Hukum Sali: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 105:
=== Penerapan Hukum Sali di negara-negara Eropa lainnya ===
Dalam sejarah Eropa, pernah timbul sejumlah konflik bersenjata akibat penerapan maupun pelanggaran Hukum Sali. The [[Carlist Wars]] occurred in [[Spain]] over the question of whether the heir to the throne should be a female or a male relative. The [[War of the Austrian Succession]] was triggered by the [[Sanksi Pragmatik 1713]] in which [[CharlesKarl VI ofdari Austria]], who himself had inherited the Austrian patrimony over his nieces as a result of Salic law, attempted to ensure the inheritance directly to hisputri own daughterkandungnya, [[Maria Theresa ofdari Austria]], that being an example of an operation of the ''Semi-Salic law''.
In the modern [[Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946)|Kerajaan Italia]], under the [[House of Savoy]], succession to the throne was regulated by Salic law.
Baris 113:
Hukum Sali was also an important issue in the [[Schleswig-Holstein Question]] and played a weary prosaic day-to-day role in the inheritance and marriage decisions of common princedoms of the [[List of historic states of Germany|German states]], such as [[Saxe-Weimar]], to cite a representative example. It is not much of an overstatement to say that kaum bangsawan Eropa confronted Salic issues at every turn and nuance of diplomacy, and certainly, especially when negotiating marriages, for the entire male line had to be extinguished for a land title to pass (melalui pernikahan) ''to a female's husband''—women rulers were anathema in the German states well into the modern era.
Demikian pula jabatan penguasa [[Kerajaan Belanda]] dan [[Luksemburg|Kadipaten Agung Luksemburg]] terpisah pada 1890, with the succession ofmanakala [[Wilhelmina ofdari the NetherlandsBelanda|PrincessPutri Wilhelmina]] asnaik thetakhta firstmenjadi [[Queen regnantratu]] ofpertama atas theNegeri NetherlandsBelanda. AsSisa-sisa apengamalan remnantHukum ofSali Salictampak law,pada thepenyebutan officeresmi of[[penguasa themonarki|kepala reigningmonarki]] [[monarchBelanda|Negeri Belanda]] ofsebagai the'Raja' [[Netherlands]]({{lang-nl|Koning}}), issekalipun alwaysyang formallysedang knownmemerintah asbergelar 'KingRatu' even({{lang-nl|Koningin}}). thoughJabatan herpenguasa titleKadipaten mayAgung beLuksemburg 'Queen'.beralih Luxembourgke passedwangsa tolain theyang terhitung sebagai kerabat jauh agnatis dari [[Housewangsa of OrangeOranje-Nassau]]'s distantly-related agnates, yakni [[wangsa Nassau-Weilburg]]. Akan However,tetapi thatgaris housenasab toolaki-laki faceddari extinctionwangsa Nassau-Weilburg inpun themengalami malekepunahan linesetelah lesskurang thandari twodua decadesdasawarsa laterberkuasa. Karena Withseluruh nocabang othergaris malenasab laki-linelaki agnatesdari inwangsa theNassau remainingtelah branches of the House of Nassaupunah, [[William IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg|GrandAdipati DukeAgung William IV]] adoptedmengadopsi ahukum suksesi semi-salicSali lawagar of succession so that iajabatannya dapat digantikan olehdiwarisi putri-putrinya.-->
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