Hukum Sali: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 98:
In its origin, therefore, asas agnatis terbatas bagi suksesi takhta Kerajaan Perancis. Sebelum wangsa Valois memerintah, raja-raja wangsa Capet menganugerahkan apanase kepada putra-putra mereka selain putra tertua dan adik-adik laki-laki mereka, yang kemudian dapat diwarisi oleh keturunan mereka, laki-laki maupun perempuan. But the apanase-apanase given to the Valois princes, in imitation of the succession law of the monarchy that gave them, limited their transmission to males. Another Capetian lineage, the [[Montfort of Brittany]], claimed male succession in the Duchy of Brittany. In this they were supported oleh Raja Inggris, while their rivals who claimed the traditional female succession in Brittany were supported by the King of France. The Montforts eventually won the duchy by warfare, tetapi harus mengakui suzeranitas Raja Perancis.
This law was by no means intended to cover all matters of inheritance — for example, not the inheritance of movables – only those lands considered "Salic" — and there is still debate as to the legal definition of this word, although it is generally accepted to refer to lands in the royal [[fisc]]. Only several hundred years later, under the [[House of Capet|Direct Capetian]] kings of [[France]] and their English contemporaries who held lands in France, did Salic law become a rationale for enforcing or debating succession. By then it was somewhat anachronistic — there were no Salic lands, since the Salian monarchy and its lands had originally emerged in what is now the [[Belanda]].-->
Shakespeare mengklaim bahwa [[Charles VI dari Perancis|Raja Charles VI]] menolak klaim [[Henry V dari Inggris|Raja Henry V]] atas takhta Kerajaan Perancis berdasarkan aturan pewarisan Hukum Sali. Penolakan ini memicumerupakan terjadinyapemicu [[Pertempuranpertempuran Agincourt]]. Sesungguhnya konflik antara Hukum Sali dan hukum Inggrislah yang menjadi penyebab dari [[Klaim Inggris atas takhta Perancis|banyaknya klaim yang tumpang tindih]] antara pihak Perancis dan pihak Inggris atas takhta Kerajaan Perancis.
Lebih dari seabad kemudian, [[Felipe II dari Spanyol|Raja Spanyol, Felipe II]], mencoba mengklaim takhta Kerajaan Perancis bagi putrinya, [[Isabella Clara Eugenia]], yang dilahirkan oleh permaisuri Felipe II, seorang putribangsawati dari wangsa Valois. Philip'sPara agentskaki weretangan instructedRaja toFelipe "insinuatediperintahkan untuk cleverly"pandai-pandai thatmenciptakan thekesan" Salicbahwa lawHukum wasSali ahanyalah "purekarangan inventionbelaka". ButAkan eventetapi if theandaikata "SalicHukum lawSali" didmemang nottidak reallyditerapkan applydalam totata thesuksesi throneKerajaan of FrancePerancis, theasas verysuksesi principleagnatis oftelah agnaticmenjadi successionbatu hadsendi becomedari atata cornerstonesuksesi ofKerajaan thePerancis; Frenchini royaltelah succession;dipertahankan theyoleh hadKerajaan upheldPerancis itdalam inPerang theSeratus HundredTahun Years'melawan WarInggris, withdan thetelah English,diterapkan anduntuk itmenentukan hadorang-orang producedyang theirlayak kingsmenjadi forRaja morePerancis thanselama twolebih centuriesdua abad. ThePengakuan eventualkesahihan recognitionstatus ofraja dari [[Henry IV Dari Perancis|Henry IV]], rajaRaja Perancis yang pertama dari wangsa Bourbons, furthersemakin solidifiedmemperkukuh thepenerapan asas agnatis di Perancis.
=== Penerapan Hukum Sali di negara-negara Eropa lainnya ===
Dalam sejarah Eropa, pernah timbul sejumlah konflik bersenjata akibat penerapan maupun pelanggaran Hukum Sali.<!-- The [[Carlist Wars]] occurred in [[Spain]] over the question of whether the heir to the throne should be a female or a male relative. The [[War of the Austrian Succession]] was triggered by the [[Sanksi Pragmatik 1713]] in which [[Karl VI dari Austria]], who himself had inherited the Austrian patrimony over his nieces as a result of Salic law, attempted to ensure the inheritance directly to putri kandungnya, [[Maria Theresa dari Austria]], that being an example of an operation of the ''Hukum Semi-Sali''.
In the modern [[Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946)|Kerajaan Italia]], under the [[wangsa Savoie]], succession to the throne was regulated by Salic law.