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Baris 105:
=== Penerapan Hukum Sali di negara-negara Eropa lainnya ===
ADalam numbersejarah ofEropa, militarypernah conflictstimbul insejumlah Europeankonflik historybersenjata haveakibat stemmedpenerapan frommaupun the application of, or disregard for,pelanggaran SalicHukum lawSali. The [[Carlist Wars]] occurred in [[Spain]] over the question of whether the heir to the throne should be a female or a male relative. The [[War of the Austrian Succession]] was triggered by the [[PragmaticSanksi Sanction ofPragmatik 1713]] in which [[Charles VI of Austria]], who himself had inherited the Austrian patrimony over his nieces as a result of Salic law, attempted to ensure the inheritance directly to his own daughter [[Maria Theresa of Austria]], that being an example of an operation of the ''Semi-Salic law''.
In the modern [[Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946)|Kerajaan Italia]], under the [[House of Savoy]], succession to the throne was regulated by Salic law.