Gladys Aylward: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 29:
Pada tahun 1932, ketika bekerja pada Sir [[Francis Younghusband]],<ref name=Berith>{{cite web|title=GLADYS AYLWARD – MISSIONARY TO CHINA|url=|website=Berith}}</ref> ia menabung untuk membeli tiket kereta api ke [[:en:Yangcheng County|Yangcheng]], [[Shanxi Province]], Tiongkok.<!--The perilous trip took her across [[Siberia]] with the [[Trans-Siberian Railway]]. She was detained by the Russians, but managed to evade them with local help and got a lift from Japanese ship. She travelled across Japan with the help of the British Consul and took another ship to China.
==WorkPekerjaan indi ChinaTiongkok==
OnSetibanya her arrival indi [[Yangcheng County|Yangcheng]], Aylward workedbekerja withfth an older missionary, Jeannie Lawson, to found ''The Inn of the Eight Happinesses''.<ref name=jras>{{cite journal|title=Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society|volume=44|work=[[Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society]]|year=2006|page=118|url=}}</ref> There, she and Mrs. Lawson not only provided hospitality for travelers, but would also share stories about a man named [[Jesus]], in hopes to share the [[Gospel]]. For a time she served as an assistant to the [[Government of the Republic of China|Chinese government]] as a "foot inspector" by touring the countryside to enforce the new law against [[footbinding]] young Chinese girls. She met with much success in a field that had produced much resistance, including sometimes violence against the inspectors.<ref name=Berith></ref>
Aylward became a Chinese citizen in 1936 and was a revered figure among the people, taking in orphans and adopting several herself, intervening in a volatile prison riot and advocating prison reform, risking her life many times to help those in need.<ref name="littlewoman">{{cite book|last=Burgess|first=Alan|authorlink=Alan Burgess|title=Gladys Aylward, The Little Woman|publisher=}}</ref> In 1938, the region [[Second Sino-Japanese War|was invaded by Japanese forces]], and Aylward led over 100 orphans to safety over the mountains, despite being wounded herself. She not only led the orphans to safety, but personally cared for them and led many of them to Christ. She never married, but spent her entire life devoting herself to Christ, and His work in the hearts of the people of China.
SheIa hadkembali returnedke toInggris Britainpada intahun 1948,. whereNamun, aftersetelah 10 yearstahun, sheia soughtmemutuskan tountuk returnkembali toke ChinaTiongkok. However, she was denied re-entry by the [[Government of the People's Republic of China|Communist government]] and instead settled in [[Taiwan]], in 1958. There she founded the Gladys Aylward Orphanage, where she worked until her death in 1970.<ref name=heroes>{{cite web|url=|title=Heroes of History: Gladys Aylward}}</ref>
==''The Inn of the Sixth Happiness''==
A film based on her life, ''[[The Inn of the Sixth Happiness]]'', was released in 1958. It drew from the book ''The Small Woman'', by [[Alan Burgess]]. Although she found herself a figure of international interest, thanks to the popularity of the film, and television and media interviews, Aylward was mortified by her depiction in the film and the many liberties it took.{{citation needed|date=January 2013}} The tall, Swedish actress [[Ingrid Bergman]] was inconsistent with Aylward's small stature, dark hair and North London accent. The struggles of Aylward and her family to effect her initial trip to China were disregarded in favour of a movie plot device of an employer "condescending to write to 'his old friend' Jeannie Lawson." Also, Aylward's dangerous, complicated travels across Russia and China were reduced to, "a few rude soldiers," after which, "Hollywood's train delivered her neatly to [[Tsientsin]]."<ref name="wellman197">{{harvnb|Wellman|1998|page=197}}</ref> Many characters and place names were changed, even when these names had significant meaning, such as those of her adopted children and the name of the inn, named instead for the Chinese belief in the number 8 as being auspicious. For example, in real life she was given the Chinese name 艾偉德 (Ài Wěi Dé- a Chinese approximation to 'Aylward' – meaning 'Virtuous One'), however in the film she was given the name 真爱 Jen-Ai,( pronounced- Zhen-Ai, meaning "true love").<ref>Cast Script. British Film Institute. </ref> Colonel Linnan was portrayed as half-European, a change which she found insulting to his real Chinese lineage, and she felt her reputation was damaged by the Hollywood-embellished love scenes in the film. Not only had she never kissed a man, but the film's ending portrayed her character leaving the orphans to re-join the colonel elsewhere,<ref name="wellman198">{{harvnb|Wellman|1998| page=198}}</ref> even though in reality she did not retire from working with orphans until she was 60 years old.<ref name="wellman201">{{harvnb|Wellman|1998|page=201}}</ref>
==Kematian dan kenangan==
Aylward meninggal pada tanggal 3 Januari 1970, beberapa waktu sebelum ulang tahunnya ke-68, dan dimakamkan di sebuah pekuburan kecil dalam kompleks kampus Christ's College di Guandu, [[New Taipei City|New Taipei]], Taiwan. Ia dikenal oleh orang-orang Tionghoa sebagai 艾偉德 (Ài Wěi Dé- pelafalan bahasa Tionghoa yang mirip dengan 'Aylward' – artinya 'Orang Bajik').