Templat:Republik Demokratik Kongo infobox: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 41:
area_magnitude = 1 E12 |
area = 2,345,409 |
percent_water = 4,3 | population_estimate = {{IncreaseNeutral}}108,407,721<ref>{{Cite CIA World Factbook|country=Congo Democratic Republic of the|access-date=24 September 2022}}</ref>
percent_water = 4,3 |
| population_estimate_year = 2021 |2022
population_estimate = 105.466.000 |
| population_estimate_rank = 15 |14
population_estimate_year = 2021 |
| population_density_km2 = 46.3
population_estimate_rank = 15 |
| population_density_sq_mi = 104 <!--Do not remove per [[WP:MOSNUM]]-->
population_census = |
| GDP_PPP = {{Increase}} $121.569 miliar<ref name=imf2>{{cite web | url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/335rank.html | title=Report for Selected Countries and Subjects | publisher=The World Factbook | access-date=7 April 2020 | archive-date=18 December 2018 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181218221601/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/335rank.html | url-status=dead }}</ref>
population_census_year = |
| GDP_PPP_year = 2015 | = 2022
population_density = 29,6 |
| GDP_PPP_rank = 101 | =
population_density_rank = 186 |
| GDP_PPP_per_capita = {{Increase}} $7531,316<ref name=imf2/> |
GDP_PPP_year = 2015 |
| GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 186 |
GDP_PPP = $61.579 miliar<ref name=imf2>{{cite web |url=https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2014/02/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=73&pr.y=2&sy=2012&ey=2019&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=636&s=NGDPD%2CNGDPDPC%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC&grp=0&a=|title=Democratic Republic of the Congo
| GDP_nominal = {{Increase}} $3561.571800 miliar<ref name="imf2"/> |
|publisher=international monetary fund }}</ref> |
| GDP_nominal_year = 2015 | = 2022
GDP_PPP_rank = 101 |
| GDP_nominal_rank = 93 | =
GDP_PPP_per_capita = $753<ref name=imf2/> |
| GDP_nominal_per_capita = {{Increase}} $435669<ref name=imf2/> |
GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 186 |
| GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 182 |
GDP_nominal_year = 2015 |
| Gini = 42.1
GDP_nominal = $35.571 miliar<ref name="imf2"/> |
| Gini_year = 2012
GDP_nominal_rank = 93 |
| Gini_change = decrease <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |
GDP_nominal_per_capita = $435<ref name=imf2/> |
| Gini_ref = <ref name=gini>{{cite web|title=GINI index coefficient|url=https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/gini-index-coefficient-distribution-of-family-income/country-comparison|publisher=CIA Factbook|access-date=16 July 2021|archive-date=7 July 2021|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210707032440/https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/gini-index-coefficient-distribution-of-family-income/country-comparison|url-status=live}}</ref>
GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 182 |
| Gini_rank = |
Gini_year = 2006 |
| HDI = 0.338479 <!--number only--> |
Gini_change = <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |
| HDI_year = 20132021<!-- Please use the year to which the data refers, not the publication year--> |
Gini = 44.4 <!--number only--> |
| HDI_change = increasedecrease <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |
Gini_ref = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI/|title=World Bank GINI index}}</ref> |
| HDI_ref = <ref name="HDI">{{cite web |url=httphttps://hdr.undp.org/sites/defaultsystem/files/hdr14documents/global-summaryreport-endocument/hdr2021-22pdf_1.pdf |title=2014 Human Development Report Summary 2021/2022|yearlanguage=2014 |accessdate=27 Juli 2014 en|publisher=[[United Nations Development Programme ]]|date=8 pagesSeptember 2022|access-date=21–2530 September 2022}}</ref> |
Gini_rank = |
| HDI_rank = 186179 |
HDI_year = 2013<!-- Please use the year to which the data refers, not the publication year--> |
HDI_change = increase <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |
HDI = 0.338 <!--number only--> |
HDI_category = <span style="color:#900;">rendah</span> |
HDI_ref = <ref name="HDI">{{cite web |url=http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/hdr14-summary-en.pdf |title=2014 Human Development Report Summary |year=2014 |accessdate=27 Juli 2014 |publisher=United Nations Development Programme | pages=21–25}}</ref> |
HDI_rank = 186 |
currency = [[Franc Kongo]] (FC) |
currency_code = CDF |