USS Laffey (DD-459): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 2:
{|{{Infobox ship begin}}
{{Infobox ship image
|Ship image=[[fileBerkas:USS Laffey (DD-459).jpg|300px|]]
|Ship caption=USS ''Laffey'' disebelah kapal Amerika Serikat lainnya.
'''Laffey''' adalah sebuah [[kapal perusak kelas Benson]] milik [[Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat]] selama [[Perang Dunia 2]].
== Masa dinas ==
Saat kapal induk {{USS|Wasp|CV-7|6}} tenggelam pada tanggal 15 September 1942, '''Laffey''' menyelamatkan orang-orang yang selamat dan mengembalikannya ke [[Espiritu Santo]]. <ref name=DANFS />
=== Pertempuran Tanjung Esperance ===
Pada tanggal 11 Oktober 1942 di [[Pertempuran Tanjung Esperance]] (Pertempuran Kedua Pulau Savo), '''Laffey''' bersama dengan kelompok penjelajah Admiral Norman Scott, ia berhasil membuat {{ship|kapal penjelajah Jepang|Aoba||2}} rusak parah dengan tiga meriam 5-inchi-nya. Akhirnya [[Sekutu]] berhasil memenangkan Pertempuran Tanjung Esperance dengan keberhasilan mereka menenggelamkan {{ship|kapal penjelajah Jepang|Furutaka||2}} dan {{ship|Kapal perusak Jepang|Fubuki|1927|2}} walaupun {{USS|Farenholt|DD-491|6}} dan {{USS|Boise|CL-47|6}}harus mengalami kerusakan yang cukup parah.<ref name=DANFS />
== Penghargaan ==
'''Laffey''' dianugerahi penghargaan Presidential Unit Citation untuk penampilannya di Pasifik Selatan dan tiga Battle Stars untuk pelayanan kepada Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat selama [[Perang Dunia II]]. Ia juga mendapat beberapa pita jasa. <ref name=DANFS />
Baris 25:
== Nasib ==
'''Laffey''' tenggelam pada tanggal 13 November 1942 di [[Pertempuran Laut Guadalkanal]] setelah ia terkena selongsong 14-inch Shell dari {{ship|kapal tempur Jepang|Hiei||2}} dan mengalami ledakan yang sangat keras. Walhasil, 116 orang terluka, dan 247 orang tewas, termasuk komandan [[William B. Hank]].<ref name=DANFS>{{cite DANFS|url= |title= Laffey I (DD-459) }}</ref>
== Referensi ==
== Daftar pustaka ==
* {{cite book |last= Brown |first= David |title= Warship Losses of World War Two |publisher= Arms and Armour |location= London, Great Britain |year= 1990 |ISBN= 0-85368-802-8 }}
* {{cite book | last = Hammel | first = Eric | authorlink = Eric M. Hammel | year = 1988 | title = Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea: The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, November 13–15, 1942 | publisher = Pacifica Press | location = (CA) | isbn = 0-517-56952-3 }}
* {{cite book | last = Hara | first = Tameichi | authorlink = Tameichi Hara | year = 1961 | chapter = Part Three, The "Tokyo Express" | title = Japanese Destroyer Captain | publisher = [[Ballantine Books]] | location = New York & Toronto | isbn = 0-345-27894-1 }}- Firsthand account of the first engagement of the battle by the captain of the Japanese destroyer {{Ship|Japanese destroyer|Amatsukaze||2}}.
* {{cite web | last = Jameson | first = Colin G. | year = 1944 | url = | title = The Battle of Guadalcanal, 11–15 November 1942 | publisher = Publications Branch, Office of Naval Intelligence, United States Navy (Somewhat inaccurate on the details of actual damage done to and actions by Japanese ships) | accessdate = 8 April 2006 }}
* {{cite book | last = Morison | first = Samuel Eliot | authorlink = Samuel Eliot Morison | year = 1958 | chapter = The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, 12–15 November 1942 | title = The Struggle for Guadalcanal, August 1942 – February 1943'', vol.&nbsp;5 of ''[[History of United States Naval Operations in World War II]] | publisher = [[Little, Brown and Company]] | location = Boston | isbn = 0-316-58305-7 }}
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons category|USS Laffey (DD-459)}}
* [ USS ''Laffey'' website] at [ Destroyer History Foundation]
* [ Roll of Honor]
== Bacaan lanjutan ==
* {{cite book | last = Barham | first = Eugene Alexander | coauthors = | year = 1988 | chapter = | title = The 228 days of the United States Destroyer Laffey, DD-459 | publisher = | location = | id = OCLC 17616581 }}
{{kapal perusak kelas Benson}}