Sebastokrator: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k Bot: Perubahan kosmetika
k Bot: Penggantian teks otomatis (-Perancis +Prancis)
Baris 21:
* [[Ioannis Angelos]], Bizantium
* [[Savvas Asidinos]], raja Bizantium dan Nicea
* [[Conon de Béthune]], tentara salib PerancisPrancis
* [[Konstantinos Doukas]] dari Thessalia
* [[Ioannes Doukas]], Bizantium
Baris 63:
* {{cite book|last=Macrides|first=Ruth|title=George Akropolites: The History|location=Oxford|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2007|isbn=978-0-19-921067-1|url=|ref=harv}}
* {{cite book|last=Parani|first=Maria G.|title=Reconstructing the Reality of Images: Byzantine Material Culture and Religious Iconography (11th to 15th Centuries)|year=2003|location=Leiden|publisher=Brill|isbn=978-90-04-12462-2|url=|ref=harv}}
* {{cite book | editor-first = Jean | editor-last = Verpeaux | title = Pseudo-Kodinos, Traité des Offices | publisher = Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | year = 1966 | language = PerancisPrancis | ref=harv}}
[[Kategori:Sebastokrator| ]]