Nepenthes fusca: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Pierrewee (bicara | kontrib)
Pierrewee (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 38:
== Sejarah botani ==
Koleksi pertama yang diketahui dari ''N.&nbsp;fusca'' dibuat oleh [[Frederik Endert]] pada 12 Oktober 1925, dari [[Gunung Kemul]] di [[Kalimantan Timur]], pada ketinggian 1500 m. Ia ditemukan selama suatu ekspediai ke Kalimatan bagian tengah oleh Insitut Riset Hutan dari [[Bogor]] (saat itu dikenal sebagai Buitenzorg),<ref name=Endert /> di mana Endert juga membuat satu-satunya koleksi yang diketahui dari ''[[Nepenthes mollis|N.&nbsp;mollis]]''.<ref name=P&L2008>Phillipps, A., A. Lamb & C.C. Lee 2008. ''[[Pitcher Plants of Borneo]]''. Second Edition. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.</ref>{{Ref_label|A|note a|none}} Spesimen ''N.&nbsp;fusca'', ditetapkan sebagai ''Endert 3955'', meliputi material bunga jantan dan disimpan di Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), [[herbarium]] di [[Kebun Raya Bogor]].<ref name=Danser /><ref name=Schlauer>Schlauer, J. {{Tooltip| N.d. | No date}} [ ''Nepenthes fusca'']. Carnivorous Plant Database.</ref> Endert menulis mengenai tumbuhan pemakan serangga ini dalam sebuah laporan ekspedisi terperinci tahun 1927,<ref name=Endert /> meskipun dia salah mengindentifikasinya sebagai ''[[Nepenthes veitchii|N.&nbsp;veitchii]]''.<ref name=Danser /><ref name=Schlauer />
== Catatan ==
'''a.'''{{Note_label|A|a|none}}During September and October 1925, Endert explored the hilly area around Mount Kemul, climbing the summit (1,847&nbsp;m) several times, and the neighbouring valleys of the Long Mehiang, Long Kiau, and Long Petak.<ref>van Steenis-Kruseman, M.J., ''et al.'' 2006. [ Cyclopaedia of Malesian Collectors: Frederik Hendrik Endert]. Nationaal Herbarium Nederland.</ref> He collected ''N.&nbsp;fusca'' on October&nbsp;12 and ''[[Nepenthes mollis|N.&nbsp;mollis]]'' on October&nbsp;17.<ref name=Danser />
'''b.'''{{Note_label|B|b|none}}The [[Latin]] description of ''N.&nbsp;fusca'' from Danser's monograph reads:<ref name=Danser />
<blockquote>''Folia mediocria'' breviter petiolata, lamina lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque c. 2, vagina caulis 1/2 amplectente; ''ascidia rosularum'' ignota; ''ascidia inferiora'' magnitudine mediocria, parte inferiore anguste ovata, os versus subcylindrica, parte superiore alis 2 fimbriatis; peristomio in collum elongato, applanato, 4-10 mm lato, costis c. 1/3-2/3 mm distantibus, dentibus c. tam longis quam latis; operculo anguste ovato, subcordato, facie inferiore appendice lateraliter applanata; ''ascidia superiora'' magnitudine mediocria, infundibuliformia, costis 2 prominentibus; peristomio in collum elongato, applanato, 3-8 mm lato, costis 1/3-1/4 mm distantibus, dentibus brevissimis; operculo anguste ovato, subcordato, facie inferiore prope basin appendice lateraliter applanata; ''inflorescentia'' racemis parvus, pedicillis inferioribus c. 8 mm longis, omnibus 1-floris v. partim 2-floris ; ''indumentum'' iuventute densissimum, denique passim densum, breve, e pilis patentibus crassis simplicibus v. basi ramosis compositum.</blockquote>
'''c.'''{{Note_label|C|c|none}}Some authors treat ''[[Nepenthes fallax|N.&nbsp;fallax]]'' in synonymy with ''[[Nepenthes stenophylla|N.&nbsp;stenophylla]]'',<ref name=Clarke /><ref name=J&C /> while others consider them to be two distinct species, with plants commonly referred to as ''N.&nbsp;stenophylla'' actually representing ''N.&nbsp;fallax''.<ref name>Schlauer, J. {{Tooltip| N.d. | No date}} [ ''Nepenthes fallax'']. Carnivorous Plant Database.</ref><ref>Schlauer, J. 1996. [ N.stenophylla, once again]. Carnivorous Plant Mailing List, May 31, 1996.</ref>
'''d.'''{{Note_label|D|d|none}}The subspecies was named after [[Zakri Abdul Hamid]].<ref name=Adam /><ref>Wei-Shen, W. 2012. [ Up close and personal with Professor Emeritus Datuk Zakri Abdul Hamid]. ''The Star'', May 26, 2012. <!--></ref> This taxon, along with ''N.&nbsp;curtisii'' (''sensu'' J.H.Adam & Wilcock) itself, is considered a [[heterotypic synonym]] of ''[[Nepenthes stenophylla|N.&nbsp;stenophylla]]'' by some [[Taxonomy (biology)|taxonomists]].<ref name=curtisii />
== Referensi ==