Grant Jeffrey: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Grant Reid Jeffrey''' ({{lahirmati|Kanada |5|10|1948|Toronto, Kanada|11|5|2012}}) adalah seorang guru [[Alkitab]] asal [[Kanada]], terutama dalam bidang nubuat Alkitab/[[eskatologi]] dan arkeologi Alkitab, serta penganut pandangan [[dispensationalisme]] dalam [[Kristen]] [[evangelikalisme]].<ref>{{cite news |title=The Bible Prophecy Argument |url= |work=[[Free Inquiry]] |date=2001-09-22 |accessdate=2008-07-20 |archiveurl=|archivedate=2009-02-13}}</ref> Jeffrey menjabat sebagai ''chairman'' Frontier Research Publications<ref name=amarillo>{{cite news |title=Author: Iraq figures in biblical prophecy |url= |work=[[Amarillo Globe-News]] |date=2003-04-05 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref> selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Buku-bukunya (diterbitkan oleh berbagai penerbit, termasuk WaterBrook Press,<ref>[ WaterBrook Press]</ref> [[Bantam Books]], [[HarperCollins]], [[Zondervan]], Word dan [[Tyndale House]]) telah terjual lebih dari 7 juta jilid dan dicetak dalam 24 bahasa.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Grant R. Jeffrey | |date= |accessdate=2012-08-16}}</ref> Jeffrey sedang mengerjakan buku barunya berjudul ''One Nation Under Attack'' ("Satu Bangsa Sedang Diserang"; WaterBrook Press, Jan. 2013), pada waktu ia meninggal.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=One Nation, Under Attack | |date= |accessdate=2012-08-16}}</ref> Ia juga muncul dalam acara-acara televisi dan radio, terutama program-program Kristen serta diundang untuk berbicara bagi berbagai kelompok di seluruh dunia.<ref>[ Grant Jeffrey bio]</ref>
Pada tahun 1982, Jeffrey memperoleh sebuah Chartered Life Underwriter Certification dari Extension Program [[University of Toronto]]. Kemudian ia menerima gelar Master and [[Ph.D.]] dalam bidang [[Biblical Studies]] dari [[Louisiana Baptist University]].<ref name=amarillo/>
Pada tahun 1999, buku Jeffrey, ''The Millennium Meltdown'', mencapai urutan #2 pada daftar buku terlaku ''[[Publishers Weekly]]'' untuk ''paperback'' jenis agamawi.<ref>{{cite news |title=Religion Bestsellers |url= |work=Amarillo Globe-News |date=1999-03-25 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref> Pada tahun 2000, novelnya ''By Dawn's Early Light'', yang dikarangnya bersama [[Angela Hunt]], memenangkan [[Christy Award]] untuk fiksi Kristen mengenai masa depan.<ref>{{cite web |title=Christy Award Winners |url= |work=[[Christy Awards]] |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
Pada tahun 2007 [[Trinity Broadcasting Network]] mulai menayangkan acara ''Bible Prophecy Revealed'', suatu program mingguan setiap kali 30 menit, yang dimoderasi oleh Jeffrey.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Grant Jeffrey: Bible Prophecy Revealed | |publisher=[[Trinity Broadcasting Network]] |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
Baris 12:
* ''Apocalypse: The Coming Judgment of the Nations'' (WaterBrook Press, Mar 1995), ISBN 0-553-56530-3
* ''Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny' (WaterBrook Press, Jan 1997)', ISBN 0-921714-40-8<ref>{{cite news |title=BOOKS ON 'END TIME' SHED LIGHT ON CRISIS |url= |work=[[The Miami Herald]] |date=1990-09-28 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
* ''By Dawn's Early Light'', with Angela Elwell Hunt, ISBN 0-8499-1609-7
* ''Creation: Remarkable Evidence of God's Design'' (WaterBrook Press, Oct 2003), ISBN 0-921714-78-5<ref>{{cite news |title=A Review of the Beginning |url= |work=The Conservative Voice |date=2006-04-07 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
* ''Final Warning'' (WaterBrook Press, Apr 1995), ISBN 1-56507-479-3
* ''Final Warning: Economic Collapse and the Coming World Government'', ISBN 0-921714-24-6
* ''Finding Financial Freedom'' (WaterBrook Press, Mar 2005), ISBN 1-400071-05-4
* ''Flee The Darkness'', with Angela Elwell Hunt, ISBN 0-8499-4063-X<ref>{{cite news |title=The Year 2000 and Other Problems |url= |work=[[The San Francisco Chronicle]] |date=1998-09-20 |accessdate=2008-07-20 |first=David |last=Kipen}}</ref>
* ''The Global Warming Deception'' (WaterBrook Press, Feb 2011), ISBN 1-400074-43-3
* ''The Handwriting of God'' (WaterBrook Press, Oct 1997), ISBN 0-8499-4095-8
Baris 29:
* ''Messiah'' (WaterBrook Press, Mar 1995), ISBN 0-921714-02-5
* ''Messiah: War in the Middle East and the Road to Armageddon'', ISBN 0-553-29958-1
* ''Millennium Meltdown: Spiritual and Practical Strategies to Survive Y2K'', ISBN 0-8423-4374-1<ref>{{cite news |title=Coming To A Crossroads |url= |work=The San Francisco Chronicle |date=1999-05-24 |accessdate=2008-07-20 |first=Don |last=Lattin}}</ref>
* ''Millennium Meltdown: The Year 2000 Computer Crisis'', ISBN 0-921714-48-3<ref>{{cite news |title=As Jan. 1 Draws Near, Doomsayers Reconsider |url= |work=[[The Washington Post]] |date=1999-12-27 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
* ''The Mysterious Bible Codes'', ISBN 0-8499-1325-X<ref>{{cite news |title=Computer scientists using code to read the Bible |url= |work=[[The Augusta Chronicle]] |date=1998-11-03 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }} {{Dead link|date=October 2010|bot=H3llBot}}</ref>
* ''The New Temple and the Second Coming: The Prophecy That Points to Christ's Return in Your Generation'' (WaterBrook Press, Oct 2007), ISBN 1-4000-7107-4
* ''The Next World War: What Prophecy Reveals About Extreme Islam and the West'' (WaterBrook Press, Oct 2006), ISBN 1-4000-7106-7
Baris 40:
* ''The Signature of God'' (WaterBrook Press, Sept 2002), ISBN 0-8499-4094-X
* ''The Signature of God: Astonishing Biblical Discoveries'', ISBN 0-8423-6795-0
* ''The Spear of Tyranny'' (with Angela Hunt), ISBN 0-8499-4238-1<ref>{{cite news |title=Der Speer und wir |url= |work=[[Die Welt]] |date=2005-07-06 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
* ''Surveillance Society: The Rise of Antichrist'' (WaterBrook Press, Jul 2000), ISBN 0-921714-62-9
* ''Triumphant Return: The Coming Kingdom of God'' (WaterBrook Press, July 2001), ISBN 0-921714-64-5
* ''Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible'' (WaterBrook Press, Sept 2002), ISBN 0-921714-72-6
* ''War on Terror: Unfolding Bible Prophecy'' (WaterBrook Press, Jan 2002), ISBN 0-921714-66-1<ref>{{cite news |title=Israel, Iran, Hamas, Russia, and a Very Good Author |url= |work=The Conservative Voice |date=2006-01-29 |accessdate=2008-07-20 }}</ref>
==Referensi ==