Paus Yohanes Paulus II: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 281:
[[File:PapstJPII20040922.jpg|thumb|Paus Yohanes Paulus II yang sakit di atas [[Mobil Paus]] pada 22 September 2004]]
Ketika dai menjadi paus pada 1978, Yohanes Paulus II adalah olahragawan sejati. Pada waktu yang sama, meski berusia 58 tahun masih sehat dan aktif, jogging di [[Taman Kota Vatikan|Taman Vatikan]], latihan beban, berenang, dan hiking di pegunungan. Dia juga punya latar belakang bermain sepak bola. Media membandingkan atletisme Paus yang baru dengan sosok [[Paus Yohanes Paulus I]] dan [[Paus Palus VI]] yang jelek kondisi kesehatannya, gemuknya [[Paus Yohanes XXIII]] dan [[Paus Pius XII]] yang sakit-sakitan. Paus modern dengan kesehatan baik hanya [[Paus Pius XI]] (1922-1939) yang bekas pendaki gunung.<ref name="Ratti">{{en}} {{cite news|url=|title=Cardinal Ratti New Pope as Pius XI|date=7 February 1922|work=The New York Times|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="Ratti2">{{en}} {{cite news|url=|title=Cardinal Ratti New Pope as Pius XI, Full Article|format=PDF|date=7 February 1922|work=The New York Times|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref> Sebuah artikel ''[[Irish Independent]]'' di tahun 1980 menjuluki Yohanes Paulus II sebagai ''Paus yang sehat''.
John Paul II fully recovered from the first failed assassination attempt, and sported an impressive physical condition throughout the 1980s. In November 1993, he slipped on a piece of newly installed carpet and fell down several steps, breaking his right shoulder.<ref>[[#Stourton03|Stourton, Edward. John Paul II: Man of History.]] London 2006 [[Hodder & Stoughton]]. p. 250.</ref> Four months later he fell over in his bath, breaking his [[femur]], resulting in a visit to the [[Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic|Gemelli hospital]] for a [[hip replacement]].<ref>[[#Stourton03|Stourton, Edward. John Paul II: Man of History.]] London Hodder & Stoughton. p. 250.</ref> He rarely walked in public after this, and began experiencing [[Relaxed pronunciation|slurred speech]] and difficulty in hearing. The frail pontiff was suspected of having [[Parkinson's disease]], although it was only revealed in 2001 by Italian [[Orthopedic surgery|orthopaedic surgeon]], Dr. Gianfranco Fineschi.<ref name="BBC9">{{cite news|url=|title=Pope has Parkinson's disease - surgeon|date=3 January 2001|work=BBC News|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="Judd">{{cite news|url=|title=Doctor admits the Pope has Parkinson's disease|last=Judd |first=Terri|date= 4 January 2001|work=The Independent|accessdate=2009-01-01 | location=London}}</ref> The [[Roman Curia|Vatican administration]] eventually confirmed it in 2003, after keeping it secret for 12 years.<ref name="Pisa">{{cite news|url=|title=Vatican hid Pope's Parkinson's disease diagnosis for 12 years|last=Pisa|first=Nick|date=18 March 2006|work=Daily Telegraph |accessdate=2009-01-01 | location=London}}</ref>
JohnYohanes PaulPaulus II fullysehat recoveredsepenuhnya fromsetelah thepercobaan firstpembunuhan failedpertama assassinationyang attemptgagal, anddan sportedberolahraga andalam impressivekondisi physicalfisik conditionyang throughoutmengagumkan thesepanjang 1980stahun 1980-an. InPada November 1993, heia slippedterpeleset ondi aatas piecekarpet ofyang newlybaru installeddipasang carpetdan andjatuh fellbeberapa downanak several stepstangga, breakingmematahkan histulang rightbahu shoulderkanannya.<ref>{{en}} [[#Stourton03|Stourton, Edward. John Paul II: Man of History.]] London 2006 [[Hodder & Stoughton]]. p. 250.</ref> FourEmpat monthsbulan laterkemudian heia fellterjatuh overdi inkamar his bathmandi, breaking hisdan [[femurtulang paha]]nya patah, resultingberakibat inpada aperawatan visit to thedi [[Poliklinik Universitas Agostino Gemelli|rumah Universitysakit Polyclinic|Gemelli hospital]], forRoma auntuk [[hippenggantian replacementpinggul]].<ref>{{en}} [[#Stourton03|Stourton, Edward. John Paul II: Man of History.]] London Hodder & Stoughton. p. 250.</ref> HeDia rarelykemudian walkedjarang interlihat publicberjalan afterdi thisdepan masyarakat setelahnya, anddan beganmulai experiencingmengalami cara berbicara yang [[RelaxedPengucapan pronunciationsantai|slurred speechcadel]] anddan difficultymengalami inkesulitan hearingpendengaran. TheKesehatan frailPaus pontiffyang wasmulai suspectedrapuh oftersebut diduga karena havingterkena [[Parkinson'spenyakit diseaseParkinson]], although itmeski waskemudian onlybaru revealeddiungkap inpada 2001 byoleh Italianahli [[Orthopedicbedah surgery|orthopaedic surgeonortopedi]] Italia, Dr. Gianfranco Fineschi.<ref name="BBC9">{{en}} {{cite news|url=|title=Pope has Parkinson's disease - surgeon|date=3 January 2001|work=BBC News|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="Judd">{{en}} {{cite news|url=|title=Doctor admits the Pope has Parkinson's disease|last=Judd |first=Terri|date= 4 January 2001|work=The Independent|accessdate=2009-01-01 | location=London}}</ref> The [[Roman Curia|VaticanKuria administrationRomawi]] eventuallybaru confirmedmengkonfirmasi itpada intahun 2003, aftersetelah keepingmenyimpan itrahasia secret forselama 12 yearstahun.<ref name="Pisa">{{en}} {{cite news|url=|title=Vatican hid Pope's Parkinson's disease diagnosis for 12 years|last=Pisa|first=Nick|date=18 March 2006|work=Daily Telegraph |accessdate=2009-01-01 | location=London}}</ref>
In February 2005, the pontiff was again taken to the [[Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic|Gemelli hospital]] with inflammation and spasm of the [[larynx]], the result of influenza.<ref>[[#BBC71|BBC World News Channel]]: 2005, 'Cured' Pope returns to Vatican</ref> He was readmitted a few days after release because of [[Dyspnea|difficulty breathing]]. A [[tracheotomy]] was performed, which improved the Pope's breathing but limited his speaking abilities, to his visible frustration. The Vatican confirmed he was near death in March 2005, a few days before he died.<ref name="RadioCanada">{{cite news|url=|title=John Paul II near death: Vatican|date=2 April 2005|publisher=CBC Radio Canada |accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>
InPada FebruaryFebruari 2005, thePaus pontiffdibawa waslagi againke takenrumah to the [[Agostinosakit Gemelli University Polyclinic|Gemelli hospital]] with inflammation andkarena spasmperadangan ofdan thepembengkakan [[larynxlaring]], thesebagai resultakibat ofterkena influenzaflu.<ref>{{en}} [[#BBC71|BBC World News Channel]]: 2005, 'Cured' Pope returns to Vatican</ref> HeDia wasdirawat readmittedlagi asetelah fewbeberapa dayshari afterkeluar releaserumah becausesakit ofkarena [[Dyspnea|difficultykesulitan breathingbernafas]]. ADilakukan [[tracheotomytrakeotomi]] was performed, whichyang improvedmeningkatkan the Pope'skemampuan breathingbernafas butPaus limitednamun hismembatasi speakingkemampuan abilitiesberbicaranya, tomembuatnya histerlihat visible frustrationfrustrasi. The Vatican confirmedVatikan hememastikan wasdia nearmenjelang deathajal inpada MarchMaret 2005, abeberapa fewhari dayssebelum beforeia he diedwafat.<ref name="RadioCanada">{{en}} {{cite news|url=|title=John Paul II near death: Vatican|date=2 April 2005|publisher=CBC Radio Canada |accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref>
=== Wafat dan pemakaman ===