Simbolisme orang kudus Kristen: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 342:
=== L ===
[[Berkas:Old bracelets (aka).jpg|jmpl|150px|[[:En:Handcuffs|Borgol tangan]]]]
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col" style="width: 10em;" | SaintSanto/Santa
! scope="col" | SymbolSimbol
|[[:en:Lambert of Maastricht|Lambert dari Maastricht]]||[[martyr's palm|palm of martyrdom]]
|[[:En:Lawrence of Rome|Lawrence dari Roma]]||[[crosssalib]], [[Gospel Book]], [[gridiron (cooking)|gridiron]], [[palm branch|palm frond]], [[money bag|purse of money]], attiredberpakaian as asebagai [[deacondiaken]] indalam asuatu [[:en:dalmatic|dalmatik]], accompanieddiiringi by a group ofsekelompok poororang peoplemiskin.
|[[:en:Leander of Seville|Leander of Seville]]||[[penpena]]
|[[:en:Leonard of Noblac|Leonard of Noblac]]||[[:en:lock (security device)|lock]], [[:en:chain|rantai]], [[:en:handcuffs|manacles]] oratau [[:En:legcuffs|fetters]]
|[[:en:Liborius of Le Mans|Liborius of Le Mans]]||[[:en:pebble|kelereng]]s, [[:en:peafowl|peacock]]
|[[:en:Louis IX of France|Louis IX of France]]||royal attire of crown and blue robe decorated with golden [[fleur-de-lis]], [[crown of thorns]], [[nail (fastener)|nails]]
|[[:en:Saint Lucy|Lucy]]||[[:en:rope|cordtali]], [[:commons:File:Saint Lucy by Domenico di Pace Beccafumi.jpg|eyes on a dish]], [[:en:oil lamp|lamplampu]]