Rain (penyanyi): Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 1:
{{Korean name|Jung}}
{{Infobox person
| name = Rain<br>비 ['piː]
| image = 140120 피 끓는 청춘 vip시사회-비.jpg
| caption = Rain, 2014
| native_name = 정지훈
| birth_name = Jung Ji Hoon
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1982|6|25}}<ref name="Russell2014">{{cite book|author=Mark Russell|title=K-Pop Now!: The Korean Music Revolution|page=118|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=etDZAwAAQBAJ|date=29 April 2014|publisher=Tuttle Publishing|isbn=978-1-4629-1411-1}}</ref>
| birth_place = [[Seosan]], [[Chungcheong Selatan]], [[Korea Selatan]]
| occupation = {{flatlist|
* [[Penyanyi]]
* [[penulis lagu]]
* [[penari]]
* [[produser rekaman]]
* [[aktor]]}}
| years_active = {{startdate|2002}}–sekarang
| height =
| spouse = {{Marriage|[[Kim Tae-hee]]|January 19, 2017}}
| children = 2
| module = {{Infobox musical artist|embed=yes
| background = solo_singer
| genre = {{flatlist|
*[[Contemporary R&B|R&B]]}}
| instrument = {{flatlist|
* [[Vokal]]
* [[Piano]]
* [[Gitar]]}}
| label = {{unbulleted list|
[[JYP Entertainment]] {{small|(2002–2007)}}<br>
J. Tune Entertainment {{small|(2007–2011)}}<br>
William Morris Endeavor {{small|(2009–sekarang)}}<br>
[[Cube Entertainment]] {{small|(2013–2015)}}<br>
R.A.I.N. Company {{small|(2015-sekarang)}}
| associated_acts = {{flatlist|
*FanClub (1998-2000)<ref name="boyband">{{cite web|url=http://isplus.live.joins.com/news/article/article.asp?total_id=6651319|title=비, 16세 당시 팬클럽 활동 과거사진 공개 ‘말라깽이였네’Rain, released the picture when he was in 'Fan Club'|date=2011-11-12|publisher=Isplus|accessdate=2014-02-05|language=Korean}}</ref>
*[[Park Jin-young|JYP]]
*[[JYP Nation]]}}
| website = {{URL|http://raincompany.co.kr}}<small>(Korea)</small><br/>{{URL|http://www.rain-jungjihoon.jp/}}<small>(Japanese)
| alias = Rain/Bi
{{Infobox Korean name
| background = solo_singer
| hangul = {{linktext|정|지|훈}}
| hanja = {{linktext|鄭|智|薰|}}
| rr = Jeong Ji-hun
| mr = Chŏng Chihun
| hangulstage = 비
| rrstage = Bi
| mrstage = Pi
'''Jung Ji-hoon''' ({{ko-hhrm|정지훈|鄭智薰}}, lahir 25 Juni 1982), lebih dikenal dengan nama panggunya, '''Rain''' (Korean 비 IPA ['piː]), adalah [[penyanyi]], [[penulis lagu]], [[aktor]] dan [[produser rekaman]] [[Korea Selatan]].
Karier musikal Rain termasuk tujuh album (enam Korea, satu Jepang), 28 singel dan banyak tur konser di seluruh dunia.
Dia pertama kali meraih sukses terobosan dengan album Korea ketiganya, ''[[It's Raining (album)|It's Raining]]'' (2004), yang melahirkan [[It's Raining|singel nomor satu dengan judul yang sama]]. Album ini terjual satu juta kopi di Asia, dan menjadikan Rain sebagai bintang internasional.
Rain memulai debut aktingnya dalam drama 2003 ''[[Sang Doo! Let's Go to School]]''. Peran utamanya dalam drama hit pan-Asia ''[[Full House (serial TV 2004)|Full House]]'' (2004) mendirikan statusnya sebagai bintang Hallyu. Pada tahun 2008, Rain memulai debut Hollywood dalam film ''[[Speed Racer (film)|Speed Racer]]'' dan membintangi ''[[Ninja Assasin|Ninja Assassin]]'' (2009), yang membuatnya menjadi orang Korea pertama yang memenangkan penghargaan [[MTV]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.kpoplive.com/2010/06/08/rain-wants-to-brag-about-his-mtv-award/|title=Rain ‘Wants to Brag’ About His MTV Award|first=|date=June 8, 2010|publisher=|quote=|author=|editor=|work=KPOPLIVE!|accessdate=June 17, 2010}}</ref>
Pada tahun 2015, Rain mendirikan sebuah perusahaan sendiri, R.A.I.N. Company.
== Diskografi ==
{{main|Diskografi Rain}}
=== Album studio ===
* 2002: ''Bad Guy''
* 2003: ''Rain 2''
* 2004: ''[[It's Raining (album)|It's Raining]]''
* 2006: ''[[
* 2008: ''[[Rainism]]''
* 2014: ''[[Rain Effect]]''
=== Album studio ===
* 2006: ''[[Eternal Rain]]''
== Tur ==
* 2005: ''Rainy Day Tour'
* 2006/07: ''Rain's Coming World Tour''
* 2009/10: ''The Legend of Rainism Tour''
* 2010: ''Rain Loves Japan Zepp Tour''
* 2011: ''The Best Show Tour''
* 2012/13: ''Army Concert Series (Consoltary Train)''
* 2013: ''Story of Rain: 2013 Rain Zepp Tour''
* 2014: ''Rain Effect China Concert Series (7 Concert)''
* 2015/16 ''The Squall World Tour''
== Filmografi ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Tahun
! Saluran
! Judul
! Peran
! Catatan
|rowspan=2| 2002
| rowspan="2" | [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]]
| ''The King of Disco''
| rowspan="4" | Diri sendiri
| Parodi dari film ''King of Disco''
| ''Orange''
| Recurring role
| rowspan="5" |[[Korean Broadcasting System|KBS]]
|''[[Music Bank]]''
|rowspan=2| 2003
| ''Run Ma Ma''
| Peran tamu
| ''[[Sang Doo! Let's Go to School]]''
| Cha Sang-doo
|Diri sendiri
|Host (dengan [[Kang Ho-dong]])
|rowspan=2| 2004
| ''[[Full House (serial TV 2004)|Full House]]''
| Lee Young-jae
| [[KBS2]]
| ''Old Miss Diary''
| rowspan="2" | Diri sendiri
| Cameo
|rowspan="2"| 2005
| [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]]
| ''[[Banjun Drama]]''
| 4 episode
| [[Korean Broadcasting System|KBS]]
| ''[[A Love to Kill]]''
| Kang Bok-gu
|[[Mnet|Mnet Japan]]
|''Rainy Day Japan''
|Diri sendiri
|Acara realitas
| 2010
| [[KBS2]]
| ''[[The Fugitive: Plan B]]''
| Ji-woo
|''Rain Effect''
|Diri sendiri
|Acara realitas
| rowspan="2" | 2014
| [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]]
| ''[[My Lovely Girl]]''
| Hyun Wook
|''[[2 Days & 1 Night]]''
|Diri sendiri
|Tamu spesial
| 2015
| ''Diamond Lover''
| Xiao Liang
|[[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]]
|''[[Please Come Back, Mister]]''
|Lee Hae-joon/Kim Young-soo
| 2017
|''Endless August''
| 2022
|[[Ghost Doctor]]
|Cha Young Min
=== Film ===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:700px"
! Tahun
! Judul
! Peran
! Catatan
| 2006
| ''[[I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK]]''
| Park Il-sun
| 2008
| ''[[Speed Racer (film)|Speed Racer]]''
| Taejo Togokahn
| Film Hollywood
| 2009
| ''[[Ninja Assasin|Ninja Assassin]]''
| Raizo
| Film Hollywood
| 2012
| ''[[R2B: Return to Base]]''
| Kapten Jung Tae-yoon
| rowspan=2|2014
| ''[[The Prince (film)|The Prince]]''
| Mark
| Film Hollywood
| ''[[For Love or Money (film 2014)|For Love or Money]]''
| Shui Changshun
| Film Tiongkok
|''Uhm Bok-dong''
| Uhm Bok-dong
=== Dokumenter dan spesial ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Tahun
! Saluran
! Judul
! Peran
! Catatan
| 2005
| [[CNN International]]
| ''TalkAsia''
| rowspan="13" | Diri sendiri
| Tamu
|rowspan=3| 2008
| rowspan="3" | [[Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation|MBC]]
| ''Rain Comeback Special Showcase: I. Rain. Dance.=My Secret Dance Teacher''
| Comeback special untuk ''[[Rainism]]''
| ''Rain Comeback Special: Here Comes Rain''
| Dokumenter TV
| ''Shin Hae-Cheol's Special Edition''
| Interview spesial
|rowspan=7| 2009
| [[Mnet]]
| ''Legend of Rain''
| Dokumenter TV
| ''S Diary''
| Dokumenter TV
| [[Discovery Channel|Discovery Channel Korea]]
| ''Hip Korea''
| Dokumenter TV
| Olive TV
| ''Rain's Camp''
| Dokumenter TV
| Mnet Japan
| ''Rain CM Diary''
| Dokumenter TV
| Olive TV
| ''Rain on Trip''
| Dokumenter TV
| CNN International
| ''TalkAsia''
| Tamu
| 2010
| Mnet Japan
| ''I Love Rain''
| Dokumenter TV
| 2014
| Mnet
| Comeback special untuk ''[[Rain Effect]]''
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons category|Rain (
* {{Official website|http://raincompany.co.kr/home.php}}
* [http://mnet.interest.me/tv/vod/159311 Rain Effect reality show official website] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131223072623/http://mnet.interest.me/tv/vod/159311 |date=2013-12-23 }} {{ko icon}}
* [http://www.weibo.com/u/3962886578 Rain] on [[Sina Weibo]]
* [http://musictea.org/music/%EB%B9%84 Rain] discography at MusicTea
* {{IMDb name|1955294|Rain}}
* {{Kmdb person|00042185}}
* {{HanCinema person}}
{{Cube Entertainment}}
{{JYP Entertainment}}
[[Kategori:Penyanyi Korea Selatan]]
[[Kategori:Pemeran Korea Selatan]]
[[Kategori:Penyanyi K-pop]]
[[Kategori:Idola Korea Selatan]]
[[Kategori:Artis JYP Entertainment]]