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Baris 26:
Energy infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Design for Surface Facilities in Oil & Gas Industry, Design for Geothermal production facilities and power plant, Piping & Pipeline Integrity, Mechanical Integrity, Risk Assessment & RBI, Mechanical Structures, Mechanical Design, Stress Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Advanced Materials
== Pendidikan ==
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|Ir. in Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
|MSc, Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics, University of Kentucky, U.S.A
|Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Mechanics, University of Kentucky, U.S.A
|Post Doctoral in Mechanics of Solid & Materials, Dept. of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
|Post Doctoral in Smart Materials & Structures, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronics Eng., University of Sydney, Australia
== Karir Akademik ==
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|1987 - 1992:
|Lecturer, Department Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia.
|1992 - 1996
|Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Mechanics, University of Kentucky, U.S.A
|1993 - 1996
|Teaching Assistant, Department of Engineering Mechanics University of Kentucky, U.S.A
|Visiting Researcher, Twente Institute of Mechanics, University of Twente, The Netherland
|1996 - 2000
|Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
|2001 - 2008
|Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
|2008 – present
|Full Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
== Karir Struktural ==
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|2009 - 2013
|Ketua Komisi Program Pasca Sarjana, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ITB
|2010 – 2013
|Head of Engineering Design Center, ITB
|2005 – 2012
|Komisi AMDAL (Pakar), Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup
|2007 – Sekarang
|Tim IndependentKeselamatan Migas (TIPK-MIGAS), Ditjen Migas
|2013- sekarang 
|Wakil tetap Kementrian ESDM di Dewan Energi Nasional
|2013 - sekarang     
|Ketua Tim Percepatan Konversi BBM ke BBG dan Energi
Terbarukan, Kementrian ESDM
|2013 – 2014
|Staf Ahli Menteri Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, Bidang Kelembagaan dan Perencanaan Strategis
|Jan – May 2015
|Acting Director General Oil & Gas, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
|May 2015 – 2017
|Director General Oil & Gas, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
|Agust 2017- Now
|Head of Human Resources Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources
== Jurnal Internasional ==
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# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1997,"The Reissner Sagoci Problem for the Transversely Isotropic Half Space", ''ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,'' Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 692–694.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W., 1996, "Love's Circular Patch Problem Revisited : Closed Form Solutions for Transverse Isotropy and Shear Loading", ''Quarterly'' ''of Applied Mathematics,'' Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 359–384
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W., 1997, "The Elastic Field Resulting from Elliptical Hertzian Contact of Transversely Isotropic Bodies : Closed Form Expressions for Normal and Shear Loading, ''ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,'' Vol. 64, No.3, pp.457-465.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1997, "The Evaluation of Certain Infinite Integrals Involving Products of Bessel Functions : a Correlation of Formula", ''Quarterly'' ''of Applied Mathematics,'' Vol. 55, pp. 505–524.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1998,"Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Foundations I, ''ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,'' Vol. 124, No.5, pp.537-546.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1998,"Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Foundations II, ''ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,'' Vol. 124, No.5, pp.547-555.
# Puja, I.W., Shibuya, T., 2001, “On The Boundary Value Problems of Circular Loading for Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Media”, ''JSME International'' ''Journal, Series A, V''ol 44, NO. 4, pp. 462–471
# Puja, I.W., Hardono, T, Khalid, Adziman, M.F.., 2004, “The Structural Impact Characteristics of Indonesian Railway Vehicle”, ''Advance in Fracture and'' ''Failure Prevention.,'' Trans Tech Publication LTD Vols, 261-263 (2004) pp. 337–344, Switzerland.
# Puja,I. W, Khairullah, A., Kariem, M. A., Saputro, A. H., (2006), "Numerical and Experimental Study on Railway Impact Energy Absorption Using Tube External Inversion Mechanism at Real Scale” '', Key Engineering Materials'' ''Vols''. 306 pp. 315–320
# Puja, I.W., Khalid, S Weij "Crash Zone Development for Railway Vehicle" (2006) ''Key Engineering Materials'' Vols. 306-308, pp. 321–326
# Puja, I. W., Hanson, M. T.,2009, “An Upright or Tilted Flat Elliptical Punch Indenting a Transversely Isotropic Half Space : Closed Form Solutions to the Elastic Field for Normal and Shear Loading", ''International Journal of Solid'' ''and Structures'', (accepted for publication).
# Soemantri, S., Puja, I.W., Budiwantoro, B., Parwata Md., Schipper D.J., “Solutions to Hertzian Contact Problem Between Wheel and Rail For Small Radius of Curvature” , ''Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials'' ''Engineering'', pp. 669–677, (2010)
# Parwata, I.M., Budiwantoro, B., Brodjonegoro, S.S. and Puja, I.G.N.W. (2011) ‘Effect of curving speed and mass of railway vehicle to the contact characteristic on curve track’, International Journal Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, pp. 250–267.
== Prosiding Seminar Internasional ==
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# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W., “Some Elliptical Contact Problems for a Transversely Isotropic Half Space”, ''Proceedings Joint ASME/ASCE/SES'' ''Meeting'', June 29 - July 7, 1997, Norris Center, North Western University, Evaston, Illinois, U.S.A.
# Puja, I.W., 1999, “Sliding Contact Between two elastic geometrically Identical Transversely Isotropic Bodies”, ''Asia/Pacific International Cogress on'' ''Engineering Computational Modelling and Signal Processing'', pp. 539–548.
# Pasaribu ,H.R, Puja, I.W., "Multibody Dynamics Analysis of a Train Collision Case Study: Train Collision in Indonesia" ''Proceeding of The 7th Indonesia'' ''Student's Scientific Meeting, Oktober'' 2002, Germany.
# Puja, I.W., Nugroho, A., 2003, “Bottom Dump Truck Structural Analysis For Metric Ton Truck Capacity”, 3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering
# Puja, I.W., Saragih, N., Adziman M., 2003, “Railway Vehicle Impact Energy Absorber Using Plastic Deformation And Hydraulic Mechanism”, 3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering.
# Puja, I.W., Khalid, Weij, S., 2005, “ Crash Zone Development for Railway Vehicle”, The 6th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid, pp. 318–323
# Puja,. I.W., Khairullah, A., Kariem, M.A., Saputro, A.H., 2005, “Numerical and Experimental Study on Railway Impact Energy Absorption Using Tube External Inversion Mechanism at Scale”, The 6th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid, pp. 312–317,
# Puja, I.W., Narendra, P.S., 2005, “Remaining Strength Analysis For Corroded Pipeline With Complex Shape Defects Under Combined Loading”, ''Proceeding International Maintenance and Reliability Coference'', 2005
# Puja, I.W., Irvan Hariadi, Yendra Lubis, Gerhard Indra, Reza, "Remaining Strength analysis for Corroded Pipeline With Complex Shape Defects Under Combined Loading", ''Proceedings International Conference on Maintenance'' ''& Production Relability Conference'', May 2006
# Keong, O. W., Puja, I.W., Reza, Nuryaningsih, "Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Deteriorated Pipes Using FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) Systems", Proceedings International Conference on Maintenance & Production relibility, Mei 2006
# Puja, I . W., Adziman, M.F., "Impact Energy Absorption Characteristics Of Aluminum Tube Spliting Mechanism : A Numerical And Experimental Study" ''Proceeding NAE International conference, April'' 2005.
# Puja, I.W., M Agus Kariem, Aufa Khairullah "Railway Vehicle Impact Energy Absorber Characterictic using Double Tube Mechanism" ''Proceeding'' ''NAE International conference, April'' 2005
# Kollika, N., Puja, I. W., Suharto, D., “Numerical Study on Impact Characteristics For Pipeline”, ''Proceeding NAE International conference, April'' 2007
# Triono, A., Puja I. W., Soemantry S., (2010), "The Effect of Penetration Depth On Analyzes Hip Joint Contact Model”, ''The 4th Indonesian Japan Joint'' ''Scientific Symposium,'' Bali,
# Parwata M., Puja, I.W., Budiwantoro, B., Satryo S. Brodjonegoro, (2010): Contact Pressure Behavior Due to Wheel and Rail Contact in Curve Track, Proceeding The 4th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium.
# Akmal, J., Puja, I. W., Suweca, Soemantri, S.,: ”Mixed-Adhesive Technique on Joint Strength of Torque Loaded Tube Optimization”, Proceeding of The 4nd Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, Sept. 29-Oct 2010.
# Akmal, J., Puja, I. W., Suweca, Soemantri, S., Suratman, R., “Newly Designed Adhesive Joint for Torque Loaded Tube” Seminar Proceeding THE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE AND STRENGTH OF SOLIDS (FEOFS 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7th – 9th June 2010, paper no. A249
# Puja, I.W., Kariem M.A., Khairullah, A., “ Impact Force Analysis on Collision Between Crude Oil Tanker and SPOLS Structure”, ''Proceeding on'' ''Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology'', Bali, 2010
# Puja, I.W., Hadyansyah, R., Novianus D., “Mechanical Well Integrity Non-Linear Analysis Due to Excessive Subsidence”, Proceeding on Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, Bali, 2010
== Pranala luar ==