Politeisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Menghapus Kekristenan, karena Kristen bukan politeisme
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Baris 1:
[[FileBerkas:Human artifacts at CMNH - 37.JPG|thumb|Dewa-dewi Mesir pada [[Museum Sejarah Alam Carnegie]]]]
'''Politeisme''' adalah bentuk kepercayaan yang mengakui adanya lebih dari satu [[Tuhan]]. Secara harfiah berasal dari [[bahasa Yunani]] ''poly + theoi'', yang berarti banyak tuhan. Lawan dari paham ini adalah [[monoteisme]], atau kepercayaan yang hanya mengakui satu Tuhan.
Baris 11:
== Terminologi ==
'''Politeisme '''barasal dari bahasa Yunani πολύ ''poly'' ("banyak") and θεός ''theos'' ("Tuhan") dan istilah ini pertama kali dipakai oleh penulis Yahudi Philo dari Alexandria untuk membantah orang-orang Yunani. Saat penyebaran agama Kristen diseluruh Eropa and Mediterania, bangsa ataupun agama non-Yahudi dianggap kafir (istilah yang lazim dipakai orang yahudi ke orang non-Yahudi) atau penyambah berhala (setempat) atau, in a clearly pejorative idolaters (worshiping "false" gods). The modern usage of the term is first revived in French through Jean Bodin in 1580, followed by Samuel Purchas's usage in English in 1614.<sup>[2]</sup><!--
The term comes from the Greek ''poly'' ("many") and ''theoi'' ("gods") and was first invented by the Jewish writer [[Philo of Alexandria]] to argue with the Greeks. When Christianity spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, non-Christians were just called [[Gentiles]] (a term originally used by Jews to refer to non-Jews) or pagans (locals) or, in a clearly pejorative idolaters (worshiping "false" gods). The modern usage of the term is first revived in French through [[Jean Bodin]] in 1580, followed by [[Samuel Purchas]]'s usage in English in 1614.<ref>{{cite book |title=The Inconceivable Polytheism: Studies in Religious Historiography |last= Schmidt|first= Francis |year=1987 |publisher= Gordon & Breach Science Publishers |location=New York |isbn= 978-3718603671 |page=10}}</ref>
== Para dewa dan ketuhanan ==
Para dewa politeisme sering digambarkan sebagai tokoh yang kompleks dari status yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil, dengan keterampilan individu, kebutuhan, keinginan, dan sejarah; dalam banyak hal mirip dengan manusia (antropomorfik) dalam kepribadian mereka, tetapi dengan tambahan masing-masing kekuatan, kemampuan, pengetahuan atau persepsi. Syirik tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan bersih dari kepercayaan animisme lazim di kebanyakan agama rakyat. Para dewa politeisme dalam banyak kasus urutan tertinggi dari kontinum makhluk gaib atau roh, yang mungkin termasuk nenek moyang, setan, wight dan lain-lain. Dalam beberapa kasus roh ini dibagi ke dalam kelas langit atau chthonic, dan keyakinan akan keberadaan semua makhluk ini tidak berarti bahwa semua disembah.<!--
Baris 23:
Polytheism cannot be cleanly separated from the [[animism|animist]] beliefs prevalent in most [[folk religion]]s. The gods of polytheism are in many cases the highest order of a continuum of [[Non-physical entity|supernatural beings]] or [[spirits]], which may include [[ancestors]], [[demon]]s, [[wights]] and others. In some cases these spirits are divided into [[heaven|celestial]] or [[chthonic]] classes, and belief in the existence of all these beings does not imply that all are worshipped.
== Jenis-jenis dewa ==
Types of deities often found in polytheism may include
* [[Creator deity]]
Baris 39:
== Mitologi dan agama ==
{{Main|Mythology and religion}}
Baris 60:
The mixed kind of myth may be seen in many instances: for example they say that in a banquet of the gods, [[Eris (mythology)|Eris]] threw down a [[golden apple]]; the goddesses contended for it, and were sent by [[Zeus]] to [[Paris (mythology)|Paris]] to be judged. Paris saw [[Aphrodite]] to be beautiful and gave her the apple. Here the banquet signifies the hypercosmic powers of the gods; that is why they are all together. The golden apple is the world, which being formed out of opposites, is naturally said to be "thrown by Eris" (or Discord). The different gods bestow different gifts upon the world, and are thus said to 'contend for the apple'. And the soul which lives according to sense – for that is what Paris is – not seeing the other powers in the world but only beauty, declares that the apple belongs to [[Aphrodite]].
== Politeisme historikal ==
Some well-known historical polytheistic pantheons include the [[Mesopotamian mythology|Sumerian]] gods and the [[Egyptian mythology|Egyptian]] gods, and the classical-attested pantheon which includes the [[ancient Greek religion]] and [[Religion in ancient Rome|Roman religion]]. Post-classical polytheistic religions include [[Norse mythology|Norse]] Æsir and Vanir, the [[Yoruba mythology|Yoruba]] Orisha, the [[Aztec mythology|Aztec]] gods, and many others. Today, most historical polytheistic religions are pejoratively referred to as "mythology",{{citation needed|date=May 2012}} though the stories cultures tell about their gods should be distinguished from their worship or religious practice. For instance deities portrayed in conflict in mythology would still be worshipped sometimes in the same temple side by side, illustrating the distinction in the devotees mind between the myth and the reality. It is speculated{{by whom|date=May 2012}} that there was once a [[Proto-Indo-European religion]], from which the religions of the various [[Proto-Indo-Europeans|Indo-European peoples]] derive, and that this religion was an essentially naturalist numenistic religion. An example of a religious notion from this shared past is the concept of ''[[Dyeus|*dyēus]]'', which is attested in several distinct religious systems.
Baris 88:
* [[Finnish paganism]]
=== Yunani kuno ===
{{Main|Religion in ancient Greece}}
Baris 109:
== Agama-agama kontemporer dunia ==
=== Budhisme dan Shinto ===
{{further2|[[God in Buddhism]], [[Deva (Buddhism)#Devas vs. gods|Devas vs. Gods]], and [[Nontheism#Buddhism|Nontheism in Buddhism]]}}
Baris 150:
[[Joseph Smith]], the founder of the [[Latter Day Saint movement]], believed in "the plurality of Gods", saying "I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and that the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods".<ref>http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Godhead</ref> Mormonism also affirms the existence of a [[Heavenly Mother (Mormonism)|Heavenly Mother]],<ref>http://eom.byu.edu/index.php/Heavenly_Mother</ref> as well as [[Exaltation (Mormonism)|exaltation]], the idea that people can become gods in the afterlife.<ref>https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/132.20?lang=eng#19</ref>
=== Hinduisme ===
{{Further|Hindu views on monotheism}}
Baris 176:
=== Agama Serer ===
{{main|Serer religion|Timeline of Serer history|States headed by ancient Serer Lamanes}}
In [[Africa]], polytheism in [[Serer religion]] dates as far back to the [[Neolithic|Neolithic Era]] (possibly earlier) when the [[Timeline of Serer history|ancient ancestors of the Serer people]] represented their ''[[Pangool]]'' on the [[Tassili n'Ajjer]].<ref name="Serer religion">{{fr icon}} [[Henry Gravrand|Gravrand, Henry]], ''"La civilisation Sereer'' - ''Pangool"'', Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Senegal, (1990), ISBN 2-7236-1055-1. pp 9, 20, 77</ref> The supreme creator deity in Serer religion is [[Roog]]. However, there are [[Serer religion#Beliefs|many deities]]<ref name="Serer deities">{{en icon}} Kellog, Day Otis, and Smith, William Robertson, "The Encyclopædia Britannica: latest edition. A dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature", Volume 25, p 64, Werner (1902)</ref> and [[Pangool]] (singular : ''Fangool'', the interceders with the divine) in Serer religion.<ref name="Serer religion"/> Each one has its own purpose and serves as Roog's agent on Earth.<ref name="Serer deities"/> Amongst the [[Cangin languages|Cangin speakers]], a sub-group of the [[Serer people|Serers]], Roog is known as [[Koox]].<ref>{{fr icon}} Ndiaye, Ousmane Sémou, "Diversité et unicité sérères : l’exemple de la région de Thiès", Éthiopiques, no. 54, vol. 7, 2e semestre 1991 [http://ethiopiques.refer.sn/spip.php?page=imprimer-article&id_article=1253]</ref>
== Neopaganisme ==
{{Refimprove section|date=June 2010}}{{Original research|section|date=September 2008}}
Baris 193:
[[Neopaganism]] often blends polytheism with pantheism or panentheism.
=== Wicca ===
[[Wicca]] is a [[Duotheism|duotheistic]] faith created by [[Gerald Gardner (Wiccan)|Gerald Gardner]] that allows for polytheism.<ref>{{cite book|last=Gardner|first=Gerald|title=The Meaning of Witchcraft|year=1982|publisher=Llewellyn Pubns|isbn=0939708027|pages=165–166|url=}}</ref><ref name="Hutton 2003">{{cite book|last=Hutton|first=Ronald|title=The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft|year=2003|publisher=Oxford Paperbacks|isbn=0192854496|url=}}</ref><ref name="Lamond 2005">{{cite book|last=Lamond|first=Frederic|title=Fifty Years of Wicca|year=2005|publisher=Green Magic|isbn=0954723015|url=}}</ref> Wiccans specifically worship the Lord and Lady of the Isles (their names are oathbound).<ref name="Hutton 2003"/><ref name="Lamond 2005"/><ref>{{cite book|last=Bracelin|first=J|title=Gerald Gardner: Witch|year=1999|publisher=Pentacle Enterprises|isbn=1872189083|page=199|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Gardner|first=Gerald|title=The Meaning of Witchcraft|year=1982|publisher=Llewellyn Pubns|isbn=0939708027|pages=260–261|url=}}</ref> It is an orthopraxic mystery religion that requires initiation to the priesthood in order to consider oneself Wiccan.<ref name="Hutton 2003"/><ref name="Lamond 2005"/><ref>{{cite book|last=Gardner|first=Gerald|title=The Meaning of Witchcraft|year=1982|publisher=Llewellyn Pubns|isbn=0939708027|pages=21–22, 28–29, 69, 116|url=}}</ref> Wicca emphasizes duality and the cycle of nature.<ref name="Hutton 2003"/><ref name="Lamond 2005"/><ref>{{cite book|last=Gardner|first=Gerald|title=The Meaning of Witchcraft|year=1982|publisher=Llewellyn Pubns|isbn=0939708027|url=}}</ref>
=== Rekonstruksionisme ===
[[Polytheistic reconstructionism|Reconstructionists]] are Neopagans who apply scholarly disciplines such as [[history]], [[etymology]], [[archaeology]], [[linguistics]] and others to a traditional religion that has been destroyed such as [[Norse Paganism]], [[Greek Paganism]], [[Celtic paganism]] and others. After researching his or her path a reconstructionist or "recon" for short will apply the customs, morals and worldview to the modern day. Although many describe themselves as "hard" polytheists, others claim that this is not the only historically accurate polytheist theology.<ref>Drew Jacob, [http://celtic-polytheism.tumblr.com/post/39759597150/polytheism-is-theology-inclusive] "Polytheism is Theology-Inclusive," Celtic Polytheism (2013)</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 219:
* [[Theism]]
== Referensi ==
<!-- quotation (?) no longer used here ({{cite web |last=Blain |first=Jenny |url=http://www.manygods.org.uk/articles/traditions/polytheism.html |title=An Understanding of Polytheism |year=2004 |archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http://web.archive.org/web/20070928181243/www.manygods.org.uk/articles/traditions/polytheism.html&date=2010-06-22 |archivedate=2010-06-22 }} -->
== Bacaan lain ==
* Assmann, Jan, 'Monotheism and Polytheism' in: Sarah Iles Johnston (ed.), ''Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide'', Harvard University Press (2004), ISBN 0-674-01517-7, pp.&nbsp;17–31.
* [[Walter Burkert|Burkert, Walter]], ''Greek Religion: Archaic and Classical'', Blackwell (1985), ISBN 0-631-15624-0. <!-- esp. ch. V, pp. 216–275-->
* Greer, John Michael; ''A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry Into Polytheism'', ADF Publishing (2005), ISBN 0-9765681-0-1
Baris 233:
* Swarup, R., & Frawley, D. (2001). The word as revelation: Names of gods. New Delhi: Voice of India.
== Pranala luar ==