Konflik Chad-Libya: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 69:
=== Kesulitan Libya===
Hanya beberapa bulan setelah serangan yang gagal terhadap N’Djamena, pertikaian dalam FROLINAT menghancurkan kesatuan FROLINAT serta melemahkan kekuasaan Libia di Chad. Pada malam [[27 Agustus]], [[Ahmat Acyl]], pemimpin [[Pasukan Volcan]] menyerang Faya-Largeau dengan bantuan pasukan Libya indimana whatterdapat wassebuah apparentlyusaha an attempt byoleh Gaddafi tountuk removemenyingkirkan Goukouni fromdari the leadership of thekepemimpinan FROLINAT, replacingdan himmenggantinya withdengan Acyl. TheGoukoni attemptbereaksi backfired,dengan asmengeluarkan Goukounisemua reactedkehadiran bypenasehat expellingmiliter allLibya Libyan military advisors present indi Chad, and started searchingdan formulai amencari compromisekompromi withdengan FrancePerancis.<ref>M. Brandily, "Le Tchad face nord", p. 59</ref><ref>N. Mouric, "La politique tchadienne de la France", p. 99</ref>
TheAkibat reasonsdari forperselisihan the clash betweenantara Gaddafi anddan Goukouni wereadalah bothpermasalahan ethnicetnik anddan politicalpolitik. The FROLINAT wasterbagi divideddiantara betweenorang ArabsArab, likeseperti Acyl, anddan [[Toubou]]s, likeseperti Goukouni anddan Habré. TheseDivisi ethnicetnik divisionsini alsojuga reflectedmenggambarkan asikap differentyang attitudeberbeda towardske arah Gaddafi and hisdan ''[[TheBuku Green BookHijau|Greenbuku Bookhijaunya]]''. InDalam particularfakta-fakta, Goukouni anddan hispengikutnya mentelah hadmenunjukan shownbahwa themselvesmereka reluctantmalas tountuk followmengikuti permintaan Gaddafi's solicitations tountuk makemembuat ''Thebuku Green Bookhijau'' the official policy ofperaturan theresmi FROLINAT, anddan hadpertama firsttelah triedmencoba tountuk takemengambil timewaktu, leavingmeninggalkan thepertanyaan questionuntuk tomenyelesaikan thereunifikasi completedari reunification of the movementpergerakan. WhenKetika theunifikasi unification was accomplishedselesai, anddan Gaddafi pressedmenekan againkembali foruntuk the adoption ofadopsi ''The Greenbuku Bookhijau'', thepertikaian dissensionsdi indewan therevolusi Revolution'smenjadi Council became manifestnyata, withdengan manybanyak proclaimingmenyatakan theirkesetiaan loyaltymereka to the movement'skepada originalprogram platformpartai approvedpergerakan intahun 1966 whenketika [[Ibrahim Abatcha]] wasmenjadi madesekretaris firstjendral secretary-generalpertama, whileketika othersyang lain, among whomdiantara Acyl, fullysecara embracedpenuh themenganut Colonel'side ideasKolonel.<ref>M. Brandily, pp. 58&ndash;61</ref>
In N'Djamena, the contemporary presence of two armies, the FAN of the Prime Minister Habré and the FAT of the President Malloum, prepared the stage for the [[battle of N'Djamena (1979)|battle of N'Djamena]], which was to bring about the collapse of the State and the ascent to power of the Northern elite. A minor incident escalated on [[February 12]] [[1979]] into heavy fighting between Habré and Malloum's forces, and the battle intensified on [[February 19]] when Goukouni's men entered in the capital to fight alongside Habré against the FAT. It is estimated that by [[March 16]], when the first international peace conference took place, 2,000&ndash;5,000 people were killed and 60,000&ndash;70,000 forced to flee the capital, and the greatly diminished Chadian army left the capital in the rebels' hand and reorganized itself in the south under the leadership of [[Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué]]. During the battle, the French garrison stood passively by, even helping Habré in certain circumstances, as when they demanded the [[Chad Air Force]] to stop its bombings.<ref>M. Azevedo, pp. 104&ndash;105, 119, 135</ref>