Daftar Presiden Republik Kongo: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k →‎top: Perubahan kosmetika
(7 revisi perantara oleh 5 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 11:
|colspan="4"|'''[[Republik Kongo]]'''
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>[[15 Agustus]] [[1960]]-[[15 Agustus]] [[1963]]||<small>Abbé</small> '''[[Fulbert Youlou]]''', <small>Presiden||<small>UDDIA||<small>Continued to use title 'Abbot' despite being suspended by the church on entering politics. Deposed in a ''coup d'etatétat''
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|rowspan="2"|<small>[[15 Agustus]] [[1963]]-[[16 Agustus]] [[1963]]||'''[[David Moussaka]]''', <small>dan||<small>Mil||
Baris 32:
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>[[5 September]] [[1968]]-[[1 Januari]] [[1969]]
|<small>Major </small>[[Alfred Raoul|'''[[Alfred Raoul]]''']], <small>Kepala Negara sementara||<small>Mil||
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>[[1 Januari]] [[1969]]-[[3 Januari]] [[1970]]||<small>Major </small>[[Marien Ngouabi|'''[[Marien Ngouabi]]''']], <small>Kepala Negara||<small>Mil/PCT||
|- valign=top
|colspan="4"|'''[[Republik Kongo|Republik Rakyat Kongo]]'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;''('''[[Republik Kongo|République populair du Congo]]''')''
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>[[3 Januari]] [[1970]]-[[18 Maret]] [[1977]]||<small>Major </small>[[Marien Ngouabi|'''[[Marien Ngouabi]]''']], <small>Head of State||<small>Mil/PCT||<small>A 'new state' deemed to have created from [[3 Januari|3 Jan]] [[1970]]; Assassinated
|- valign=top
|[[18 Maret]] [[1977]]||colspan="3"|''Presidency suspended''
Baris 44:
|rowspan="12"|<small>[[18 Maret]] [[1977]]-[[3 April]] [[1977]]||colspan="3"|'''''Military Committee of the Congolese Labour Party''':-''
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>Colonel </small>[[Jacques Yhombi-Opango|'''[[Jacques Yhombi-Opango]]''']]||<small>Mil/PCT||&nbsp;
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|'''[[Denis Sassou-Nguesso]]'''||<small>Mil/PCT||
Baris 67:
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>[[3 April]] [[1977]]-[[5 Februari]] [[1979]]
|<small>Kolonel </small>[[Jacques Yhombi-Opango|'''[[Jacques Yhombi-Opango]]''']], <small>Kepala Negara||<small>Mil/PCT||
|- valign=top bgcolor="#ffffec"
|<small>[[5 Februari]] [[1979]]-[[8 Februari]] [[1979]]
Baris 86:
== Afiliasi ==
* ADD : ''Avant pour la Défense de la Démocratie (Front for the Defense of Democracy)''
* MCDDI : ''Mouvement Congolais pour la Démocratie et la Développement Integral (Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development) conservative ''
* PCT : ''Parti Congolais du Travail (Congolese Labour Party) extreme left, only legal party 1979-10 Jun 1991''
* RDD : ''Rasemblement pour le Démocratie et le Développment (Rally for Democracy and Development) ''
* UFD : ''Union des Forces Démocratiques (Union of Democratic Forces''
* UPADS : ''Union pour le développement et progrès social (Union for Development and Social Progres, social-democratic) ''
* MNR : ''National Révolutionnaire Mouvement (National Revolutionary Movement) only legal party 1966-1968 ''
* UDDIA : ''Union Démocratique pour la Défense d'Intérêts Africains(Democratic Union for the Defence of African Interests) ''
* Mil : Militer
* n-p : non-partai
{{daftar pemimpin negara|jabatan=Presiden|negara=Republik Kongo|stub=y}}
[[en:List of heads of state of the Republic of the Congo]]
[[et:Kongo Vabariigi riigipeade loend]]
[[fr:Liste des présidents de la République du Congo]]
[[ka:კონგოს რესპუბლიკის პრეზიდენტი]]
[[lv:Kongo valsts vadītāji]]
[[no:Liste over Republikken Kongos presidenter]]
[[pl:Prezydenci Konga]]
[[pt:Anexo:Lista de presidentes do Congo]]
[[ru:Список президентов Республики Конго]]
[[sv:Lista över Kongo-Brazzavilles presidenter]]