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Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib)
Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 31:
Turk memulai debutnya pada tahun 1770 di Istana Schönbrunn, sekitar enam bulan setelah pertunjukan Pelletier. Kempelen ditangani pengadilan, memperlihatkan apa yang telah ia buat, dan memulai demonstrasi mesin dan bagian-bagiannya. Dengan setiap pertunjukan Turk, Kempelen memulai dengan membuka pintu dan laci kabinet, yang memungkinkan anggota audiens untuk memeriksa mesin tersebut. Setelah penampilannya tersebut, Kempelen akan mengumumkan bahwa mesin ini sudah siap untuk seorang penantang.<ref>Standage, 24–17.</ref>
Kempelen would inform the player that the Turk would use themenggunakan [[RulesPeraturan of chesscatur#Initial setup|whitepion piecesputih]] dan have the first move. Between moves the Turk kept its left arm on the cushion. The Turk could nod twice if it threatened its opponent's [[ratu (catur)|ratu]], dan three times upon placing the [[raja (catur)|raja]] in skak. If an opponent made an illegal move, the Turk would shake its head, move the piece back and make its own move, thus forcing a forfeit of its opponent's move.<ref>Levitt, 17.</ref> [[Louis Dutens]], seorang penjelajah yang observed a showing of the Turk, attempted to trick mesin tersebut "by giving the Ratu the move of a Kuda, namun my mechanic opponent was not to be so imposed upon; he took up my Queen and replaced her in the square from which I had moved her."<ref name="Dutens">Louis Dutens, from a letter published in ''Le Mercure du France'' ([[Paris]], circa October 1770; later translated into English and reprinted in ''Gentleman's Magazine'' ([[London]]); translation taken from Levitt.</ref> Kempelen made it a point to traverse the room saat pertandingan, and invited observers to bring magnet, irons, and [[lodestone]]s to the cabinet to test whether the machine was run by a form of magnetism or weights. Orang pertama yang bermain dengan Turk adalah [[Johann Ludwig von Cobenzl]], seorang [[abdi dalem]] Austria di istana. Along with other challengers that day, he was quickly defeated, with observers of the pertandingan stating that the machine played aggressively, and typically beat its opponents within tiga menit.<ref>Standage, 30.</ref>[[Image:Turk-knights-tour.svg|left|thumb|[[Perjalanan kuda]] yang dituntaskan oleh Turk. TheLingkaran closedtertutup loopyang thatterbentuk ismemungkinkan formedperjalanan allowsakan theselesai tourdari tosetiap betitik completedawal fromdi any starting point on the board.papan<ref name="Standage, 30–31">Standage, 30–31.</ref>]]
AnotherBagian partlain ofdari pameran mesin was the completion of the [[perjalanan kuda]], a famed chess puzzle. The puzzle requires the player to move a knight around a papan catur, touching each square once along the way. While most experienced pemain catur of the time still struggled with the puzzle, the Turk was capable of completing the tour without any difficulty from any starting point via a pegboard used by the director with a mapping of the puzzle laid out.<ref name="Standage, 30–31"/>
Turk juga had the ability to converse with spectators using a letter board. The director, whose identity during the period when Kempelen presented the machine di Istana Schönbrunn is unknown,<ref>Standage, 204–205</ref> was able to do this in Inggris, Perancis, dan Jerman. [[Carl Hindenburg|Carl Friedrich Hindenburg]], sebuah universitas matematika, kept a record of the conversations during the Turk's time di [[Leipzig]] dan mempublikasikannya pada tahun 1789 dengan judul ''Über den Schachspieler des Herrn von Kempelen und dessen Nachbildung'' (atau ''On the Pemain Catur Tuan von Kempelen dan Replikanya''). Topics of questions put to dan dijawab oleh Turk included its age, marital status, dan its secret workings.<ref>Levitt, 33–34.</ref>
Baris 55:
Pada tahun 1809, [[Napoleon I dari Perancis]] mengunjungi di [[Istana Schönbrunn]] untuk bermain dengan Turk. Menurut to an eyewitness report, Mälzel took responsibility untuk konstruksi mesin while preparing the game, dan Turk ([[Johann Baptist Allgaier]]) memberi hormat kepada Napoleon prior to memulai pertandingan. The details of the pertandingan have been published over the years in numerous accounts, many of them contradictory.<ref>Standage, 105–106.</ref> Menurut [[Bradley Ewart]], it is believed that the Turk sat at its kabinet, and Napoleon sat at a separate chess table. Napoleon's table was in a roped-off area and he was not allowed to cross into the Turk's area, with Mälzel crossing back and forth to make each player's move and allowing a clear view for the spectators. In a surprise move, Napoleon took the first turn instead of allowing the Turk to make the first move, as was usual; but Mälzel allowed the game to continue. Shortly thereafter, Napoleon attempted an ilegal move. Upon noticing the move, the Turk returned the piece to its original spot and continued the game. Napoleon attempted the ilegal move a second time, and the Turk responded by removing the piece from the board entirely and taking its turn. Napoleon then attempted the move a third time, the Turk responding with a sweep of its arm, knocking all the pieces off the board. Napoleon was reportedly amused, dan then played a real game with the machine, completing nineteen moves before tipping over rajanya in surrender.<ref name="Ewart">Bradley Ewart, ''Chess: Man vs. Machine'' (London: Tantivy, 1980).</ref> Versi lain of the story include Napoleon menjadi tidak senang about losing to the machine, playing the machine at a later time, playing one pertandingan dengan sebuah magnet on the board, dan memainkan sebuah pertandingan dengan sebuah [[selendang]] around the kepala dan tubuh Turk in an attempt to obscure its vision.<ref>Levitt, 39–42.</ref>
Pada tahun 1811, Mälzel membawa Turk ke [[Milan]] untuk penampilannya bersama [[Eugène de Beauharnais]], Pangeran Venice dan Viceroy Italia. Beauharnais menikmati the machine so much that he offered to purchase it from Mälzel. After some serious bargaining, Beauharnais acquired the Turk for 30,000 franc – tiga times what Mälzel had paid – dan kept it untuk empat tahun. Pada tahun 1815, Mälzel returned to Beauharnais in Munich and asked to buy the Turk back. Dua versi of how much he had to pay exist, eventually working out sebuah perjanjian.<ref>Levitt, 42–23</ref> OneSatu versionversi appeared in Surat Perancis ''Palamede''.
<ref group=Note>"The writer in the ''Palamede'' makes the result a kind of partnership in an exhibition tour – the title of the Automaton was to remain in the princely owner, and Maelzel was to pay the interest of the original cost as his partner's fair proportion of the profits. But another account – current, Aku percaya, di Munich – makes the transaction to have been a sale: Maelzel bought back the Automaton for the same thirty thousand francs, and was to pay for it out of the profits of pamerannya – " Provided, nevertheless," that Maelzel was not to leave the Continent to give such exhibitions. The latter account I believe to be the more correct one."
The Book of the first American Chess Congress, page 427,[ Online]</ref> The complete story does not make a lot of sense sejak Mälzel mengunjungi Paris lagi, dan ia juga could import his "Conflagration of Moscow".<ref group=Note>"Mr. Maelzel, who had already experienced some regret at parting with his protegi, requested the favour to be again reinstated in the charge, promising to pay Eugene (he interest of the thirty thousand francs Mr. M. hod pocketed. This proposition was graciously conceded by the gallant Beauharnois, dan Maelzel thus had the satisfaction of finding he had made a tolerably good bargain, '''getting literally the money for nothing at all!'''
Baris 62:
[[Image:Malzels-exhibition-ad.JPG|right|thumb|Sebuah iklan untuk penampilan [[Johann Nepomuk Mälzel|Mälzel]] dengan Turk di [[London]]<ref>Levitt, 45.</ref>]]Mengikuti the repurchase, Mälzel brought the Turk kembali ke Paris where he made acquaintances of many of the leading chess players at Café de la Régence. Mälzel tinggal di Perancis dengan mesin tersebut until 1818, dimana ia pindah ke London dan held a number of performances with the Turk dan banyak mesin lainnya. Di London, Mälzel dan his act received a large amount of press, and he continued improving the machine,<ref>Levitt, 45–48.</ref> ultimately installing sebuah kotak suara so the machine could say "Échec!" when placing a player in skak.<ref>Standage, 125.</ref>
Pada tahun 1819, Mälzel took the Turk on a tur Britania Raya. There were severalbeberapa newpengembangan developmentsbaru in the act, such as allowing the opponent the first move dan eliminating the king's bishop's [[pion (catur)|pion]] from the Turk's pieces. This [[Chess handicap#Other forms of handicap|pion handicap]] created further interest in the Turk, and spawned a book by [[W. J. Hunneman]] chronicling the matches played with this handicap.<ref>W. J. Hunneman, ''Chess. A Selection of Fifty Games, from Those Played by the Pemain Catur Automaton, During Its Exhibition in London, in 1820'' (1820); quotation taken from Levitt.</ref> Despite the handicap, the Turk (dikendalikan oleh [[Jacques François Mouret|Mouret]] pada waktu itu<ref>The Oxford Companion to Chess – David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld (1992) p. 265</ref>) ended up with empat puluh lima menang, tiga kalah, dan dua [[remis (catur)|remis]].<ref>Levitt, 49.</ref>
==Mälzel di Amerika==