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RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 162:
{| align="right" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"
|+Sekakmat dua gajah
|+Checkmates with two bishops
|{{Chess diagram small|tright|52=|38=|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|51=|53=|36=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=|62=|63=|64=|65=|66=|67=|37=|35=||17=|kd||||||||||bl||||18=|34=|27=|33=|32=|31=|30=|29=|28=|26=|19=|25=|24=|23=|22=|21=bl|20=kl|68=}}
|{{Chess diagram small|tright|52=|38=|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|51=|53=|36=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=|62=|63=|64=|65=|66=|67=|37=|35=||17=||kd||||||||bl|||||18=|34=|27=|33=|32=|31=|30=|29=|28=|26=|19=|25=|24=|23=|22=bl|21=|20=kl|68=}}
Baris 176:
{| align="right" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"
|{{Chess diagram small|tright|52=|38=kd|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|51=|53=|36=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=bl|62=kl|63=|64=bl|65=|66=|67=Two bishops and king can force mate.|37=|35=|FromDari Seirawan|17=|||||||||||||||18=|34=|27=|33=|32=|31=|30=|29=|28=|26=|19=|25=|24=|23=|22=|21=|20=|68=}}
Dalam posisi dari Seirawan, Putih menang dengan memaksa Raja Hitam ke tepi papan, lalu memojokkannya, lalu sekakmat. Hal ini dapat terjadi di semua sisi papan. Prosesnya:
In the position from Seirawan, White wins by first forcing the black king to the side of the board, then to a corner, and then checkmates. It can be any side of the board and any corner. The process is:
: '''1. Ke2Re2 Ke4Re4''' (BlackHitam triesberusaha tomenjaga keeprajanya hisdi kingdekat nearmedan the centertengah) '''2. Be3Ge3 Ke5Re5''' (forcingmemaksa theRaja king back, which is done oftenmundur) '''3. Kd3Rd3 Kd5Rd5 4. Bd4Gd4 Ke6Re6 5. Ke4Re4 Kd6Rd6''' (BlackHitam membuat triespendekatan ayang differentberbeda approachuntuk totetap stayberada neardi thedekat centerpusat) '''6. Bc4Gc4''' (WhitePutih hasberada apada fineposisi positionyang baik; thegajah bishopsterpusat aredan centralizedraja and the king is activeaktif) '''6... Kc6Rc6''' ​​(BlackHitam avoidsmenghindar going toward the sidemenyamping) '''7. Ke5Re5 Kd7Rd7''' (Black is trying toHitam avoidmenghindari thepojok a8-corner) '''8. Bd5Gd5''' (keepingmenjauhi theraja blackhitam king offdari c6) '''8... Kc7Rc7 9. Bc5Gc5 Kd7Rd7 10. Bd6Gd6!''' (anlangkah importantmemaksa moveRaja thathitam forceske thetepi king to the edge of the boardpapan) '''10 ... Ke8Re8''' (BlackHitam ismasih stillmenghindari avoiding the cornerpojok) '''11. Ke6Re6''' (now the black king cannotraja gethitam offtidak thebisa edgekeluar ofdari thetepi boardpapan) '''11... Kd8Rd8 12. Bc6Gc6''' ​​(forcingraja thehitam kingdipaksa towardke the cornerpojok) '''12... Kc8Rc8'' ' (Black'sRaja kingHitam isdibatasi confined tohanya c8 anddan d8; the whiteRaja kingHutih mustharus covermenutup a7 anddan b7) '''13. Kd5Rd5''' (13. Ke7Re7{{chesspunc|?}} isadalah [[stalemateremis]]) '''13... Kd8Rd8 14. Kc5Rc5 Kc8Rc8 15. Kb6Rb6 Kd8Rd8''' (nowPutih Whiteharus mustmengizinkan allowraja theuntuk kingbergerak toke move into the cornerpojok) '''16. Bc5Gc5 Kc8Rc8 17. Be7Ge7!''' (anlangkah importantpenting movememojokkan that forces the king toward the cornerraja) '''17... Kb8Rb8 18. Bd7Gd7!''' (thesama samedengan principlelangkah as the previous movesebelumnya) '''18. .. Ka8Ra8 19. Bd8Gd8''' (WhitePutih mustharus makemembuat agerakan moveyang thatmenghasilkan gives up a [[Tempo (chess)|tempo]]; this move isgerakan suchsama adengan moveatas, alongbersama withdengan Bc5Gc5, Bf8Gf8, Be6Ge6, oratau Ka6Ra6) '' '19... Kb8Rb8 20. Bc7Gc7+ Ka8Ra8 21. Bc6Gc6#''' (asseperti thediagram firstpertama diagramdi inbagian this sectionini). <ref>{{harvnb|Seirawan|2003|pp=5–7}}</ref>
NoteIni thatbukanlah thissekakmat isterpendek notdari theposisi shortest forced checkmate from this positionini. Müller anddan Lamprecht givememberikan asolusi fifteen-move15 solutionlangkah; however, it contains an inaccurate move bytetapi Blackmengandung (accordinggerakan totak [[Endgameakurat tablebase|endgameoleh tablebases]])Hitam.<ref name="muller01p17" />
'''AvoidMenghindari stalemateremis'''{{Chess diagram small|tleft|51=|37=bl|38=|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|52=|35=|53=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=|62=|63=|64=|65=|66=|36=|34=|From Silman|17=|kd||||||||||bl||||18=|33=|19=|20=xx|21=kl|22=|23=|24=|25=|26=|27=|28=|29=|30=|31=|32=|67=1.Kb6 woulddapat be stalemateremis.}}One

Posisi examplekemungkinan ofremis aadalah stalemate is this position, wheresaat '''1. Kb6Rb6''' (marked with theditandai x) would bedapat stalemateremis.<ref>{{harvnb|Silman|2007|p=191}}</ref>{{Clear}}