Oldboy: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 21:
'''Semboyan''': ''15 years forced in a cell, only 5 days given to seek revenge'' (15 tahun dipenjara, hanya 5 hari untuk membalaskan dendam''.)
Film ini dibuka dengan menampilkan sang tokoh utama, Oh Dae-su ([[Choi Min-sik]]), seorang warga biasa, ditangkap [[polisi]] karena mabuk-mabukan. Setelah temannya membayarkan uang jaminan untuk membebaskannya, Dae-su hilang diculik oleh orang-orang tak dikenal.
The film begins in the year [[1988]]. Oh Dae-su ([[Choi Min-sik]]), is a Korean [[everyman]] with a wife and daughter. At the start of the film he has been picked up by [[police]] for being drunk and disorderly, and has to be bailed out by his friend. While his friend is in a phonebooth on the phone with Dae-su's daughter, Dae-su is [[kidnapping|kidnapped]] by persons unknown.
Dae-su lalu ditampilkan sedang dikurung di dalam sebuah kamar yang tampak seperti sebuah kamar hotel yang suram. Ia dikurung selama 15 tahun tanpa diberitahu siapa yang memerintahkan pengurungannya. Sepanjang 15 tahun itu, ia hampir menjadi gila dan mengetahui kabar terbunuhnya istrinya melalui televisi.
Dae-su is then seen in a private prison that resembles a shabby hotel room. He has been kept there for two months with no word of who is holding him there or why. He is gassed into unconsciousness when he becomes violent or [[suicide|suicidal]] (or when they need to cut his hair or maintain the suite). His only contact with the outside world is through the television, from which he learns one day that his wife has been [[murder|murdered]] and his [[daughter]] has vanished (and that he is himself a prime suspect). As months go by, Dae-su slides into near-madness.
Dae-su juga melatih dirinya agar bisa membalaskan dendam jika berhasil keluar dari tahanan. Suatu kali saat makanan yang diantarkan kepadanya disertai sebatang sumpit tambahan, ia menggunakannya untuk mengorek dinding kamar dan akhirnya berhasil menampakkan sebuah lubang kecil di dinding.
Attempting to get a grip on his sanity, Dae-su fills several notebooks with an [[autobiography]]-cum-prison [[diary]], but is unable to figure out who would hate him so profoundly as to imprison him like this. He forces himself to train, punching at the walls of his prison until thick [[callus|calluses]] form on his knuckles. When one of his deliveries of fried [[dumpling|dumplings]] turns out to have an extra metal [[chopstick]], he conceals it and uses it to slowly dig a hole into one of the walls. Over the next fifteen years, he works out, follows [[current events]] on TV, and loosens enough bricks to glimpse the outside world once again.
Tiba-tiba saja ia dilepaskan dan diberikan satu setel pakaian, [[telepon genggam]], buku harian yang ia tulis selama dikurung, serta sebuah dompet berisi banyak uang. Di sebuah restoran sushi, ia bertemu wanita muda bernama Mi-do ([[Kang Hye-jeong]]), yang merasa iba kepada Dae-su dan membawanya tinggal bersamanya.
Just as abruptly as he was captured, Dae-su is set free&mdash;with a new suit of clothes, a wallet full of money, a [[cellphone]], and his prison diaries. His fifteen years of "imaginary training" have paid off: when a gang of [[thug|thugs]] attack him, he fends them off with only his fists. Then he meets Mi-do ([[Kang Hye-jeong]]), a girl who works in a [[sushi]] bar; she takes pity on Dae-su and takes him in.
Dae-su meetslalu bertemu dengan Woo-jin ([[Yu Ji-tae]]), aorang manyang whomengaku claimsbertanggung tojawab beatas thepengurungan one who imprisoned himDae-su. Woo-jin He offers to play a [[game]] withmenantang Dae-su: Finduntuk outmencari whytahu allalasan thisdi happenedbalik topengurungannya himdalam inlima the next five dayshari. Jika If heia failsgagal, Mi-do willakan diedibunuh. Jika If he succeedsberhasil, Woo-jin willakan killbunuh himselfdiri.
Dari penyelidikan yang dilakukannya, Dae-su berhasil menemukan lokasi tempat kurungannya dan bertemu dengan sang manajer tempat tersebut. Melalui kaset rekaman milik sang manajer, Dae-su mengetahui bahwa Woo-jin memang berada di balik semua kejadian yang menimpanya, namun tidak ada alasan spesifik yang dikatakan Woo-jin kecuali bahwa "Oh Dae-su berbicara terlalu banyak." Sementara itu hubungan Dae-su dan Mi-do semakin dekat dan pada suatu malam, mereka akhirnya bercinta.
Based on the taste of the dumplings that he ate for 15 years while imprisoned and seeing the name "Blue Dragon" on a receipt fragment once, Dae-su goes to various Chinese restaurants with "Blue Dragon" in the name in order to determine exactly which restaurant it was. Once he finds the right one, called "Violet Blue Dragon", he follows the delivery boy on one of his deliveries to the prison. There, he ties up the prison's manager and [[torture|tortures]] him by pulling out his [[tooth|teeth]] with a claw hammer. Dae-su learns from the manager's tape recordings that Woo-jin did indeed have him locked up, but the only reason he would give is: "Oh Dae-su talks too much." Dae-su and Mi-do grow closer together, and one night the two of them make love while on the road.
Dengan bantuan Mi-do, Dae-su menemukan bahwa ternyata pada masa sekolah menengah, ia pernah melihat Woo-jin dan saudara perempuannya Soo-ah sedang melakukan hubungan intim. Saat itu Dae-su kemudian memberitahukan hal tersebut kepada temannya, dan rumor pun beredar bahwa Soo-ah telah hamil akibat kejadian tersebut. Soo-ah sendiri menjadi yakin bahwa ia hamil, dan memutuskan bunuh diri.
With Mi-do's help, Dae-su follows a trail that leads back to his old high school, where Woo-jin was a fellow student. One day, as it turned out, Dae-su had spied on Woo-jin and his sister Soo-ah, who were having an [[incest|incestuous]] relationship, and mentioned it to one of his own friends, just before Dae-su left the school for Seoul. The rumor grew out of proportion until it involved Soo-ah being pregnant. But in the end, even she believed it and killed herself rather than face public humiliation. Dae-su confronts Woo-jin with all of this information, but Woo-jin has an even more devastating revelation. He gives Dae-su a photo album, the first picture of which is a family portrait of himself, his wife, and his daughter. The remaining photos in the album are of his daughter growing older and becoming Mi-do. By carefully manipulating both of their lives&mdash;Dae-su's since his incarceration and Mi-do's since her father vanished&mdash;and hypnotizing each of them independently, he was able to cause Dae-su and Mi-do to commit incest as well.
Saat Dae-su mengkonfrontasikan Woo-jin tentang informasi ini, Woo-jin rupanya juga telah mempersiapkan rahasia untuk dibeberkan kepada Dae-su. Mi-do rupanya adalah anak Dae-su yang telah lama hilang. Pertemuan keduanya ternyata telah dipersiapkan Woo-jin, ditambah dengan penggunaan hipnosis terhadap Dae-su dan Mi-do agar semuanya berjalan lancar.
Dae-su is horrified, and begs Woo-jin not to tell Mi-do, even going so far as to cut off his own tongue so that he will never talk too much again. With his thirst for vengeance that was his sole reason for living finally spent, Woo-jin spares Mi-do from knowing and shoots himself in the head.
In an [[epilogue]] set in a wintry landscape, Dae-su goes to a hypnotist (the same one whom Woo-jin hired to hypnotize both Dae-su and Mi-do) and asks for her help to forget the secret. He writes her a letter, since he can no longer talk. The hypnotist said that she originally did not want to help him, but she was touched by his last sentence: "Even though I'm worse than a beast, don't I have the right to live?". Oh Daesu had gotten this sentence from the suicidal man who appeared at the beginning of the movie.
After reading the letter, she began her hypnotism. She told Oh Dae-su to imagine himself back at Woojin's penthouse. She uses [[hypnosis]] to split Dae-su into two personalities: the "Monster", who remembers the secret, and the "ignorant" Dae-su, who doesn't.
When the hypnotist asks Dae-su to split into two people, the ignorant and the monster, it is evident that the monster is the reflection (The "real" Oh Dae-su looking at the window and smiling foolishly is implying that he is the ignorant one). And when the hypnotist tells him that the monster will walk away and for every step he takes, he will age a year and that he will die when he reaches 70.
In the end, Mido finds Dae-su out in the snow and tries to warm him up, ending up hugging him and telling him "I love you".
Dae-su terkejut dan menjadi ketakutan; ia meminta agar Woo-jin tidak memberitahukan hal tersebut kepada Mi-do, dan bahkan memotong lidahnya sendiri agar tidak akan pernah berbicara terlalu banyak lagi. Woo-jin sendiri memenuhi janjinya, dan bunuh diri.
Baris 70 ⟶ 64:
** ''Grand Prix of the Jury'' &ndash; [[Park Chan-wook]]
** Dinominasikan untuk ''Palme D'or'' &ndash; [[Park Chan-wook]]
* Grand Bell Awards &ndash; South Korea 2004
** Best Director &ndash; Park Chan-wook
** Best Actor &ndash; Choi Min-sik
** Best Edition &ndash; Kim Sang-beom
** Best Illumination &ndash; Park Hyun-won
** Best Music &ndash; Cho Young-wuk
* Penghargaan Lonceng Besar (''Grand Bell Awards'') &ndash; South Korea Selatan (2004)
* 37th Festival Internacional de Cinema de Catalunya - Sitges 2004
** BestSutradara DirectorTerbaik &ndash; Park Chan-wook
** Maria Award (Best Film)
** BestAktor ActorTerbaik &ndash; Choi Min-sik
** José Luis Guarner Award (Critics' Best Film)
** BestPenyunting EditionTerbaik &ndash; Kim Sang-beom
** BestPencahayaan IlluminationTerbaik &ndash; Park Hyun-won
** BestPenata MusicMusik Terbaik &ndash; Cho Young-wuk
* Bergen International Film Festival 2004
** Audience Award
* British Independent Fim Awards 2004
** Best Film
* European Film Awards 2004
** Nominated for Screen International Award
==Pranala luar==
*{{imdb judul|id=0364569|judul=Oldboy}}