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Baris 81:
Hipotesis yang berlaku saat ini menjelaskan bahwa sistem Bumi-Bulan terbentuk akibat [[Hipotesis tubrukan besar|tubrukan besar]], ketika benda langit seukuran [[Mars]] (bernama ''[[Theia (planet)|Theia]]'') bertabrakan dengan [[Sejarah Bumi|proto-Bumi]] yang baru terbentuk, memuntahkan material ke orbit di sekitarnya yang kemudian berkumpul untuk membentuk Bulan.<ref name="taylor1998" /> Hipotesis ini mungkin merupakan hipotesis yang paling menjelaskan mengenai asal usul Bulan, meskipun penjelasannya tidak sempurna.
Tubrukan besar diperkirakan seringumum terjadi pada awal pembentukan Tata Surya. Pemodelan simulasi komputer mengenai tubrukan besar sesuai dengan ukuran momentum sudut sistem Bumi-Bulan dan ukuran inti Bulan yang kecil. Simulasi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar materi pada Bulan berasal dari planet penabrak, bukannya dari proto-Bumi.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Canup |first=R. |coauthors=Asphaug, E. |title=Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of Earth's formation |journal=Nature |volume=412 |pages=708–712 |year=2001 |doi=10.1038/35089010 |pmid=11507633 |issue=6848 |bibcode=2001Natur.412..708C}}</ref> Akan tetapi, pengujian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar materi Bulan berasal dari Bumi, bukannya dari penabrak.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/12/071219-moon-collision.html |title=Earth-Asteroid Collision Formed Moon Later Than Thought |publisher=News.nationalgeographic.com |date=28 October 2010 |accessdate=7 May 2012}}</ref><ref>http://digitalcommons.arizona.edu/objectviewer?o=uadc://azu_maps/Volume43/NumberSupplement/Touboul.pdf</ref><ref>{{cite journal | doi = 10.1038/nature06428 | title = Late formation and prolonged differentiation of the Moon inferred from W isotopes in lunar metals | year = 2007 | last1 = Touboul | first1 = M. | last2 = Kleine | first2 = T. | last3 = Bourdon | first3 = B. | last4 = Palme | first4 = H. | last5 = Wieler | first5 = R. | journal = Nature | volume = 450 | issue = 7173 | pages = 1206–9 | pmid = 18097403 |bibcode = 2007Natur.450.1206T }}</ref> Bukti [[meteorit]] menunjukkan bahwa materi benda langit lainnya seperti [[Mars]] dan [[Vesta (asteroid)|Vesta]] memiliki oksigen dan komposisi [[isotop]] yang sangat berbeda dengan Bumi, sedangkan Bulan dan Bumi memiliki komposisi isotop yang hampir identik. Pencampuran materi yang menguap pasca tubrukan antara benda langit pembentuk Bulan dengan Bumi diperkirakan menyamakan komposisi isotop mereka,<ref name="Pahlevan2007" /> meskipun hal ini masih diperdebatkan.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Nield |first=Ted |title=Moonwalk (summary of meeting at Meteoritical Society's 72nd Annual Meeting, Nancy, France) |journal=Geoscientist |volume=19 |page=8 |year=2009|url =http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/gsl/geoscientist/geonews/page6072.html}}</ref>
Besarnya energi yang dilepaskan saat terjadinya tubrukan besar dan akresi materi di orbit Bumi yang terjadi setelahnya akan melelehkan kulit bagian luar Bumi, yang kemudian membentuk lautan magma.<ref name="Warren1985" /><ref>{{cite journal|last=Tonks|first=W. Brian|coauthors=Melosh, H. Jay|year=1993|title=Magma ocean formation due to giant impacts|journal=Journal of Geophysical Research|volume=98|issue=E3|pages=5319–5333|bibcode=1993JGR....98.5319T|doi=10.1029/92JE02726}}</ref> Bulan yang baru terbentuk juga memiliki [[lautan magma Bulan|lautan magma]] sendiri; diperkirakan kedalamannya sekitar 500 km dari radius keseluruhan Bulan.<ref name="Warren1985" />
Baris 193:
== Referensi ==
| notes =
| name = maxval
| The ''maximum value'' is given based on scaling of the brightness from the value of −12.74 given for an equator to Moon-centre distance of 378&nbsp;000&nbsp;km in the NASA factsheet reference to the minimum Earth–Moon distance given there, after the latter is corrected for Earth's equatorial radius of 6&nbsp;378&nbsp;km, giving 350&nbsp;600&nbsp;km. The ''minimum value'' (for a distant [[new moon]]) is based on a similar scaling using the maximum Earth–Moon distance of 407&nbsp;000&nbsp;km (given in the factsheet) and by calculating the brightness of the [[earthshine]] onto such a new moon. The brightness of the earthshine is {{nowrap|[ Earth [[albedo]] ×}} {{nowrap|([[Earth radius]] /}} Radius of [[Orbit of the Moon|Moon's orbit]])<sup>2</sup>&nbsp;] relative to the direct solar illumination that occurs for a full moon. ({{nowrap|Earth albedo {{=}} 0.367}}; {{nowrap|Earth radius {{=}} (polar}} radius&nbsp;× equatorial {{nowrap|radius)<sup>½</sup> {{=}} 6 367 km}}.)
| name = angular size
| The range of angular size values given are based on simple scaling of the following values given in the fact sheet reference: at an Earth-equator to Moon-centre distance of 378&nbsp;000&nbsp;km, the [[Angular diameter|angular size]] is 1896&nbsp;[[arcsecond]]s. The same fact sheet gives extreme Earth–Moon distances of 407&nbsp;000&nbsp;km and 357&nbsp;000&nbsp;km. For the maximum angular size, the minimum distance has to be corrected for Earth's equatorial radius of 6&nbsp;378&nbsp;km, giving 350&nbsp;600&nbsp;km.
| name = pressure explanation
| Lucey ''et al.'' (2006) give {{nowrap|10<sup>7</sup> particles cm<sup>−3</sup>}} by day and {{nowrap|10<sup>5</sup> particles cm<sup>−3</sup>}} by night. Along with equatorial surface temperatures of 390&nbsp;[[Kelvin|K]] by day and 100&nbsp;K by night, the [[ideal gas law]] yields the pressures given in the infobox (rounded to the nearest [[order of magnitude]]): 10<sup>−7</sup>&nbsp;[[Pascal (unit)|Pa]] by day and 10<sup>−10</sup>&nbsp;Pa by night.
| name = near-Earth asteroids
| There are a number of [[near-Earth asteroid]]s, including [[3753 Cruithne]], that are [[co-orbital]] with Earth: their orbits bring them close to Earth for periods of time but then alter in the long term (Morais et al, 2002). These are [[quasi-satellite]]s&nbsp;– they are not moons as they do not orbit Earth. For more information, see [[Other moons of Earth]].
| name = Charon and Pluto
| [[Charon (moon)|Charon]] is proportionally larger in comparison to [[Pluto]], but Pluto has been reclassified as a [[dwarf planet]].
| name = age
| This age is calculated from isotope dating of lunar rocks.