Firefox: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 11:
| released = {{Start date and age|2002|09|23}}
| ver layout = stacked
| status = Aktif
| programming language = [[C++]], [[JavaScript]], [[HTML]], [[C (bahasa pemrograman)|C]], [[Rust (bahasa pemrograman)|Rust]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Mozilla binds Firefox's fate to the Rust language|last=Yegulalp|first=Serdar|date=February 3, 2017|work=InfoWorld|accessdate=August 19, 2017}}</ref>
| operating system = [[Windows]], [[macOS]], [[Linux]], [[Android (operating system)|Android]], [[iOS]]<ref name="PlatformsIOS">{{cite web |title=Supported Devices|url=|accessdate=August 8, 2015}}</ref> ([[Firefox#Porting tak resmi|Porting tak resmi]] ke [[BSD]], [[Solaris (sistem operasi)|Solaris]], [[OpenSolaris]], [[illumos]])
Baris 17 ⟶ 16:
| engines = [[Quantum (software)|Quantum]], [[SpiderMonkey (software)|SpiderMonkey]], [[WebKit]] (hanya iOS)
| size = {{Plainlist|
* Android, ARM64: 38.26 MB<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Firefox 60.0 (arm64) (Android 5.0+) |publisher=APKMirror |accessdate=4 May 2018}}</ref>
* Windows: 36 [[Megabyte|MB]]<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Latest Firefox Windows installer |publisher=Mozilla |date=December 31, 2015 |accessdate=December 31, 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=History of FireFox distribution size | |date=March 23, 2013 |accessdate=July 1, 2013 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 15, 2013}}</ref>
* macOSiOS: 52101.9 MB<ref>{{cite web |url=https://downloaditunes.mozillaapple.orgcom/us/app/?product=firefox-latest&os=osx&lang=enweb-US browser/id989804926?mt=8| title=Latest Firefox OSWeb XBrowser installerdi App Store |publisher=Mozilla[[Apple, Inc.]] |date=December 31, 2015 |accessdate=December 31, 2015}}</ref>
* Linux: 51 MB<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Latest Firefox Linux installer |publisher=Mozilla |date=December 31, 2015 |accessdate=December 31, 2015}}</ref>
* AndroidmacOS: 3152 MB<ref name=GooglePlay>{{cite web |url=https://playdownload.googlemozilla.comorg/store/apps/details?idproduct=org.mozilla.firefox-latest&os=osx&lang=en-US |title=Latest Firefox forOS AndroidX oninstaller Google|publisher=Mozilla Play|date=December 31, 2015 |accessdate=NovemberDecember 1931, 20122015}}</ref>
* Windows: 36 [[Megabyte|MB]]<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Latest Firefox Windows installer |publisher=Mozilla |date=December 31, 2015 |accessdate=December 31, 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=History of FireFox distribution size | |date=March 23, 2013 |accessdate=July 1, 2013 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 15, 2013}}</ref>
* iOS: 98 MB
* [[Kode sumber]]: 239 MB<ref name=sizes>{{cite web |url= |title=Latest stable Firefox release |publisher=Mozilla |date=June 20, 2016}}</ref>