Republik Sosial Italia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Einarsumbayak54 (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 52:
'''Republik Sosial Italia'' ({{lang-it|Repubblica Sociale Italiana, '''RSI'''}} {{IPA-it|ˈɛrre ˈɛsse ˈi|}}), dikenal juga sebagai '''Republic kota Salò''' ({{lang-it|Repubblica di Salò}}, {{IPA-it|reˈpubblika di saˈlɔ|pron}}), adalah [[Negara Boneka]] [[Jerman Naz|Nazi Jerman]] pada masa akhir [[Perang Dunia ke-2]] (dari 1943 sampai 1945). Dipimpin oleh [[Duce]] [[Benito Mussolini]] disokong oleh Partai Republik Fasisme. RSI mendeklarasikan [[Roma]] sebagai ibukota negara tercinta, namun secara ''de facto'' Pusat Pemerintahan RSI berada di Salò. Pertahan RSI terkuat berada di Utara Italia namun hal itu bergantung pada pasukan Jerman yang sedang mati-matian bertahan mundur.
Pada Bulan Juli 1943, setelah [[Blok Sekutu]] had(Perang pushedDunia ItalyII)|Pasukan outSekutu]] ofberhasil Northmenghantam AfricaItalia and subsequently invaded Sicily, thedi [[GrandAfrika Fascist CouncilUtara]], withdan thekemudian supportmenduduki ofSisilia, KingRaja [[Victor Emmanuel III of Italy|Victor Emmanuel III]], had overthrown and arrested Mussolini. The new government began secret peace negotiations with the Allied powers. When an [[Armistice with Italy|armistice]] was announced in September, Germany was prepared and quickly intervened. Germany seized control of the northern half of Italy, freed Mussolini and brought him to the German-occupied area to establish a satellite regime.
The RSI was proclaimed on 23 September 1943.<ref name="Pauley p228" /><ref name="RiseFall">{{cite book |title=[[The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich]] |last=Shirer |first=William |authorlink=William L. Shirer |coauthors= |year=1960 |publisher=[[Simon & Schuster]] |location=[[New York City]] |isbn=0-671-72868-7}}</ref> Although the RSI claimed most of the lands of Italy as rightfully belonging to it, it held political control over a vastly reduced portion of Italy.<ref name="Susan Zuccotti 1996. P. 148">Dr Susan Zuccotti, Furio Colombo. The ''Italians and the Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue, and Survival''. University of Nebraska Press paperback edition. University of Nebraska Press, 1996. P. 148.</ref> The RSI received [[diplomatic recognition]] from only Germany, Japan and their puppet states.