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Baris 416:
{{Main|Gerakan Karismatik|l1=Pergerakan Karismatik}}
[[File:Hillsong Church Konstanz 2018.jpg|thumb|upright=1.1|Gereja Hillsong, salah satu gereja karismatik injili, di [[Konstanz]], Jerman]]
Pergerakan Karismatik adalah tren internasional di kalangan jemaat-jemaat Kristen arus utama untuk mengadopsi akidah-akidah dan amalan-amalan yang serupa dengan yang diimani dan diamalkan umat Kristen [[Pentakostalisme|Pentakosta]]. Unsur hakiki pergerakan ini adalah pemanfaatan karunia-[[karunia Roh Kudus]]. Di kalangan umat Protestan, pergerakan ini bermula sekitar tahun 1960.<!--
InDi theAmerika United StatesSerikat, Episcopalianrohaniwan gereja Episkopal [[Dennis Bennett (priestpendeta)|Dennis Bennett]] isadakalanya sometimesdisebut-sebut citedsebagai assalah oneseorang oftokoh the charismatic movement'sperintis seminalpergerakan influenceKarismatik.<ref>{{Citation | first = Randall | last = Balmer | title = Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism: Revised and Expanded Edition | edition = 2nd2 | place = Waco | publisher = Baylor | year = 2004 | contribution = Charismatic Movement}}</ref> In theDi [[UnitedInggris KingdomRaya]], yang disebut-sebut sebagai tokoh perintis pergerakan Karismatik adalah [[Colin Urquhart]], [[Michael Harper (priest)|Michael Harper]], [[David Watson (evangelist)|David Watson]] anddan othersbeberapa weretokoh in the vanguard of similar developmentslain. TheKonferensi [[Universitas Massey University|Massey]] conferencetahun in1964 Newdi Zealand,Selandia 1964Baru wasdihadiri attendedoleh bybeberapa severalrohaniwan AnglicansAnglikan, includingantara thelain Rev.Pendeta Ray Muller, whorohaniwan wentyang onmengundang to inviteDennis Bennett toke NewSelandia ZealandBaru inpada tahun 1966, anddan playedmenjadi atokoh leadingutama roledalam inpengembangan developingdan and promotingpenyebarluasan theseminar-seminar ''LifeHidup indalam the SpiritRoh'' seminars. OtherSalah Charismaticseorang movementtokoh leadersutama inlainnya Newdalam Zealandpergerakan includeKarismatik di Selandia Baru adalah [[Bill Subritzky]].<!--
Larry Christenson, seoroan a Lutheran theologian based in [[San Pedro, California]], did much in the 1960s and 1970s to interpret the charismatic movement for Lutherans. A very large annual conference regarding that matter was held in [[Minneapolis]]. Charismatic Lutheran congregations in Minnesota became especially large and influential; especially "Hosanna!" in Lakeville, and North Heights in St. Paul. The next generation of Lutheran charismatics cluster around the Alliance of Renewal Churches. There is considerable charismatic activity among young Lutheran leaders in California centered around an annual gathering at Robinwood Church in Huntington Beach. [[Richard A. Jensen]]'s ''Touched by the Spirit'' published in 1974, played a major role of the Lutheran understanding to the charismatic movement.
In Congregational and Presbyterian churches which profess a traditionally [[Calvinist]] or [[Reformed theology]] there are differing views regarding present-day [[continuationism|continuation]] or [[cessationism|cessation]] of the gifts (''{{lang|la|charismata}}'') of the Spirit.<ref name="phen">{{Cite book | last1 = Masters | first1 = Peter | last2 = Whitcomb | first2 = John | title = Charismatic Phenomenon| publisher = Wakeman | location = London | page = [ 113] | date = 1988 | isbn = 978-1870855013 | url =}}</ref><ref name="epidemic">{{Cite book | last1 = Masters | first1 = Peter | last2 = Wright | first2= Professor Verna| title = Healing Epidemic | url = | publisher = Wakeman Trust | location = London| page = [ 227] | date = 1988 | isbn = 978-1870855006}}</ref> Generally, however, Reformed charismatics distance themselves from renewal movements with tendencies which could be perceived as overemotional, such as [[Word of Faith]], [[Toronto Blessing]], [[Brownsville Revival]] and [[Lakeland Revival]]. Prominent Reformed charismatic denominations are the [[Sovereign Grace Churches]] and the [[Every Nation]] Churches in the US, in Great Britain there is the [[Newfrontiers]] churches and movement, which leading figure is [[Terry Virgo]].<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Presbyterian and Reformed Churches |access-date=5 January 2016 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=11 November 2014}}</ref>
Baris 463:
Kaum Puritan tidak diberi kesempatan untuk menciptakan perubahan di dalam tubuh gereja Inggris, malah ruang gerak mereka di Inggris dipersempit melalui undang-undang yang mengendalikan kehidupan beragama masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, keyakinan-keyakinan mereka terbawa bersama jemaat-jemaat Puritan yang berhijrah ke Negeri Belanda (dan kemudian hari juga ke New England), serta rohaniwan injili yang berhijrah ke Irlandia (dan kemudian hari juga ke Wales), dan tersebar ke tengah masyarakat awam maupun beberapa bagian dari sistem pendidikan, khususnya sekolah-sekolah tinggi tertentu di lingkungan [[Universitas Cambridge]]. Khotbah Protestan pertama kali dilantangkan di Inggris dari mimbar Gereja Santo Edwardus di Cambridge. Mimbar bersejarah itu masih lestari sampai sekarang.<ref>{{cite web|title=Latimer's Pulpit|url=|access-date=30 Desember 2020|website=Faculty of Divinity 50 Treasures|archive-date=5 Februari 2021|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|date=2020-06-25|title=Despite Cambridge's Protestant history, Catholic students are at home here|url=|access-date=21 September 2020|website=Catholic Herald|language=en-GB|archive-date=27 September 2020|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Kaum Puritan memiliki pandangan sendiri mengenai pakaian rohaniwan dan menentang tatanan [[episkopal|keuskupan]], sehingga ditolak para uskup Inggris, terutama sesudah terbitnya keputusan di akhir [[Sinode Dordrecht]] pada tahun 1619. Sebagian besar kaum Puritan mengadopsi paham [[Sabatarianisme Puritan|Sabatarianisme]] pada abad ke-17, dan dipengaruhi paham [[milenialisme]].
Mereka membentuk, dan diidentikkan dengan, berbagai kelompok keagamaan yang menganjurkan peningkatan kemurnian [[sembahyang|peribadatan]] dan [[doktrin]], maupun [[pietisme|ketakwaan]] perorangan dan kelompok. Kaum Puritan mengadopsi [[teologi Kalvinis]], tetapi memperhatikan pula kritik-kritik radikal yang dilontarkan Zwingli di Zurich dan Kalvin di Jenewa. Di bidang tatanan gerejawi, sebagian pihak menghendaki pemisahan dari semua umat Kristen lain, demi mwwujudkan gereja-gereja terhimpun yang bersifat otonom. Golongan berkecenderungan separatis dan [[independen (agama)|independen]] di dalam tubuh kaum Puritan ini tampil mengemuka pada dasawarsa 1640-an.<!-- Meskipun dipicu Althougholeh theperebutan kuasa politik antara [[EnglishRaja Civil WarInggris]] (which expanded into thedan [[WarsMajelis ofRakyat the Three KingdomsJelata]]) began over a contest for political power between the, [[KingPerang ofSaudara EnglandInggris]] and(yang themerembet ke [[HousePeperangan ofTiga CommonsKerajaan|perang-perang Tiga Negara]],) itmemecah-belah dividedInggris themenurut countryagama, alongmanakala religious lines asgolongan [[EpiscopalianismEpiskopalianisme|episcopaliansEpiskopal]] withindi thedalam Churchtubuh ofGereja EnglandInggris sidedberpihak withkepada theRaja, Crownsementara andgolongan PresbyteriansPresbiterian anddan Independentsgolongan supportedIndependen mendukung ''ParliamentParlemen'' (aftersesudah theRoyalis defeat of the Royalistskalah, the [[House ofMajelis LordsBangsawan]] asmaupun wellpemerintahan asraja thedisingkirkan Monarchdari werestruktur removedpolitik fromnegara theInggris politicaldalam structurerangka ofmenciptakan the state to create thepemerintah [[CommonwealthPersemakmuran of EnglandInggris|CommonwealthPersemakmuran]]). The supporters ofGolongan apendukung [[Presbyteriantatanan polityPresbiteran]] indi thedalam [[Sidang Westminster Assembly]] weretidak unableberhasil tomengasaskan forgesuatu agereja newnasional English national churchInggris, and the Parliamentarydan [[NewAngkatan ModelPerang ArmyGagrak Baru]], whichbentukan wasParlemen, madeyang uprata-rata primarilyberasal ofdari Independentsgolongan Independen, underdi bawah pimpinan [[Oliver Cromwell]] firstpertama-tama purgedmenyapu Parliamentbersih Parlemen, thenkemudian abolishedmenghapuskannya itdan andmembentuk establishedpemeritnahan [[TheMasa ProtectorateProtektorat|Protektorat]].<!--
[[English overseas possessions in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms|England's trans-Atlantic colonies in the war]] followed varying paths depending on their internal demographics. In the older colonies, which included [[Virginia]] (1607) and its offshoot [[Bermuda]] (1612), as well as [[Barbados]] and [[Antigua]] in the West Indies (collectively the targets in 1650 of [[An Act for prohibiting Trade with the Barbadoes, Virginia, Bermuda and Antego]]), Episcopalians remained the dominant church faction and the colonies remained Royalist 'til conquered or compelled to accept the new political order. In Bermuda, with control of the local [[Government of Bermuda|government]] and the ''army'' (nine infantry companies of Militia plus [[coastal artillery]]), the Royalists forced Parliament-backing religious Independents into exile to settle the [[Bahamas]] as the [[Eleutheran Adventurers]].<ref>{{cite book |last=LANGFORD OLIVER |first=VERE |date=1912 |title=Pym Letters. CARIBBEANA: BEING Miscellaneous papers RELATING TO THE History. Genealogy, Topography, and Antiquities OF THE BRITISH WEST INDIES. VOLUME II. |location=London |publisher=MITCHELL HUGHES AND CLARKE, 140 WARDOUR STREET, W |page=14 |quote=The Government is changed. Within twenty days after his arrival, the Governor called an assembly, pretending thereby to reform certain things amiss. All the ministers in the island, Mr. White, Mr. Goldinge, and Mr. Copeland, were Independents, and they had set up a Congregational Church, of which most gentlemen of Council were members or favourers. The burgesses of this [[House of Assembly of Bermuda|assembly]] were picked out of those who were known to be enemies to that way, and they did not suffer a Roundhead (as they term them) to be chosen.}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Lefroy, CB, FRS, Royal Artillery |first=Major-General Sir John Henry |date=1981 |title=Memorials of the Discovery and Early Settlement of the Bermudas or Somers Islands 1515-1685, Volume I |location=Bermuda |publisher=The Bermuda Historical Society and The Bermuda National Trust (the first edition having been published in 1877, with funds provided by the Government of Bermuda), printed in Canada by The University of Toronto Press}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Eleuthera Island: History Notes | |access-date=2021-10-17 |archive-date=1 January 2017 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
Episcopalian was re-established following the [[Stuart Restoration#Church of England settlement|Restoration]]. A century later, non-conforming Protestants, along with the Protestant refugees from continental Europe, were to be among the primary instigators of the [[American War of Independence|war of secession]] that led to the founding of the United States of America. -->
File:John.Cotton.cropped.jpg|[[John Cotton (ministerpendeta)|John Cotton]], whotokoh sparkedyang themenyulut [[Antinomiankontroversi ControversyAntinomian]] withdengan hismengajarkan [[freeteologi kasih gracekarunia theologycuma-cuma]]
File:Landing-Bacon.PNG|[[Pilgrims (Plymouthkoloni ColonyPlymouth)|PilgrimPara Fathersleluhur peziarah]] landingmenjejakkan atkakinya di [[Plymouth Rock]] indi [[Plymouth, Massachusetts]], pada intahun 1620
File:OldShipEntrance.jpg|Built in 1681, the [[Old Ship Church]] inyang dibangun pada tahun 1681 di [[Hingham, Massachusetts]], isadalah thegedung oldesttertua churchyang interus-menerus continuousdigunakan ecclesiasticalsebagai usetempat inibadat thedi UnitedAmerika StatesSerikat.<ref>{{Cite news|last = Butterfield|first = Fox|title = The Perfect New England Town|url =|newspaper = [[The New York Times]]|date = 14 May 1989|access-date = 30 MayMei 2010|archive-date = 18 November 2018|archive-url =|url-status = live}}</ref>
</gallery> -->
=== Neo-ortodoksi dan paleo-ortodoksi ===