=Kepala Bhairava=
{{Infobox artwork
| title = Head ofKepala Bhairava
| image = MET DP307219.jpg
| image_size = 300px
| other_title_1 =
| artist =
| year = 16thabad century ADke-16 ([[MallaPeriode (Nepal)|Malla period]])
| catalogue =
| type = [[Sculpture|sculpturePatung]]
| medium = GiltSepuhan coppertembaga withdengan rockkuarsa crystaldan and paintcat
| subject =
| height_metric = 81.,3
| width_metric = 91.,4
| length_metric =
| museum = [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]]
'''Head of''Kepala Bhairava''''' isadalah asebuah masktopeng belongingyang toberasal [[Nepal]]’sdari Periode [[Malla (di Nepal)|Malla period]]. ThePatung sculpture,ini foundditemukan fromdi [[KathmanduLembah valleyKathmandu]], [[Nepal]]. wasTopeng createdini indibuat 16thpada centuryabad ADke-16. ThisTopeng maskini isterbuat madedari of giltsepuhan [[coppertembaga]] withdengan rocktambahan crystalbatu [[kuarsa]] anddan paintdicat.<ref name=met>{{Cite web|url=https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/78187 |title=Head of Bhairava |publisher=[[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] |place=[[New York City|New York]] |accessdate=2017-11-24}}</ref> ''[[BhairavaBhairawa]]'' ({{lang-sa|भैरव}}) isadalah asalah terrifyingsatu manifestationdari ofbanyak manifestasi dari Dewa [[Hinduism|Hindu]] god [[ShivaSiwa]]. Bhairava isadalah consideredsalah assatu asimbol formkehancuran of destruction indalam [[Hindumitologi mythologyHindu]]. TheKonsep Bhairava concepttidak canhanya beditemukan seendi in not onlyagama [[HinduismHindu]], butnamun juga alsoditemukan somedi agama [[Buddhism|BuddhistBuddha]] schools anddan [[JainismJain]].<ref name=puguang>普光《俱舍論記》卷7. [2017-11-24]</ref> ThisPada topeng ''Kepala Bhairava'' headyang isditemukan ornamenteddi withLembah aKathmandu, diademsebuah entwinedkalung withyang snakesterdiri andatas skullsfigur-figur ular dan tengkorak menghiasai topeng tersebut. ItTopeng ini mewujudkan amarah embodiesdewa rageSiwa.<ref name=met />
== DescriptionDeskripsi==
Bhairava[[Bhairawa]] isadalah believedsebuah tomanifestasi haveDewa nineKehancuran facesSiwa andyang thirtydipercaya fourmemiliki handssembilan andwajah appearsdan astiga apuluh blackempat nakedtangan, figure.dan Literallybiasa ''Bhairava''direpresentasikan meanssebagai ferociousnessfigur orberkulit terror.hitam Heyang istidak depictedmengenakan aspakaian. aNama terrifying''bhairawa'' godsecara inharafiah [[Hinduism]].berarti [[Bhairava]]"keganasan" isatau considered"teror". asBhairawa adirepresentasikan manifestationsebagai ofdewa [[Shiva]].yang Legendsmengerikan describedalam that origin ofmitologi [[BhairavaHindu]]. tookLegenda placemenceritakan duebahwa toasal-usul aBhairawa struggleadalah betweenketika Dewa [[VishnuWisnu]] anddan Dewa [[Brahma]] sedang bertentangan.<ref>Shulman, David Dean. In Criminal Gods and Demon Devotees: Essays on the Guardians of Popular Hinduism. Edited by Alf Hiltebeitel, 35–67. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989. [2017-11-24]</ref> [[Brahma]]mengenai andsiapa [[Vishnu]]di engagedantara inmereka ayang strugglemerupakan aboutdewa thepaling supremetinggi deitydi ofalam universesemesta. Brahma consideredmengkonsiderasikan himselfdirinya assebagai thedewa supremepaling deitytinggi asdi healam hadsemesta fivekarena headsdia likememiliki Shivalima hadkepala seperti Siwa. ShivaKarena inmarah, rageSiwa threwmelempar asebuah nailkuku ofdari hisjarinya fingerdan andpada itsaat turneditu tojuga ''Kālakuku tersebut berubah Bhairava''menjadi sebuah iblis Kala Bhairawa. KālaIblis BhairavaKala cutBhairawa offmemotong onesalah headsatu ofkepala Brahma. Thenhingga Brahma realizedMenyadari hiskesalahannya. fault,Kala KālaBhairawa Bhairavaterkadang isdirepresentasikan depictedsedang holdingmemegang Brahma'ssalah headsatu kepala Brahma ("''Brahma kapāla''").<ref>Sontheimer, Gunther Dietz. In Criminal Gods and Demon Devotees: Essays on the Guardians of Popular Hinduism. Edited by Alf Hiltebeitel, 299–337. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989. [2017-11-24]</ref>
[[Newar]] people in [[Nepal]] has worshipped [[Bhairava]] as a important deity. It can be assumed by the surviving Bhairava temples in [[Nepal]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://shaligramrudraksha.com/?page_id=2024 |title=Bhairav Temple – Lord Bhairo Baba |work=shaligramrudraksha.com |accessdate=2017-11-24}}</ref> This mask depicting Bhairava is belonging to [[Nepal]]’s [[Malla (Nepal)|Malla]] period. It was found from the [[Kathmandu valley]], [[Nepal]]. This mask like head was given to [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] by Zimmerman family, in 2012.<ref name=met /> The earrings of the head is shaped like a entwined serpent. The mask bears comparison to an inscribed example belonging to 1560. So the item is dated to 16th century.<ref name=met /> Originally the mask found its right ear missing and its attribute, a large copper pendant earring for the left ear, had been used as a substate.<ref name=met2>{{Cite web|url=https://www.metmuseum.org/blogs/now-at-the-met/2015/restoring-the-bhairavas-ear|title=Restoring Bhairava’s Ear |publisher=[[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] |place=[[New York City|New York]] |accessdate=2017-11-28}}</ref>
[[Category:History of Nepal]]