Wikipedia:Terjemahan minggu ini: Perbedaan antara revisi

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2014, belum diterjemahkan
Baris 19:
== 2014 ==
* Week {{0}}1 : [[M-209]] [[:de:M-209]]/[[:en:M-209]] (8 langs total)
* Week {{0}}2 : [[Konservatisme satu negara]] [[:en:One-nation conservatism]] (6 langs total)
* Week {{0}}3 : [[A. Philip Randolph]] [[:en:A. Philip Randolph]] (9 langs total)
* Week {{0}}4 : [[Agnotologi]] [[:en:Agnotology]] (13 langs total)
* Week {{0}}5 : ''[[Prima scriptura]]'' [[:en:Prima scriptura]] (5 langs total)
* Week {{0}}6 : [[Istana Moka]] [[:en:Moika Palace]] (10 langs total)
* Week {{0}}7 : ''[[Agbogbloshie]]'' [[:en:Agbogbloshie]] (6 langs total)
* Week {{0}}8 : ''[[1991 Perfect Storm]]'' [[:en:1991 Perfect Storm]] (7 langs total)
* Week {{0}}9 : [[Kamar Dagang Amerika Serikat]] [[:en:United States Chamber of Commerce]] (12 langs total)
* Week 10 : ''[[United States Radium Corporation]]'' ([[Perusahaan Radium Amerika Serikat]]) [[:en:United States Radium Corporation]] (3 langs total)
* Week 11 : [[Pembunuhan Róbert Remiáš]] [[:en:Assassination of Róbert Remiáš]] (6 langs total)
* Week 12 : [[Musim badai Atlantik 1941]] [[:en:1941 Atlantic hurricane season]] (5 langs total)
* Week 13 : [[Pseudo-Nero]] [[:en:Pseudo-Nero]] (7 langs total)
* Week 14 : ''[[Letter Zyu]]'' [[:en:Letter Zyu]] (7 langs total)
* Week 15 : [[Siklon Sri Lanka 2000]] [[:en:2000 Sri Lanka cyclone]] (5 langs total)
* Week 16 : [[Perbandingan kimia dan fisika]] [[:en:Comparison of chemistry and physics]] (4 langs total)
* Week 17 : [[Badai salju Sydney 1999]] [[:en:1999 Sydney hailstorm]] (7 langs total)
* Week 18 : [[Supremasi Paus]] [[:en:Papal supremacy]] (4 langs total)
* Week 19 : ''[[Organolead compound]]'' [[:en:Organolead compound]] (5 langs total)
* Week 20 : [[Efek Robin Hood]] [[:en:Robin Hood effect]] (5 langs total)
* Week 21 : [[Kerusuhan etnis Singapura 1969]] [[:en:1969 race riots of Singapore]] (5 langs total)
* Week 22 : [[Hak-hak ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya]] [[:en:Economic, social and cultural rights]] (7 langs total)
* Week 23 : [[Seragam bisbol]] [[:en:Baseball uniform]] (7 langs total)
* Week 24 : ''[[Little man computer]]'' [[:en:Little man computer]] (5 langs total)
* Week 25 : [[Cornelia Fort]] [[:en:Cornelia Fort]] (6 langs total)
* Week 26 : ''[[Multiple time dimensions]]'' [[:en:Multiple time dimensions]] (6 langs total)
* Week 27 : [[Deklarasi Eliminasi Kekerasan Terhadap Wanita]] [[:en:Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women]] (11 langs total)
* Week 28 : [[Alain LeRoy Locke]] [[:en:Alain LeRoy Locke]] (14 langs total)
* Week 29 : [[Hak untuk berpakaian]] [[:en:Right to clothing]] (7 langs total)
* Week 30 : ''[[Great Bible]]'' [[:en:Great Bible]] (7 langs total)
* Week 31 : ''[[Radium Girls]]'' [[:en:Radium Girls]] (11 langs total)
* Week 32 : [[Balap udara London ke Manchester 1910]] [[:en:1910 London to Manchester air race]] (7 langs total)
* Week 33 : [[Kerusuhan Ole Miss 1962]] [[:en:Ole Miss riot of 1962]] (6 langs total)
* Week 34 : ''[[Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women]]'' [[:en:Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women]] (5 langs total)
* Week 35 : [[Pemberontakan Boston 1689]] [[:en:1689 Boston revolt]] (12 langs total)
* Week 36 : [[Trilemma]] [[:en:Trilemma]] (12 langs total)
* Week 37 : [[Masalah 100.000 tahun]] [[:en:100,000-year problem]] (8 langs total)
* Week 38 : [[Alice Ball]] [[:en:Alice Ball]] (7 langs total)
* Week 39 : ''[[Generation Kill]]'' [[:en:Generation Kill]] (8 langs total)
* Week 40 : [[Neo-kreasionisme]] [[:en:Neo-creationism]] (8 langs total)
* Week 41 : [[Misi militer Perancis ke Jepang (1872–80)]] [[:en:French military mission to Japan (1872–80)]] (7 langs total)
* Week 42 : ''[[March on Washington Movement]]'' [[:en:March on Washington Movement]] (6 langs total)
* Week 43 : [[Ekspedisi Polaris]] [[:en:Polaris expedition]] (9 langs total)
* Week 44 : [[Demokrasi Internet]] [[:en:Internet democracy]] (6 langs total)
* Week 45 : ''[[Rule of the shorter term]]'' [[:en:Rule of the shorter term]] (9 langs total)
* Week 46 : [[Resimen Infantri Independen 766 (Korea Utara)]] [[:en:766th Independent Infantry Regiment (North Korea)]] (5 langs total)
* Week 47 : [[Hotspot Islandia]] [[:en:Iceland hotspot]] (10 langs total)
* Week 48 : [[Taman Geologi Nasional Zhangye Danxia]] [[:en:Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park]] (10 langs total)
* Week 49 : ''[[Armillaria luteobubalina]]'' [[:en:Armillaria luteobubalina]] (7 langs total)
* Week 50 : [[Herbert William Conn]] [[:en:Herbert William Conn]] (5 langs total)
* Week 51 : [[Hak perumahan]] [[:en:Right to housing]] (12 langs total)
* Week 52 : [[Konferensi Internasional Hak Asasi Manusia]] [[:en:World Conference on Human Rights]] (10 langs total)
== 2013 ==