Kematian Yohanes Pembaptis: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 66:
Riwayat kepala Yohanes Pembaptis sulit ditentukan. [[:en:Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos|Nicephorus]]<ref>Nicephorus ''Ecclesiastical History'' I, ix. See [[Patrologia Graeca]], cxlv.-cxlvii.</ref> dan [[:en:Symeon Metaphrastes|Symeon Metaphrastes]] mengatakan bahwa Herodias menyuruh menguburkannya dalam benteng Machaerus (sesuai catatan Yosefus). Para penulis lain mengatakan dikuburkan dalam istana Herodes di Yerusalem; di mana, kepala itu diketemuan dalam pemerintahan Konstantinus dan dari sana secara diam-diam dibawa ke [[Emesa]], di [[Fenisia]], di mana disembunyikan tanpa diketahui selama bertahun-tahun, sampai dinyatakan dalam suatu wahyu pada tahun 453.
<!Selama berabad--Over the centuriesabad, therebanyak haveperbedaan beendi manyantara discrepanciesberbagai inlegenda thedan variousrelikui legendsdi andseluruh claimeddunia relics throughout the Christian worldKristen. SeveralSejumlah differentlokasi locationsberbeda claimmengklaim tomemiliki possesspenggalan thekepala severedYohanes head of John the Baptist. Among the variousPembaptis, claimantsdi areantaranya:<ref name=Worlds>''Lost Worlds: Knights Templar'', July 10, 2006 video documentary on [[History (U.S. TV channel)|The History Channel]], directed and written by Stuart Elliott</ref>
*[[Roman Catholic]] tradition holds that the head on display in [[San Silvestro in Capite]] in Rome is that of John the Baptist, discovered for the second time,{{not in citation|date=June 2017}} as also maintained by [[Pope Benedict XVI]] in August 2012.<ref name="auto"/> On August 29, 2012, during a televised public audience at the summer palace of [[Castel Gandolfo]], [[Pope Benedict XVI]] mentioned the dedication of a crypt in Sebaste, Samaria, where the head of the Baptist had been venerated since the middle of the fourth century.<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url= |title=Benedict XVI, General Audience, August 29, 2012 | |date=29 August 2012 |accessdate=25 December 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=18 July 2014 |df= }}</ref> In addition, the [[Pontiff]] also noted that the religious feast particularly commemorates the transfer of this [[relic]], now enshrined in the [[San Silvestro in Capite|Basilica of San Silvestro in Capite]] in [[Rome]].*[[Islamic]] tradition maintains that the head of Saint John the Baptist was interred in the once-called [[Umayyad Mosque|Basilica of Saint John the Baptist]] in [[Damascus]]. [[Pope John Paul II]] visited the tomb of John the Baptist at the [[Umayyad Mosque]] during his visit to [[Syria]] in April, 2001. Consequently, Muslims also believe that [[Jesus Christ]] will return to this location in the [[Second Coming]].
*In medieval times, it was rumored that the [[Knights Templar]] had possession of the head, and multiple records from their [[Inquisition]] in the early 14th century make reference to some form of head veneration.<ref name=Martin>Sean Martin, ''The Knights Templar: The History & Myths of the Legendary Military Order'', 2005. {{ISBN|1-56025-645-1}}</ref>
*[[Amiens Cathedral]] claims the head as a relic brought from [[Constantinople]] by Wallon de Sarton as he was returning from the [[Fourth Crusade]].
*Some believe that it is buried in Turkish [[Antioch]] or southern France.<ref name=Worlds/>
*It is believed{{by whom|date=August 2015}} that a piece of his skull is held at the [[Romania]]n skete [[Prodromos (Mount Athos)|Prodromos]] on [[Mount Athos]].
*A reliquary at the Residenz in Munich, Germany, is labeled as containing the skull of John the Baptist.<ref>{{cite web|last=Hooper|first=Simon|title=Are these the bones of John the Baptist?|url=|publisher=Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.|accessdate=31 August 2011|date=30 August 2010}}</ref>
*[[RomanTradisi Catholic]]Katolik traditionRoma holdsberkeyakinan thatbahwa thekepala headyang ondipertontonkan display indi [[:en:San Silvestro in Capite|San Silvestro in Capite]], Roma, adalah milik Yohanes Pembaptis.<!-- Hal ini diketemukan kedua kali in Rome is that of John the Baptist, discovered for the second time,{{not in citation|date=June 2017}} as also maintained by [[Pope Benedict XVI]] in August 2012.<ref name="auto"/> On August 29, 2012, during a televised public audience at the summer palace of [[Castel Gandolfo]], [[Pope Benedict XVI]] mentioned the dedication of a crypt in Sebaste, Samaria, where the head of the Baptist had been venerated since the middle of the fourth century.<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url= |title=Benedict XVI, General Audience, August 29, 2012 | |date=29 August 2012 |accessdate=25 December 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=18 July 2014 |df= }}</ref> In addition, the [[Pontiff]] also noted that the religious feast particularly commemorates the transfer of this [[relic]], now enshrined in the [[San Silvestro in Capite|Basilica of San Silvestro in Capite]] in [[Rome]].*[[Islamic]] tradition maintains that the head of Saint John the Baptist was interred in the once-called [[Umayyad Mosque|Basilica of Saint John the Baptist]] in [[Damascus]]. [[Pope John Paul II]] visited the tomb of John the Baptist at the [[Umayyad Mosque]] during his visit to [[Syria]] in April, 2001. Consequently, Muslims also believe that [[Jesus Christ]] will return to this location in the [[Second Coming]].-->
*InDalam medievalabad times,pertengahan itdikabarkan was rumored that thebahwa [[Knights Templar]] hadmemiliki possessionkepala of the headitu, anddan multipleberbagai recordscatatan from theirdari [[InquisitionInkuisisi]] in the earlymereka 14thpada centuryawal makeabad referenceke-14 tomerujuk somekepada formsejumlah ofpenghormatan headkepala venerationtersebut.<ref name=Martin>Sean Martin, ''The Knights Templar: The History & Myths of the Legendary Military Order'', 2005. {{ISBN|1-56025-645-1}}</ref>
*[[Amiens Cathedral]] claimsmengklaim thekepala headitu assebagai arelikui relicyang broughtdibawa fromdari [[Constantinople]] byoleh Wallon de Sarton asketika hepulang was returning from thedari [[:en:Fourth Crusade|Perang Salib keempat]].
*Ada yang percaya kepala itu dikuburkan di [[Antiokhia]] Turki atau Perancis selatan.<ref name=Worlds/>
*ItSepotong istengkorak believed{{bykepala whom|date=Augustitu 2015}}disimpan that a piece of his skull is held at thedi [[RomaniaRumania]]n dalam skete [[Prodromos (Mount Athos)|Prodromos]] ondi [[Mount Athos]].
*ASebuah reliquary at thedi Residenz in, Munich, GermanyJerman, is labeled asmemiliki containinglabel theyang skullmenyatakan ofpenyimpanan Johntengkorak theYohanes BaptistPembaptis.<ref>{{cite web|last=Hooper|first=Simon|title=Are these the bones of John the Baptist?|url=|publisher=Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.|accessdate=31 August 2011|date=30 August 2010}}</ref>
Numerous other relics of John the Baptist are also believed to exist, including the following: