Fredric Jameson: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(23 revisi perantara oleh 10 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox philosopher
|image = Fredric Jameson no Fronteiras Porto Alegre (5765587378) (cropped).jpg
|caption = Jameson pada 2004
<!-- Philosopher category -->
|region = [[WesternFilsafat PhilosophyBarat]]
|era = [[20th-centuryFilsafat philosophyabad ke-20|20th20-]] / [[21st-centuryFilsafat philosophyabad ke-21]]
|namaname = Fredric Jameson
<!-- Information -->
|tanggal lahirbirth_date = {{birth date and age|1934|4|14}}
|nama = Fredric Jameson
|tempat lahirbirth_place = [[Cleveland|Cleveland, Ohio]], USA.S.
|tanggal lahir = {{birth date and age|1934|4|14}}
|death_date = {{death date and age|2024|9|22|1934|4|14}}
|tempat lahir = [[Cleveland, Ohio]], US
|death_place = [[Durham, North Carolina]], A.S.
|educationalma_mater = [[Haverford College]], <br/>[[Universitas Yale University]]
|death_date =
|school_tradition = [[Marxisme Barat]]<br/>[[hermeneutika Marxis]]<ref>Mohanty, Satya P. "Jameson's Marxist Hermeneutics and the need for an Adequate Epistemology." In ''Literary Theory and the Claims of History: Postmodernism, Objectivity, Multicultural Politics''. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997, pp. 93–115.</ref>
|school_tradition = [[Western Marxism]]
|main_interests = [[PostmodernismKritik sastra Marxis]]{{·}}[[ModernismAnalisis budaya Marxis]]{{·}}[[science fictionPostmodernisme]]{{·}}[[Utopiamodernisme]]{{·}}[[history]]fiksi ilmiah{{·}}[[narrativeutopia]]{{·}}sejarah{{·}}narasi{{·}}[[Culturalstudi studiesbudaya]]{{·}}[[dialecticsdialektika]]{{·}}[[structuralismstrukturalisme]]
|notable_ideas = [[cognitivePeta mappingkognitif]]{{·}}<!--[[nationalpersonifikasi allegorynasional|-->kiasan nasional<!--]]-->{{·}}[[politicalKetidaksadaran Politik|ketidaksadaran unconsciouspolitik]]
|influences = [[Karl Marx]]{{·}}[[Vladimir Lenin]]{{·}}[[Hegel]]{{·}}[[Jean-Paul Sartre]]{{·}}[[Theodor Adorno]]{{·}}[[György Lukács]]{{·}}[[Walter Benjamin]]{{·}}[[Erich Auerbach]]{{·}}[[Kenneth Burke]]{{·}}[[Raymond Williams]]{{·}}[[Northrop Frye]]{{·}}[[Ernst Bloch]]<ref name=Kaufmann>David Kaufmann, "Thanks for the Memory: Bloch, Benjamin and the Philosophy of History," in ''Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch'', ed. Jamie Owen Daniel and Tom Moylan (London and New York: Verson, 1997), p. 33.</ref>{{·}}[[Henri Lefebvre]]{{·}}[[Louis Althusser]]{{·}}[[FrankfurtPhilip K. Dick]]{{·}} [[Ursula K. Le SchoolGuin]]
|influenced = [[Slavoj Žižek]]{{·}}[[PerryDarko AndersonSuvin]]{{·}}[[GopalFrankfurt BalakrishnanSchool]]
|influenced = [[Slavoj Žižek]]{{·}}[[Kim Stanley Robinson]]{{·}}[[Perry Anderson]]{{·}}[[Gopal Balakrishnan]]{{·}}[[Mark Fisher (theorist)|Mark Fisher]]
{{·}}[[Alexander R. Galloway]]
'''Fredric Jameson ''' lahir pada tanggal [[14]] [[April]] [[1934]] di Cleveland, Ohio.<ref name="filsafat">{{cite book|title=Pengantar Filsafat, dari masa klasik hingga postmodernism|author=Ali Maksum|publisher=Ar-Ruzz Media:Ar-Ruzz Media Group}}</ref> Ia merupakan salah satu kritikus literatur berhaluan Marxis terkemuka dizaman itu. ia juga pernah menjabat sebagai ''profesor of comparative literature di Duke University (Durham NC, USA)'', sekaligus kepala dari ''the center for cultural theory''.
'''Fredric Jameson''' ({{lahirmati||14|4|1934||22|9|2024}}) adalah seorang [[kritikus sastra|kritikus sastra]], filsuf dan [[Marxisme|ahli teori politik Marxis]] Amerika Serikat.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|}}</ref><ref name="auto">{{Cite web|url=|title=Fredric R. Jameson (1934–2024)|first=Panagiotis|last=Sotiris|date=22 September 2024}}</ref> Ia terkenal karena analisisnya mengenai tren [[budaya|budaya]] kontemporer, khususnya analisisnya mengenai [[postmodernitas]] dan [[kapitalisme]]. Buku Jameson yang paling terkenal antara lain ''[[Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism|Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism]]'' (1991)<ref name="Jameson_Postmodernism_1991">{{cite book| title = Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism| location= Durham, NC | publisher=Duke University Press| year = 1991| title-link= Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism |oclc=948832273 |isbn=81-903403-2-8 |pages=438 }}</ref> dan ''[[The Political Unconscious]]'' (1981).
==Karya tulis==
*Adorno or the persistence of dialectic.<ref name="book1">{{cite book|title=India, Bangkitnya raksasa baru Asia|author=|publisher=Pertamakali diterbitkan dalam bahasa indonesia oleh percetakan buku kompas}}</ref>
Jameson adalah Profesor Sastra Komparatif Knut Schmidt-Nielsen, Profesor Studi Romantis (Prancis), dan Direktur Institut Teori Kritis di [[Duke University]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Fredric Jameson|website=Duke University – Scholars@Duke|access-date=2 Juni 2023}}</ref> Pada tahun 2012, [[Asosiasi Bahasa Modern]] memberi Jameson Penghargaan keenam untuk Prestasi Ilmiah Seumur Hidup.<ref name="auto1">{{cite web|url=|title=Fredric Jameson to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award||date=4 Desember 2011 |access-date=2 Oktober 2017}}</ref>
*Sartre : The Origins of a Style ([[1961]])
*{{cite book| title = Sartre: The Origins of a Style| location= New Haven | publisher=Yale University Press| year = 1961| id = }}
== Karya tulis ==
*{{cite book| title = Marxism and Form: Twentieth Century Dialectical Theories of Literature| location= Princeton | publisher=Princeton University Press| year = 1971| id = }}
*{{cite book| title = The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism| location= Princeton | publisher=Princeton University Press| year = 1972| id = }} for more info see:[]
* Adorno or the persistence of dialectic.<ref name="book1">{{cite book|title=India, Bangkitnya raksasa baru Asia|author=|publisher=Pertamakali diterbitkan dalam bahasa indonesia oleh percetakan buku kompas}}</ref>
*{{cite book| title = Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist| location= Berkeley | publisher=University of California Press| year = 1979| id = }} Reissued: 2008 (Verso)
*Sartre Sartre: The Origins of a Style ([[1961]])
*{{cite book| title = The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act| location= Ithaca, N.Y. | publisher=Cornell University Press| year = 1981| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = Sartre: The IdeologiesOrigins of Theory.a EssaysStyle|url 1971–1986.= Volhttps://archive. 1: Situations of Theoryorg/details/sarte0000iris| location= MinneapolisNew Haven| publisher=Yale University of Minnesota Press| year = 19881961| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = TheMarxism Ideologiesand ofForm: Theory.Twentieth EssaysCentury 1971–1986.Dialectical Vol.Theories 2:of TheLiterature|url Syntax= of History| location= Minneapolis Princeton| publisher=Princeton University of Minnesota Press| year = 19881971| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism| location= Princeton | publisher=Princeton University Press| year = 1972| id = }} for more info see:[] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2023-07-25 }}
* {{cite book| title = Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist|url =|location= Berkeley | publisher=University of California Press| year = 1979| id = }} Reissued: 2008 (Verso)
* {{cite book| title = The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act|url =|location= Ithaca, N.Y. | publisher=Cornell University Press| year = 1981| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = Sartre: The OriginsIdeologies of aTheory. Style|Essays location=1971–1986. NewVol. Haven1: Situations of Theory|location= Minneapolis|publisher=Yale University of Minnesota Press| year = 19611988| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = MarxismThe andIdeologies Form:of TwentiethTheory. CenturyEssays Dialectical1971–1986. TheoriesVol. 2: The Syntax of LiteratureHistory| location= Princeton Minneapolis| publisher=Princeton University of Minnesota Press| year = 19711988| id = }}
* ''Postmodernism and Cultural Theories'' ({{zh|s=后现代主义与文化理论|p=''Hòuxiàndàizhǔyì yǔ wénhuà lǐlùn''}}). Tr. Tang Xiaobing. Xi'an: Shaanxi Normal University Press. 1987.
* Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature, Derry: Field Day, 1988. A collection of three [[Field Day Theatre Company|Field Day]] Pamphlets by Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton and Edward Said.
* {{cite book| title = Late Marxism: Adorno, or, The Persistence of the Dialectic|url =|publisher = London & New York: Verso| year = 1990| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = Signatures of the Visible| publisher = New York & London: Routledge| year = 1990| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = [[Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism]]| location= Durham, NC | publisher=Duke University Press| year = 1991| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Geopolitical Aesthetic: Cinema and Space in the World System| location= Bloomington | publisher=Indiana University Press| year = 1992| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Seeds of Time. The Wellek Library lectures at the University of California, Irvine| location= New York | publisher=Columbia University Press| year = 1994| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = Brecht and Method|url =|publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 1998| id = }} Reissued: 2011 (Verso)
* {{cite book| title = The Cultural Turn: Selected Writings on the Postmodern, 1983-1998|url =|publisher = London & New York: Verso | year = 1998| id = }} Reissued: 2009 (Verso)
* ''The Jameson Reader''. Ed. Michael Hardt and Kathi Weeks. Oxford: Blackwell. 2000.
* {{cite book| title = A Singular Modernity: Essay on the Ontology of the Present|url =|publisher = London & New York Verso|
year = 2002| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions| publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2005| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Modernist Papers| publisher = London & New York Verso|
year = 2007| id = }}
* ''Jameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural Marxism'' Ed. Ian Buchanan. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2007.
* {{cite book| title = The Ideologies of Theory | publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2009| id = }} (One-volume edition, with additional essays)
* {{cite book| title = Valences of the Dialectic| publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2009| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Hegel Variations: On the Phenomenology of Spirit | publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2010| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = Representing 'Capital': A Reading of Volume One | publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2011| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Antinomies of Realism | publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2013| id = }}
* {{cite book| title = The Ancients and the Postmoderns: On the Historicity of Forms | publisher = London & New York: Verso
| year = 2015| id = }} (forthcoming)
== Referensi ==