SMS Goeben: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{In use}}
{| {{Infobox ship begin}}
|+ SMS ''Goeben''
Baris 83 ⟶ 84:
'''SMS{{efn|name=SMS}}''' '''Goeben''' merupakan [[kapal penjelajah tempur]] ''kelas Moltke'' kedua sekaligus terakhir yang dimiliki oleh Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Jerman. Kapal ini dibuat pada periode 1909-1911 dan kemudian diserahkan kepada Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Ottoman pada masa Perang Dunia I—tiga tahun setelah beroperasi di Angkatan Laut Jerman. SMS Goeben merupakan salah satu kapal tempur tercanggih pada masanya dan terlibat berbagai peristiwa penting selama Perang Dunia I. Jika dibandingkan dengan kapal perang milik Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris dari kelas yang serupa (''kelas indefatigable''{{Efn|name=cf Indefatigable}}), SMS Goeben memiliki sistem persenjataan dan perlindungan yang lebih baik. Bahkan, dalam peristiwa ''[[Pengejaran kapal Goeben dan Breslau|pengejaran Goeben dan Breslau]]'' yang terjadi di masa-masa awal Perang Dunia I, Ernest Troubridge, laksamana skuadron kapal Inggris yang melakukan pengejaran, akhirnya memutuskan untuk menghentikan aksinya akibat menganggap kapal ini sebagai suatu "kekuatan super" yang sebaiknya dihindari.
Beberapa bulan setelah diserahkan secara resmi beroperasikepada Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Jerman, yakni pada Perang Balkan, SMS Goeben bersama dengan sebuah kapal penjelajah ringan SMS Breslau membentuk sebuah skuadron untuk ditugaskan untuk berpatroli di Laut Tengah. Skuadron yang terdiri dari kedua kapal ini kemudian menjadi satu-satunya skuadron kapal Kekaisaran Jerman yang berpatroli di Laut Tengah. Saat meletusnya Perang Dunia I, kedua kapal ini ditugaskan membombardir kota-kota pelabuhan koloni Perancis di Aljazair. Setelah itu, kedua kapal ini berhasil melarikan diri ke Konstantinopel sekaligus membawa misi diplomatik kepada Kekaisaran Ottoman. Keberhasilan pelarian kedua kapal untuk membawa misi diplomatik Kekaisaran Jerman membuat [[Winston Churchill]] yang pada Perang Dunia I merupakan komandan utama [[Angkatan Laut Britania Raya|Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris]] beberapa tahun pascaperang menuliskan : "kompas kapal-kapal ini (Goeben & Breslau) telah mengakibatkan lebih banyak pembunuhan, lebih banyak penderitaan, dan lebih banyak kehancuran, dari kapal manapun."
Bersama SMS Breslau, SMS Goeben secara resmi diserahkan kepada Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Ottoman pada 16 Agustus 1914. Pascapenyerahannya, SMS Goeben kemudian berganti nama menjadi '''''Yavuz Sultan Selim''''' atau biasa disingkat '''''Yavuz'''.'' Kapal ini kemudian digunakan oleh Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Ottoman untuk membombardir kota-kota pelabuhan milik Rusia di Laut Hitam dan menandai secara resmi masuknya Kekaisaran Ottoman untuk berperang di pihak Jerman pada Perang Dunia I.
Baris 90 ⟶ 91:
== Deskripsi ==
SMS Goeben adalah [[Kapal penjelajah tempur|kapal tempur jenis penjelajah]] dengan panjang 186.6 meter, lebar 29,4 meter. Bobot kosong dari SMS Goeben adalah 25.400 ton. Kecepatan penuh dari kapal ini dapat mencapai 25.5 knots (47.2 km/jam; 29.3 mpj).{{sfn|Staff|p=12}} Pada kecepatan 14 knots (26 km/jam; 16 mpj), daya jelajah dari kapal ini dapat mencapai 4,120 mil laut (7,630 km; 4,740 mil). Kapal ini dipersenjatai oleh oleh 10 buah meriam utama [[SK L/50]] berkaliber 28 cm yang terpasang pada dualima buah kubah meriam di sekeliling kapal. Kapal ini juga dilengkapi oleh 4 torpedo bawah air berkaliber 50 cm.
Posisi 10 buah meriam utama dapat dibagi kedalam 5 indeks yakni A,B,C,D dan E.
The mountings for the 11.1-inch guns utilized electric pumps to drive hydraulic elevation gear while the training of the guns was powered by electric generators. The positioning of the turrets had the "A" turret (or "Anton") on the bow at the center line. The "B" turret was on the starboard side between the two funnels - off center line - close to the outside railing of the deck. The "C" and "D" turrets were on the center line behind the aft mast. The "C" turret was higher with "D" below and both faced the stern on the main deck. "E" turret was stationed along the port side, aft of the amidships funnel, and forward of the aft conning tower. Three of the five main turrets were along the ship's center line for stability. This main turret placement provided maximum firepower with turrets A, C, D, and E able to fire an eight-gun broadside to port and turrets A, B, C, and D to fire a broadside to starboard. If the battlecruiser needed to flee from a battleship, she could fire eight guns aft from turrets B, C, D, and E towards the pursuing enemy battleship which, in turn, could only bring about one or two of its own main turrets to bear on the escaping Goeben. Conversely, if the German battlecruiser was chasing an enemy cruiser, turrets A, B, and E could fire a six-gun volley forward against the fleeing target.
The secondary guns mounted were 12x5.9-inch (15cm) SKL/45 150mm fast-firing guns. The placement was in barbettes on the second deck with the crews protected by armor on the inside of the hull. Six guns were placed on the port side and six on the starboard to fire broadsides against smaller surface ships - including incoming torpedo boats or escaping merchants. One gun on the port and starboard side could fire directly aft and forward if needed. Goeben had two of the guns removed in 1915 and another two of her 5.9-inch guns removed during a 1927 refit. For aircraft defense, a scant amount of 12x3.45-inch SKL/45 88mm AA (Anti-Aircraft) guns were placed onboard in various locations: Four were found on the forward conning tower main bridge area, two on the rear tower, two more on the main deck forward (protecting the bridge) and the balance of guns scattered on the decks around the bulk of the ship. 4x19.7-inch 500mm submerged torpedo tubes were installed and twelve torpedoes carried.
The battlecruiser concept allowed for more armor protection than a typical cruiser of the period though less protection when compared to a battleship. Goeben's armored deck protection ranged from 3.2-inches over the engine and ammunition spaces to 1-inch over areas needing less protection. To guard against torpedo attacks, Blohm & Voss used Krupp steel in the 10.7-inch armored belt from turret "A" to the turret "D" below the water line. The belt armor was reduced in thickness to 4-inches close to the bow and stern. Bulkhead armor was 8-inches to 4-inches in thickness while AA batteries had 8-inches to 6-inches. The 6-inch gun barbettes held 9-inches of armor in front, thinning to 1.2-inches along the sides. The main gun turrets were given 9-inch thick top protection (from plunging fire) and an angled frontal face to help deflect horizontal fire. The armor on the back of the turrets reached 2.4-inches thick and the conning towers held a maximum protection of 14-inches to a minimum of 0.2-inches.
Propulsion for the ship included 4 x Schulz Thornycroft coal-fired boilers that produced the steam required to run the 4 x Parsons steam turbines. These turbines relied on pressurized steam to generate the needed rotary motion in an effort to drive the 4 x shafts, each providing upwards of 85,782 horsepower (63,968 kW). The propellers blades themselves were 12.3 feet (3.74m) in diameter. The steering gear was connected to two rudders, one situated just ahead of the other. As designed, the propulsion arrangement allowed the Goebens to make headway at 25.5 knots (47.2 km/h; 29.3 mph) with a maximum speed of 28.4 knots (52.6 km/h; 32.7 mph) for shorter distances. Her range depended on the coal supply as well as fresh water and food for the crew. Her coal bunkers could hold 1,100 tons standard and 3,300 tons of coal maximum. Added later were tanks for 200 tons of oil. Sortie ranges also depended on her fuel supply and the weather, possibly allowing her to steam 4,120 nautical miles (7,630 km; 4,740 mi) at 14 knots (26 km/h; 16 mph) with a maximum operational range of 6,500 nautical miles(12,038km; 7,480 mi) when running at 10 knots.
Goeben was granted two cranes, one on each side of the amidships funnel. Their purpose was to lower and lift supply pallets - from coal to food - when in port and collect the two Captain's gigs and two Pinnace boats stored opposite of the "B" and "E" turrets while at sea. Two smaller Quarter Boats were hung on a pair of davits over the side of the ship opposite of the amidships funnel. The Captain's gig was a craft with smart lines, used to take the Capitan (or other officers) ashore and return them to the ship. The gig proved a vessel some 20 feet long and 3- to 6-feet wide while being manned by six to eight oars and lig sails. The Pinnace vessel was approximately 30 feet long and rowed by twelve oars, six per side, with two lig sails and used to carry sailors to and from shore when the ship could not dock (shallow waters for instance). The boats were not used as life boats for the entire crew could vary from 1,000 to 1,350 men. Instead, each man was issued a life jacket and rubber rafts were available for most.
== Angkatan laut kekaisaran Jerman ==