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Baris 14:
Sekitar 5.000 tahun yang lalu, orang yang berdiam dekat Kongens Lyngby di Denmark menemukan bahwa
Aboutsekitar 5,000 yearstahun agolalu, peopleorang livingtinggal neardekat [[Kongens Lyngby]] indi Denmark invented the segregated hull, which allowed the size of boats to gradually be increased. Boats soon developed into [[keel boat]]s similar to today's wooden [[pleasure craft]].
At about the same time, the first navigators began to use animal skins or woven fabrics as [[sail]]s. Affixed to the top of a pole set vertically in a boat, these sails gave early ships great range. This allowed man to explore widely, allowing, for example the settlement of [[Oceania]] about 3,000 years ago.