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Baris 7:
=== Pembentukan ===
[[Berkas:Horst Köhler.jpg|jmpl|Mantan Direktur Pelaksana IMF Horst Köhler: "Saran kami [bagi kawasan Asia Timur] adalah melakukan regionalisasi, tidak bertolak belakang dengan IMF, karena IMF adalah lembaga global, namuntetapi sebagai pelengkap [IMF]".<ref name="FEER">{{cite news | title = Focusing the Fund on Financial Stability | url = | work = [[Far Eastern Economic Review]] | date = 14 June 2001 | pages = 48–50 | archiveurl = | archivedate = 17 December 2001 | accessdate = 14 March 2010}}</ref>]]
Pada puncak [[krisis keuangan Asia 1997]], pemerintah Jepang mengusulkan pembentukan Dana Moneter Asia sebagai versi regional dari [[Dana Moneter Internasional]] (IMF). Namun demikian, rencana ini batal setelah ditentang habis-habisan oleh Amerika Serikat.<ref>Lipscy, Phillip Y. "[ Japan's Asian Monetary Fund Proposal]." ''Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs'' 3(1): 93-104</ref> Seusai krisis, menteri keuangan negara-negara anggota [[ASEAN|Association of Southeast Asian Nations]] (ASEAN), [[Republik Rakyat Cina]], [[Jepang]], dan [[Korea Selatan]] bertemu pada Rapat Tahunan Dewan Gubernur [[Bank Pembangunan Asia]] (ADB) di [[Chiang Mai]], [[Thailand]], tanggal 6 Mei 2000 untuk membahas pembentukan jaringan kesepakatan [[pertukaran mata uang]] bilateral.<ref>{{cite news | title = ASEAN, China, Japan, S.Korea Agree on Currency Swap | url = | work = [[People's Daily]] | date = 7 May 2000 | accessdate = 3 January 2010}}</ref> Rencana ini disebut Inisiatif Chiang Mai dan bertujuan untuk menghindari berulangnya krisis keuangan Asia. Inisiatif ini mencakup pembentukan dana [[cadangan valuta asing]] yang dapat diakses bank sentral negara-negara anggota untuk melawan [[spekulasi]] mata uang.<ref>{{cite news|last=Crampton |first=Thomas |title=East Asia Unites to Fight Speculators |url= |work=[[The New York Times]] |date=8 May 2000 |accessdate=3 January 2010 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=30 April 2013 }}</ref> Inisiatif ini juga akan melengkapi sumber daya uang lembaga-lembaga internasional seperti [[Dana Moneter Internasional|IMF]].<ref>{{cite news | title = Asians will defend their money | work = [[Manila Standard Today|Manila Standard]] | agency = [[Associated Press]] | date = 8 May 2000 | pages = 1–2 | quote = Countries would lend dollars to each other to help defend the value of their currencies during speculative attacks or other currency problems. The loans would be paid back in local currencies at a fixed rate. It would complement existing international institutions, the statement said, acknowledging likely opposition from the United States if a deal eventually led to an attempt to replace the Washington based International Monetary Fund. Malaysia, which has long urged fellow Asian nations to rely on each other for help, rather than on the West, refused the IMF's treatment and suffered less in the crisis than others.}}</ref><ref name="The Daily Star">{{cite news | last = Mahboob-ul Alam | first = Chaklader | title = The Chiang Mai currency initiative | url = | work = [[The Daily Star (Bangladesh)|The Daily Star]] | date = 12 November 2009 | accessdate = 2 January 2010}}</ref> Joint Ministerial Statement (JMS) yang dirilis setelah Rapat Menteri Keuangan ASEAN+3 menyebutkan pembentukan CMI.<ref>{{cite news|title=ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Database |url= |accessdate=5 June 2012 |date=9 January 2009 |agency=Association of Southeast Asian Nations |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=18 December 2014 |df=dmy }}</ref>