luar itu, masa depan politik Atiku tetap tidak pasti. Presiden Obasanjo telah meminta Senat untuk memeriksa laporan investigasi mengenai praktik-praktik curang yang dituduhkan kepada Wakil Presiden.
Pada [[18 September]] [[2006]], Abubakar dituduh oleh [[Komisi Kejahatan Ekonomi dan Finansial]], bahwa ia telah menggelapkan dana kampanye sebesar [[Naira|₦]] dan melakukan berbagai suapan. <ref>[ PTDF: Forensic Investigation Indicts Atiku] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-03-15 }} ThisDay, 18 September 2006</ref>
== Pencalonan diri sebagai presiden ==
Pada [[25 November]] [[2006]] Abubakar mengumumkan bahwa ia akan ikut serta dalam pemilihan [[Presiden Nigeria|Presiden]] tetapi tidak segera menyatakan partai yang akan diwakilinya meskipun ia telah meresmikan sebuah komite kampanye presiden []. Hari Rabu, 20 Desember 2006, ia secara resmi bergabung dengan Kongres Aksi sebagai kandidat presiden mereka.
== Situs resmi ==
* [ Situs resmi Wakil Presiden Atiku Abubakar]
== Proyek kampanye 2007 Atiku ==
* [ Situs mahasiswa Nigeria di Siprus, Eropa dan Timur Tengah yang mendukung Proyek 2007 Atiku] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-29 }}
== Aliansi Bersatu untuk Perubahan ==
* [ The official website of Nigerian Students in diaspora coalition in support of Atiku Abubakar]
* [ The Home of Nigerian Students in Europe ]
* [ The official website of Nigerian Students in diaspora coalition in support of Atiku Abubakar] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-29 }}
* [ The Home of Nigerian Students in Europe ] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-29 }}
== CatatanReferensi ==
== Situs resmi ==
* [ Situs resmi Wakil Presiden Atiku Abubakar]
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[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1946|Abubakar, Atiku]]
[[Kategori:Politikus Nigeria|Abubakar, Atiku]]
[[en:Atiku Abubakar]]
[[fr:Atiku Abubakar]]