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(12 revisi perantara oleh 5 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 6:
| caption=
| name = [[Papirus Oxyrhynchus|P. Oxy.]] 208 + 1781
| text = [[Injil Yohanes]][[Yohanes 1| 1]][[Yohanes 16|; 16]][[Yohanes 20|; 20]] †
| script = [[bahasa Yunani]]
| date = ~250
| found = [[Oxyrhynchus]], [[EgyptMesir]]
| now at = [[British Library]]
| cite = [[Bernard Pyne Grenfell|Grenfell]] & [[Arthur Surridge Hunt|Hunt]], ''Oxyrhynchus Papyri'' II, 1899, pp. 1 ff; XV, pp. 8-12.
Baris 19:
'''Papirus 5''' ({{lang-en|Papyrus 5}}; dalam penomoran [[Naskah Alkitab#Gregory-Aland|Gregory-Aland]]), diberi kode [[siglum]] '''<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>5</sup>''', adalah sebuah Naskahnaskah [[Papiruspapirus]] kuno berisi bagian [[Perjanjian Baru]] dari [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]] dalam [[bahasa Yunani]]. Penomoran lain menurut urutan [[Papirus Oxyrhynchus]] adalah: '''Papirus Oxyrhynchus 208 + 1781'''. Memuat [[Injil Yohanes]]. Berdasarkan [[Paleografi]] diperkirakan naskah ini dibuat pada awal abad ke-3.<ref name = Comfort>Philip W. Comfort and David P. Barrett. ''The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts''. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated, 2001, p. 73.</ref> Sekarang disimipan di [[British Library]]. Bagian yang terlestarikan dalam kondisi sangat terfragmentasi.
Tesk naskah ini telah direkonstruksi beberapa kali. Secara tekstual sangat dekat dengan [[Codex Sinaiticus]], tetapi dengan beberapa perkecualian.
== Pemerian ==
Manuskrip ini berupa sebuah fragmen dari tiga lembaran, ditulis dalam format 1 kolom per halaman, 27 baris per halaman.<ref name = Comfort/> Teks yang terlestarikan adalah bagian dari [[Injil Yohanes]], yaitu {{Alkitab|Yohanes 1:23-31.33-40; 16:14-30; 20:11-17.19-20.22-25}}.<ref name = Comfort/>
It was written in a documentary hand, in a round, upright uncial of medium size. It uses the [[nomina sacra]] with abbreviations (<span style="text-decoration: overline">ΙΗΝ</span> <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΙΗΣ</span> <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠΡ</span> <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠΡΑ</span> <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠΡΣ</span> <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΘΥ</span>), though not for ανθρωπος.<ref name = Head>Peter M. Head, [ ''The Habits of New Testament Copyists Singular Readings in the Early Fragmentary Papyri of John''], Biblica 85 (2004), 404.</ref>
Baris 95:
[[FileBerkas:P. Oxy. 208 (J 16,14-22).jpg|thumbjmpl|widthpx210|Fragmen {{Alkitab|Yohanes 16:14-22}}]]
[[FileBerkas:P. Oxy 208 John 16,22-30.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|widthpx210|Fragmen {{Alkitab|Yohanes 16:22-30}}]]
{|cellspacing=10 style="background-color:transparent;"
Baris 235:
==Textual character==
In John 1:34 it reads ὁ ἐκλεκτός together with the manuscripts [[Papyrus 106|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>106</sup>]], א, [[Codex Veronensis|b]], [[Codex Palatinus|e]], [[Codex Corbeiensis II|ff<sup>2</sup>]], syr<sup>c, s</sup>.
In John 16:17 at line 7 of the recto of the second fragment there appears to be extra space which would require some additional material.<ref name = Head2>Peter M. Head, ''The Habits of New Testament Copyists Singular Readings in the Early Fragmentary Papyri of John'', Biblica 85 (2004), 405.</ref>
Baris 248:
All the editors agree that the space is insufficient for ο λεγεται διδασκαλε (John 20,16) but <span style="text-decoration: overline">κε</span> alone is too short and it is not supported by any Greek manuscript. Elliott & Parker have suggested ο λεγεται <span style="text-decoration: overline">κε</span>.<ref>Elliott & Parker, ''The New Testament in Greek IV. The Gospel according to St. John'', volume 1, ''The Papyri'' (Leiden: Brill, 1995), 34.</ref> It was supported by Peter Head.<ref name = Head2/> Comfort proposed <span style="text-decoration: overline">κε</span> μου though this reading is not supported by any known Greek manuscript.<ref name = Comfort77/> It is close for <span style="text-decoration: overline">κε</span> διδασκαλε of [[Codex Bezae]] and Old-Latin Magister Domine or Domine.<ref>UBS3, p. 410.</ref>
Naskah Yunani ini tergolong [[Teks Western]]. [[Kurt Aland|Aland]] menggambarkannya sebagai "Teks Normal", dan menempatkannya dalam [[Kategori Naskah Perjanjian Baru|Kategori I]].<ref name = Aland>{{Cite book
|authorlink=Kurt Aland
|coauthors=[[Barbara Aland]]; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.)
|title=The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism
|publisher=[[William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company]]
|location=Grand Rapids
|isbn=978-0-8028-4098-1}}</ref> Bersesuaian dekat dengan [[Codex Sinaiticus]] daripada [[Codex Vaticanus]] (misalnya {{Alkitab|Yohanes 1:27.34; 16:22.27.28; 20:25}}).<ref name = Comfort/> "Kesesuaian ini sayangnya tertutupi oleh kerusakan".<ref>B. P. Grenfell & A. S. Hunt, ''Oxyrhynchus Papyri II'', (London, 1899), p. 2.</ref>
== Sejarah ==
TheNaskah manuscriptini wasdiketemukan discoveredpada atakhir theabad endke-19 of the 19th century byoleh Grenfell anddan Hunt indi [[Oxyrhynchus]], [[EgyptMesir]]. TheLembar firstpertama and third leavesdan wereketiga publisheddipublikasikan indalam ''Oxyrhynchus Papyri'', Part II (1899), no. 208. [[Caspar René Gregory|Gregory]] classifiedmengklasifikasikan itdengan under numbernomor 5 onpada his listdaftarnya.<ref>C. R. Gregory, ''Textkritik des Neuen Testaments'' III (Leipzig: 1909), p. 1085.</ref> Lembar kedua (Yohanes 16:14-30) dipublikasikan pada tahun 1922 sebagai Oxyrhynchus no. 1781.<ref>Frederic G. Kenyon, "Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament", London<sup>2</sup>, 1912, p. 42.</ref> Diteliti oleh Grenfell, Hunt, [[Karl Wessely|Wessely]],<ref>[[Karl Wessely]], [ ''Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme''], PO 4/2 (1907), pp.&nbsp;145–148.</ref> Schofield, Comfort, and Barrett.
The second leaf (John 16:14-30) was published in 1922 as Oxyrhynchus no. 1781.<ref>Frederic G. Kenyon, "Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament", London<sup>2</sup>, 1912, p. 42.</ref>
It was examined by Grenfell, Hunt, [[Karl Wessely|Wessely]],<ref>[[Karl Wessely]], [ ''Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme''], PO 4/2 (1907), pp.&nbsp;145–148.</ref> Schofield, Comfort, and Barrett.
== Lokasi ==
Sekarang disimpan di [[British Library]] (Inv. nos. 782, 2484) di [[London]].<ref name = Aland/><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Handschriftenliste|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=13 August 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar Papirus Perjanjian Baru]]
* [[Injil Yohanes]]: [[Yohanes 1|pasal 1]][[Yohanes 16|; 16]][[Yohanes 20|; 20]] †
* [[Papirus Oxyrhynchus]]
* [[Papirus Oxyrhynchus 207]]
Baris 282 ⟶ 280:
{{Grenfell and Hunt}}
* {{Cite book
| last = B. P.
| first = Grenfell
| authorlink = Bernard Pyne Grenfell
| coauthors = [[Arthur Surridge Hunt|A. S. Hunt]]
| title = Oxyrhynchus Papyri II
| publisher =
| year = 1899
| location = London
| pages = 1–8
| url =
| doi =
| id =
| isbn = }}
* {{Cite book
| last = B. P.
| first = Grenfell
| authorlink = Bernard Pyne Grenfell
| coauthors = [[Arthur Surridge Hunt|A. S. Hunt]]
| title = Oxyrhynchus Papyri XV
| publisher =
| year = 1922
| location = London
| pages = 8–12
| url =
| doi =
| id =
| isbn = }}
* [[Caspar René Gregory|C. R. Gregory]], "Textkritik des Neuen Testaments", Leipzig 1909, vol. 3, p.&nbsp;1085.
* {{Cite book
| last = Gregory
| first = Caspar René
| authorlink = Caspar René Gregory
| title = Die griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testament
| publisher = J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung
| year = 1908
| location = Leipzig
| page = 45
| url =
| isbn = }}
* [[Karl Wessely]], [ ''Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme''], PO 4/2 (1907), pp.&nbsp;145–148.
* {{Cite book
| last = Comfort
| first = Philip W.
| authorlink = Philip Comfort
| coauthors = David P. Barrett
| title = The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts
| publisher = Tyndale House Publishers
| year = 2001
| location = Wheaton
| pages = 73–78
| url =
| isbn = 978-0-8423-5265-9}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [ {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-07-14 }} Image from <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>5</sup>, John 1:33-40]
* [ {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-07-14 }} Image from <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>5</sup>, John 16:14-22]
* [ {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-07-14 }} Image from <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>5</sup>, John 16:22-30]
* {{Cite web|url=|title=Handschriftenliste|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=13 August 2011|location=Münster}}
{{Oxyrhynchus Papyri}}
{{Naskah Papirus Perjanjian Baru}}
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