Ali Ghufron Mukti: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox Officeholder
| honorific-prefix = <!-- Hanya gelar kenegaraan/kehormatan (bukan gelar akademis/haji) -->
| name = Ali Ghufron Mukti
| honorific-suffix = <!-- Hanya gelar kenegaraan/kehormatan (bukan gelar akademis/haji) -->
| image = The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan and the Deputy Minister for Health, Indonesia, Dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, during bilateral meeting, at Dhaka on September 11, 2014 (cropped).jpg
| imagesize =
| smallimage =
| caption = Ali Ghufron Mukti, 2014
| order =
| office = [[BPJS Kesehatan|Direktur Utama BPJS Kesehatan]]
| term_start = 22 Februari 2021
| term_end =
| vicepresident =
| president = [[Joko Widodo]]
| predecessor = [[Fachmi Idris]]
| successor =
| order1 =
| office1 = [[Daftar Wakil Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia|Wakil Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia]]
| term_start1 = 19 Oktober 2011
| term_end1 = 20 Oktober 2014
| vicepresident1 =
| viceprimeminister1 =
| deputy1 =
| lieutenant1 =
| monarch1 =
| president1 = [[Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono]]
| primeminister1 =
| taoiseach =
| chancellor =
| governor =
| governor-general =
| governor_general =
| succeeding = <!-- Diisi apabila baru terpilih dan belum menjabat. Apabila sudah menjabat, isi di bagian predecessor. -->
| predecessor1 = [[Satrio]]
| successor1 = [[Dante Saksono Harbuwono]]
| constituency =
| majority =
| order2 =
| office2 = [[Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia]]<br/><small>Pelaksana tugas <small>
| term_start2 = 30 April 2012
| term_end2 = 14 Juni 2012
| vicepresident2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| viceprimeminister2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| deputy2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| lieutenant2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| monarch2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| president2 = [[Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono]]
| primeminister2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| governor2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| succeeding2 =
| predecessor2 = [[Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih]]
| successor2 = [[Nafsiah Mboi]]
| constituency2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| majority2 = <!-- Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number -->
| birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1962|05|17}}
| birth_place = [[Blitar]], [[Jawa Timur]], Indonesia
| death_date =
| death_place =
| restingplace =
| restingplacecoordinates =
| birthname =
| nationality = <!-- Hanya untuk warga negara asing -->
| party =
| otherparty = <!--For additional political affiliations -->
| spouse = Inayati
| partner = <!--For those with a domestic partner and not married -->
| relations =
| children = 3<!-- Diisi hanya jumlah anak; Hanya nama anak yang secara independen terkenal atau sangat relevan; uraikan pada artikel -->
| parents =
| residence =
| alma_mater = [[Universitas Gadjah Mada]]
| occupation = [[Dokter]]
| profession =
| religion = <!-- Kosongkan bagian ini; kolom terkait Suku, Agama dan Ras telah dinonaktifkan -->
| signature =
| website =
| facebook =
| facebookpage =
| twitter =
'''[[Profesor|Prof.]] [[Dokter|dr.]] '''Ali Ghufron Mukti''', [[Magister sains|M.Sc.]], [[Doktor Filsafat|Ph.D.''']], [[Ahli Asuransi Kesehatan|AAK]] ({{lahirmati|[[Blitar]], [[Jawa Timur]]|17|5|1962}}<ref>{{Cite web |url=,com_cbcoresearch/Itemid,324/view,cbcoresearch/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=1253 |title="Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc.,Ph.D. - Guru Besar UGM" |access-date=2014-01-06 |archive-date=2014-01-06 |archive-url=,com_cbcoresearch/Itemid,324/view,cbcoresearch/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=1253 |dead-url=yes }}</ref>) adalah seorang dokter dan akademisi Indonesia. Ia dilantik sebagai Direktur Utama BPJS Kesehatan oleh Presiden [[Joko Widodo]] pada 22 Februari 2021. Sebelumnya ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daya Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (SDID), [[Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia]]. Ia pernah menjabat sebagai [[Daftar Wakil Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia|Wakil Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia]] pada [[Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II]] dan juga Penjabat sementara [[Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia]] menggantikan [[Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih]] yang wafat pada tahun [[2012]]. Ia digantikan oleh [[Nafsiah Mboi]] menjadi Menkes RI pada tahun yang sama.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=SBY Percayakan Nafsiah Mboi jadi Menkes |access-date=2012-06-16 |archive-date=2016-06-11 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Pakar Jamkesmas ini juga merupakan Dekan [[Fakultas Kedokteran]] [[Universitas Gadjah Mada]] termuda yang menjabat pada usia 46 tahun.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title="Ali Ghufron Mukti - Tokoh Indonesia" |access-date=2012-06-16 |archive-date=2011-12-28 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
== Pendidikan ==
* S1 Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran, [[UGM]], [[1988]]
* S2 Tropical Medicine, The Department of Tropical Hygiene, [[Mahidol University]], [[Bangkok]], [[Thailand]], [[1991]]
* S3 Faculty of Medicine, [[University of Newcastle]], [[Australia]], [[2000]]
* Profesi Ahli Asuransi Kesehatan (AAK) dari Pamjaki, [[2002]]
== Karier ==