Papirus 49: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 13:
| now at = [[Yale University Library]]
| cite = W. H. P. Hatch and C. B. Welles, ''A Hitherto Unpublished Fragment of the Epistle to the Ephesians'', HTR LI (1958), pp. 33-37.
| size = 18 x 25 cm
| type = [[Teks Alexandria]]
| cat = I
Baris 53:
Naskah Yunani ini tergolong jenis [[Teks Alexandria]]. [[Kurt Aland|Aland]] menyebutnya "paling sedikit teks Normal" dan menempatkannya dalam [[Kategori Naskah Perjanjian Baru|Kategori I]].<ref name = Aland/> [[Bruce M. Metzger]] mengidentikasinya sebagai Teks Alexandria. Menurut Philip Comfort dan David Barrett naskah ini menunjukkan kesesuaian kuat dengan [[Codex Sinaiticus]] dan [[Codex Vaticanus]] (14 dari 16 varian tekstual).<ref name = Comfort>{{Cite book | last = Comfort| first = Philip W. |author2 = David P. Barrett | title = The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts | publisher = Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated | place = Wheaton, Illinois | year = 2001 | page = 355 | isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1 }}</ref>
According toMenurut Comfort, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> anddan [[PapyrusPapirus 65|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup>]] cameberasal fromdari thenaskah sameyang manuscriptsama.<ref>Philip W. Comfort, ''Encountering the Manuscripts. An Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Textual Criticism'', Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005, p. 68-69.</ref> BothKedua naskah manuscripts have the same measurements, and the same number of lines per page. Both were written by a documentary hand, both manifest the same formation of certain letters, such as titled [[lambda]], titled [[sigma]], extended [[iota]], and toiled [[ypsilon]]. The [[nomina sacra]] and abbreviations are written in the same rather unusual way.<ref name = Comfort358/> Bradford Welles remarks that "there is not a single case of difference in the letter shapes in the two papyri".<ref name = Comfort358/> Neither use [[Typographic ligature|ligatures]].<ref name = Wachtel>Klaus Wachtel, Klaus Witte, [ ''Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus: Gal., Eph., Phil., Kol., 1. u. 2. Thess., 1. u. 2 Tim., Tit., Phlm., Hebr''], Walter de Gruyter, 1994, p. LXI.</ref> The only difference is in the number of letters per line: <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup> has more letters per line (42).<ref name = Comfort358/> The same situation exists in [[Papyrus 75]]. The scribe of <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>75</sup> appears to have realized that he was running out of room in his codex and added three letters in each line and even added extra lines.<ref name = Comfort358/> The manuscript may be one of the earliest manuscripts to display a complete Pauline codex, along with [[Papyrus 13]], [[Papyrus 15]]/[[Papyrus 16]], [[Papyrus 30]], [[Papyrus 46]], and [[Papyrus 92]].<ref name = Comfort358/>
== Varian Tekstual ==
Baris 84:
Susan Stephens gavemembuat atranskrip newyang andbaru completedan transcriptionlengkap ofdari thenaskah codexini inpada tahun 1985.<ref name = Comfort/> Comfort anddan Barrett again gavemembuat arekonstruksi newbaru reconstructionpada intahun 1999.<ref>{{Cite book | last = Comfort| first = Philip W. |author2 = David P. Barrett | title = The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts | publisher = Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated | place = Wheaton, Illinois | year = 2001 | pages = 355–361 | isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1 }}</ref>
Vittorio Bartoletti (1920–1990) wasadalah theorang firstpertama toyang notemengamati thatbahwa PapyrusPapirus 49 anddan [[PapyrusPapirus 65]] weredihasilkan producedoleh byjurutulis theyang same scribesama.<ref>Vittorio Bartoletti, ''Papiri greci e latini della Società Italiana'', vol. XIV, (1957), pp.&nbsp;5-7.</ref> ThisKesimpulan conclusionini wasdikuatkan confirmed byoleh Bradford Welles, Comfort anddan Barrett, andserta otherpaleografer palaeographerslainnya.<ref name = Comfort358/> TheyKedua arenaskah stillini cataloguedmasih asdikatalogkan separatesebagai manuscriptsnaskah onterpisah thepada daftar [[INTF]]'s list.<ref name = INTF/><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title= Liste Handschriften|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=26 August 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
== Teks ==
[[File:Papyrus49reverso.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Halaman ''verso'' dengan teks Efesus 4:31-5:13]]