Kodeks: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 47:
Among the experiments of earlier centuries, scrolls were sometimes unrolled horizontally, as a succession of columns. (The [[Dead Sea Scrolls]] are a famous example of this format.) This made it possible to fold the scroll as an accordion. The next step was then to cut the [[Folio (printing)|folios]], sew and glue them at their centers, making it easier to use the [[papyrus]] or [[vellum]] [[Recto and verso|recto-verso]] as with a modern book. Traditional bookbinders would call one of these assembled, trimmed and bound folios a ''codex'' to differentiate it from the ''case,'' which we now know as ''hard cover''. Binding the codex was clearly a different procedure from binding the case.
== Pembuatan kodeks ==
==Preparing a codex==
TheTahap firstpertama stagedalam inpembuatan creatingkodeks aadalah codexmenyamak iskulit to prepare the animal skinhewan. TheKulit skindibasuh ishelai washeddemi withhelai waterdengan andair limekapur, butdan notharus together,direndam anddalam itair haskapur toselama soak in the lime for a couple ofdua dayshari.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/making/ |title=The Making of a Medieval Book |publisher=The J. Paul Getty Trust |accessdate=19 November 2010}}</ref> TheKulit hairdibersihkan isdari removedbulu-bulu anddan thedikeringkan skindengan iscara drieddiregangkan bypada attachingrangka itperegang toyang adisebut frame called a hersesimpai.<ref name="Intro">Clemens, Raymond, and Timothy Graham. Introduction to Manuscript Studies. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008.</ref> ThePembuat parchmentperkamen makermemasang attacheskait theatau skinpenjepit atpada pointsbagian-bagian aroundtertentu thedi circumference.sekeliling Thepinggiran skin attaches tokulit the herse by cords. To prevent tearing, the maker wraps the area of the skin the cord attaches to around a pebble called a pippin.<ref name="Intro" /> After completing that, the maker uses a crescent shaped knife called a ''lunarium'' or ''lunellum'' to clean any surviving hairs. Once the skin completely dries, the maker gives it a deep clean and processes it into sheets. The number of sheets from a piece of skin depends on the size of the skin and the final product dimensions. For example, the average calfskin can provide three and half medium sheets of writing material. This can be doubled when folded into two conjoint leaves, also known as a ''bifolium''. Historians have found evidence of manuscripts where the scribe wrote down the medieval instructions now followed by modern membrane makers.<ref name="daniel">Thompson, Daniel. "Medieval Parchment-Making." The Library 16, no. 4 (1935).</ref> Defects can often be found in the membrane, whether from the original animal, human error during the preparation period, or from when the animal was killed. Defects can also appear during the writing process. Unless it is kept in perfect condition, defects can appear later in the manuscript’s life as well. -->
=== Penyiapan halaman untuk ditulisi ===
===Preparation of the pages for writing===
[[File:Codex Manesse 193r - Albrecht von Rapperswil.jpg|thumb|Manuscript,Naskah ''[[Codex Manesse]]''. MostSebagian manuscriptsbesar werenaskah ruleddiberi withgaris-garis horizontalmelintang linessebagai thatpenanda servedbaris as the baselines on which the text was enteredteks.]]
FirstMula-mula thelembaran membranekulit mustharus be prepareddisiapkan. TheTahap firstpertama step is to set upadalah themenyiapkan kuras. Kuras adalah gabungan beberapa lembaranhelai utuh yang telah dilipat menjadi dua helaibagian. Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham point out, inDalam "''Introduction to Manuscript Studies''", thatRaymond “theClemens kurasdan Timothy Graham menjelaskan bahwa “kuras adalah satuan dasar penulisan bagi para juru tulis Abad Pertengahan”.<ref name="Intro"/> TheyMereka notemenjelaskan “Prickingpula isbahwa the“Menembuk processadalah ofproses makingmelubangi holeshelai inperkamen a(atau sheetlembaran of parchment (or membranekulit) insebagai preparationpersiapan ofuntuk it rulingmenggarisinya. The lines wereGaris-garis thenkemudian madedigoreskan bydari rulingsatu betweentembuk theke pricktembuk markslain...TheProses processmenggoreskan ofgaris-garis enteringpada ruledhalaman linesini onberguna thesebagai pagepenuntun todalam serve as a guide for enteringpenulisan textteks. MostSebagian manuscriptsbesar werenaskah ruleddiberi withgaris-garis horizontalmelintang linessebagai thatpenanda servedbaris asteks, thedan baselinesgaris-garis onbujur whichsebagai thepenanda textbatas was entered and with vertical bounding lines that marked the boundaries of the columnskolom.”<ref name="Intro"/> -->
=== MembuatPembuatan kuras ===
Sejak periode Karoling sampai pada Abad Pertengahan, telah muncul bermacam-macam cara melipat kuras. Sebagai contoh, selama Abad Pertengahan di daratan Eropa, kuras dibuat dengan cara melipat sisi yang sama dari lembaran kulit ke arah yang sama. Sisi bulu beradu denganbertemu sisi bulu dan sisi daging beradu denganbertemu sisi daging. Cara ini berbeda dengan cara melipat kuras di Kepulauan Britania, tempat helai-helai kulit dilipat sedemikian rupa sehingga membentuk kuras berhelaidelapan delapanlembar, dengan helailembar-helailembar tunggal pada posisi ketiga dan keenam.<ref name="Intro" /> Tahap berikutnya adalah mengikat kuras, yaitu menyatukan helailembar-helailembar kuras dengan ikatan benang. Setelah kuras-kuras digabung dengan ikatan benang, juru tulis akan menjahitkan sejalur pita perkamen pada “punggung” naskah, guna memperkokoh ikatan.
== Lihat pula ==