Pengeboman Aleksandria 2011: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(10 revisi perantara oleh 7 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox civilian attack
| title = Pengeboman IskandariyahAleksandria 2011
| image =
| image_size =
| alt =
| caption =
| map =
| map_size =
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| map_caption =
| location = [[IskandariyahAleksandria]], [[Mesir]]
| target = Umat [[Kristen]] [[Koptik]]
| coordinates = {{coord|31.254825|29.993677}}
| date = 1 Januari 2011
| time = 00:20 waktu setempat
| timezone = UTC+2
| type = Bom mobil atau bom bunuh diri
| fatalities = 23<ref name="reuters">{{cite news|title=Egypt church blast death toll rises to 23|url=|newspaper=[[Reuters]]|accessdate=16 January 2011}}</ref>
| injuries = 97<ref name="masrawy">{{cite news|title=الصحة: ارتفاع عدد ضحايا حادث الإسكندرية إلى 21 قتيلا و97 مصابا|url=|accessdate=1 January 2011|newspaper=Masrawy|date=1 January 2011|archive-date=2011-01-04|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| victim =
| perps =
| perp =
| perpetrators=
| perpetrator =
| susperps =
| susperp = [[Al-QaedaQaidah di Irak]]
| weapons =
| numparts =
| numpart =
| dfens =
| dfen =
| footage =
'''Pengeboman IskandariyahAleksandria 2011''' adalah sebuah serangan terhadap kaumumat [[Kristen]] [[Koptik]] beberapa menit setelah tahun baru [[2011]] di kota [[IskandariyahAleksandria]], [[Mesir]]. 23 orang tewas dalam serangan ini dan seluruhnyasemuanya adalahmerupakan kaumumat [[Kristen]] [[Koptik]].<ref name="reuters"/><ref name="Yom7">{{cite news|title=أسماء ضحايا ومصابى حادث انفجار الإسكندرية|url=|accessdate=2 January 2011|newspaper=El Yom El Sabe|date=2 January 2011}}</ref> 97 orang lainnya mengalami cedera.<ref name="bbc">{{cite news|title=Egypt bomb kills 21 at Alexandria Coptic church|url=|accessdate=1 January 2011|newspaper=[[BBC News Online]]|date=1 January 2011}}</ref> Serangan ini merupakan serangan paling mematikan terhadap kaumumat [[Kristen]] [[Mesir]] dalam satu dekade, sejak [[Genosida Kosheh]] pada tahun 2000 yang menewaskan 21 orang berkaum Koptik.<ref name="NY Times">{{cite news|title=Fatal Bomb Hits a Church in Egypt |url=|accessdate=3 January 2011|newspaper=The New York Times|date=1 January 2011}}</ref>
== Referensi ==
Baris 39:
== Pranala luar ==
* {{cite news
| last= Daragahi
| first= Borzou
| url=,0,2931888.story
| title= Coptic church bombing in Egypt is latest assault on Mideast Christians
| publisher= [[Los Angeles Times]]
| date= January 1, 2011
| accessdate= }}
* {{cite news
| last= Hauslohner
| first= Abigail
| url=,8599,2040449,00.html
| title= Egypt Bombing Raises Fears of Growing Sectarian Bloodshed
| publisher= [[Time (magazine)]]
| date= Jan 1, 2011
| accessdate= }}
|archive-date= 2011-01-03
|dead-url= yes
* {{cite news
| last= Shahine
| first= Alaa
| url=
| title= Egypt Detains 17 People After Bomb Kills 21 at Church, Al Jazeera Reports
| publisher= [[Bloomberg]]
| date= Jan 1, 2011
| accessdate= }}
* {{cite news
| last= Chick
| first= Kristen
| url=
| title= Egypt's Christians pick up the pieces after deadly News Year's Eve church bombing
| publisher= [[The Christian Science Monitor]]
| date= January 2, 2011
| accessdate= }}
* {{cite news
| last= Shahine
| first= Alaa
| url=
| title= Egyptian Christians Clash With Police in Cairo After Deadly Church Bombing
| publisher= [[bloomberg]]
| date= Jan 2, 2011
| accessdate= }}
* {{cite news
| last= Fahim
| first= Kareem
| url=
| title= Egyptians Back at Services After Bomb
| publisher= [[The New York Times]]
| date= January 2, 2011
| accessdate= }}
* {{cite news
| first= Abigail
| url=,8599,2040491,00.html
| title= Mourning in Alexandria: Egypt's Christians Worship and Worry
| publisher= [[Time Magazine]]
| date= January 2, 2011
| accessdate= }}
|archive-date= 2011-01-05
|dead-url= yes
[[Kategori:Mesir dalampada tahun 2011]]
[[Kategori:Mesir dalam tahun 2011]]
[[Kategori:Terorisme di Mesir]]
[[ar:تفجير كنيسة القديسين]]
[[arz:تفجير كنيسة القديسين فى اسكندريه]]
[[be:Тэрарыстычны акт у Александрыі]]
[[de:Terroranschlag am 1. Januar 2011 in Alexandria]]
[[en:2011 Alexandria bombing]]
[[es:Atentado de Alejandría de 2011]]
[[fi:Aleksandrian pommi-isku 2011]]
[[fr:Attentat du 1er janvier 2011 à Alexandrie]]
[[jv:Prastawa Bom Iskandariyah 1 Januari 2011]]
[[ka:ტერორისტული აქტი ალექსანდრიაში (2011)]]
[[ko:2011년 알렉산드리아 폭탄 테러]]
[[nl:Bomaanslag in Alexandrië (2011)]]
[[pl:Zamach w Aleksandrii (1 stycznia 2011)]]
[[pt:Atentado de 1 de janeiro de 2011 em Alexandria]]
[[ru:Террористический акт в Александрии]]
[[th:เหตุระเบิดในอเล็กซานเดรีย พ.ศ. 2554]]